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Thanks to The Liberals Canadians Will Need

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The US Government is so fed up with the stupidity and lack of concern by the Liberal Govenrment concerning establishing and maintaining security for the citizens of North America. Beginning in 2006 if you don't have a passport then you will not be allowed entry into the United States.

It gets even better.

If, as an American citizen, you and the missus decide to cross into Canada to do some shopping/visiting/ whatever for a few hours and then return to the USA, if you don't have a passport then you will be refused entry.

Thanks to the Liberals. Canada has allowed thousands of illegal people into our country many of whom who are terrorists, criminals, drug barons/pushers, sexual predators and on it goes. This idiotic decision is causing all kinds of problems in Canada like dug useage in cities and towns that never ever had a serious problem but now do such as Victoria BC, Niagara Falls Ont etc.

The terrorists are a serious threat to the security of the USA and the Liberal Government could care less and have proven it.

In short no passport no entry to the USA.

Effects of this move = The Tourism Industry in both countries will suffer much more so in Canada, and even worse the Canadian economy will decline.

Vote Liberal so that this country will end up in worse shape than Haiti.


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My post is all about facts and truth.

I realize that there are folks everywhere who cannot understand what truth and facts are and even worse it bothers them immensely so they retaliate with lies.

You didn't but before long the pinocchio club members will and watch their noses grow longer and longer and longer. LOL !

Stay tuned there is more to come.

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realize that there are folks everywhere who cannot understand what truth and facts are and even worse it bothers them immensely so they retaliate with lies.

Anb that my dear; is YOU.

Worry about your own border security. The USA government has enough problems of it own. There are multi thousands of illegal immigrants in your own country. The Mexican border is still so porous that volunteer citizens are taking up the slack.

The persons who attacked the WTC were in the USA legally.

The USA and its aggressive acts has brought more danger to North America.

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Hello, anyone out there (iknowbest, an oxymoron if I ever heard one)???? It's nothing to do with us, it's all to do with the fear factor in the USA. They jump at shadows and yet leave back doors wide open. This Bush regime has blamed everyone except themselves when it comes to 9/11. It's the Iraqi's fault, it's the Afghani's fault. Nothing about where the dangers really came from. Nothing to do with the fact that the terrorists came through their own front door, not slipping through the Canadian borders or Mexican borders.

And if the USA wants to isolate themselves, well that's their problem.

And, the fact that they won't even let their own citizens back in their own country without a passport, means they trust noone from anywhere. Glad we don't have to live with that kind of negativism here.

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Thanks to the Liberals. Canada has allowed thousands of illegal people into our country many of whom who are terrorists, criminals, drug barons/pushers, sexual predators and on it goes


But hey, we should have made the same move after the US actually let people willing to crash planes into buildings in their own country. The US clearly poses a threat to our safety.


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realize that there are folks everywhere who cannot understand what truth and facts are and even worse it bothers them immensely so they retaliate with lies.

Anb that my dear; is YOU.

Worry about your own border security. The USA government has enough problems of it own. There are multi thousands of illegal immigrants in your own country. The Mexican border is still so porous that volunteer citizens are taking up the slack.

The persons who attacked the WTC were in the USA legally.

To begin with, you are certainly right that the US needs to do something about its porous southern border. That, however, is beside the point.

We knew that US worry over border security was going to lead to something like this if we did nothing. We have, not thousands, but hundreds of thousands of illegals in this country, and let in tens of thousands more every year legally, of which only a slim percentage are given even a cursory checkout before being released onto the streets. Many of those people, perhaps not terrorists, but simply economic immigrants, then head for the US border hoping to cross and live there.

We have virtually no controls on our coasts, no navy or coast guard to speak of, few patrols. We have disbanded our ports police, have a greatly underfunded federal police force, and will let virtually anyone walk off an airplane without any papers, say the magic word "refugee", and then walk out into the streets of Canada with no idea who they are. Many are never seen again - in part because they cross the border into the US.

Just because the US' southern border is a sieve is no reason why they must ignore the problems on their northern border. We knew something was going to happen if we did nothing. For domestic political reasons (appealing to ethnic groups) and sheer laziness, the Liberal government did absolutely nothing to tighten controls on immigration or security.

This is the result.

Actually, this is "A" result. Another result is those long lines at the US border. Those lines which have all-but eliminated day trippers from the US coming across to make purchases, attend theatres, etc. You can blame those on the Liberals too.

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Guest eureka

And the estimate is that there are more than 3 million illegal immigrants in the United States due to their lax security whic, by the way, is no better now than it was before the WTC. Bush has actually cut funding to some of the agencies that should be involved.

This is a sham to divert attention from what the USA should have been doing instead of invading Iraq.

As for the tourist trade, how much will we really be losing. The number of border crossings from Canada in to the US is roughly equal to the flow the other way. If the US makes it tougher to cross - both ways, the many of those Canadians may well decide to spenf their money on Canadian holidays.

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You see they can blame the Liberals for just about everything.

Our Navy has some of the most modern frigates in the world.

Seems they overlook things like that!

Move to the statesm AND problem solved as long as you stay there you won't need a passport! PLUS you'll have a military that costs in the billions yet that is still not enough to stop the terrorist attacks!


You right wingers are sure good for a laugh! :D

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This Bush regime has blamed everyone except themselves when it comes to 9/11.

Not only for 9/11. Remember that big power failure 2 years ago that blacked out most of Ontario and a chunk of Quebec, along with a lot of north eastern USA???

Yup. Rather than searching for the problem in earnest, the first thing the US government did was point a big fat finger and say "It's Canada's fault".

A little while later, guess what???

It was found that the problem started in The USA at a faulty power station, and because they did not have the proper safeguards in place throughout the American grid, there was a domino effect that took out almost 1/3 of the continent's power when it should have been restricted to affecting a few thousand people in Michigan.

Good thing for Bush that Canada is here to take ALL the blame. I'm surprised that he hasn't yet tried to implicate Canada in the Timothy McVeigh case, or Columbine, for that matter.

IKNOWBEST: Now that we finally got the word "pinko" out of your system, how long is this "Pinnochio" fetish of yours going to continue???

Just a leg up for you; any joke is funny once, but after reading the same crack a dozen times, it gets pretty stale, and just makes the writer look like an ass.

If you scratch your head REAL hard, maybe you can come up with more than 1 humorous idea/week.

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Read what the media is saying about the Adscam which is just the tip of the iceburg about this very very corrupt Liberal Party is and how incompetent they are and their rotten attiude towards our friends in the USA.

Their anti-USA attitude and lack of understanding in assisting the Americans in stemming the tide of threats to ALL North Americans is disgusting.

We are becomming the losers in this for example softwood lumber, beef and on it goes. The pinocchios in the Liberal Party and Bloc Qubecois don't and won't ever get it untill we get rid of them forever. Pierre Elliot Trudeau who was a known Communist started this mess and we are going to pay for this big time.

The passports is just another item on the list.

Remember without the Americans as our customers for our manufacturing industry Canada will end up behind Haiti as a place to live and that is no joke!

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  Read what the media is saying about the Adscam which is just the tip of the iceburg about this very very corrupt Liberal Party is and how incompetent they are and their rotten attiude towards our friends in the USA.

I agree, the Liberals are corrupt, like almost every other party in history, at least when it comes to money. The difference is the Libs got complacent about it because they held a majority for so long. Now they got caught with their hand in the cookie jar.

Their anti-USA attitude and lack of understanding in assisting the Americans in stemming the tide of threats to ALL North Americans is disgusting.

Perhaps if the USA would quit trying to re-make the entire world in it's own image, and would keep it's nose out of at least SOME of the other countries in this world, then there might not be such a "threat" to America.

I have yet to see this "threat" to the rest of North America manifest itself. Is it really there, or is it a boogeyman invented by the Bush regime to get us to go along with GWB's plans for "Fortress America"???

We are becomming the losers in this for example softwood lumber, beef and on it goes. The pinocchios in the Liberal Party and Bloc Qubecois don't and won't ever get it untill we get rid of them forever. Pierre Elliot Trudeau who was a known Communist started this mess and we are going to pay for this big time.

Oops. There's "Pinnochio" again. A good little boy who lied, then learned his lesson and had a happy ending. Is that how you see the Liberal party???

The softwood lumber issue has been going on for years. The Mad Cow incident with the beef was just a good excuse for the USA to shut out our beef products from their market for as long as possible. America has been playing this game since LONG before 9/11.

Your theory seems to be to give America whatever they want, and then they'll be nice to us. I think that the more we give in, the more they'll try to push us around. It's been going on for DECADES. Read some history on the Canada/USA economic dealings since WWII. This crap is hardly new.

The passports is just another item on the list. 

Well, it kind of sucks, but then again, the rest of the world manages to survive having to carry passports. I imagine we'll all survive, too. But, if memory serves, this has been threatened before as well.

Remember without the Americans as our customers for our manufacturing industry Canada will end up behind Haiti as a place to live and that is no joke! 

It seems that the Libs are on the right track in at least this regard. They are trying to increase trade with China, which is emerging as the world's largest market. If nothing else, the Libs seem to be sensible enough to recognize the fact that we must diversify and expand our consumer base.

Additionally, the USA may not need us as much as we currently need them, but they surely do need us a lot. If they cut off all our goods, then we cut off their power. Standoff. Turn off the lights in New York City and they'd be howling for us to turn 'em back on again. Especially in the summer. New York without air conditioning??? Hah. They wouldn't last a week.

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Relax man the idiot Provincial Liberals are shutting down coal plants all over the Province of Ontario so that we can have a load of power failures that the idiot Liberal supporters will blame the Americans for.

The Liberal Party should be banned in Canada for the following reasons:

1) Corruption

2) Incompentence

3) Lying

4) Anti-Americanism


6)Missapropiation of information and money


8)Gouging taxpayers

9)Allowing Quebec to rule the roost

10) Lying

11) Lying

12) Making the Pinnochio Club Of Canada look viable

Nufff said !

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The Mad Cow incident with the beef was just a good excuse for the USA to shut out our beef products from their market for as long as possible.

I heard the other day (and I hate going by hearsay like the CON servatives) that the Americans had mad cow cases but covered it up.

Did anybody else hear that? Like I said I hate going by hearsay! <_<

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And the estimate is that there are more than 3 million illegal immigrants in the United States due to their lax security whic, by the way, is no better now than it was before the WTC. Bush has actually cut funding to some of the agencies that should be involved.

This is a sham to divert attention from what the USA should have been doing instead of invading Iraq.

As for the tourist trade, how much will we really be losing. The number of border crossings from Canada in to the US is roughly equal to the flow the other way. If the US makes it tougher to cross - both ways, the many of those Canadians may well decide to spenf their money on Canadian holidays.

You can call it whatever you want. The fact is it's a response to our lack of effort on security and immigration concerns.

As for the tourism trade. Our tourists primarily go south for long holidays, usually in the winter. Waits at the border are relatively ineffective in restraining that. I was talking about the cross border day trippers, who are mainly Americans.

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Guest eureka

I am talking mainly of day tripers. I saw figures in a newspaper the other day. They were that something more than 3 million crossings were made annually from both countries. Rather more from the US though it might have been the other way around - I did not try to remember the figures. They were not too far apart.

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Obviously,Canada relys heavily on cross border trade,when that is slowed down because trucks crossing the border are hampered when crossing to the US, are the liberals going to pay the extra billions in dollars it will take to do trade out of the party fortunes,lol,or will their solution be to raise taxes again,even though our unemployment rate will be around 30%,rather than the 7 to 10 %it is now?

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That goes both ways.

That's right ! A country of 300 million doing business with a country of 30 million.

If there are any losses to be incured, which one will be the end loser?

It works both ways is an inane statement.

Keep in mind the Americans vote in governments that look after their best interests,and Canadians, well, vote for liberals, who look after the liberal party's best interest.

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I am talking mainly of day tripers. I saw figures in a newspaper the other day. They were that something more than 3 million crossings were made annually from both countries. Rather more from the US though it might have been the other way around - I did not try to remember the figures. They were not too far apart.

The problem you seem to be ignoring is that a drop in Canadian tourism is a flea speck to a mega state like the US, while a drop in American tourism is a disaster for us.

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Guest eureka

Approximately 5,300,000 Americans depend on trade with Canada for their employment. Millions more Americans depend on Canada for cheaper cars than they can produce as well as other products. America depends on Canada for 14% of its energy imports, without which prices for everything in the US will go through the roof.

Much of the Northern US depends on Canadian cooperation for its water supply. Without that cooperation, they are in deep trouble.

America is a huge beneficiary of profits earned from their Canadian subsidiaries. It may not balance the trade deficit with Canada but it cannot be too far off. America is inextricably bound to Canada in its economy.

"Americans vote for governments that will look after their best interests. " Whose best interests would that be? Should we divert this discussion to consider whose interests are looked after in the US?

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Approximately 5,300,000 Americans depend on trade with Canada for their employment. Millions more Americans depend on Canada for cheaper cars than they can produce as well as other products. America depends on Canada for 14% of its energy imports, without which prices for everything in the US will go through the roof.

Much of the Northern US depends on Canadian cooperation for its water supply. Without that cooperation, they are in deep trouble.

Really? That many? Wow. That's like, uhm, let's see, five million would be 5% of 100 million, right? Help me out here: my math was never very good. So it'd be like, one third of that for three hundred, or about, uhm, let's see, about, well, a little less than 2%?

So something less than 2% of Americans depend on trade with Canada for their employment. Cool.

And in Canada the figure for those Canadians who depend on trade with the United States would be, hmmm, uhm, 40%? 50%?

Oh and can you give me some cites which shows that Canada exports massive amounts of water to the US? Or are you just talking about the fact that rivers usually run north to south? :rolleyes:

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Dear Argus,


Here is a link to one of the many sites regarding this issue.

Or are you just talking about the fact that rivers usually run north to south?
I have also discovered, (quite by accident, so please please don't tell anyone) that water tends to run downhill. In Alberta, only the Milk River joins the US water system, and it is a hotly contested resource.
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  Relax man 

No prob. Way ahead of you there.

  the idiot Provincial Liberals are shutting down coal plants all over the Province of Ontario so that we can have a load of power failures that the idiot Liberal supporters will blame the Americans for. 

Yeah, I heard about that. I also heard that all the Liberals were going to cut off their own right hands just in case Bush comes to visit again, that way they won't have to shake hands with him :rolleyes:

  The Liberal Party should be banned in Canada for the following reasons: 

1) Corruption

2) Incompentence

3) Lying

4) Anti-Americanism


6)Missapropiation of information and money


8)Gouging taxpayers

9)Allowing Quebec to rule the roost

10) Lying

11) Lying

12) Making the Pinnochio Club Of Canada look viable 

1) Gee, no other political party in Canada has ever been corrupt, so only the Libs should be banned.

2) Please elucidate.

3) I don't believe you.

4) How about "Anti-get-pushed-about-by-the-USA???

5) Really???

6) That one I can agree with.

7) But not that one.

8) Like any other party,administration.

9) See answer to #8

10) You're repeating yourself

11) See # 10

12) See # 11 (You really DO have a Pinnochio fixation, don't you??? Something about an appendage that grows to be long and rigid turn you on???)

  Nufff said ! 

Indeed. Say no more. PLEASE say no more.

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