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1 My Exegesis of Gravitational Constant, Aether, Dark Matter and Dark Energy, My Scientific Work​

By exegesisme

1, Gravitational constant G, is not a constant. It just reveals the property of the local space in which it had been measured. Its whole physical meaning is the accelerating contract rate of the local space under the action of one kilogram mass.

2, The many measured numbers are the almost same which only means the local spaces in which they are measured share almost the same property, but not every local space shares almost the same property.

3, Why can the mass even as small as one kilogram cause the contraction of the space? My answer is, there are very evenly distributed mass in the local space, the gravity between the mass and the local space with the evenly distributed mass cause the contraction of the local space.

4, The evenly distributed mass is only even at the same distance from a dominating large mass such as Earth, and is different at different distance. The evenly distributed mass is denser at a nearer distance than a longer distance, so the gravitational constant G is smaller at a nearer distance than at a longer distance, for the nearer local space with the denser evenly distributing mass is harder to contract under the action of one kilogram mass.

5, The experimental physicists are very easy to prove my exegesis, as long as the distance or height between any two measurements is large enough to make the difference of G can be measured by the method they choose.

6, The fact is, although very large masses in our universe, our universe still is in accelerating expansion, why? The reason is, the evenly distributed mass is very small particles, these particles are with holy elasticity and have a random movement, which provides pressure against gravity to make our universe expanse. The force for the universal expansion is a new fundamental force, and also is responsible for the big bang. Other four basic forces can be unified as gravity, so, our universe has only two fundamental forces.

7, This substance is the holy substance Aristotle once assumed. The holy substance with very subtle mixed magnetism is also the media for the field of macro electromagnetism, and even the media for gravity of all masses.

8, The Michelson-Morley experiment is wrong of their experimental hypothesis, and is also wrong of their explanation of the experimental result on their wrong hypothesis. The holy substance is absorbed by every mass which human can measure, and is relatively still to the mass. Earth too absorbs the holy substance around. Earth moves with the absorbed holy substance, so they did not observed a relative motion between the holy substance and Earth. The speed of light did not change which just mean there is not relative motion between the holy substance and Earth.

9, The holy substance is also the material to form the charge of electron and positive electron, and can move with electron as electron moves, which is the reason of the waving phenomena of electrons and other micro particles.

10, The holy substance is both dark energy and dark matter, is the reason of the theory of relativity, and has many other properties and functions. The size of its particles is much smaller than the Planck's magnitudes.

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4, The evenly distributed mass is only even at the same distance from a dominating large mass such as Earth, and is different at different distance. The evenly distributed mass is denser at a nearer distance than a longer distance, so the gravitational constant G is smaller at a nearer distance than at a longer distance, for the nearer local space with the denser evenly distributing mass is harder to contract under the action of one kilogram mass.

4.1, The evenly distributed substance with mass is denser at a nearer distance to a large mass as Earth, so the gravitational constant G may be larger, for the space with denser mass has a larger accelerating contract rate at the action of one kilogram mass in the space. Here, something is complex. One aspect, in space nearer Earth, there is denser holy substance, as a one kilogram mass is put into it, the mass exerts larger gravity on the local space, which may cause a larger accelerating contract rate. Another aspect, as the density of the holy substance in the local space is larger, the harder to contract farther denser. So, here a calculation is needed to see which force is larger.

5, The experimental physicists are very easy to prove my exegesis, as long as the distance or height between any two measurements is large enough to make the difference of G can be measured by the method they choose.

5.1 As discussion in 4.1, the complex influences need an exact calculation, so the prove may be not very easy. Here, let's understand G in this way, it is an accelerating contract rate of the local space at the first moment before the contract is really happen, then the density of the holy substance against the contract yet does not begin. On that moment the G is larger in a denser holy substance. The complex consequence still needs a calculation.

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5.2, Let M for whole mass of our universe, and 95%M is from dark matter and dark energy, let h for the radium of our universe, let A for a particle of holy substance at the edge of our universe, let m for mass of A, let g for gravitational accelerating rate at the edge of our universe, let G for gravitational constant or coefficient. We have equation: mMG/h2​ = mg, and G=gh2​/M​. ​​

Let V for volume of our universe, d for average density of mass in our universe, d=M/V=M/(4πh3/​3), M=​​4πh3d/3.

Put formula for M in formula for G, we get G=gh2/(​​4πh3d/3)​=3g/4πhd. ​

From formula G=3g/4πhd, we see the gravitational constant or coefficient G at the edge of our universe is proportional to its local g, is reciprocal to d, its local density of holy substance, and is also reciprocal to the radium of our universe.

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5.3 From the formula G=3g/4πhd, we can not get a conclusion G is a constant or not, it depends on the expression g/hd is a constant or not, for 4π is a constant. If the influences of the variables the local gravitational accelerating rate g, the distance of local center of mass to the center of the whole mass h, and the local density of the holy substance d balanced each other in the expression g/hd, G still is a constant. If their influences in the expression g/hd can not balanced each other, the g/hd still is a variable on the variables g, h and d, then G is a variable depends on g, h and d, and not a constant. And still, my statements are not very accurate, I still need to farther refine them.

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10, The holy substance is both dark energy and dark matter, is the reason of the theory of relativity, and has many other properties and functions. The size of its particles is much smaller than the Planck's magnitudes. ​

10.1 The holy substance has the functions of both dark energy for universal expansion, and dark matter for unexplained gravitational phenomena, so it includes both dark energy and dark matter, and is estimated to contribute 95.1% contents of our universe, and the other content is 4.9% atoms. Let's treat all of them as independent particles, and obey the ideal gas law. The ideal gas law PV = nRT. P is the pressure of the gas, V is the volume of the gas, n is the amount substance of the gas, R is the ideal gas constant, T is the temperature of the gas.

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10.2 Let's M for whole mass of our universe, let's m for average mass of each particle, let's L for the Avogadro constant, so the number of all particles in our universe is U=M/m, and all amount of substance in our universe expressed in mole number of particles n=U/L=M/mL. Let's h as radium of our universe, so the volume of our universe is V=4πh3​/3. Let's P for average pressure of our universe, T for average temperature of our universe, and R for the ideal gas constant, on ideal gas law, we have equation, 4πh3​P​/3 = MRT/mL. ​

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The universe is not well approximated as an ideal gas for several reasons:

1) In an ideal gas, particles are distributed approximately uniformly. In the universe as a whole, matter is distributed very non-uniformly, tightly bunched in galaxies which are themselves mostly empty but contain matter tightly bunched in stars.

2) In an ideal gas, the main interactions between particles are particle-particle collisions. On the size scale of the universe, the main interactions between distantly separated masses are gravitational and radiative.

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The universe is not well approximated as an ideal gas for several reasons:

1) In an ideal gas, particles are distributed approximately uniformly. In the universe as a whole, matter is distributed very non-uniformly, tightly bunched in galaxies which are themselves mostly empty but contain matter tightly bunched in stars.

2) In an ideal gas, the main interactions between particles are particle-particle collisions. On the size scale of the universe, the main interactions between distantly separated masses are gravitational and radiative.

Both of your arguments are reasonable on strict eye. Here I just try to look for an approach how to get the job done. With all my assumptions, the holy substance as the 95.1% content of our universe somewhat has a taste of an ideal gas, so try the ideal gas law to see what result would be.

I will consider gravity later, for the P should be larger enough to overcome the gravity, and the pressure outside our universe is small enough, to meet the cosmological fact of the universal expansion of space at the accelerating rate of Hubble constant.

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7, This substance is the holy substance Aristotle once assumed. The holy substance with very subtle mixed magnetism is also the media for the field of macro electromagnetism, and even the media for gravity of all masses.​

7.1 Just now I duel with supernatural beings. I feel they are really useless, I invest so much time, energy and resource to communicate with them but get nothing, so I want to get rid of them, to return a life of a common person. They proof their functions, I disprove back one by one. In the process, I have an idea, maybe the production of photon is related with dark energy. But I argued: "no evidence". After a few rounds, I have another idea, maybe all four basic interactions are related with dark energy. Maybe dark energy play essential role in the four basic forces, and the four particles for the four forces are only different appearances of dark energy. If this concept is real, it unifies the four basic forces. The dark energy essentially is holy particles, so the four particles for the four basic forces are constituted by the holy particles.

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