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Stephen Harper's Media Problems

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What's up with Stephen Harper?

He has just reappeared after a nine week disappearing act. And this in not the first time he has gone out of sight like this.

This week Harper was out in Vancouver to give a speech, but once again he avoided talking with the media.

Barbara Yaffe, a Vancouver Sun columnist has written about Harper's media avoidance in today's paper. The article makes him look very bad.

If he doesn't like the media interaction perhaps he should get out of this line of work. It makes one wonder what he is hiding - a secret agenda perhaps! :(

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Wow, Wow,

Barbara Yaffe, is just mad because he doesn't make the media's job easy. He will talk when it is time.

What brilliant questions were they going to ask anyway?(how was your summer)

Maplesyrup, you hate the Conservatives. This is not to strong is it. Why does any position Harper comments on matter to you anyway? (or doesn't comment on)

Should you not pay a little more attention to see if happy Jack is making any sense?

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You know, it's a common conservative tactic to cover up a conservative's poor performance (or evil doing, or corruption) by pointing out how much worse somebody else's performance has been.

They have a tendency of ignoring the fact that almost everybody has been doing a bad job.

Let's tackle Martin. After telling a backbencher to shut up on missile defence (which, coincidentally, Conservatives told her to shut up too...which is interesting, given their position of 'freeing the back benches'), Martin starts to quash everything the Premier's are saying.

Where is Harper on any of these issues?

Why, he's meeting with Layton and Duceppe behind close doors, and not commenting on anything that they're talking about!

How wonderfully transparent.

You know, the minority was supposed to deliver us from the same old shiat that we've had over the past 4 years.

It's just the same stuff.

But it's worse.

Harper is hiding from the media. He's being closed lipped about almost everything.

And yes, willy, the media do have a few questions that I'd like to hear Harper's position on.

Missile defense for instance...is he going to be in cahoots with the Libs on this one?

What about healthcare?

What does he have to say about the implication that women are not qualified to be on the supreme court, that since they're two women, they must have no merit. What does he have to say about that?

In light of the problems down in the US of the 'swiftboats' and 'moveon.org', does he regret taking the position he did with respect to third party advertising? If so, why not. Does he believe that Canadian politics should be Americanized?

In light of the gun incident in Toronto, has his position on gun control changed?

There's just so much delicious stuff that I'd like to hear about.

But nope. King Harper cannot be bothered.

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Let's start with some of your questions.

They have been asked and answered.

Harper would like to see a national pharmacare strategy.

As the Americans will pay for the missile defense and they only want access to the NWT he is most likely for it.

The two judges seem to be very liberal in political thinking and that would be a great reason for conservatives to not like the appointment. It has noting to do with gender.

The gun control issue.

Was it not a hand gun used in Toronto. The long gun registry still would not help this domestic violence problem. I am sure the Conservatives are strong on locking up thugs who beat up on women.

takeanumber, you know his opinions on these issues. You don't like most of them but they are far from hidden.

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I'm wondering if the positions have changed.

BTW: the toronto incident was a sawed off long-gun.

There's one set of realities in the country side, and another set in the city.

Of course, an idealogue like Harper is incapable of seeing a comprimise, he's 'principled'.

Missile defence: shouldn't the ppl of the NWT be consulted? Why hasn't he consulted them? Has he consulted them?

I believe it was Toens who implied today that the two women were not qualified because they were both women. He didn't say it outright, but it was certainly implied.

Next, with respect to this backroom dealing with the other leaders....I thought it was supposed to be different.

The media has been asking him what's been going on. He wont' tell the media anything.

I don't know about you, but I want to know what's going on in those backrooms.

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BTW: the toronto incident was a sawed off long-gun.

So was the gun registered. If it was registered, how did that help stop the crime.

As for the other stuff, I am going to a bbq this weekend and I will speak to a couple of senior MP's in the Conservative party. I will be sure to ask and report back what I hear.

Hey, I don't know Harper's strategy but I am looking forward to him taking an aggressive public position on many issues.

For the most part I can't wait until the Conservative convention in the spring. We need policy and soon.

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Why so late?

It should have been held this summer.

Way overdue.


If it was registered, and the system working, when the restraining order was issued, the cops coulda gone over and taken the guns.

But again, it's more than just a black and white issue.

There ARE problems with the registry, I blame that f*** Allen Rock.

Moreover, how can a guy who beats his wife and kids for years get off with just one month?

I'd like to see something done to the judge in that case. Perhaps their name and picture published in the newspaper?

Of course, you won't get Harper talking about domestic violence issues. When it comes to the beating of wives and children, the Cons tend to be very Conservative indeed on that topic.

{The Liberals being of course more guilty because they've had the chance for 10 years to do something about it, and refuse to because of the extra cost in locking up those bastards so they can have a turn at being beaten for awhile}

I'd enjoy Harper's reaction on that.


Too many back room shenanigan's for what is supposedly a 'grassroots' party.

If you're going to call a spade a spade, at least have the balls to admit that you yourself are really the same thing. Don't pretend to be heart when you're not. Hipocracy is something else I really take a hating to.

When Harper avoids the media, I feel as though he's avoiding me, and I take exception to that.

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Why so late?

It should have been held this summer.

Way overdue.

They have the time and hopefully they will use it to complete the merger between the two parties.


As for the justice issues, Randy White was strong on this issue and in the election his views on abortion got him moved. It is a shame as his real passion was for victim rights and justice.


If you're going to call a spade a spade, at least have the balls to admit that you yourself are really the same thing. Don't pretend to be heart when you're not. Hipocracy is something else I really take a hating to.

Not sure what you mean.

Hey the fall session has not started yet. The opposition does not run government. When I said in good time. I mean when it can make a difference. Right now it is a waste a breath. The government is the Liberals.

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I believe it was Toens who implied today that the two women were not qualified because they were both women. He didn't say it outright, but it was certainly implied.

Can you post the remark you're referring to, or link to it, or something? I'm very interested in seeing for myself what was or wasn't implied.


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I don't subscribe to the Globe online, so I can't provide a link. (and I recycled the newspaper already, lol.)

But it's in there.

This guy should have been in jail long ago getting some of his own medicine.

On this we agree. But mainly that's my proletarian side grumbling.

As for the justice issues, Randy White was strong on this issue and in the election his views on abortion got him moved. It is a shame as his real passion was for victim rights and justice.

The real shame is that he taints the cause of victims rights and real justice. You can't whipe your butt on the charter and hold high the banner of justice. It's contradictory.

Harper should have had the sense to punt him sooner.

A failure of leadership I think.

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I don't subscribe to the Globe online, so I can't provide a link.  (and I recycled the newspaper already, lol.)

But it's in there.

The Globe? You mean The Globe and Mail? They haven't gone to online subscription yet. I'll do a search of their articles for Toews' comments, but I'd appreciate it if you could at least paraphrase what he said. We've heard Toews say a number of things in criticism of the "new" process, but I hadn't heard any criticisms of the candidates themselves, and certainly nothing to do with gender. I'd have expected a lot of public reaction from such a comment (as with the VIA Rail guy who insulted Myriam Bedard) and because nothing Toews said has resulted in this sort of controversy, I am skeptical about your interpretation of what his comments implied.


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Maplesyrup, you hate the Conservatives. This is not to strong is it. Why does any position Harper comments on matter to you anyway? (or doesn't comment on)

I don't hate Harper or Conservatives - I don't know him or any Cons.

I am very opposed to the policies they represent - war mongering, poor-bashing ideas. Yea don't care for stone-age, brain-dead, idiotic policies. This is the 21st century - the US world domination is coming to an end, women will be taking their rightful places in society, etc. Get used to it.

The reason Harper is hiding or not talking, is because he is trying to be something he isn't. So the less exposure and scrutiny, the less Canadians will know about his true intentions. A lepard doesn't change its stripes. Why should we have a fraud for a political leader? That's elitism and fortunately Canadians aren't buying it. ;)

When you have a right winger like Barbara Jaffe, writing in a right wing paper, the Vancouver Sun, criticising Harper, you gotta know life is not unfolding for Harper the way he wants it to.

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More junk mail from Rick Anderson in today's Toronto Star:

Harper's even more enigmatic. The "just getting started" excuse is aging: He's already going into his third year as leader of the Official Opposition. With two leadership campaigns and a general election campaign under his belt, voters should know him by now. But they haven't a clue. Time to start getting traction ...

Who's is Anderson trying to kid? Everyone knows Harper is desparately trying to deceive Canadians about what he stands for, war mongering idiot that he is, so that is why he is constantly disappearing and hiding all the time. :angry:

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The Globe has gone to the 'register' format, which, I don't 'register' for spam.

So I don't visit that site anymore.

The reason why there's no outrage is because its Toen's.

Everybody knows what he thinks about gays, women, and minorities who arn't Conservative.

I'm sorry, I just find it very hard to swallow what you're claiming.

The Liberals, with their own foot-in-mouth controversy last week, would have loved the opportunity to put some heat on the opposition. The Liberals certainly never miss an opportunity to try to depict the Conservatives as backward. I just don't believe they'd pass up an opportunity like this if it had been presented.

Since I am registered for the Globe and Mail online, I took a while to search through everything Toews said last week. I also searched the Toronto Star, which doesn't generally have much sympathy for the Conservatives. I couldn't find anything at all in either paper that could be considered a direct criticism of the candidates, and certainly nothing regarding their gender.

In fact it appears Toews went out of his way to be clear that he had no specific criticism of the nominees at all, and that his criticism was directed at the PM for the process and for choosing candidates based on advancing his own agenda.

Here are the comments from Toews that refer directly to the nominees:

Top-court nominees endorsed - but not by all

"We simply didn't have any material in front of us," Conservative justice critic Vic Toews, a member of the panel, said yesterday. "I don't think we can honestly say we're in any position to make any recommendations about the qualifications of these individuals to sit on the Supreme Court."

Tories blast 'sham' review of judges

Even before the hearing began, Toews noted that Abella and Charron are both known for judgments supporting same-sex rights.

The nine-member Supreme Court will hold a milestone hearing in October on Liberal efforts to legalize same-sex marriage. Toews suggested a political connection.

"It is clear for everyone to see that this is part of the prime minister's agenda" to allow gay weddings, he said.

Review panel approves Supreme Court nominees

"Our party has taken no position on these two judges," he said in an interview.

"We had neither the time nor the information to make an appropriate assessment as to whether these individuals were eminently qualified."

In the same breath, Toews expressed wariness of two judges who in the past have ruled to expand the rights of same-sex couples.

Abella in particular is seen as progressive and activist, and one of the first issues the new justices will rule on is a landmark same-sex marriage case that starts this fall.

"The prime minister, I think, chose those individuals to advance his political agenda in that respect," Toews said.

"Most analysts have come to that conclusion. I'm not going to agree or disagree with that conclusion."


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