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In-and-Out Investigation Cost Canadians over $2.3 million

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God help you, if you can't see how his post backed up the claim. You're quibbling about the specific amount "billions." Punked has already made it patently clear that you're arguing about a difference in degree, rather than kind. His link proves the point that the Conservatives stole taxpayers' money. That's the point you continue to ignore. They plead guilty to stealing taxpayers money and called it a "difference of opinion." That's not good enough for you though. You think you "win" the argument if they didn't steal billions, when the entire argument has always been, billion dollar hyperbole aside, that the Conservatives stole money from taxpayers.

There were 1,000,000 rioters in Toronto During the G8/G20. I can post a source supporting my claim that there were 100 rioters would that in turn prove my statement of the million rioters? Or the fact that the crime rate increased by 30% while I provide sources to support a 3% increase?

What if the Conservative's come forward and claim they saved taxpayers 100 billion dollars while they only saved 100million, would you agree with the assessment that wether they saved 100million or 100billion its all the same?

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There were 1,000,000 rioters in Toronto During the G8/G20. I can post a source supporting my claim that there were 100 rioters would that in turn prove my statement of the million rioters? Or the fact that the crime rate increased by 30% while I provide sources to support a 3% increase?

What if the Conservative's come forward and claim they saved taxpayers 100 billion dollars while they only saved 100million, would you agree with the assessment that wether they saved 100million or 100billion its all the same?

We get it as long as the Conservatives only skim a little off the top you are fine with them stealing tax payers money. Heck you might even think to the victor goes the spoils and because they are in government now they are entitled to their entitlements. This however isn't want Conservatives were saying when the Liberals were in power.

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You know, sometimes, there isn't any proof that we can provide when we tell something on here. Something like someone has told you to be true, but we can't prove it, like some information of what a party did behind another parties back, that could be illegal if found out but to tell about here, one can't 100% prove it. So I would like to think we could be better than the House of Commons is right now, with the honour system, if someone says something that they think its true, then I'll take their word for it, why lie about it?

You know, sometimes, there isn't any proof that we can provide when we tell something on here.

You are green. Thats an opinion not a fact, therefore since I have no proof of the colour of your skin being green I should not present it as a fact.

Something like someone has told you to be true, but we can't prove it, like some information of what a party did behind another parties back, that could be illegal if found out but to tell about here, one can't 100% prove it.

Thats the thing, we should present facts in an argument because thats how we can convince the other side, If you cannot provide proof for what you say then make sure it is clearly stated as an opinion rather then being presented as a fact. And since we are (I assume) not in high school anymore we can leave all the gossip and all of the he/she did this behind your back.

So I would like to think we could be better than the House of Commons is right now, with the honour system, if someone says something that they think its true, then I'll take their word for it, why lie about it?

If we are to hold the politicians to a standard we have to follow the same standard, if we are on a political forum discussing serious local, national or international stories we have to maintain a certain level of integrity about us rather then let this forum become a place for allegations that are unproven and cannot be proven. The conservatives cut a number of jobs during the last budget is a factual statement I can back up,Thomas Mulcair eats babies is not something to be presented as a fact.

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We get it as long as the Conservatives only skim a little off the top you are fine with them stealing tax payers money. Heck you might even think to the victor goes the spoils and because they are in government now they are entitled to their entitlements. This however isn't want Conservatives were saying when the Liberals were in power.

Where o where did I say that?

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thus needs to be turfed for a government that hasn't stolen our money.

Did they so-called steal money, or just go above their spending limits? Either way, the penalty under the law is a fine. Which they paid. The penalty isn't stepping down from power. That's for the people to decide in the next election. You should know that.

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Did they so-called steal money, or just go above their spending limits? Either way, the penalty under the law is a fine. Which they paid. The penalty isn't stepping down from power. That's for the people to decide in the next election. You should know that.

Well local ridding associations were reimbursed with tax payer money for money they never really spent so what do you call it?

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So you agree? The Conservative government took our money and thus needs to be turfed for a government that hasn't stolen our money.

I dont agree with that statement. Find the people responsible and punish them but overturning the democratic election because of a few crooks is not the way to go. In all honesty do you think that the NDP, Liberals, Green Party or the BQ are going to be different? Politics as a whole has a corrupt segment which needs to be removed, and concentrating on the one party while ignoring the others is not the way to go. Strict punishments for corrupt officials,selection in ridings where it is proven beyond a doubt that illegal actions during the election were decisive in victory of one party or the other would be the way to go, but overturning 5.5million votes because of the actions of a few is not justified in my mind.

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I dont agree with that statement. Find the people responsible and punish them but overturning the democratic election because of a few crooks is not the way to go. In all honesty do you think that the NDP, Liberals, Green Party or the BQ are going to be different? Politics as a whole has a corrupt segment which needs to be removed, and concentrating on the one party while ignoring the others is not the way to go. Strict punishments for corrupt officials,selection in ridings where it is proven beyond a doubt that illegal actions during the election were decisive in victory of one party or the other would be the way to go, but overturning 5.5million votes because of the actions of a few is not justified in my mind.

So you think there should be at least 4 sitting Conservative MPs that should be punished and that Harper is protecting them? You disapprove of this?

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Is anyone investigating wether the Liberals and the NDP used the same tactic or are we to go with their word?

The Liberals have used it before the election the Conservatives did. The NDP I can tell you from my knowledge came up with the idea asked the lawyers to look at it, and came to the conclusion it was illegal to do. So they didn't do it even though they could probably could have and just got a slap on the wrist like the Conservatives. You know cause the NDP is a real law and order party not a pretend one. Looks like they were right.

Edited by punked
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The Liberals have used it before the election the Conservatives did. The NDP I can tell you from my knowledge came up with the idea asked the lawyers to look at it, and came to the conclusion it was illegal to do. So they didn't do it even though they could probably could have and just got a slap on the wrist like the Conservatives. You know cause the NDP is a real law and order party not a pretend one. Looks like they were right.

Yeah sure. I highly doubt that the NDP never used that method or anything similar, only difference is until last election they were irrelevant and now the conservatives are under scrutiny and no one is looking at the NDP.

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Yeah sure. I highly doubt that the NDP never used that method or anything similar, only difference is until last election they were irrelevant and now the conservatives are under scrutiny and no one is looking at the NDP.

I am telling you right now and I know this for a fact. The NDP lawyered up and concluded this to be illegal end of story.

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So you think there should be at least 4 sitting Conservative MPs that should be punished and that Harper is protecting them? You disapprove of this?

I dont disprove of this. As I said, there should be an investigation as to wether the election results were effected by the activity in question. If the MPs were caught doing something iligal and it was proven that their actions tipped the election in the riding decisively in their favour I am all of a reelection in those ridings. What I am against is the NDP and the Liberals losing in the election and pushing for reelection in order to push the Conservatives in to a minority government. If there is a cause to believe that the ridings in question would have gone to the NDP or liberals if it was not for the illegal activity then by all means do go ahead. If it is as you mentioned a case of getting reimbursed for expenses that were not existent then follow the law, if the law says reelection go ahead, if the law says give them a fine, go right ahead but don't invent punishments just because the NDP did not win the election.

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I am telling you right now and I know this for a fact. The NDP lawyered up and concluded this to be illegal end of story.

Just because you don't know of it, does not mean it did not happen. Obviously the NDP is trying to push this as far as it could go and the moral high ground would be lost if they admitted that they do the same exact thing.

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Just because you don't know of it, does not mean it did not happen. Obviously the NDP is trying to push this as far as it could go and the moral high ground would be lost if they admitted that they do the same exact thing.

Worst argument ever. You are as bad as the Billion dollar poster. Here I am going to do an impression of you:

"PROVE TO ME RIGHT NOW WITH EVIDENCE THAT THAT CONS STOLE A BILLION DOLLARS. If someone doesn't have evidence about something it must never have happened"

"THE NDP ARE A BUNCH OF THIEVES I HAVE NO EVIDENCE BUT I KNOW THIS TO BE TRUE. Just because there isn't evidence for something doesn't mean it never happened"

This is seriously all I have gotten out of you in this thread. It is so crazy I am laughing my head off.

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Worst argument ever. You are as bad as the Billion dollar poster. Here I am going to do an impression of you:

"PROVE TO ME RIGHT NOW WITH EVIDENCE THAT THAT CONS STOLE A BILLION DOLLARS. If someone doesn't have evidence about something it must never have happened"

"THE NDP ARE A BUNCH OF THIEVES I HAVE NO EVIDENCE BUT I KNOW THIS TO BE TRUE. Just because there isn't evidence for something doesn't mean it never happened"

This is seriously all I have gotten out of you in this thread. It is so crazy I am laughing my head off.

See, claiming that the Conservatives stole billions of dollars is like claiming that the NDP is the righteous party. Every Political party is composed of human beings, and just like human beings every political party has dirty laundry. I stand by my assessment that the conservatives are not corrupt more or less then any other part, you seem to believe that corruption is exclusively Liberal and Conservative problem and it is not, Corruption is a part of politics and the NDP is a part of the political system.

Every person has something to hide, something they have done wrong or are ashamed of, the same extends to politics and political parties. Just wait once the dust settles and people start looking in to the NDP and their dealings things will come up that they would rather keep secret. Its true for me, its true for you and everyone else, if you don't believe that you are lying to yourself, naive or you live in a bubble.

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See, claiming that the Conservatives stole billions of dollars is like claiming that the NDP is the righteous party. Every Political party is composed of human beings, and just like human beings every political party has dirty laundry. I stand by my assessment that the conservatives are not corrupt more or less then any other part, you seem to believe that corruption is exclusively Liberal and Conservative problem and it is not, Corruption is a part of politics and the NDP is a part of the political system.

Every person has something to hide, something they have done wrong or are ashamed of, the same extends to politics and political parties. Just wait once the dust settles and people start looking in to the NDP and their dealings things will come up that they would rather keep secret. Its true for me, its true for you and everyone else, if you don't believe that you are lying to yourself, naive or you live in a bubble.

Yes I get it. You do not like when someone makes a claim about the Conservatives with out baking it up with evidence. Yet it is just fine for you to make accusations about the NDP with out any evidence then when someone corrects you to call them a Liar.

You are a Conservatives so I understand how your thinking works see.

I think the NDP party structure makes it so that the NDP falls apart as soon as any scandal comes out meaning I can put faith into the party because they have to much to lose if caught. They aren't the typical Liberal or Conservative rid it out kind of party because of the power base has.

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Yes I get it. You do not like when someone makes a claim about the Conservatives with out baking it up with evidence. Yet it is just fine for you to make accusations about the NDP with out any evidence then when someone corrects you to call them a Liar.

You are a Conservatives so I understand how your thinking works see.

I think the NDP party structure makes it so that the NDP falls apart as soon as any scandal comes out meaning I can put faith into the party because they have to much to lose if caught. They aren't the typical Liberal or Conservative rid it out kind of party because of the power base has.

So you believe that the NDP is infallible and parts within the party are not corrupt? I hate to break it to you, but your structure does not matter, history has shown us that certain kinds of people willing to commit crimes do not care about the whole picture.

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So you believe that the NDP is infallible and parts within the party are not corrupt? I hate to break it to you, but your structure does not matter, history has shown us that certain kinds of people willing to commit crimes do not care about the whole picture.

No I believe they do their homework so that the Shady things they do are within the law. Unlike other parties.

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Yes I get it. You do not like when someone makes a claim about the Conservatives with out baking it up with evidence. Yet it is just fine for you to make accusations about the NDP with out any evidence then when someone corrects you to call them a Liar.

You are a Conservatives so I understand how your thinking works see.

I think the NDP party structure makes it so that the NDP falls apart as soon as any scandal comes out meaning I can put faith into the party because they have to much to lose if caught. They aren't the typical Liberal or Conservative rid it out kind of party because of the power base has.

Its funny how you use being Conservative as if it is an insult. I believe the conservatives are the only party with a realistic approach to keeping Canada's economy afloat, the other parties seem to make promises but I don't know how realistic their plan is when it comes to paying for their promises.

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Its funny how you use being Conservative as if it is an insult. I believe the conservatives are the only party with a realistic approach to keeping Canada's economy afloat, the other parties seem to make promises but I don't know how realistic their plan is when it comes to paying for their promises.

And it does not matter how they get to power or how they keep it because they are the best. This is a very dangerous line of thinking.

Again just because you don't know anything about the other parties doesn't mean they don't have plans. The NDP released a fully costed platform last election go read it if you don't know how they pay for things.

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So you believe that the NDP is infallible and parts within the party are not corrupt? I hate to break it to you, but your structure does not matter, history has shown us that certain kinds of people willing to commit crimes do not care about the whole picture.

You have absolutely no idea how illogical you're being, do you? I mean what a stupid claim: "So you believe that the NDP is infallible." On top of punked highlighting just how illogical you can be, you just keep going by creating a strawman in the next post.

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You have absolutely no idea how illogical you're being, do you? I mean what a stupid claim: "So you believe that the NDP is infallible." On top of punked highlighting just how illogical you can be, you just keep going by creating a strawman in the next post.

I keep hoping it will only take one more post for him to see it but we keep on going and going.

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