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I think it depends on the party in power... When you come to power promising a bell for every bicycle like the liberals, then there might be a honeymoon period until the reality of the costs and waste is exposed. When you come into power promising cuts, savings, and pragmatism, I don't think there's much of a honeymoon period.

This just isn't true. When you come to power and do what you say usually the honeymoon will last because that is what the people want, look at Brad Wall, and David Alward. However when you hid your agenda and start doing things you never talked about in your platform people get pretty pissed, Chirsty Clark.

It has nothing to do with cuts or no cuts it has to do with telling the people before you get in your plan then followin the plan people voted for.

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I bet you'll deny that they ever pled guilty to their illegal In and Out election fraud scandal too eh?

They will be found guilty of the robo-calling in due time.

One of the ridings that they won through questionable means has already had the results thrown out...

That said, clearly Harper and his Conservative party of crooks are getting worried about their chances in the next election....

Harper had to meet in secret this past week with Mulroney to get his advice on how to repair the hatred that Quebec has for him and his neo-cons. :lol:


Yes I'm going to deny they were found guilty in court.

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Yes I'm going to deny they were found guilty in court.

Even though, after wasting millions of taxpayers money to defend themselves, they finally pled guilty...
As Elections Canada continues to run up costs probing the voter suppression scandal, newly released documents show taxpayers spent more than $2.3-million on an investigation and five-year legal battle with the Conservative Party over the “in-and-out” affair.

Between May 2007 and last fall when the Conservative Party pleaded guilty to Elections Act charges, Elections Canada and the director of public prosecutions spent far more for lawyers, forensic accountants and investigators than the $52,000 the party paid in fines for violating its spending limits in the 2006 campaign.


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It would only feed the bigots from western Canada who hate Quebec for any reason they can think of.

Why in the world would I even offer up a suggestion to a man who I despise and who has done more to destroy this country than any terrorist could ever do.

As opposed to the bigots on the left who hate Harper for any reason they can think of?

You don't offer up suggestions, you just call him down for doing something contrary to your leftwing agenda, which would mean him losing most of his traditional support if he ever did such a thing and pleased the leftwingers like yourself.

Sorry Rick, you seem another blind political partisan hack to me, at least from the arguments you put forth. You seem to live in a world a bit outside the real one. This is why I rarely support leftwing leaders. They offend my sense of Utilitarianism. You rant over the way you think things OUGHT to be and ignore the reality details.

Not that I don't see much of the same on the right but man, the Lefties always seem to win that race hands down! If the lifeboat was sinking they would be arguing over the position of bailer being gender neutral!

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As opposed to the bigots on the left who hate Harper for any reason they can think of?

You don't offer up suggestions, you just call him down for doing something contrary to your leftwing agenda, which would mean him losing most of his traditional support if he ever did such a thing and pleased the leftwingers like yourself.

Sorry Rick, you seem another blind political partisan hack to me, at least from the arguments you put forth. You seem to live in a world a bit outside the real one. This is why I rarely support leftwing leaders. They offend my sense of Utilitarianism. You rant over the way you think things OUGHT to be and ignore the reality details.

Not that I don't see much of the same on the right but man, the Lefties always seem to win that race hands down! If the lifeboat was sinking they would be arguing over the position of bailer being gender neutral!

What are you talking about? The left offers up alternatives all the time. In fact I think they offered up hundreds of suggestions on what they would like to take in a put out of the budget. Just because you ignore the left and their ideas doesn't mean they don't exist.

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What are you talking about? The left offers up alternatives all the time. In fact I think they offered up hundreds of suggestions on what they would like to take in a put out of the budget. Just because you ignore the left and their ideas doesn't mean they don't exist.

It's just that they always offer up poorly thought out suggestions that could never, ever work!

It's always based on "Business has a duty to do this!" and "People have to understand the need to make this sacrifice!" and so on and so on...

Never anything that people WILL do, until the left gets so frustrated that no one will listen to them that they go all Stalinist and start trying to put guns to people's heads... :P :P

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It's just that they always offer up poorly thought out suggestions that could never, ever work!

It's always based on "Business has a duty to do this!" and "People have to understand the need to make this sacrifice!" and so on and so on...

Never anything that people WILL do, until the left gets so frustrated that no one will listen to them that they go all Stalinist and start trying to put guns to people's heads... :P :P

Just because you don't like the alternative doesn't mean it isn't there as you keep claiming. In fact they are are offering more in terms of alternatives and different ideas then the Cons did when they were in opposition but don't let the facts get in the way of your talking points.

Edited by punked
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Just because you don't like the alternative doesn't mean it isn't there as you keep claiming. In fact they are are offering more in terms of alternatives and different ideas then the Cons did when they were in opposition but don't let the facts get in the way of your talking points.

Punked, I HAVE been hearing them! I've been hearing them all my life!

I never denied the left doesn't have alternatives. Just that they never seem to have ones that will work!

Remember, I am a techie - a Utilitarian. I have NO time for faith or "people must realize..." type alternatives!

I've always agreed with Margaret Thatcher, who said something like "Socialism is an experiment that endures until it runs out of other people's money!"

To be fair, for most of my life the NDP was always the underdog, which meant they had to take their support wherever they could get it. This meant the fringe groups, taking positions of support that would never have to be implemented. It was always safe to be more emotional than practical!

Now the world has changed. The NDP has a very real chance of grabbing the brass ring! They no longer have the luxury of supporting fringe ideas that might backfire.

Worse yet, they might only get one chance! Look what happened to Bob Rae in Ontario! You can divert the argument all you want into areas of who is to blame for what and what factors were beyond his control but the fact remains that many of his party's ideas did not work. People instantly jumped on Rae, saying "What did you expect from these guys? We always knew they were loopy!"

This was not at all fair. Everyone makes mistakes the first time around. It's just that the NDP has a rep and its rivals would love to pin it on them!

If they could win even one term and not scare all the business out of the country and piss off every westerner who feeds his kids from an oil sands job, then they might even win a second one! If their leader is more like Tony Blair and not like Ed Broadbent I might vote for him myself!

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You have to love those EKOS polls that don't add up to 100%. Must be why they always short-change real CPC support by at least 5%.

Yeah, another meaningless poll taken in the middle of BBQ season!

It means even less than most polls but those times when polls show the NDP in the lead, even when its still within the margin of error, will serve to bring cheers to all the NDP supporters! They will take them to mean that victory is not just within their grasp, it is guaranteed! :P

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They only had CPC support 6 points lower the day before the election sure.

And they under measured the NDP and over measured the Liberals until like the last day of the election. While everyone else picked up on the surge two weeks before they did. They didn't do themselves any favors the last election and until they prove themselves in an election their polls are as good as mud for me.

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EKOS/iPolitics poll - June 21-26

New Democrats 32%

Conservatives 29%

Liberals 19%

Greens 9%



You have to love those EKOS polls that don't add up to 100%. Must be why they always short-change real CPC support by at least 5%.

oh my! Is this the booster club best? Here... let me add in the missing decimal points... and the other... OTHER! :lol:

New Democrats 32.4%

Conservatives 29.3%

Liberals 19.2%

Greens 9.5%

BLOC 6.5%

OTHER 2.9%

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308 makes these seat predictions, but I don't really trust them. Elections are won and lost at the riding level, but these polls are always conducted nationally.

They have a horrible track record for seat predictions I don't know why anyone would trust them. I understand the method but there is to little info in polls in Canada to do what they try to do.

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They have a horrible track record for seat predictions I don't know why anyone would trust them. I understand the method but there is to little info in polls in Canada to do what they try to do.

His track record hasn't been that bad, he's done quite well in provincial elections. The last federal election he was off but for good reason, we had huge swings in party support for the NDP, Liberals and Bloc so it was very difficult to predict what would happen. He's also relying on pollsters who have been off too.

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