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First Nations peoples are being eradicated by

Guest Peeves

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Nope it doesn't.

The key is that genocide is directed a a specific group with the intention of reducing the populations of that group. Thus, all First Nations people were targeted by the government when Residential Schools were implemented with the specific goal of erasing the Indian in the child.

LMAO, you're saying the Canadian government committed genocide against the natives

Dude, you are a laugh and a half

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However, it was widely held that Indian Agents would use alcohol at meetings to get them to surrender land. After the Royal Proclamation 1763 it was prohibited for anyone but the Crown to obtain land.

You've got the cart before the horse here. Indian Agents were functionaries of the federal Territorial government, and didn't exist before the 1870s, a century after the Proclamation of 1763.

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real canadian? how about a productive member of society which most are not because they pick up their cheques and waste it on drugs and alcohol, do you ever wonder why the high school graduation rate is low for them? They are given money for every time they pass a class ..I know because a quarter the people in my HS were native and barely any of them showed up

natives for the most part are a burden on our society

call me what you want to but I've lived around them my whole life and I will no longer be politically correct to appease the pansies

I'll call you a racist then.....

natives for the most part are a burden on our society

Not only are you absolutely full of sh$t but factually Aboriginal people contribute to the economy and pay as much in taxes as the rest of us. Making a generalized statement like you did is pure racism.

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You've got the cart before the horse here. Indian Agents were functionaries of the federal Territorial government, and didn't exist before the 1870s, a century after the Proclamation of 1763.

Did the Hudson Bay Company ply the natives with liquor?

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I'll call you a racist then.....

Not only are you absolutely full of sh$t but factually Aboriginal people contribute to the economy and pay as much in taxes as the rest of us. Making a generalized statement like you did is pure racism.

okay I'm racist then, so what, everybody is a racist some just don't put it out there in public.. most just keep in inside themselves

but hey if that makes you feel better to call me a racist all the power to you, I think you're full of shit myself so you're a shitist

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LMAO, you're saying the Canadian government committed genocide against the natives

Dude, you are a laugh and a half

In his apology to the survivors of Residential School, Harper admitted as much, that Canada did commit murder and neglect with an intent to wipe out Indians.

For more than a century, Indian Residential Schools separated over 150,000 Aboriginal children from their families and communities. In the 1870’s, the federal government, partly in order to meet its obligation to educate Aboriginal children, began to play a role in the development and administration of these schools. Two primary objectives of the Residential Schools system were to remove and isolate children from the influence of their homes, families, traditions and cultures, and to assimilate them into the dominant culture. These objectives were based on the assumption Aboriginal cultures and spiritual beliefs were inferior and unequal. Indeed, some sought, as it was infamously said, "to kill the Indian in the child". Today, we recognize that this policy of assimilation was wrong, has caused great harm, and has no place in our country.

The Government of Canada built an educational system in which very young children were often forcibly removed from their homes, often taken far from their communities. Many were inadequately fed, clothed and housed. All were deprived of the care and nurturing of their parents, grandparents and communities. First Nations, Inuit and Métis languages and cultural practices were prohibited in these schools. Tragically, some of these children died while attending residential schools and others never returned home.
To the approximately 80,000 living former students, and all family members and communities, the Government of Canada now recognizes that it was wrong to forcibly remove children from their homes and we apologize for having done this. We now recognize that it was wrong to separate children from rich and vibrant cultures and traditions that it created a void in many lives and communities, and we apologize for having done this. We now recognize that, in separating children from their families, we undermined the ability of many to adequately parent their own children and sowed the seeds for generations to follow, and we apologize for having done this. We now recognize that, far too often, these institutions gave rise to abuse or neglect and were inadequately controlled, and we apologize for failing to protect you. Not only did you suffer these abuses as children, but as you became parents, you were powerless to protect your own children from suffering the same experience, and for this we are sorry.

Prime Minister Harper offers full apology on behalf of Canadians for the Indian Residential Schools system

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Yes I have.

Go to AANDC and search on "First Nations trust". However, the consolidated trust is not found in any one location. You have to follow the court cases and accounting through 250 years of history.

The fact is that the Six Nations trust on its own merits is worth over $1 trillion and much of it has been embezzled (the government has admitted they are aware of the mis-dealings of Indian Agents) and used for things like the CN railway, the Welland Canal, Osgoode Hall and the failed Grand River Navigation Company, without repayment back to the fund. Nevertheless as a trustee the government has a fiduciary to account for all the money in the trust and maintain it with the interests specified by an Order in Council from 1820 on. By the way the trust was started in 1684 Howard Treaty when the Crown agreed to hold the payment for land in trust on behalf of Six Nations for their perpetual care. A forensic audit conducted by accountants retained by Six Nations actually has the fund at around $2 trillion but there are doubtful expenditures which put the reasonable minimum at $1 trillion. Six Nations is presently in Court to settle a portion of that account over lands sold to Brantford but never paid for.

Other First Nations are in similar situations with the Crown agreeing to hold the trust for gas, oil and timber royalties derived from their land, from the sale and settlement of land claims and for annuities promised in treaties and resource agreements. In all that would be a minimum of another $1 trillion.

This is pure unadulterated bullshit. I want a source, that is a real source, a link to prove any of this. You can engage in all the flights of fancy you want, but don't waste this board's time trying to sustain your arguments with fiction and wishful thinking. And don't tell other posters to go anywhere to verify your argument -- you're the one arguing the point, its up to you to prove it.

Oh, one more thing before I put you on ignore. The Six Nations didn't even reside in what is now Canada in 1684 unless some of the Iroquios who came up here to wipe out the Huron in 1648 hung around after the slaughter. They are from what is now New York state, and came north after the American Revolution as they had sided with the British during hostilities. So they are essentially refugees and have no claim on Canadian soil beyond what was agreed to accomodate wartime allies. They were given reserves at the pleasure of the Crown, all the rest of your so-called history is pure fiction.

Edited by prairiechickin
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okay I'm racist then, so what, everybody is a racist some just don't put it out there in public.. most just keep in inside themselves

but hey if that makes you feel better to call me a racist all the power to you, I think you're full of shit myself so you're a shitist

No. You are a limited breed. Few real Canadians think like you. They abhor the kind of ignorance and bigotry you espouse.

Thank God your days are limited. I would hate to think what would happen if you were given access to children.....

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No. You are a limited breed. Few real Canadians think like you. They abhor the kind of ignorance and bigotry you espouse.

Thank God your days are limited. I would hate to think what would happen if you were given access to children.....

I think Canadians are becoming less tolerant of people who expect a free ride

and my days are limited? sure, but I'll probably live longer than you

Edited by olp1fan
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This is pure unadulterated bullshit. I want a source, that is a real source, a link to prove any of this. You can engage in all the flights of fancy you want, but don't waste this board's time trying to sustain your arguments with fiction and wishful thinking. And don't tell other posters to go anywhere to verify your argument -- you're the one arguing the point, its up to you to prove it.

You are naive.

Not EVERYTHING can be found on the internet dude. The government hides lots of stuff from us. i.e. Wikileaks, RCMP abuses, government corruption etc. The trust is one of those things that has taken nearly 20 years for forensic audits to reveal. Six Nations is using theirs in court at present and all the information is in court records.

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I think Canadians are becoming less tolerant of people who expect a free ride

and my days are limited? sure, but I'll probably live longer than you

Not likely. Canadians are becoming less tolerant of people like you. Bigots and racists have no place in a civil society. And with an attitude like yours, you won't have much time left.

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if you edit your post there's a link at the bottom of the message window that says "configure post options." Within that linkn is a checkbox that says "Enable emoticons?" If you deselect this box, you won't get that stupid sunglasses guy in your post.

I don't think anyone is really aware of this because it always comes up when people try to type b, bracket. ---> B)

Aha! It worked. Thanks cybercoma.

Any ideas about the © ? :)

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Not likely. Canadians are becoming less tolerant of people like you. Bigots and racists have no place in a civil society. And with an attitude like yours, you won't have much time left.

I don't understand, I don't have much time left? what is going to happen to me? am I going to get genocided by tolerant canadians such as yourself?

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okay I'm racist then, so what, everybody is a racist some just don't put it out there in public.. most just keep in inside themselves

but hey if that makes you feel better to call me a racist all the power to you, I think you're full of shit myself so you're a shitist

Pretty easy to say when you're one of the privileged ones that doesn't face racism and sexism on a daily basis.

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You are naive.

Not EVERYTHING can be found on the internet dude. The government hides lots of stuff from us. i.e. Wikileaks, RCMP abuses, government corruption etc. The trust is one of those things that has taken nearly 20 years for forensic audits to reveal. Six Nations is using theirs in court at present and all the information is in court records.

Ahh, its a giant conspiracy then known only to you and a select few of your friends? Why don't you tighten down your tinfoil hat and go find a forum dedicated to Canadian fiction, some people are trying to have a serious discussion here.

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Aboriginal children are the poorest in the country


According to the report, First Nations children face terrible daily living conditions and are more likely than other Canadian children to suffer health problems. Among the problems listed:

One aboriginal child in eight is disabled, double the rate of all children in Canada.

Among First Nations children, 43 per cent lack basic dental care.

Overcrowding among First Nations families is double the rate of that for all Canadian families.

Mould contaminates almost half of all First Nations households.

Almost half of aboriginal children under 15 years old residing in urban areas live with a single parent.

Close to 100 First Nations communities must boil their water.

Of all off-reserve aboriginal children, 40 per cent live in poverty.

Is this that Native culture that is oh so important to bleeding heart liberals? If they were treated the same as everyone else things would be a lot better because they wouldn't be reliant on their elders or the government to give them money and do things for them

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This is lack of public housing, education, medical care, and proper water treatment facilities. All of those things are covered by the various levels of government in non-aboriginal communities. A lack of those services is a direct result of the federal government not doing their job, since Reserves do not fall under municipal or federal jurisdiction. If those conditions existed anywhere else, the government would respond immediately, as they did in Wiarton, as they do when schools are on contaminated properties or have mice infestations, as they do when public housing has sewage backups or there aren't enough homes to go around, etc. etc. etc. That's not Native culture and it's insulting that you would even say that. Actually, it's racist. This is the culture of poverty, due to us robbing them of their land and making it impossible for them to maintain their way of life and allow their culture to grow natural. This is a result of the Crown making promises to them and never backing them up. And this is the result of generations of abuse in residential schools and racism in public.

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This is lack of public housing, education, medical care, and proper water treatment facilities. All of those things are covered by the various levels of government in non-aboriginal communities. A lack of those services is a direct result of the federal government not doing their job, since Reserves do not fall under municipal or federal jurisdiction. If those conditions existed anywhere else, the government would respond immediately, as they did in Wiarton, as they do when schools are on contaminated properties or have mice infestations, as they do when public housing has sewage backups or there aren't enough homes to go around, etc. etc. etc.

Give me a break, the native leadership are the ones at fault..they give themselves lavish salaries and pork barrel while barely half of it goes to the people and infrastructure

There is a reason they don't want anyone micromanaging their money...gravy train ride would be OVER

but hey whatever, blame the government for everything, you do it anyway

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Give me a break, the native leadership are the ones at fault..they give themselves lavish salaries and pork barrel while barely half of it goes to the people and infrastructure

There is a reason they don't want anyone micromanaging their money...gravy train ride would be OVER

but hey whatever, blame the government for everything, you do it anyway

More assumptions without proof. The Chief of Attawapiskat was making less than $70,000/year. She's responsible for administrating what every level of government administrates on her reserve. You're so full of crap it's disgusting.

Even if she paid herself $500,000 per year, subtract what you think she should make out of that and the amount that's left over wouldn't even be enough money to make the slightest dent in the problems that they have.

To make matters worse, you've provided no evidence to indicate that this is a systemic problem. Instead you're just pulling garbage out of your backside that supports your racist bias.

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she made 70,000 a year for doing what exactly? did you see the conditions on that reserve?

and now that a third party management is going to come in and help her shes resisting it

why does she want her people to die in squalor?

WHy does the government send an accountant when they should be sending engineers and doctors?

And if you don't know what a Chief's responsibilities are, then I recommend you educate yourself before you make any claims about what their value is. You're completely clueless, yet you think you can put a pricetag on their worth. What a joke.

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