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Newfoundland and Labrador General Election

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Newfoundland and Labrador's next election is going to be held on October 11, 2011, and I'm hoping some people are interested in discussing it.

In the last little while there has been a poll released showing that the Progressive Conservatives led by Premier Kathy Dunderdale have dropped to 57% in opinion polls while the NDP has soared to likely historic levels and are statistically tied with the Liberal Party, the NDP are at 20% while the Liberals are at 22%. According to Threehundredeight.com this would lead to the NDP forming the Official Opposition, though without regional results it is hard to know what will happen. The NDP have become the alternative to the PCs in the St. John's Area while in rural Newfoundlan and Labrador the Liberals are for the most part the alternative.

At the moment the Progressive Conservatives have 43 of the 48 seats in the House of Assembly, they've been opening nominations in districts currently held by members for the last couple of months and have 34 incumbents nominated. At the moment two members have announced they will not be seeking re-election and there will likely be a few others who call it quits as well.

The Liberals currently hold four seats, they've been opening nominations in some districts recently and have eight candidates in place. Only their leader and one other MHA are running for re-election, out of the six other candiates they have in place one is a former MHA and two others have previously ran for the party.

NDP leader Lorraine Michael is the party's only MHA. For I believe the first time the party has been opening nominations in districts months before the election, in the past I think they have waited till the election was called and then just basically appointed candidates. The party has only nominated a full slate of candidates once and that was years ago. So far the party has four candidates in place, including the leader, and nominations are closing in another district soon. Two of the candidates seem pretty strong, compared to the ones they normally attract, and there is talk that they are trying to lure a City Councillor in St. John's to run for them who would likely have a good chance of taking out an incumbent Progressive Conservative.

There's likely not many, if any, Newfoundlanders and Labradorians here but hopefully people will contribute and I'll do my best to update.

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There must not have been an online story written on this over the last day but next week the PCs will be having a very interesting nomination race, former Member of Parliament Rex Barnes is challenging PC incumbent Ray Hunter in Grand Falls-Windsor-Green Bay South. For reasons I'm not really sure of Hunter isn't very popular within the party and I've heard that MHAs in neighbouring districts are supporting Barnes. While I'm writing this I realize it does not sound the least bit exciting.

Here's an old story on it. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/newfoundland-labrador/story/2011/02/16/nl-barnes-hunter-216.html

Out of the 34 incumbents that have been nominated over the last few months for the PCs only two have faced competetion, and both have won landslide victories. John Dinn who represents the St. John's district of Kilbride, a former community, took something like 88% of the vote in the nomination, he is the King of Kilbride though. Then Keith Hutchings who represnts a district that takes in part of St. John's and then a huge rural area faced two competitors, the turnout was probably as high as it would be for an election and as expected Hutchings won huge majority.

The PCs only have 13 districts left to open nominations in, including the five districts they don't currently hold and the two where the incumbents announced they are not running. I have a feeling these districts were left till now on purpose, it is still rumoured that several of the incumbents that hold these districts will not run for re-election and other incumbents may face tough competition for the PC nomination. So I'd say the known nomination races were left till last.

Edited by Newfoundlander
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I just finished listening to a CBC radio podcast which is a few weeks old, it's an interview with the former Liberal minister John Efford, former PC minister Trevor Taylor and former NL NDP President Nancy Riche. The three discussed provincial politics and the most recent poll by CRA. Efford, who came under fire a while back for "nearly" suggesting that Liberal leader Yvonne Jones should resign, spoke about how the New Democrat Party's recent growth in support could be trouble for the Liberals and that if the NDP put forward credible candidates Liberal support could flow to them. Efford ran for the leadership of the Liberals when Brian Tobin resigned as premier so him making comments like this are a pretty big deal. He also mentioned that while the Liberals have seen a slight rise in support in recent months he thinks the party is worse off now then they were earlier in the year due to the NDP's support rising. Hopefully he is correct.

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I just finished listening to a CBC radio podcast which is a few weeks old, it's an interview with the former Liberal minister John Efford, former PC minister Trevor Taylor and former NL NDP President Nancy Riche. The three discussed provincial politics and the most recent poll by CRA. Efford, who came under fire a while back for "nearly" suggesting that Liberal leader Yvonne Jones should resign, spoke about how the New Democrat Party's recent growth in support could be trouble for the Liberals and that if the NDP put forward credible candidates Liberal support could flow to them. Efford ran for the leadership of the Liberals when Brian Tobin resigned as premier so him making comments like this are a pretty big deal. He also mentioned that while the Liberals have seen a slight rise in support in recent months he thinks the party is worse off now then they were earlier in the year due to the NDP's support rising. Hopefully he is correct.

If your people vote IN the NDP, just be thankful that yours is a "have" province, because you will need all of that money for them to hand out to everybody and group that asks for it.

What was the name of the Premier who went up against Quebec when they were trying to separate? Everyone loved him and we said if Newfoundlanders don't want him Ontario will gladly have him. Every now and then we get some great leaders who will fight for Canada.

I heard some N.L. people saying that if Quebec left it would be a shorter drive to Ontario. :D

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If your people vote IN the NDP, just be thankful that yours is a "have" province, because you will need all of that money for them to hand out to everybody and group that asks for it.

What was the name of the Premier who went up against Quebec when they were trying to separate? Everyone loved him and we said if Newfoundlanders don't want him Ontario will gladly have him. Every now and then we get some great leaders who will fight for Canada.

I heard some N.L. people saying that if Quebec left it would be a shorter drive to Ontario. :D

The NDP will not form the government, but they do have the potential of winning a handful of seats and overtaking the Liberal Party.

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I read today in a blog that there are still rumours that Liberal leader Yvonne Jones may be replaced before October in favour of the Liberal Party's version of Danny Williams. That'd be huge for them but I'd rather see them come up with some policies, like the federal Liberals they are all about power.

You mean like all Liberal parties in Canada.

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The NDP have three more candidates in place, for a total of eight, and have another six districts open. The Liberals have 11 candidates in place and have not called nominations in any other districts. Nominations for the PCs in the usually safe Liberal seat of Port de Grave closed today, six candidates are running for the nomination. I believe I read that there was only one other time the PCs had more then one candidate come forward in this district and that was back I think in the 80's when two people ran for the nomination. The Liberal incumbent in this district is not running. The Liberal party selected their candidate a few weeks ago, two people came forward, and the loser who was a longtime Liberal supporter and organizer was not happy with the outcome and by the sounds of it he won't be helping out the candidate.

There was also a story on the news about NDP support in St. John's, in the provincial election in 2007 they garnered over 6,000 votes in the city and in May the federal NDP got 50,000 votes in the two St. John's ridings. The federal NDP have benefited from dissatisfied Progressive Conservatives who don't like Harper and his Conservatives and also won't vote Liberal, this won't happen as much provincially.

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The NDP have announced that the Torbay Deputy Mayor Geoff Gallant is seeking the nomination in the district of Cape St. Francis, Torbay is the biggest town in this particular district. Gallant is fairly young and was only elected to council in 2009, but he became Deputy Mayor by winning the most votes for a councilor. He'll likely place second in the election, though there is no Liberal candidate in place, but this district will once again stay PC blue under incumbent Kevin Parsons like it has for the 40 odd years.

Consumer Advocate George Murphy will also run for the NDP nomination in St. John's. He'll likely get the nomination though it may be contested, there were rumours a city councilor may run in that district for them. I believe St. John's East is there best chance at picking up a seat and Murphy may be the guy to do it. He's well known because he tells us what to expect at the gas pumps each week. He's was a prominent Liberal up until last year when he switched to the NDP, he ran in a by-election for the party last December placing second with 26% of the vote. It was no surprise the PCs would win that by-election but that was a strong showing for the NDP, he increased the party's support by 15% taking support from both the Liberals and PCs.

The Progressive Conservatives don't have their candidate in place for St. John's East yet. They have an incumbent in the district but have yet to nominate him, which is very odd seeing he's only been in politics four years. This seat has been solidly PC for years but the NDP candidates have always outperformed their party in this district, as well the PCs current incumbent isn't as high profile as other area MHAs. The Liberals likely won't even be an option in St. John's.

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The NDP have announced that the Torbay Deputy Mayor Geoff Gallant is seeking the nomination in the district of Cape St. Francis, Torbay is the biggest town in this particular district. Gallant is fairly young and was only elected to council in 2009, but he became Deputy Mayor by winning the most votes for a councilor. He'll likely place second in the election, though there is no Liberal candidate in place, but this district will once again stay PC blue under incumbent Kevin Parsons like it has for the 40 odd years.

Consumer Advocate George Murphy will also run for the NDP nomination in St. John's. He'll likely get the nomination though it may be contested, there were rumours a city councilor may run in that district for them. I believe St. John's East is there best chance at picking up a seat and Murphy may be the guy to do it. He's well known because he tells us what to expect at the gas pumps each week. He's was a prominent Liberal up until last year when he switched to the NDP, he ran in a by-election for the party last December placing second with 26% of the vote. It was no surprise the PCs would win that by-election but that was a strong showing for the NDP, he increased the party's support by 15% taking support from both the Liberals and PCs.

The Progressive Conservatives don't have their candidate in place for St. John's East yet. They have an incumbent in the district but have yet to nominate him, which is very odd seeing he's only been in politics four years. This seat has been solidly PC for years but the NDP candidates have always outperformed their party in this district, as well the PCs current incumbent isn't as high profile as other area MHAs. The Liberals likely won't even be an option in St. John's.

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Government Services Minister Harry Harding has become the seventh PC, and third cabinet minister, to announce he will not be seeking re-election this October. Rumours that he would not seek re-election started a few months back, which is a little surprising because he was only sworn into cabinet late last year. This will be the final PC to retire, the only other PC incumbent not nominated is Ed Buckingham and I expect his district to be called over the next few days. Buckingham was off sick which is likely the reason behind his district being called so late. The party also has their first non-incumbent nominated, Dan Crummell was nominated tonight in St. John's West. The party also has a nomination battle tomorrow night in Mount Pearl South against two city councilors, and another nomination race should be held later this week in Bonavista North.

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If your people vote IN the NDP, just be thankful that yours is a "have" province, because you will need all of that money for them to hand out to everybody and group that asks for it.

What was the name of the Premier who went up against Quebec when they were trying to separate? Everyone loved him and we said if Newfoundlanders don't want him Ontario will gladly have him. Every now and then we get some great leaders who will fight for Canada.

I heard some N.L. people saying that if Quebec left it would be a shorter drive to Ontario. :D

All; it takes is ONE NDP government in most provinces.

Do I remember correctly that in the election after the NDP "governed" Ontario that they were reduced to begging the new government for official party status even tho their seat numbers were too low to qualify??

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All; it takes is ONE NDP government in most provinces.

Do I remember correctly that in the election after the NDP "governed" Ontario that they were reduced to begging the new government for official party status even tho their seat numbers were too low to qualify??

Seems to me that the NDP government in NS is doing just fine, and the one in Manitoba is on the way up.

You should probably stop using the one bad example and trying to apply it to all of the NDP. Canadians are not buying it.

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Seems to me that the NDP government in NS is doing just fine, and the one in Manitoba is on the way up.

You should probably stop using the one bad example and trying to apply it to all of the NDP. Canadians are not buying it.

Because of the NDP Nova Scotians have the highest taxes in the country and their GDP growth lags all other provinces.

The NDP will have difficulty forming the Official Opposition in Newfoundland and Labrador, let alone form the government.

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Because of the NDP Nova Scotians have the highest taxes in the country and their GDP growth lags all other provinces.

The NDP will have difficulty forming the Official Opposition in Newfoundland and Labrador, let alone form the government.

Except you are lying about the highest taxes in the country part. AS for their GDP growth while slow this year NDP NS also has the smallest GDP dip in the recession being one of only 2 provinces to post positive growth in 2009. I also see you don't mention that the NS NDP inherited the most indebted province per capita from a PC government and stop the bleeding so much in 2 years that NS no longer has that title. Thanks for the lies though they are always appreciated keep spreading them so we know not to take you seriously.

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All; it takes is ONE NDP government in most provinces.

Do I remember correctly that in the election after the NDP "governed" Ontario that they were reduced to begging the new government for official party status even tho their seat numbers were too low to qualify??

Grant Devine!

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Except you are lying about the highest taxes in the country part. AS for their GDP growth while slow this year NDP NS also has the smallest GDP dip in the recession being one of only 2 provinces to post positive growth in 2009. I also see you don't mention that the NS NDP inherited the most indebted province per capita from a PC government and stop the bleeding so much in 2 years that NS no longer has that title. Thanks for the lies though they are always appreciated keep spreading them so we know not to take you seriously.

A report released in the last couple of months stated that Nova Scotia has the highest taxes, you dummy.

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