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The Two Ignatieffs


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The Two Ignatieffs

I thought this was an interesting read. Up until late February or early March I was actually quite interested in what Ignatieff would try to do with the LPC. From some of his articles and whatnot he struck me as a VERY PRACTICAL man who looked at things realistically rather than from a fluffy 'should/would/it would be nice to' sort of way. I actually respected and believed in his better of evils articles and whatnot.

Then after the coalition fizzled out and the CPC proposed the government, we got a real taste of how all over the place he is. There was the budget "There's not enough stimulus/They are spending too much," the asbestos, the fluffy concessions he's demanded, the EI debate (why on Earth would he come up with that as a big issue?) now the election ads that approach Harper-esque levels of cheesiness and inanity.

I think Harper is a bit of a tool himself nowadays, but in my mind Ignatieff has erased any perception that I might have had that the Liberals had turned around from Dion stupidity to some semblance of sensibility.

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What do you mean make up your mind?

Ignatieff hasn't committed really to anything since he took over the Liberal Party. He's the king of flip-flop right now and I don't understand anything about what he wants to do other than that he wants to make EI easier for a lot of deadbeats to take advantage of. Given his history, I don't even think he actually believes in the idea himself.

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What do you mean make up your mind?

Ignatieff hasn't committed really to anything since he took over the Liberal Party. He's the king of flip-flop right now and I don't understand anything about what he wants to do other than that he wants to make EI easier for a lot of deadbeats to take advantage of. Given his history, I don't even think he actually believes in the idea himself.

I think that he wants to be prime minister, and has been looking for an opportunity to make it so. EI is something to take a stance on, and should receive the backing of most of the country. Also sick and tired of being the enabler for the Conservatives continuing to govern.

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Ignatieff hasn't committed really to anything since he took over the Liberal Party. He's the king of flip-flop right now.

A Prime Minister now seeking a deal with those he recently derided as `socialists' is the greater hypocrite. Iggy's been as stable as Birkenstocks; hasn't lied to the country numerous times, hasn't alienated the entire province of Quebec...

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The Two Ignatieffs

I thought this was an interesting read. Up until late February or early March I was actually quite interested in what Ignatieff would try to do with the LPC. From some of his articles and whatnot he struck me as a VERY PRACTICAL man who looked at things realistically rather than from a fluffy 'should/would/it would be nice to' sort of way. I actually respected and believed in his better of evils articles and whatnot.

Then after the coalition fizzled out and the CPC proposed the government, we got a real taste of how all over the place he is. There was the budget "There's not enough stimulus/They are spending too much," the asbestos, the fluffy concessions he's demanded, the EI debate (why on Earth would he come up with that as a big issue?) now the election ads that approach Harper-esque levels of cheesiness and inanity.

I think Harper is a bit of a tool himself nowadays, but in my mind Ignatieff has erased any perception that I might have had that the Liberals had turned around from Dion stupidity to some semblance of sensibility.

What I think this country needs isn't a necessarily a change in government but a change in leadership. We need a tough leader to make tough decisions that may not make everyone happy in the short term, a majority government would be a good start.

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A Prime Minister now seeking a deal with those he recently derided as `socialists' is the greater hypocrite. Iggy's been as stable as Birkenstocks; hasn't lied to the country numerous times, hasn't alienated the entire province of Quebec...

Ignatieff hasn't lied to the country? More like he hasn't stuck to a position strong enough or long enough to have it really questioned. This guy's positions are about as substantial as a fart.

I certainly can't say Harper's a saint. He leaves a lot of room for the opposition to gain the advantage and put forward a better alternative. Ignatieff, however, seems to have the political convictions and instincts of a wet noodle.

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A Prime Minister now seeking a deal with those he recently derided as `socialists' is the greater hypocrite.

Seeling a deal? Why would Hrper need to seek anything? He is leading the polls over the Liberals who have gotten no bounce from their newfound spine, and Jack Layton is desperate not to have an election right now. Jacks one and only hopoe is that soemhow he'll get a little airtime in the next few months, wait until he gets the govt handout funding in January, then tread water in an election he'll try to pretend was not his doing.

The worst Harper can do right now is another minority.

If the separatists and socialists attempt another coalition coup immediately thereafter, many of them will be hung from lamp posts.

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