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Caledonia Needs Your Help

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Lets put it this way - the Native elders have figured out one thing and are now using it to their advantage - that the lawyers dealing with Caledonia and their handlers are actually a big crimminal gang - Looking back on the Harris days - everyone knows that all of Harris' friends and handlers were and are common elite crooks - so the natives who probably have dirt on the white guys are probably have them in a dreadful holding partern due to old fashioned black mail ----- one thing the white crooks have taught the Natives is how to be more sophisticated crimminals -------and if you expect justice and a solution to the Caladonian issue - you can wait for eternity - till we find some lawyers and perhaps some independent non-crook appointed judges....AND THAT IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN - our system is controlled and totally corrupt - but very clean and presentable...on the outside!

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I "suspect" you have been kicked a couple of times. That is not against the rules. However, presenting a name might be and I'm not as foolish as you to fall into that trap.

No, I've never been kicked out, so I don't know what you're talking about. Implying that I am someone else is against forum rules. You have been warned. Next time you do it, I WILL report you.

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No, I've never been kicked out, so I don't know what you're talking about. Implying that I am someone else is against forum rules. You have been warned. Next time you do it, I WILL report you.

No body with any sense presents the name...of anyone...that would be a breach of trust - right or wrong - honour must be maintained.

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Lets put it this way - the Native elders have figured out one thing and are now using it to their advantage - that the lawyers dealing with Caledonia and their handlers are actually a big crimminal gang - Looking back on the Harris days - everyone knows that all of Harris' friends and handlers were and are common elite crooks - so the natives who probably have dirt on the white guys are probably have them in a dreadful holding partern due to old fashioned black mail ----- one thing the white crooks have taught the Natives is how to be more sophisticated crimminals -------and if you expect justice and a solution to the Caladonian issue - you can wait for eternity - till we find some lawyers and perhaps some independent non-crook appointed judges....AND THAT IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN - our system is controlled and totally corrupt - but very clean and presentable...on the outside!

"Justice" is already happening in Caledonia. The OPP are no longer being used as pawns to do the government's dirty works. The Supreme Court is making ruling after ruling saying that not only do natives have a right to reclaim their lands and stop development, but that injunctions cannot be used to defend 3rd party interests when the Crown has failed to consult. The courts have ruled that severe penalties for protest or other actions that led to violence cannot be used when the offender is not a risk to his own community.

The government and the municipalities have their backs against the wall. We must negotiate and accommodate in a conciliatory way. We can no longer push and pave over lands under claim and must now find an amicable way to settle our differences. We'll have to swallow our pride and our egos to find solutions but at the end of the day Natives are right.

Essentially the courts, in view the fact the people like Gary Mchale got punched in the face trying to stir up shit, are saying he deserved it. And the Shawn Brants of this world play an important part in Natives demanding change to our violent and unjust ways of the past.

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No, I've never been kicked out, so I don't know what you're talking about. Implying that I am someone else is against forum rules. You have been warned. Next time you do it, I WILL report you.

Sure....what ever you say can't be trusted. But I still suspect that you did. And I also suspect that you hold other monikers here under reserve for the next time you get might get booted.

All this from someone who claims he never hides behind fake names and always uses his real name.

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Sure....what ever you say can't be trusted. But I still suspect that you did. And I also suspect that you hold other monikers here under reserve for the next time you get might get booted.

All this from someone who claims he never hides behind fake names and always uses his real name.

People of influence read this stuff on occassion - bickering lowers the reputation of the site...Not wanting to meddle in your distrusts..all I can say is at least try to follow the lead of the more sophisticated members - they are well educated, highly informed and no nonsense types...get back on track...If you have a liar in your midst..let him continue - I am sure you can handle it with more confidence and wisdom.

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1. To request the Premier of Ontario to immediately launch a public inquiry into the actions and decisions made by the Commissioner of the OPP Julian Fantino and impose his immediate suspension without pay and upon confirmation of the facts, his immediate resignation.

2. To request the Premier Of Ontario to immediately launch a public inquiry...

Premiers don't call public inquiries, lieutenant-governors do. Same for appointing or suspending the Chief of the OPP. Your case would go further, I imagine, if it at least showed the author was aware of basic provincial civics.

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Sure....what ever you say can't be trusted. But I still suspect that you did. And I also suspect that you hold other monikers here under reserve for the next time you get might get booted.

All this from someone who claims he never hides behind fake names and always uses his real name.

Yeah, and coming from you, who looked like a complete fool over the whoe Lovelace v. Ontario thing... can't get your cases right, can't even cite them properly, yet you think your "historical research" or knowledge of the Canadian legal system has any merit... hardly... :rolleyes:

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Premiers don't call public inquiries, lieutenant-governors do. Same for appointing or suspending the Chief of the OPP. Your case would go further, I imagine, if it at least showed the author was aware of basic provincial civics.

The framer of the petition is an amateur politician and a professional vigilante . Like Gary McHale their whole purpose in being in Caledonia is to stir up crap. They are not interested in "justice" or in equality. They change their mind about issues like McHale changes his Depends.

I might have agreed that perhaps we could look at the OPP and Fantino in light of the post Ipperwash Report. While the OPP had claimed there were measures put in place to curb racism and violent responses to native protests, they have demonstrated over the last 3 years at Caledonia and Deseronto, that violence and racism are still very much at the centre of their aboriginal policy. And their chief policy maker Fantino, is not beyond lying and threatening violence in order to achieve an end.

If someone other than McHale or his band of violent instigators were to put up a petition looking into these kinds of things, I would have been inclined to sign it. But knowing it comes from Ken Hewitt who is a close friend and who I understand may be financially supporting McHale is like trying to force milk down the throat of a lactose intolerant projectile-vomit baby. The after affects of getting involved with either of them would have the province sick from both ends.

In any case, even if they do get ther 10,000 signatures that Toby Barrett, MPP says he needs before he is willing to present it (which I doubt) it is highly unlikely that the Premier or the Lieutenant Governor would waste the tax-payers money on something that was created by McHale (who as already cost the taxpayers $millions). Once the media dies down on this it will be as dead as McHale's thinking process.

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The framer of the petition is an amateur politician and a professional vigilante .

He is a failed amateur politician. I don't believe he is professional vigilante or a vigilante at all. He did speak out loudly and boldly in favour of paying the land developer a huge sum of money, and lobbied the public to make certain that the land developer got a substantial figure. A figure envied by every other land developer lining up at the trough.

It was clear from the get go, that he was behaving like a Liberal Hack and in the interests of a Land Developer who had laid the groundwork for a sweetheart deal prior to the development (IIRC).

Don't forget this stuff

Remember that Leaked Liberal Plan that said that the Alliance was going to play more of a political role in the future. Remember how Ken Hewitt on CHTV told the public that they had not received any money from the Liberal Party. Remember the Leaked Plan stated that the Alliance would play a role in the upcoming local elections and that the Alliance was really a Liberal friendly Spokesman.

Since Ken Hewitt's denial of such things, we have posted the Alliance did in fact receive Liberal money via the Liberal grants to local businesses. The Alliance is not a business and as such doesn't qualify for such a grant.

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Petition asks for inquiry into Fantino and OPP


Posted 17 hours ago

On Wednesday afternoon, a man came into The Chronicle office to sign a petition that asks for an inquiry into the actions and decisions of OPP Commissioner Julian Fantino and into the OPP actions in Caledonia over the past three years.

His signature will be one of 10,000 collected by April when the petition will be taken to the Ontario legislature.

Launched last week by Caledonia residents Dave Brown and Ken Hewitt, the petition had about 2,500 supporters by Jan. 14. Through the petition, they are asking for an immediate and unpaid suspension for Fantino while the inquiry into his actions is underway.

In the petition's background statement, organizers said police violations of the Criminal Code and the Police Services Act have been documented. They also say the people of Ontario have the right to know the true costs of policing in Caledonia.

Anyone who has signed the petition on the internet will have to sign a hard copy which is the legally accepted document to have their voices heard. Copies are available at The Chronicle office and at the Dunnville Chamber of Commerce office. If the petition is not available at the chamber's front desk, people are encouraged to ask as it may be in Haldimand Norfolk MPP Toby Barrett's office.

This week Brown delivered copies to stores and restaurants in Cayuga, Hagersville, Jarvis and Dunnville.

Hewitt said he had requests for copies from Ottawa, Barrie, London, Thorold, Niagara Falls, Toronto and Hamilton.

"It's exploding," said Brown. "I can't believe how powerful it's getting...It's overwhelming the amount of people who support this."

"We just need law enforcement," he added.

PLEASE SEE "REQUESTS" To pack the biggest wallop with politicians and media, Hewitt planned to deliver the petition to Queens Park during the week of April 12. He wanted 1,000 people to come with him. Progressive Conservative leader John Tory will sign the petition before presenting it in the legislature, he added.

Anticipating a large gathering, Hewitt said the timing will coincide with the third anniversary of the April 20 OPP raid on Douglas Creek Estates.

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In February 2006, several persons from Six Nations moved into the subdivision construction site claiming it as part of their people's territory. The Caledonia property is within the Haldimand Tract that extends six miles from both sides of the Grand River. Granted in 1784 to Six Nations by Sir Frederick Haldimand, the land replaced territory lost when they fought with the British in the American War of Independence.

What threw Hewitt over the edge was Fantino's endorsement of Clyde Powless, a Six Nations resident. He faced mischief charges for allegedly pulling a hydro tower across Argyle Street South on Dec. 1 during a smoke shop protest. In his letter, Fantino said Powless has acted as a negotiator and a go-between for his people and OPP.

Reporters and politicians have seen Powless acting in that capacity at a few incidents over the past three years.

Fantino crossed the line in submitting that letter of support and is no longer unbiased or neutral, said Hewitt.

"I think he needs to go," said Dunnville resident Dennis James. "We need someone who can abide by the rules...Breaking the law is breaking the law no matter what race you are."

He believed political influence was the biggest problem in the immediate area.

Hamilton police officer David Hartless signed the petition as did other officers including some OPP members, he said. Eager to see an inquiry into what was really going on, the Caledonia resident will ask more officers and friends to sign.

This is being done professionally without blocking any roads or burning not even one tire, said Hartless. Ultimately an inquiry will make sure no one else has to endure what Caledonia residents have, he pointed out.

OPP are following flawed recommendations from the Ipperwash Inquiry, stated Hewitt. Five years ago, Premier Dalton McGuinty ordered the inquiry to look into the death of Dudley George and to determine how to avoid a fatality can be prevented in future land claim disputes.

In Sept. 1995, George was one of the natives who moved into the Ipperwash Provincial Park. In a confrontation between protesters and police, a shot was fired and mortally wounded him.

"It will bring a lot of things out in the open," said James of a Caledonia inquiry. "This is going to open up coast to coast."

Failure is not an option according to South Cayuga resident Donna Pitcher. "We will be relentless with this...and we will accept nothing but an inquiry being done," she said.

Barrett signed the petition. An attempt to confirm reports that MP Diane Finley only signed for the OPP inquiry was not successful. Her communication director Julie Vaux replied by email saying policing is a provincial matter.

"What I can say is that Minister Finley supports her constituents and shares their frustrations as we approach the third anniversary of the Caledonia occupation," stated Vaux.

Calling from an agricultural meeting in Canfield, Barrett said he suggested that Hewitt bring the petition to his New Year levee on Jan. 11 in Caledonia. The MPP only signed in support of the public inquiry into OPP actions.

As a publicly elected servant, he said he could not stick his nose into court issues so he did not sign for the Fantino inquiry.

In June 2006, Tory formally tabled a call for an inquiry and it was passed in the legislature but no action has been taken on it. Now Barrett was in full support of this new campaign for an inquiry as it will reveal solid factual evidence and hopefully will come up with a better approach to dealing with land claims.

Barrett gave petition organizers credit for their responsible approach in seeking answers. This conscious effort also takes off the pressure as the third anniversary of Feb. 28 is looming, he added.

After the petition was launched,

Gary McHale who founded the Caledonia Wake Up Call web site challenged Haldimand County council members to show their support for residents by signing the petition. Councillors Craig Grice, Buck Sloat and Leroy Bartlett did. Mayor Marie Trainer did not.

Even though she agreed with an inquiry, she felt she could not sign since she had testified about two-tier policing in McHale's bail condition hearings. She is also a member of the county's police services board and soon council will be asked to enter into another contract with OPP.

"I thought it just wasn't appropriate (to sign for an inquiry into Fantino)," said Trainer. "He might think I was picking on him."

The mayor hoped the general inquiry will look into the handling of the entire situation, the change in OPP policing on Sixth Line and damage to and blockage of county roads.

Caledonia's councillor Craig Grice, who signed for both questions, said an inquiry was needed so residents can regain power over their daily life. This petition is a quiet form of protest without commotion on the streets, he added

"Every time a skirmish happens, OPP say the peace was kept but the peace should not have broken down," he said.

As a result, many Caledonia residents no longer have respect for OPP, he added.

Some people have asked him to bring them a copy of the petition to sign. "There are a lot of residents who are afraid to sign the petition (in a public place) for fear of repercussions," said Grice who will not vote in favour of a new OPP contract.

According to Pitcher, the petition holds a lot of weight for people because it was launched by county residents. In the same way people rallied in opposition of the proposed sale of Haldimand County Hydro, people are putting their differences aside to work for the common goal of an inquiry, she added.

When $100 million in taxpayers' money is spent as it has been in Haldimand County, an inquiry should automatically be done, said Pitcher of making the government accountable.

Mary Lou LaPratte said an inquiry was essential because the situation in Caledonia has gone beyond the bounds of ethics and beyond Fantino. She hoped the inquiry will be successful with all interested parties allowed to testify. This inquiry will not be about how someone was killed but will be about the actual actions of police and their failure to follow the Police Services Act, she pointed out.

"There is a real scandal about to unfold," said LaPratte.

Two tier justice started in 1992 in her community, West Ipperwash and 17 years later it continues in some ways, said LaPratte who has moved to another community. Race-based policing was adopted more widely after the inquiry and resulted in decreased protection from extremists, she p>At an informal session with the Ipperwash inquiry commissioner, residents voiced their concerns and provided recommendations on how to better take non-native interests into consideration during land claim disputes. None were added into the final report, said LaPratte.

Also disturbing was the OPP's approach of arresting people to prevent them from getting hurt by extremists, said LaPratte. This is comparable to a dictatorship in a Third World country, she added.

At least one supporter of Six Nations has signed the petition. Hamilton resident Connie Kidd only agreed to an inquiry into the actions and decisions of the OPP.

This will be a follow up on how the OPP are implementing Ipperwash Inquiry recommendations and if they are doing it right and if it worked, she added.

The findings would be very useful as a public information item for Canada, said Kidd. She also expected the inquiry would address laws and court precedents requiring government to consult and accommodate First Nations when their rights or lands were affected.

Kidd said the local dispute is the result of government failure to consult and accommodate Six Nations prior to development.

Michael Corrado, who is completing a residential development in Cayuga, said Haldimand County is no further ahead on the land dispute than three years ago. Now provincial taxpayers are facing tens of millions of dollars in expenses for policing, negotiator wages and court hearings.

He pointed out that this bill continues to grow when every tax dollar counts and the province is considering cutting social programs and going into deficit spending. The extraordinary costs for OPP is staggering, he noted.

"The residents of Haldimand County have taken the direct hit but so have the taxpayers of Ontario," added Corrado, who has not signed the petition.

Article ID# 1390271

I think the authors of this petition want to presume the outcome of a public inquiry, and are unnecessarily focusing a personal vendetta on Julian Fantino. Hewitt's nose is out of joint that he can't have Fantino's cell number. hahaha However, we all know that Hewitt would just harass Fantino, whereas Clyde Powless actually accomplishes something.

Ok, that's my personal opinion of the author(s). However, I do think a public inquiry into the entire OPP operation will show how the governments, local, provincial and federal, have hung the OPP out to dry, left them to deal with 200 year old problems, while the governments duck and weave and evade the law.

So I guess I presume the outcome of an inquiry too, but then ... I know what the law is.


Where a requested injunction is intended to create “a protest-free zone” for contentious private activity that affects asserted aboriginal or treaty rights, the court must be very careful to ensure that, in the context of the dispute before it, the Crown has fully and faithfully discharged its duty to consult with the affected First Nations: see Julia E. Lawn, “The John Doe Injunction in Mass Protest Cases” (1998) 56 U.T. Fac. L. Rev. 101. The court must further be satisfied that every effort has been exhausted to obtain a negotiated or legislated solution to the dispute before it. Good faith on both sides is required in this process: Haida Nation, p. 532.

The federal, provincial and municipal government had not done that in 2005 or 2006 ... had not consulted with Six Nations about the developments they approved for disputed land... AND THEY STILL HAVEN'T.

An inquiry will, once again, inform Canadians how our governments are totally fucking up.


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Premiers don't call public inquiries, lieutenant-governors do. Same for appointing or suspending the Chief of the OPP. Your case would go further, I imagine, if it at least showed the author was aware of basic provincial civics.

I agree. Toby Barrett signed a petition that he cannot present in the legislature, because it does not conform to requirements. This will an interesting side issue! lol

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He is a failed amateur politician. I don't believe he is professional vigilante or a vigilante at all. He did speak out loudly and boldly in favour of paying the land developer a huge sum of money, and lobbied the public to make certain that the land developer got a substantial figure. A figure envied by every other land developer lining up at the trough.

It was clear from the get go, that he was behaving like a Liberal Hack and in the interests of a Land Developer who had laid the groundwork for a sweetheart deal prior to the development (IIRC).

Don't forget this stuff

I think c.r is saying McHale wrote the petition.

However, the author online is listed as Ken Hewitt.

Hmm ...

I like the part where the Chronicle reporter says ... "What threw Hewitt over the edge ... "

hahaha Everyone knows the guy has lost it ... and there it is right in the paper! hahaha

He's been pretty quiet since he LOST the Liberal nomination. The guy is not a friggen Liberal! hahaha

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I think c.r is saying McHale wrote the petition.

However, the author online is listed as Ken Hewitt.

Hmm ...

I like the part where the Chronicle reporter says ... "What threw Hewitt over the edge ... "

hahaha Everyone knows the guy has lost it ... and there it is right in the paper! hahaha

He's been pretty quiet since he LOST the Liberal nomination. The guy is not a friggen Liberal! hahaha

No, 'everyone' does NOT know! Not everyone agrees with you!

What are you going to do if they get their 10,000 signatures?

Declare that they are 10,000 racists and dismiss their views and feelings? Allow an entire town to lose respect for the law?

Frankly, you sound rather elitist.

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No, 'everyone' does NOT know! Not everyone agrees with you!

What are you going to do if they get their 10,000 signatures?

Declare that they are 10,000 racists and dismiss their views and feelings? Allow an entire town to lose respect for the law?

Frankly, you sound rather elitist.

What if?

Petitions are useless tools (and so are the people that think they hold any meaning). There will be no inquiry. It would have to serve the public interest. Gary McHale, Ken Hewitt and Doug Fleming all serve their own personal interests.

Frankly, you sound rather dumb.

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What are you going to do if they get their 10,000 signatures?

Declare that they are 10,000 racists and dismiss their views and feelings? Allow an entire town to lose respect for the law?

Of course, that's how CR works. Nothing is legitimate unless it supports his agenda. It's really getting to be old hat.

Frankly, you sound rather elitist.

To put it politely, you mean...

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Of course, that's how CR works. Nothing is legitimate unless it supports his agenda. It's really getting to be old hat.

To put it politely, you mean...

[rant]Hey Rabble Rouser, I don't have an "agenda". Although I know you do and it probably involves you stealing money away from legitimate charitable organizations to support your habit.

I will counter your often racist and xenophobic views however, because allowing racists a forum to congregate only brings more skinheads out or their hiding places. Your bigoted ways don't stand to the measure of truth, or in the face of law. I have proven that over and over again. However I do find you entertaining in a "listening to a guy puke" kinda way.

Isn't it funny how I can travel anywhere in Ontario and YOU are restricted in some parts? You must have been a bad boy since the courts haven't seen fit to let you in unrestricted. And after all is said and done while you may eventually make it back to the earthquake region you set up, you can bet that the cops will be following you whereever you go. Maybe you really should watch the company you keep since you are a bad influence and it doesn't look like you'll find many supporters here, either.[/rant]

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[rant]Hey Rabble Rouser, I don't have an "agenda". Although I know you do and it probably involves you stealing money away from legitimate charitable organizations to support your habit.

I will counter your often racist and xenophobic views however, because allowing racists a forum to congregate only brings more skinheads out or their hiding places. Your bigoted ways don't stand to the measure of truth, or in the face of law. I have proven that over and over again. However I do find you entertaining in a "listening to a guy puke" kinda way.

Wow! This is really way out in left field stuff, the entire post.

I guess CR wants to be banned, at least I imagine calling someone a thief, rabble rouser, skinhead etc would indicate such a desire.

As for the measure of truth, well coming from CR thats just too funny for words.

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Wow! This is really way out in left field stuff, the entire post.

I guess CR wants to be banned, at least I imagine calling someone a thief, rabble rouser, skinhead etc would indicate such a desire.

As for the measure of truth, well coming from CR thats just too funny for words.

This coming from Gomer Pyle is too funny....

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No, 'everyone' does NOT know! Not everyone agrees with you!

Ok ... he's more intolerant than any Liberal I've ever known.

What are you going to do if they get their 10,000 signatures?

Declare that they are 10,000 racists and dismiss their views and feelings? Allow an entire town to lose respect for the law?

I believe a public inquiry is in order, and stated that above:

An inquiry will, once again, inform Canadians how our governments are totally fucking up.

Frankly, you sound rather elitist.

Frankly, this petition is rather poorly written, for the most part, betraying a juvenile personal vendetta with no evidence to support it. Petition request 1 cannot be granted because of that - it is personal. Public inquiries are not personal.

However, Petition request 2 is written in a more professional way and I do support the second request: A public inquiry into OPP actions and decisions over the entire 3 years.

That will include inquiring into government actions, or lack of action, that put the OPP in the picture in the first place. It will also include a full inquiry into the court actions ('injunction' and contempt convictions - Justice Marshall) and the infamous OPP attack on people on the site on April 20 2006 that violated human rights laws and caused barricades to be erected.

I most definitely do support a broad based public inquiry into these matters.

It is regrettable, however, that the petition was not better prepared. It does sound vindictive and unprofessional, not a good thing for a petition one wants to go to Parliament. Perhaps Toby barrett will agree to take only Petition item 2, since, like me, that is the only one he signed for.

Edited by tango
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This coming from Gomer Pyle is too funny....

So you say, however I am not the one frothing at the mouth and making all sorts of strange, insulting and unfounded accusations about someone whom you know absolutely nothing at all about.

In fact, based on your recent posts it appears that you are no longer capable of posting without tossing around personal insults. Very strange indeed.

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So you say, however I am not the one frothing at the mouth and making all sorts of strange, insulting and unfounded accusations about someone whom you know absolutely nothing at all about.

In fact, based on your recent posts it appears that you are no longer capable of posting without tossing around personal insults. Very strange indeed.

AH POOR Angus.

It won't work buddy. I post within the forum rules. Nothing you can do about that.

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Insults are the ammunition of the unintelligent - do not use them. It is okay to criticize a policy, decision, action or comment. Such criticism is part of healthy debate. It is not okay to criticize a person's character or directly insult them, regardless of their position or actions. Derogatory terms such as "loser", "idiot", etc are not permitted unless the context clearly implies that it is not serious.
It won't work buddy. I post within the forum rules.

Actually it appears that you do not abide by the forum rules. As I said, almost everything you post is an insult directed at specific members.

Not only do you flaunt the rules you also make yourself appear petty and unworthy of any form of debate.

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Law and Order needs to be reinstated in Caledonia. Having the town be held hostage by any group is unacceptable. All this does is nurture hatred and division for years to come. Holding a town hostage isn't going to gather support to your cause. Surely they must see this or simply do not care. Do people who do this have jobs or what? Are they contributing to Canada in a meaningful way?

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Law and Order needs to be reinstated in Caledonia. Having the town be held hostage by any group is unacceptable. All this does is nurture hatred and division for years to come. Holding a town hostage isn't going to gather support to your cause. Surely they must see this or simply do not care. Do people who do this have jobs or what? Are they contributing to Canada in a meaningful way?

Law and order was never out of whack in Caledonia. As the situation has evolved we have seen how those violent protesters from Caledonia were absolutely wrong about the legality of the reclamation of Douglas Estates. Six Nations had every right to stop development and their response to the violence instigated by Gary McHale the the rest of the eggheads was justified, save and except those that were charged like McHale, for going overboard.

Further Six Nations has every legal right to stop development in Caledonia, Brantford, Paris or any other town along the Grand River. Residents better get used to it since I have no doubt that until our governments - including the municipal ones - start to consult and accommodate in a conciliatory way, we will see things ramped up all over Ontario and perhaps all over Canada. There is never any justification fro violence but then taking over a development is not a violent act. Only the response by ignorant and negative Canadians protesting the protesters raises an occupation to to the level violence we have seen.

The OPP will be there to make sure that people like McHale and his band of violent rabble rousers don;t interfere with the legal right of First Nations people to stop up development and close down roads on their land.

BTW I have also heard through the grapevine that building will commence next year on the Culbertson Tract in Deseronto next year. It won't be some developer from Kingston though. It will the the people from Tyendinaga building on their own land and pushing illegal non-native squatters back to Napanee. I hear the first up will be a Cultural Centre right on the very land that was the centre of the original protest.

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