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McHale running as an Independent in election

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Male nurse? In YOUR dreams......fella.....But if you lean that way and all that.....

Is this a homophobic slur???????

But even if I was a male nurse (which I am not) I'm sure to give respect to all the male nurses out there it is a much better occupation than being a welfare bum living off the charity of others....

I'm not on welfare, but many of the people on Six Nations, if they aren't languishing in a jail, are. And/or engaged in organized crime. So I don't think that you should be so quick to make those kinds of assertions.

I don't care who believes me about my professions.

That's readily apparent.

Their opinions like yours, have no bearing on the discussion.

Nor do yours. People don't respond to your posts because they respect your opinions.

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Civil Engineering. There is nothing obtuse about it.

Oh...so you aren't a real engineer after all, you just like to dabble in the sanbox, thought so. That explains why you have no knowledge of the disciplines required for real engineering. Actually I've never pushed dirt around, not too much dirt involved in Marine Engineering, which is what I did before changing trades. Lots of Physics, Math, Chemistry and Thermodynamics though. Once again you oh so boldly flaunt your ignorance for all to see.

As I said, your bias and ignorance when it comes to the military is evident for all to see. The simple fact is that major corporations attempt to recruit from the military. If the personnel are inferior as you imply why would they do so, and offer top dollar? Guess they know something you don't, not surprising. A good friend of mine back in the day (also a marine engineer) held two degrees in advanced Mathematics. I'm no slouch but this guy made me look... well... almost like you as far as lack of knowledge is concerned. He must be a real dirt pusher, right? Obviously you're smarter than him, that would explain why you think that 50% is less than half.

So anyway, how bout those links? Where are they?

P.S. I never realized that six nations had such a large demand for Anthropological Engineers, yeah right.

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Oh...so you aren't a real engineer after all, you just like to dabble in the sanbox, thought so. That explains why you have no knowledge of the disciplines required for real engineering. Actually I've never pushed dirt around, not too much dirt involved in Marine Engineering, which is what I did before changing trades. Lots of Physics, Math, Chemistry and Thermodynamics though. Once again you oh so boldly flaunt your ignorance for all to see.

As I said, your bias and ignorance when it comes to the military is evident for all to see. The simple fact is that major corporations attempt to recruit from the military. If the personnel are inferior as you imply why would they do so, and offer top dollar? Guess they know something you don't, not surprising. A good friend of mine back in the day (also a marine engineer) held two degrees in advanced Mathematics. I'm no slouch but this guy made me look... well... almost like you as far as lack of knowledge is concerned. He must be a real dirt pusher, right? Obviously you're smarter than him, that would explain why you think that 50% is less than half.

So anyway, how bout those links? Where are they?

P.S. I never realized that six nations had such a large demand for Anthropological Engineers, yeah right.

Ha ha ha ha ha! You kill me with your jokes!

Marine engineering you say? So you lay cables....ya what a profession....you need less skill than a bulldozer operator to do that....

Corporations like ex-AF personnel for only one reason - they do as they are told, following orders without question. The executives don't care about skill becuase they have to retrain people anyway. But they really like being able to tell a grunt to get down on his hands and knees when they need them.

50% is half. It is your twisting of comprehension that think that 50% and half don't equate.

I don't use links in discussing this stuff since the majority of information comes from Science Journals, and U of T library resources. I'm sorry if you are too lazy to follow them up yourself. I don't need proof - you do.

As I said the work I do involves a lot of anthropological study. My civil engineering is still put to some use, but generally they are not related. Only a dolt looking for a fight would try to put the two together...Geez.... :rolleyes:

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Ha ha ha ha ha! You kill me with your jokes!

Marine engineering you say? So you lay cables....ya what a profession....you need less skill than a bulldozer operator to do that....

For a self professed engineer, you seem quite clueless to the engineering world.

Edited by M.Dancer
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Ha ha ha ha ha! You kill me with your jokes!

Marine engineering you say? So you lay cables....ya what a profession....you need less skill than a bulldozer operator to do that....

Corporations like ex-AF personnel for only one reason - they do as they are told, following orders without question. The executives don't care about skill becuase they have to retrain people anyway. But they really like being able to tell a grunt to get down on his hands and knees when they need them.

50% is half. It is your twisting of comprehension that think that 50% and half don't equate.

I don't use links in discussing this stuff since the majority of information comes from Science Journals, and U of T library resources. I'm sorry if you are too lazy to follow them up yourself. I don't need proof - you do.

As I said the work I do involves a lot of anthropological study. My civil engineering is still put to some use, but generally they are not related. Only a dolt looking for a fight would try to put the two together...Geez.... rolleyes.gif

Lets break this down piece by piece shall we.

First, you are no engineer if you don't even have a clue what a Marine Engineer does, and you are obviously clueless in this regard, amongst many others. So, yet another lie exposed.

Next. It appears that now you claim to know the intimate hiring practices of all the major corporations in North America, amazing. Unfortunatelly you're wrong and merely illustrate your ignorance once more. The reason they recruit there is because of the high level of training and education which negates the neccesity to retrain. The actual diametrical opposite of what you claim.

Next. You are the one who claimed in another thread that more than 50% of doctors finish in the lower half of their class. when I pointed the impossibility of this out to you you simply retreated and didn't answer. Thus once again proving your lack of knowledge. It was not I who made the error, it was you. will you now attempt to deny that as well? I'm sure others on here remember it, in fact AW pointed it out to you as well as myself.

Of course you don't use links, you can't because all you do is post made up bullshit. How can you link to pure fantasy and misinformation as fact? Can't be done. As for the scientific journals, you obviously do not read them or you would be aware that they all have an on line presence, thus links would be availlable. So, another lie exposed.

Lastly since you're the one who brought up engineer and anthropologist in the same sentence I guess that means you consider yourself to be a dolt. Thanks for agreeing with me on that point.

Now, would you care to continue showing everyone how uninformed and dishonest you are? Or would you rather retreat again with what remains of your much tattered dignity intact?

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Lets break this down piece by piece shall we.

First, you are no engineer if you don't even have a clue what a Marine Engineer does, and you are obviously clueless in this regard, amongst many others. So, yet another lie exposed.

Next. It appears that now you claim to know the intimate hiring practices of all the major corporations in North America, amazing. Unfortunatelly you're wrong and merely illustrate your ignorance once more. The reason they recruit there is because of the high level of training and education which negates the neccesity to retrain. The actual diametrical opposite of what you claim.

Next. You are the one who claimed in another thread that more than 50% of doctors finish in the lower half of their class. when I pointed the impossibility of this out to you you simply retreated and didn't answer. Thus once again proving your lack of knowledge. It was not I who made the error, it was you. will you now attempt to deny that as well? I'm sure others on here remember it, in fact AW pointed it out to you as well as myself.

Of course you don't use links, you can't because all you do is post made up bullshit. How can you link to pure fantasy and misinformation as fact? Can't be done. As for the scientific journals, you obviously do not read them or you would be aware that they all have an on line presence, thus links would be availlable. So, another lie exposed.

Lastly since you're the one who brought up engineer and anthropologist in the same sentence I guess that means you consider yourself to be a dolt. Thanks for agreeing with me on that point.

Now, would you care to continue showing everyone how uninformed and dishonest you are? Or would you rather retreat again with what remains of your much tattered dignity intact?

Rather than being so opinionated, why not try to understand really what is being said. Of course I realize that you and the other usual suspects prefer to attack the messenger when something is said that your contradicts your opinion. But really if you had any integrity you would be discussing the subject matter instead of defending someone who claims to believe in Aryan mythology and promotes racism in his every breath......

BTW the next comment that is directed at me personally will be forwarded to the moderators. You and I both know this won't be the first time you will be spoken to about drifting from the subject of discussion.....

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Rather than being so opinionated, why not try to understand really what is being said. Of course I realize that you and the other usual suspects prefer to attack the messenger when something is said that your contradicts your opinion. But really if you had any integrity you would be discussing the subject matter instead of defending someone who claims to believe in Aryan mythology and promotes racism in his every breath......

BTW the next comment that is directed at me personally will be forwarded to the moderators. You and I both know this won't be the first time you will be spoken to about drifting from the subject of discussion.....

So, rather than refute any of the points I have raised you instead falsely state that I am supporting some Aryan supporter. Would you care to point out anything I've said that resembles that in any way at all? You wont be able to because I have done no such thing.

As for the moderator part, fill yer boots. If calling you on lies and pointing out discrepancies in your posts is a bannable offence then ban away.

What is interesting is the fact that when shown to less than honest you retreat into rather feeble threats involving moderators. That certainly backs up everything you've said. Are you now saying that you've never been spoken to about the constant insults you toss around.

Therein lies the big difference between you and I. Where I choose to defend myself you apparently choose to run tattle and have others do it for you. Not surprising actually.

Now, how about some of those links?

Oh yes, don't forget to report me.

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So, rather than refute any of the points I have raised you instead falsely state that I am supporting some Aryan supporter. Would you care to point out anything I've said that resembles that in any way at all? You wont be able to because I have done no such thing.

No, s/he's falsely stating that you are supporting someone that s/he accuses of being "some Aryan supporter".

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Rather than being so opinionated, why not try to understand really what is being said. Of course I realize that you and the other usual suspects prefer to attack the messenger when something is said that your contradicts your opinion. But really if you had any integrity you would be discussing the subject matter instead of defending someone who claims to believe in Aryan mythology and promotes racism in his every breath......

BTW the next comment that is directed at me personally will be forwarded to the moderators. You and I both know this won't be the first time you will be spoken to about drifting from the subject of discussion.....

Go ahead. Basically all you do here is cause trouble by spewing outrageous lies and false accusations. The second that anybody says anything about Six Nations you--an your friend "tango"--start screeching about "white supremacism".

If you are who I think you are, you're just a spineless loudmouth who hides behind a camera and tries to bait people into unflattering situations. If I'm inclined, I'll try and dig up the videos that I think you've posted on you_tube and post the links so that others can see what kind of nonsense you engage in.

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Is this a homophobic slur???????

I'm not on welfare, but many of the people on Six Nations, if they aren't languishing in a jail, are. And/or engaged in organized crime. So I don't think that you should be so quick to make those kinds of assertions.

Nazi or not, you certainly are not above throwing racial slurs around! <_<

But you didn't answer my questions ... Odinism or Wotanism? You and McHale?

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Nazi or not, you certainly are not above throwing racial slurs around! <_<

But you didn't answer my questions ... Odinism or Wotanism? You and McHale?

You're one to talk. But I'm sure you're totally convinced that racism is only something that whites perpetrate against non-whites.

Whatever the case, my issues with Six Nations have nothing to do with race. The fact that members of Six Nations are non-white should not shield them from criticism for how they as a community conduct themselves in dealing with their fellow Canadians. They are the ones who define themselves based on their race and heritage, they are the ones who want to maintain a distinctive identity.

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Your one to talk. But I'm sure you're totally convinced that racism is only something that whites perpetrate against non-whites.

Whatever the case, my issues with Six Nations have nothing to do with race. The fact that members of Six Nations are non-white should not shield them from criticism for how they as a community conduct themselves in dealing with their fellow Canadians. They are the ones who define themselves based on their race and heritage, they are the ones who want to maintain a distinctive identity.

Six Nations people are not Canadians. How they as a community conduct themselves is none of our business any more than what happens in Detroit is any of our business as Canadians.

The unfortunate thing is that McHale is hiding behind all this kind of rhetoric too. He says in his election platform that he will require the OPP to arrest natives. Yet politicians cannot interfere in police operations, the OPP are a provincial responsibility and McHale is lost on that subject.

He says he will change the law to allow non-natives to put liens on Six Nations property. Yet again he is out of touch, since Six Nations are not Canadians and even if they were, their rights and our relationship with them is entrenched in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

McHale is out of touch. He is in this election for one thing only. It is an avenue where he can slag natives in a public forum - something the courts had restricted him from doing under his bail conditions. He is no doubt IMO a racist with a racist agenda using any means - including the bastardization of the election process - to get a soapbox to do it from.

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Six Nations people are not Canadians.

So then making them get work permits and visas when they are in canada would not be unreasonable. Making them pay for healthcare and education would also be reasonable as would any visitor to this nation.

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and we can cut off the 12 billion/annum spigot too?


Now that would be good, that money could actually be used for something productive instead of disappearing into an endless sinkhole.

Out here they do very well from water, wind and oil royalties, I don't think they really need the government handouts. Each person on the Paigan reserve receives something on the order of $1000.00 a month in these royalties. So if you have a family of four that means $4000.00 a month automatically without having to do a stitch of work for it. They sure do drive nice big trucks, until they write them off that is. And if they can get anyone to sell a truck to them, most dealers don't like to though. Quite a few of them buy a vehicle then never pay for it, once they get it back to the reserve there's not a damn thing that can be done to collect the debt that is owed.

The rates are even higher on some of the other reserves out here, I believe the rates are higher on the Blood reserve, I'll ask my friend about it next time I see him. Now that's a nice addendum to a pay cheque if you ask me.

Edited by AngusThermopyle
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Six Nations people are not Canadians. How they as a community conduct themselves is none of our business any more than what happens in Detroit is any of our business as Canadians.

Oh, here we go again. Not Canadian you say? Where do they get their social assitance from, and in what currency? What government agencies do they work with in establishing their social and educational programs? It's absolutely absurd to claim that they are not Canadian. If they are not Canadians, then any and all benefits and services provided to Canadian services should be stopped at once, and they should be removed from this country as any illegal alien should be.

As for it not being "none of our business" what happens in their community, you've got to be nuts. Six Nations is the centre of crime in this region. How many "smoke shops" are operating on Six Nations? What about the smuggling, organized crime, human trafficking? Over 6,000 stolen cars are tracked back to Six Nation per year. Domestic violence rates are 8 time that of non-aboriginal communities, rampant teen pregnancy, fetal alcohol syndrome is pandemic. You're telling me that the rest of us should not be concerned about these people?

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and we can cut off the 12 billion/annum spigot too?


Treaties must be honoured if we want to live here in peace. Health care, education, etc. are treaty contracts with Indigenous Nations that allow us to live on their land.

So ... if Canada stops paying what it owes according to lawful treaties, we lose our right to live here.

Capiche? :rolleyes:

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Oh, here we go again. Not Canadian you say? Where do they get their social assitance from, and in what currency? What government agencies do they work with in establishing their social and educational programs? It's absolutely absurd to claim that they are not Canadian. If they are not Canadians, then any and all benefits and services provided to Canadian services should be stopped at once, and they should be removed from this country as any illegal alien should be.

As for it not being "none of our business" what happens in their community, you've got to be nuts. Six Nations is the centre of crime in this region. How many "smoke shops" are operating on Six Nations? What about the smuggling, organized crime, human trafficking? Over 6,000 stolen cars are tracked back to Six Nation per year. Domestic violence rates are 8 time that of non-aboriginal communities, rampant teen pregnancy, fetal alcohol syndrome is pandemic. You're telling me that the rest of us should not be concerned about these people?

We should be concerned about living up to our legal responsibilities. Other than that - absolutely - it's none of our business!

ps Are you not aware that dumping stolen cars on reserves is the oldest trick in the book? I have personally met some of Gary McHale's supporters who are engaged in that 'business'.

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ps Are you not aware that dumping stolen cars on reserves is the oldest trick in the book? I have personally met some of Gary McHale's supporters who are engaged in that 'business'.

Are you aware that before you showed up here we had a poster from six nations who would boast about stealing cars and dumping them on the reserve and selling coke?

He was a real "a ding dang doo".

Edited by AngusThermopyle
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So then making them get work permits and visas when they are in canada would not be unreasonable. Making them pay for healthcare and education would also be reasonable as would any visitor to this nation.

Yes it would be unreasonable. Ah, you missed the "special" relationship they with us have under the Charter.

And if you really want to get into it...WE are visitors to their country...simply by living here... We've seem to have forgotten that fact....

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Oh, here we go again. Not Canadian you say? Where do they get their social assitance from, and in what currency? What government agencies do they work with in establishing their social and educational programs? It's absolutely absurd to claim that they are not Canadian. If they are not Canadians, then any and all benefits and services provided to Canadian services should be stopped at once, and they should be removed from this country as any illegal alien should be.

As for it not being "none of our business" what happens in their community, you've got to be nuts. Six Nations is the centre of crime in this region. How many "smoke shops" are operating on Six Nations? What about the smuggling, organized crime, human trafficking? Over 6,000 stolen cars are tracked back to Six Nation per year. Domestic violence rates are 8 time that of non-aboriginal communities, rampant teen pregnancy, fetal alcohol syndrome is pandemic. You're telling me that the rest of us should not be concerned about these people?

See above re: "special" relationship.

Brantford has much more crime than Six Nations. Perhaps you should focus your obsessive attention on that community, instead since if could be our business. However, Six Nations is really none of yours or my business - period.

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Treaties must be honoured if we want to live here in peace. Health care, education, etc. are treaty contracts with Indigenous Nations that allow us to live on their land.

So ... if Canada stops paying what it owes according to lawful treaties, we lose our right to live here.

Capiche? :rolleyes:

Feel free to leave, then. We don't need you or you type in this country.

Members of Six Nations had and still have obligations that they must live up to. The Crown granted the land along the Grand in return for assistance that was provided during the American Revolution. This does not mean that the members of Six Nations had the right to live dissolute lives as drunkards incapable of managing their own affairs--this is all well documented--and the did not have the right to terrorize, abduct, and murder their neighbours--this is also documented. I think if you really cared to look at the history of Six Nations, you would realize that the government for a long time allowed Six Nations to function on its own accord but that Six Nations perpetually was a source of problems. Only with great reluctance did the government step in and force Six Nations to adapt to modern society, and in so doing probably ensured its survival. Had Six Nations kept accurate and legally acceptable records of its land dealing from the very beginning, you would not have the problems that you do.

I must say it is a very odd arrangement that the Six Nations are allowing us to live on their land, when it is the Crown that purchased land from the Ojibway in order to grant it to Six Nations to live on. If the land was theirs in the first place, then why did they accept it from the Crown, and why are they now disputing land claims using the law of the people that they are allowing to live on their land????? Ever heard of LOGIC? Or perhaps because Aristotle was a European, you don't feel oblidged to think logically becuase its "Eurocentric"?

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