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Assimilation vs. Integration

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Its true DM, I am totally ashamed of the fact that we never learned the art of discordant unsyncopated drumming and "singing" that sounds like Yoko Ono on a really bad day.

Drea totally missed it--duhh--what does it matter if it is in the USA--the point is that you can't really define what Canadian culture is. :lol: You have your mickey mouse icons, silly little songs like "take me out to the ballgame," Don CHerry--good grief, a history that involved murder, rape, arson, squatting, child molestation. And Angus, is may sound like crap to you but at least it's authentic and not the mickey mouse crap that you call culture :P All you poor little boys, can't you come up with anything better...andI'm not Chauchee...Im a person who speaks the truth and when it really hits home you have people like Drea, Angus, Borg, hitting their keyboards hard, almost wrecking them, getting mad over the truth and coming back with childish jibberish :lol:

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:lol::lol::lol: Wasn't that class making masks for halloween? You have to laugh because you have nothing in comparison! Opps! Except "Take me Out To the ballgame," and "The Simpsons" and oh by the way: What is the significance of the Square Dance? Your role models include Scott Pederson, Jefferey Dahlmer, JW Gacey, the pig farmer....

You're scraping the bottom of the barrel when you trot out names like Pederson, Dahlmer, etc. Would it be fair for me to say that your role model is the guy on the reserve in Saskatchewan who got drunk and left his daughters outside in the cold to freeze to death? Of course not. Give your head a shake, and try to post something intelligent.

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You have your mickey mouse icons, silly little songs like "take me out to the ballgame," Don CHerry--good grief, a history that involved murder, rape, arson, squatting, child molestation.

The first part of the quote relates to U.S. culture, not Canadian. Oh, by the way, dont Native kids like Disney too?

The second part can be attributed to any culture or nation, including the saintly better than best Native culture. So what exactly was your point again?

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You're scraping the bottom of the barrel when you trot out names like Pederson, Dahlmer, etc. Would it be fair for me to say that your role model is the guy on the reserve in Saskatchewan who got drunk and left his daughters outside in the cold to freeze to death? Of course not. Give your head a shake, and try to post something intelligent.

You missed the point too! If you're so intellegent let's see your definition of what Canadian Culture is?

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Your role models include Scott Pederson, Jefferey Dahlmer, JW Gacey, the pig farmer....

Actually I prefer to use people like Wilbur Wilberforce as my personal role models, of course you probably don't know who he was do you?

Could you show me examples of people who use the people you named as role models? Really, I'm serious. I really would like to know who takes deranged murderers as role models. From the statements you've made you are obviously the person to ask this question of.

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Actually I prefer to use people like Wilbur Wilberforce as my personal role models, of course you probably don't know who he was do you?

Could you show me examples of people who use the people you named as role models? Really, I'm serious. I really would like to know who takes deranged murderers as role models. From the statements you've made you are obviously the person to ask this question of.

Doesn't feel very good to get labelled with one sweeping generalization does it? The natives are suject to that daily. I'm not going to list names because I've made a point...yes it is unfair to say that you are all like daranged murders who share you're skin color

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To tell the truth Dm it doesn't bother me in the least. I've been called names all my life and had all types of stereotypes applied to me and it really doesn't bother me. It takes more than words from strangers about who and what I am to bother me. The reason being that I know exactly who and what I am so the mistake is theirs not mine.It appears you are the one who is bothered by issues of race and skin colour as you constantly bring them up.

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You missed the point too! If you're so intellegent let's see your definition of what Canadian Culture is?

If your point was that no one should be subjected to sweeping generalizations, I was making the same point. Sheesh, you've come onto this forum like a bull in a china shop, just itching for confrontation. Try dialogue instead.

What is Canadian culture? As I've said earlier in this thread, culture adapts and evolves. Canadian culture is different things to different people, and I'm OK with that. We live in a big country, and there's room for variation. Culture is fluid, and doesn't have to cling to the past; I don't want to be stuck in a time warp where everything is stagnant.

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You're scraping the bottom of the barrel when you trot out names like Pederson, Dahlmer, etc. Would it be fair for me to say that your role model is the guy on the reserve in Saskatchewan who got drunk and left his daughters outside in the cold to freeze to death? Of course not. Give your head a shake, and try to post something intelligent.

Certainly mentioning Dalmer, and Pederson is just scratching the surface. There is enough depravity in mainstream society to overwhelmingly outnumber the minor dysfuction and occasional abhorrent acts in isolated native communities. Should we start with the priests who diddle little children, and do you want to start with those who attack native children or should we start with those who prefer white bottoms? In any case white males outnumber any other category for paedophiles and rapists, and other "beat and eat" criminals in North America.

Edited by charter.rights
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Certainly mentioning Dalmer, and Pederson is just scratching the surface. There is enough depravity in mainstream society to overwhelmingly outnumber the minor dysfuction and occasional abhorrent acts in isolated native communities. Should we start with the priests who diddle little children, and do you want to start with those who attack native children or should we start with those who prefer white bottoms? In any case white males outnumber any other category for paedophiles and rapists, and other "beat and eat" criminals in North America.

You’re not following along. Both DangerMouse and I were making the point that sweeping generalizations are not productive. I don’t hold myself responsible for the actions of anyone simply because they share my skin colour, nor do I hold the actions of others against someone who happens to have the same racial or religious background. This applies to Whites, Natives, Muslims, Jews, etc.

I would never defend pedophile priests, child molestors, rapists, and “beat and eat” criminals (I’ve never heard that term before, though). But their skin colour is irrelevent; it’s their actions that condemn them.

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You’re not following along. Both DangerMouse and I were making the point that sweeping generalizations are not productive. I don’t hold myself responsible for the actions of anyone simply because they share my skin colour, nor do I hold the actions of others against someone who happens to have the same racial or religious background. This applies to Whites, Natives, Muslims, Jews, etc.

I would never defend pedophile priests, child molestors, rapists, and “beat and eat” criminals (I’ve never heard that term before, though). But their skin colour is irrelevent; it’s their actions that condemn them.

It is the thinking that binds them together with the mainstream. Some things - like priest paedophiles - are condoned and protected by society. Violence against women is slowly finding its way out of our acceptance but in some circles - especially in fundamentalist Christian circles - women are still treated as inferior. It is productive to expose and examine the Canadian myth that "all is well" in order to rid ourselves of these kinds of thinking patterns.

As to your point that Canadian culture is many things to many people that is absurd. Culture is concept that binds people together through commonalities. It can't be something to one person and anther thing to another. You have proven by your own point of view that Canadian culture is not real and just another of the many myths that people subscribe to. "Wanting" to have culture is not the same thing as "having" culture.

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You’re not following along. Both DangerMouse and I were making the point that sweeping generalizations are not productive. I don’t hold myself responsible for the actions of anyone simply because they share my skin colour, nor do I hold the actions of others against someone who happens to have the same racial or religious background. This applies to Whites, Natives, Muslims, Jews, etc.

I would never defend pedophile priests, child molestors, rapists, and “beat and eat” criminals (I’ve never heard that term before, though). But their skin colour is irrelevent; it’s their actions that condemn them.

I chuckled at Adelle! What is with those Albertans? Must be something in the air over there, or I here that province is "rippin'." I find your comments interesting Melanie about skin color. Pedersen is an interesting case...what about cops who deliberately commit acts of violence against natives. And yes, charter, I know of cases where grown men (big tough rednecks), attack native children, and teens. In small communities, white teens who violently, prey on native drunks. Why? It is the mind-set that they were taught (read between the lines here). Back to Pederson, this guy seemed to think he was "above the law." He also probably thought like others do but it backfired, that the cops were going to just let it slide because of his race--I think it's called "white privilege."

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like priest paedophiles - are condoned and protected by society.

Bullshit. Show me one average Canadian who believes this is acceptable. Just another unfounded statement with no substance.

Violence against women is slowly finding its way out of our acceptance but in some circles - especially in fundamentalist Christian circles - women are still treated as inferior.

When you mention "in some circles" I take it you are talking about Natives. You must be since they have the highest rate of domestic violence in the country.

Around here the big tough Rednecks are too busy putting in 12 and 14 hour days to beat anyone up. Dont go onto the reserves alone around here though. Theres a damn good chance you wont be leaving them if you do. I have seen numerous cases around here of groups of Natives assaulting young women though.

this guy seemed to think he was "above the law."

This is one of the parts of your posts that really amuses me. You talk about above the law while conveniently forgeting all the Natives who scorn the law and openly state that it does not apply to them. Is it forgetfullness on your behalf or just a deliberate myopia?

Edited by AngusThermopyle
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Bullshit. Show me one average Canadian who believes this is acceptable. Just another unfounded statement with no substance.

When you mention "in some circles" I take it you are talking about Natives. You must be since they have the highest rate of domestic violence in the country.

Around here the big tough Rednecks are too busy putting in 12 and 14 hour days to beat anyone up. Dont go onto the reserves alone around here though. Theres a damn good chance you wont be leaving them if you do. I have seen numerous cases around here of groups of Natives assaulting young women though.

This is one of the parts of your posts that really amuses me. You talk about above the law while conveniently forgeting all the Natives who scorn the law and openly state that it does not apply to them. Is it forgetfullness on your behalf or just a deliberate myopia?

Have you ever seen a native "buy lots of insurance" and commit the ultimate major crime against their loved ones jst to have money? Honestly do some non-native women actually trust living with such phoniesss?

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Honestly do some non-native women actually trust living with such phoniesss?

In the same light as your post I would ask how some Native women could trust living with a Native man given the undeniable rate of domestic violence amongst Native communities.

For someone who dislikes sweeping generalizations you certainly do have a penchant for indulging in them.

Edited by AngusThermopyle
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In the same light as your post I would ask how some Native women could trust living with a Native man given the undeniable rate of domestic violence amongst Native communities.

For someone who dislikes sweeping generalizations you certainly do have a penchant for indulging in them.

Whats that Scott? How much insurance did you buy? Are you walking around with dollar signs "bugging out of your eyeballs?" Does your wife actually trust living with you with what the likes of you are scheming? Drea do you trust that "so-called" loving husband of yours?

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Non native women (most of us) earn our own money. We go to college and have careers that allow us to make wise decisions on who we cohabitate with.

I do not believe that there has been many instances of "killing for insurance purposes" in Canada (you failed to provide a link proving it) so I fail to see your point? Are you grasping at straws to find ways to insult whites? :lol:

Edited by Drea
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Bullshit. Show me one average Canadian who believes this is acceptable. Just another unfounded statement with no substance.

When you mention "in some circles" I take it you are talking about Natives. You must be since they have the highest rate of domestic violence in the country.

Around here the big tough Rednecks are too busy putting in 12 and 14 hour days to beat anyone up. Dont go onto the reserves alone around here though. Theres a damn good chance you wont be leaving them if you do. I have seen numerous cases around here of groups of Natives assaulting young women though.

This is one of the parts of your posts that really amuses me. You talk about above the law while conveniently forgeting all the Natives who scorn the law and openly state that it does not apply to them. Is it forgetfullness on your behalf or just a deliberate myopia?

I can show you church fulls. Despite the abuse, and deaths that occurred in residential schools the church (and as demonstrated two Sundays ago at churches in Toronto) no one wants to talk about, let alone admit where they buried the bodies of some 50,000 or more missing children. And despite the church's public condemnation of paedopile priests and ministers they still protect them. When a minister or priest is accused, they simply relocated somewhere else. This is still going on while the church elders try to quiet the abuse allegations and soften the victims.

"In some circles" refers to the organizations who hold fundamentalist Christians and other religious types. Jehova Witness, Baptist, Morman and even some Pentacostals I know subscribe to the woman is subservient thinking.

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I believe he said " one average Canadian" .

It's absolutely amazing how the history books were written to cover up all the atocities...all so the whiners can have their tax money. Look at your great grandparents photos...the one with them in there pretty outfits getting off the boat...label it murderers, arsonists, child molesters, rapists, and squatters.

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It's absolutely amazing how the history books were written to cover up all the atocities...all so the whiners can have their tax money. Look at your great grandparents photos...the one with them in there pretty outfits getting off the boat...label it murderers, arsonists, child molesters, rapists, and squatters.

It really was a tasty sandwich, mortadella and provolone with a side salad. Apart from that and the oil filters I was worried about the slowdown on the ice melting not to mention the Appalachians are beautiful at this time of potato chips.

Makes as much sense as the previous poster so why not?

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It really was a tasty sandwich, mortadella and provolone with a side salad. Apart from that and the oil filters I was worried about the slowdown on the ice melting not to mention the Appalachians are beautiful at this time of potato chips.

Makes as much sense as the previous poster so why not?

The sun does seem somewhat limpid at night...

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