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Ottawa school threatened after Christmas song cuts


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I think your personal ideology may tend towards the Communistic, as evidenced by another statement you made claiming that the populace should serve the government. Thats fine, you're entitled to your opinion. Your personal opinion does not automatically become fact just because you believe it to be so.

I believe this person--if it is who I think it is--is in fact an anarchist. As such, s/he would like to see a complete breakdown of society, which is why they gravitate to Caledonia where they try to sow discord by baiting people into conflict and then videotape it in order to sow more discord among those who watch these videos.

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You really refuse to see anything but what you want to see don't you.

I tell you I feel no anger, you insist I do. I guess you know better than me what I feel, god must have told you I guess.

I tell you I don't really give a damn about what you believe, in other words I have zero interest in your personal belief system. You interpret that as disrespect.

To cap everything off you go on to imply that I must be a bad person because I don't follow your beliefs, yet you know absolutely nothing about me. In my books, to judge without knowledge is start treading the path a bad person would choose, go figure eh.

So, would you care to explain to me where your fabled christian tolerance is? I don't see any tolerance at all in what you've said so far.

Actually, I pity you. It must be terrible to live life in such a monochromatic way. Any who aren't just like you, the enemy to be scorned and despised.

These are a few of the reasons I will have no truck with any primitive religious system (that means any religious system). I could list more, but sadly the reasons are legion.

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I'm not "assum[ing] to know what others think," I'm basing my opinions on the very words that you write. The fact that you try to cover yourself by claiming "no anger or hatred here" or that your "no special respect" isn't really "disrespect" isn't fooling anyone. Nice try, though.

In the end, when I look at the attitude people like you have, when I see people willfully deny God and speak maliciously about Christianity, and then see them engage in behaviour that is destructive to both themselves and society, it's clear to me that any argument that people like you is unfounded. You try to argue that as a Christian I should be "tolerant" of everything that people do or believe, eventhough there is nothing in the teachings of Christ that suggest such a thing. Christ taught that there is a definite right way of living one's life, and not striving to do so is wrong. Wrong behaviour is in defiance of God's will, because wrong behaviour is destructive. I really shouldn't have to explain this. We all know what happens to people who live intemperate lives; there are innumerable examples of this. God wants people to be good, moral people who do not live in sin--so I question the real motives of people who would rather see this not be the case. You can couch your attitude toward God and Christianity however you want, but in the end the intent is no different than that of others who are more forthright in their hostility.

The pulpit is that way -------------------------------------------->

(oh no, no proselytizing on his part...too funny)

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I'm not "assum[ing] to know what others think," I'm basing my opinions on the very words that you write. The fact that you try to cover yourself by claiming "no anger or hatred here" or that your "no special respect" isn't really "disrespect" isn't fooling anyone. Nice try, though.

In the end, when I look at the attitude people like you have, when I see people willfully deny God and speak maliciously about Christianity, and then see them engage in behaviour that is destructive to both themselves and society, it's clear to me that any argument that people like you is unfounded. You try to argue that as a Christian I should be "tolerant" of everything that people do or believe, eventhough there is nothing in the teachings of Christ that suggest such a thing. Christ taught that there is a definite right way of living one's life, and not striving to do so is wrong. Wrong behaviour is in defiance of God's will, because wrong behaviour is destructive. I really shouldn't have to explain this. We all know what happens to people who live intemperate lives; there are innumerable examples of this. God wants people to be good, moral people who do not live in sin--so I question the real motives of people who would rather see this not be the case. You can couch your attitude toward God and Christianity however you want, but in the end the intent is no different than that of others who are more forthright in their hostility.

Ha ha ha ha ha! If you think that is anger, hostility or disrespect then you must have a pretty warped sense of values.

What a Poser!

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I believe this person--if it is who I think it is--is in fact an anarchist. As such, s/he would like to see a complete breakdown of society, which is why they gravitate to Caledonia where they try to sow discord by baiting people into conflict and then videotape it in order to sow more discord among those who watch these videos.

I don't know who you are talking about (wink, wink) but I am personally a minarchist. I prefer that government serve the people and as much as it does not violate or interfere with another's right, the people serve themselves.

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The pulpit is that way -------------------------------------------->

(oh no, no proselytizing on his part...too funny)

The pulpit is that way -------------------------------------------->|

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The pulpit is that way -------------------------------------------->|

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The New Mapleleaf Politics Forum Pulpit

Who will be the first to sit down and pray?


Edited by charter.rights
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The New Mapleleaf Politics Forum Pulpit

Who will be the first to sit down and pray?


I'm willing to discuss religious matters in a rational manner; engaging in this sort of childishness is not acceptable.

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Guest American Woman
In what ways is Canada different from the US and England in regards to what I had posted?

So you're unable to answer the question. <_< Perhaps you shouldn't make claims that you can't back up.

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So you're unable to answer the question. <_< Perhaps you shouldn't make claims that you can't back up.

I'm not about wasting time just to satisfy one poster with a "we'll all the same" attitude. I'm a Canadian and take exception to being told we're "just like Americans". We aren't.

Not if you want to get into it more in depth then I suggest you take up some reading on the subject. There is a wealth of books out there that discuss the differences ad naseum.

We have poutine. You don't. We have French Fries. You don't. We have Quebec. You could have that but you don't want it. :P

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Guest American Woman
I'm not about wasting time just to satisfy one poster with a "we'll all the same" attitude. I'm a Canadian and take exception to being told we're "just like Americans". We aren't.

Ummm. I don't have a "we're all the same" attitude. I suggest you learn the fine art of comprehending what you read (tackle that after you learn not to make claims that you can't back up). B)

Not if you want to get into it more in depth then I suggest you take up some reading on the subject. There is a wealth of books out there that discuss the differences ad naseum.

I've read them. Now if you could get back to what I actually posted and your response, perhaps we could engage in the actual issue at hand.

We have poutine. You don't. We have French Fries. You don't. We have Quebec. You could have that but you don't want it. :P

And we have Danish pastries. You don't. See? I can make responses as senseless as yours are. Yet there is a difference between us. For me it's an effort to be moronic. ;)

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When I was in Wales a few years ago, I popped into a meat shop to pick up some cold cuts and the gruff old butcher asked me what part of the States I was from. I answered that I was Canadian and he said "oh, it's all the same". Being a tad irritated and proud to be a canuck, I walked around the shop for a few minutes and then sauntered back over to him and asked "if you were in Canada and someone asked you what part of England you were from because they had mistaken your accent, and you answered that you were Welsh and they said, 'oh it's all the same', how would that sit with you?". He chuckled and apologized.

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Ummm. I don't have a "we're all the same" attitude. I suggest you learn the fine art of comprehending what you read (tackle that after you learn not to make claims that you can't back up). B)

I've read them. Now if you could get back to what I actually posted and your response, perhaps we could engage in the actual issue at hand.

And we have Danish pastries. You don't. See? I can make responses as senseless as yours are. Yet there is a difference between us. For me it's an effort to be moronic. ;)

Nah we have Danish pastries too AND we can get them at Tim Hortons! Obviously you don't share our form of humour (or even the spelling of it :P )

However, it would be a most useless exercise to debate on the basis of generalizations and myths. So let's make it a bit more personal and up close.

1. Would you die for your country?

2. Would you stomp on your flag?

3. Did Osama Bin Laden attack Americans?

4. Why did George Bush declare war on Iraq?

5. Is God an American?

6. Why are so many nations around the world opposed to the US?

7. How many Americans are at or below the poverty level (in percentages)?

8. How many Americans hold 85% of the wealth?

9. What do you eat with apple pie?

10. What is the difference between and American Muslim and a southern Baptist?

I forgot one:

Why do Americans call the department store "Taps" (phonetic) when it is really spelled "T-O-P-S"

Edited by charter.rights
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So let's make it a bit more personal and up close.

1. Would you die for your country?- Given the right circumstances , most would

2. Would you stomp on your flag?- Sure, why not? It is a political act anyway.

3. Did Osama Bin Laden attack Americans?-Not personally, his henchmen did

4. Why did George Bush declare war on Iraq?- yea, well, who knows?

5. Is God an American?-There is no god but apparently SHE does not specify

6. Why are so many nations around the world opposed to the US?-jealousy & impotency

7. How many Americans are at or below the poverty level (in percentages)?-little more than CAN

8. How many Americans hold 85% of the wealth?-number or %

9. What do you eat with apple pie?-ice cream, cinnamon butter,cheddar cheese,pickles

10. What is the difference between and American Muslim and a southern Baptist?-both believe in fairies

I forgot one:

Why do Americans call the department store "Taps" (phonetic)

when it is really spelled "T-O-P-S"-Easy, you need Qtips to clean your ears , I heard TOPS plenty last week in Amherst.

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A recent letter in a newspaper to share with you here: (on the original topic) - any guesses at the age of the author?

Saturday » January 5 » 2008

Get your own holiday

Langley Advance

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Dear Editor,

I've about had enough of this "Politically Correct" crap. Christmas is just that: Christmas!

Yes, it is a Christian holiday to celebrate the birth of Christ. If you don't believe in that, then don't celebrate Christmas. I'm sick and tired of stupid people saying it's discriminatory. No, it isn't. It's Christmas. Not Xmas. Not holiday time or whatever you want to say - it's Christmas.

It's not a freakin' holiday tree; its a Christmas tree.

You don't see people pulling down menorahs because someone else might get offended, but now towns are not displaying the nativity because it's a religious symbol. It's a freakin' religious holiday!

Its a religious holiday that more and more people have adopted over the years, so now we have to be sensitive to other people and their beliefs.

What about us Christians? What about offending us by trying to change our holiday and turning it into something so completely commercial and politically correct that it's lost all of its meaning and symbolism?

UGGHHHHH, I am so freaking mad!

If you don't want to celebrate Christmas, then get your own damn holiday.

Tamara Trudell, Langley

© Langley Advance 2008

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Not true. I don't even look down on you and you are an amateur. Rather you add buffoonery entertainment value to you otherwise dull personality.

Could you rephrase that in standard english...you know, so the adjectives are adjectives and the nouns agree with each other and the statement makes sense? Mind you, if you have one of those games where there are words on dice and you roll and see if you can make a sentance from the random results, then bravo....

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Could you rephrase that in standard english...you know, so the adjectives are adjectives and the nouns agree with each other and the statement makes sense? Mind you, if you have one of those games where there are words on dice and you roll and see if you can make a sentance from the random results, then bravo....

Nothing wrong with my grammar. Maybe you should get your gaelic out of your ear. :P

Edited by charter.rights
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Nothing wrong with my grammar. Maybe you should get your gaelic out of your ear. :P

Really, tell you what, well when High school returns maybe you should ask your english teacher if it is correct to use a noun as an adjective; when a conjuctive should be used and be sure to have him go over with you all the personal pronouns and their correct usage.

Edited by M.Dancer
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Really, tell you what, well when High school returns maybe you should ask your english teacher if it is correct to use a noun as an adjective; when a conjuctive should be used and be sure to have him go over with you all the personal pronouns and their correct usage.

"The dullard's envy of brilliant men is always assuaged by the suspicion that they will come to bad end." Max Beerbohm

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