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Trump in the New York Civil Trial has been constantly goading Judge Merchan To get him to "punish" him by fining him for his multiple Contempt of the Courts gag order so the Judge will then throw him in jail, not to show he's strong and can maintain his showmanship behind bars but to create a new SCAM raise money by going into his usual whine that he's being persecuted, and essentially turn himself into a Martyr so he can "sell the public , especially his followers, on another money raising fraud." In fact it's a wonder he hasn't already created a new version if Truth Social and call it Trump the Martyr fund raising Inc. Will Trumotesterone do this? Heck yeah he will, its obvious from his speech and actions. Yet, in the same format, look back at the Mafia boss Luciana in the case Public v. Luciano ,14 N. E. 2nd 433 (1938), who also directly intimidated witnesses, threatened and intimidated judges and families of same, and was convicted on running a prostitution scam. Luciano also violated gag orders imposed on him, but back then the judges put more meat in their demands for Court Decorum. Also, though Luciano didn't Trump..think the Court could and would find another solution by tracing ALL avenues found in the depositions of additional crimes committed in furtherance of the crimes for which he was first held for Court, the Court in its search to complete its duty of Due Diligence found such evidence related by a series if " back doors" and through them convicted Luciano on more counts uncovered in the Trial.itself, something that could easily happen to Trump because both he and Luciano thought the District Attorney and the courts were stupid, but the Courts have been around a long time and fought many such battles before, codifying them all in the Law Texts found in the Reporter series for the states which every attorney studies for ideas that might be followed up in for uncovering leads to new crimes being or having been felonies of higher merit than what the original case may have started as. In this way, Trump if sent to prison or jail, you bet won't go quuetly, nor remain so once he gets there, and as he us finding out, no matter how much money he has, he is Not Above the LawLaw and the District Attorney will have every ear open for Trumps incriminating himself in even stronger felonies if he continues to violate gag orders and get himself sent to where his attorney can't stop him from bragging.
- false representation
- fraud
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So..Trump is in the Civil Trial of his life, literally. But this is nKY thing new for him. His entire business model has been built on fraud, and he's taught it to his adult family members who have also engaged fully being him. What kinds of Fraud has Trump engaged in? . Fraud against the tax payers because unlike them who have had to pick up the costs in New York for a lot of Trump's rip offs of the insurance system by having to pay higher rates because insurance scofflaws like Trump, his adult sons and daughter and even his father before him have cheated insurers repeatedly for decades and let taxpayers pay through the nose in increased rates. about all that money raised by starting Trump University...which was so uncredited in its education it gave its students that very few could find work in the fields taught because most of what WAS taught was useless, worthless and essentially just a con job made up.of con men claiming to be credentialed professors ( but who weren't even college graduates in some cases and definitely not licensed anywhere to even teach) who worked for Trump, collected fees though the school was never accredited, ( despite Trump claiming it had the highest accreditation in the country) and it gave diplomas if you paid your fees ( $35,000 ) whether you attended a single class or not. The Trump University which ran just 5 years was shut down by the Court and declared a Fraud. Who was harmed? The people who believed in Trump, did Trump refund their fees? He did not, he dragged out the case in Court until 10 days before it went to Trial to try and spend as much of it on himself before the Court and a lot of angry former followers prevailed and Trump paid $25 million in restitution leaving a lot of former followers with useless pieces of paper Trump called diplomas. What other kinds of FRAUD has Trump engaged in? How about the Trump Charity? Another Fraud where he bilked the Public and collected millions ..and what did he use that Foundations CHARITY funds for? He had a $10, 000 painting done of himself which he hung on the wall of one of his clubs, he spent $267,000 of it to restore a fountain he damaged in front of his hotel in New York, he used a lot for it...remember this was a Charity meant to raise money for CHARITY purposes, instead Trump distributed to his adult children as their Board of Directors salaries and who then gave a lot of it right back to him ( this is called Money Laundering folks) as political donations to his 2016 Presidential campaign even though it was illegal to do so, $ 5000 is the maximum limit but he collected millions....he was caught and investigated for " serious financial fraudulent uses of the Foundations money, had to pay a $2 million dollar fine and disassociate himself and his family from the Foundation and the remaining funds in it were sent to 8 actual legal charities. ....These are the kinds of Fraud Trump engaged in, and it goes on from there ...there's no witch hunt, no unfair prosecution, just a Swindler, A Crook, and a Con Man caught again ....
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- fraud
- civil trial
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I'm not talking about Harper, Mulroney, Martin or any one politician. I am talking about any and all politicians who uses their position to conceal felony crimes by having files sealed or investigations derailed, or refusing to fund an inquiry. Because they have authorities to control and manipulate investigative agencies and regulatory bodies and bureaus, they effectively can get away with a lot of graft and corruption. This is especially true when they can hand-pick the heads of these agencies who then run interference for them if their are "irregularites". So, since they have this unique ability to delay and derail investigations, should we not have a special law that eliminates he statute of limitations for their crimes, or at least do not start the clock until they leave office? A good example is the Schreiber scandal. Mulroney could not be criminally prosecuted because the statute of limitations expired. But we did not learn of the accusations for years because he made damn sure everything was so well hidden. I thnk such a law might make these pols realize that their impunity is only temporary and they might actually be held legally responsible for their criminal adventures - eventually. Politicians that are lawyers and know how to manuever the legal system and shop judges are even more likely to get away with super crimes. What do you guys think?
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- Canada
- politicians
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I am not drunk. The Law Society of Upper Canada is NOT a government entity. They are a private corporation. For years they have hidden the criminal acts of their members who pay hefty annual fees (money) for membership. Some call this "protection money". If you file a complaint against a lawyer with the Law Society you are warned not to discuss the complaint with any third party "including the police". Well, if your lawyer committed an assault, rape, extortion, grand theft, or some other crime, why shouldn't you notify the police? According to the police, you will forfeit your rights to mediation if you call in the cops! I call BULLSHIT on the LSUC. If you get ripped off or cheated by a Canadian lawyer, do not waste your time with the Law Society in Canada - file a police report. As you will see in the below links, the Law Society protects its members from public exposure and media scrutiny (because members pay annual dues to the Law Society that total in the millions). The Law Societies in Canada admitted publicly that less than 20% of the complaints they receive are even investigated, and less than 2% of the lawyers are punished in any way. In truth they are not protecting the public from bad lawyers, they are protecting the lawyers from the public. I did not make up these stories here that are shocking... Where there is this much smoke there is surely fire my friends. In this actual complaint filed with the law society, take note that the victim gave overwhelming evidence including a witness list of 19 people, yet the unnamed Law Society investigator did not bother to contact even one of the witnesses nor even the victim, and arbitrarily dismissed the complaint without any explanation, report, nor reasons. Many people including myself, wonder if there really was any "investigator" to begin with?!? The lawyer in this particular case was listed as a "member in good standing" even though he was just arrested for child abuse on August 14th, 2001! So if and when you get screwed by a lawyer in Canada file a police report and let the prosecutor and the courts bring the truth out into a public courtroom rather than in some back room of the Law Society.
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- Law Society
- Upper Canada
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