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Posts posted by err

  1. err, if you want to post something besides partisanship drivel and inflammatory comments, maybe I'll respond. Till then I remind you that the issue eureka and I are discussing is whether providing a level of services is a lawful obligation of an elected government. If you have something meaninful to contribute in that area, great, I can't wait to hear it.
    You were arguing about Mike Harris doing what he said he would do... I guess your response is your way of dodging the 50 billion penny question ......

    Because you know he lied, Eureka knows he lied, I know he lied... and so did most of Ontario when they gave him the boot... But it's funny how you can't come to admit that he lied.....

    You know, you're so misinformed it's comical. Ontario voted out Ernie Eves.

    The teachers whined and cried about Harris all through his first term, then Ontario voted him back in for a second. It's time for you to get your head out of the unions' asses.

    It was the Harris Tories that got the boot... Like Mulroney, Harris jumped ship just before the impending crash....

    I hope you will feel really proud of Mike Harris as you pay your higher electricity bills from now on... about $1000 per year more per household. Makes you proud to stand for that kind of freedom of choice.... Considering, from your posts, you are probably a young teenager who doesn't have to be concerned with these kinds of things yet.... but you'll grow up eventually.... (one can only hope)

  2. I can't find any links thus far, but I remember seeing in the news yesterday that there was already some public funds going to private health.  Has anyone else heard this?

    Private labs, x-ray clinics and other such institutions that exist across the country are private and services paid for by government. Think of physicians, almost all of whom are self-employed professionals operating what amounts to independent small businesses. Think of hospitals, for that matter, almost none of which are government-owned. Furthermore, any hospital that contracts out its laundry, housekeeping or cafeteria services is channelling public funds into private sector service delivery in the health care sector. Abortion clinics are private [Morganthaler] and services paid for by the federal government.

    Where a hospital or clinic does not have its own X-RAY machine, it has to pay for private services. However, the NDP push is not to expand private services that can be or already are provided in the public system. We should be making our public service the best it can be. Public health-care is less expensive than paying for a profit-making venture, and therefore, we can get more, better health-care for our own money if we invest our public system rather than a parallel private one.

  3. We have had numerous threads on this topic.  I suggest  a search on "softwood".

    I will link to a thread about corn subsidies where Canadian corn producers are complaining of the same treatment American lumber producers complain of.

    There is a kneejerk reaction in Canada and people rally round the flag.  Jingoistic politicians play the issue to the anti-American crowd, many of whom know nothing about softwood lumber.  Sadly, no one bothers to consider this issue more deeply.

    We all thank you for your attempt to demonstrate your admiration for the perceived sheer genius of your opinions. However, NAFTA panels have ruled over and over again in Canada's favour on this issue. I tend to suspect that the NAFTA panels are not exactly rife with anti-American sentiment.
    Trade is not a competitive sport, it is a team effort.  If we retaliate, we would be cutting off our nose to spite our face.
    Now bend over and accept the good trade.
  4. Well, I guess it was a good thing that the USA and Tony Blair got all those weapons of mass destruction that he was going to "get us" with.... By the way, how many did they get ??

    Your correct, there were no WMD, nor were there any terrorists links, However your not suggesting that the world would have been a better place with Sadams regime still in power.

    I don't think there's too much of a question about it. The world is now very different than it was pre-Iraq-II. Muslims around the world are now lining up to be recruited into anti-American groups... like never before... So I wouldn't say that the world is safer at all.... or better off... unless of course you have shares in Exxon, BP, or Haliburton....
    I think that history already shows that Canada's stance was "sensible" rather than "cowardly and greedy" as Montgomery would suggest....

    Sensible how, by telling Canadians that Canada would not take part in the Iraq invasion that it would not support this operation. Then order it's navy into the gulf to give assistance to the US fleet involved in the invasion. or by ordering it's martime surveilance aircraft to do the same.

    Maybe they wanted to be ready in case the situation changed. But I'll always take my hat of to Cretien for not involving Canada in the Iraq war. I know that we can't say the same about Harper though...
    There is no reason now to not get involved more than we are already,regardless of why the war was started thats a mout piont now. the Iraq solution requires more countries to get involved to establish the security Iraq needs so that the rebuilding process can begin. So that the Iraqis can get on with there lifes. That would be the sensiable thing to do .
    The USA pissed in Iraq... and while the piss is still boiling, I'd say "let the Americans sleep in it.... they made it"... Why should Canadian boys play cannon fodder for the USA's actions.... It's not like they're offering any of the oil....
  5. err, if you want to post something besides partisanship drivel and inflammatory comments, maybe I'll respond. Till then I remind you that the issue eureka and I are discussing is whether providing a level of services is a lawful obligation of an elected government. If you have something meaninful to contribute in that area, great, I can't wait to hear it.
    You were arguing about Mike Harris doing what he said he would do... I guess your response is your way of dodging the 50 billion penny question ......

    Because you know he lied, Eureka knows he lied, I know he lied... and so did most of Ontario when they gave him the boot... But it's funny how you can't come to admit that he lied.....

  6. norman,

    Your one note whinging is getting quite sad. How is Harper's legitimate opposition to the hate crimes legislation at all related to this post. Please, please don't post such biased material if you honestly want to foster debate.

    For some strange reason, Harper's been rather silent on the issue of Iraq recently.  But at one time, he had rather strong opinions on the issue.  Link:


    For example, I'm sure he'd rather we forgot that he voted to exclude sexual orientation from hate crimes legislation. This was an extreme position even by the socially intolerant standards of CPC.

    Excellent point Norman.... The example provided is an excellent illustration of Harper holding a position that he's temporarily keeping in the closet. This deserves a thread of its own.

    And if Harper's keeping this (position on hate crimes) in the closet while on campaign, it makes me question how many other things he's "just not mentioning". And what would he do about Iraq if elected on Jan 23????

  7. "Our focus is to keep public health-care dollars going to public and non-profit facilities," Layton told reporters. "What happens with people in the privacy of their own relationship financially, that's up to them."

    So why didn't he support the Liberals a couple of weeks ago if he thinks this now.Two weeks ago he wanted existing private clinics removed. What's up Jack, polls making you sick ?????

    It's actually pretty simple Canuck, so I thought you could understand it... but maybe you're just pretending not to. Layton's position is and has been that no PUBLIC money should go to PRIVATE health-care clinics.... The argument with Martin a few weeks back was over Martin's refusal to guarantee that the $41 Billion announced a few months back would go to PUBLIC health care....
  8. It is also incredibly pompous of our nation to sit back and allow the United States to pay for this war themselves when we depend so much on them to defend our nation should the need arise.
    They started it... They got in, and now Exxon, Shell and BP are going to get the oil instead of Dutch, French, and Russian countries, so the war was a resounding success as far as the USA's objectives are concerned.... Or did you really believe that bit about "promoting democracy"...
    the democracy they've been given by the United States and UK
    Why should Canada come in and try to take some of the glory for the wonderful democracy they've (USA & UK) created in Iraq... I think it only fair that the USA and UK get all the credit for the wonderful state they've created....
  9. Here Here!! CBC headline reads: LAYTON URGES RETALIATORY TAXES OVER SOFTWOOD LUMBER DISPUTE. This is also on other forms of energy besides oil and gas. This is talking about hydro electric exports. THank God Layton doesn't stand a chance of ever being PM. We have to make sure also that he doesn't get to hold the balance of power otherwise he just may try to force the government to start a trade war with the U.S. that we cannot possbly hope to win, in fact it very well put hundres of thousands of Canadian's out of work. What a moron!!
    Canada should threaten tariffs on oil and gas exports to the United States as a way of dealing with the ongoing softwood lumber battle, NDP leader Jack Layton said Saturday.

    The opening message says "The NDP have announced they will"... The quoted text above says "threaten"... and why not... If the USA will not play fair, and abide by the NAFTA agreement, then why not.... Canada provides 30% of the USA's oil and 95% of their natural gas.... It might be a way to catch their eye...

  10. I find it sad that upon the cusp of the liberation of the Iraqi people--instead of jumping in there and helping--we stood on the sidelines secretly hoping that the whole thing would fail so that we could point to the Americans and say, "That's what you get for interfering with our greed for oil and Saddam's blood money". 

    Well, I guess it was a good thing that the USA and Tony Blair got all those weapons of mass destruction that he was going to "get us" with.... By the way, how many did they get ????

    If the UK could see that the Iraq war was a war that needed to be fought, why couldn't we?
    I guess we couldn't see all those weapons of mass destruction as well as Tony could....
    I can't imagine what Tony Blair must've thought of us for our cowardly greedy decision. I can only hope that we are forgiven for our shameful stance.
    I think that history already shows that Canada's stance was "sensible" rather than "cowardly and greedy" as Montgomery would suggest....
  11. An income tax cut would be more regressive than the GST cut. In cutting income taxes, the wealthy are the primary beneficiaries of the cut... and get most the money taken from the government's coffers. A removal of the GST or some percentage thereof will benefit the lower income and middle classes much more than will an income tax cut.

    Better yet, why not put the surplus back where much of it was taken from. Fix our PUBLIC health-care system so that it provides the services we expect it to. We don't elect governments to give us our own money back.... We elect them to provide services for our money.......

  12. I could not imagine being diagnosed with cancer and having to wait for treatment. But, thousands of Canadians are facing just that everyday. So, anything that can stop that kind of suffering has to be considered.
    How about investing in our PUBLIC health care system.

    Paul Martin has cut billions upon billions in funding for health care to finance his deficit reduction and Corp Canada's tax breaks as finance minister. How about putting some of the surplus back into the PUBLIC health care system...

    Last election, when Martin was patting himself on the back for his "cost-cutting", Harper said he didn't cut enough.

    Martin would not agree to Layton's demand that new health-care spending go to PUBLIC health care. He had about 1/3 of the $41 Billion announced earlier this year earmarked for private institutions.

    I think that realistically, only the NDP is really serious about making our PUBLIC health-care system one that will work for all Canadians....

  13. The province does not have the right to decide how many teachers or nurses it will employ. The province is the government for the people to do the people's will.

    It absolutely can decide how many teachers, nurses, doctors, or level of provinicial services it should provide. You are correct when you say that it should do the people's will. Mike Harris' government ran on a platform of tax cuts, and the people demonstrated that was their will by electing him (TWICE!).

    I note that you didn't include the part where he sold the 407 highway and most of our electricity generation capabilities for far less than their actual worth so that, with this influx of cash, that people wouldn't realize the extent of the damage he did to our province and its people...

    Now maybe we pay a little less to the government of Ontario for our electricity, but every homeowner in Ontario will pay about $1000 more to the "efficient" private industry for our electricity.

    Further, MOST Ontarians are paying MORE TAX now than before Mike Harris, whose tax cuts only really saved the wealthy money. Shifting social services to the municipal level increases our property taxes, usually by a lot more than our Mike Harris tax savings....

    The people have decided that they want a medical system and an education system. It is the province's obligation to maintain that system as a wise steward. That means adequate staffing.

    Exactly how have the "people have decided that they want a medical system and an education system"? The people make their decisions via their vote evey election. No choice is static. When a people elect a government to cut taxes, they expect them to do so.

    I wonder how Renegade can explain Mike Harris's promise "Not one penny from classroom education" Can he say this is true because Harris took 50 Billion pennies from education on his first year of reforms, rather than "one penny" ???
  14. Thanks for that cc. No way I am wasting my time responding to some loser who gets banned and sneaks back onto the board.

    Don't get sand in your eyes.... What's the matter... don't you have a response....

    It seems a very familiar strategy when someone puts up a good post that reflects the general public sentiment... and you don't agree with it... Stick your head in the sand....

    This post basically says the same thing that Kim Campbell said yesterday... another post that you again wouldn't address the same issue....

  15. my views on some topics.

    -Marijuana should not be legalized.

    Why not ???
    -Same sex marriages shouldn't be legal
    Why not...
    -We do need to place some reforms for our future "enviroment"
    Here you seem to diverge with the CPC way of thinking....
    -14 yr's is to young to be having sex.
    When I was 14 I thought differently... but was that ok because I was a boy ???
  16. we probably should have voted Eves back in then to further run the deficit then... yeah.. that makes sense.

    How about Howard Hampton.... who from day one spoke against the de-regulation of our electricity system.... but the Cons and Liberals knew how much "more efficiently" it would be run in private hands.... And if you own a house, that decision alone is going to cost you up to $1000 per year....

  17. I think the NDP are an excellent option. They agreed to help tear down Martin's empire when Martin wouldn't give full support to PUBLIC health care.... only lip service.... When Layton demanded Liberals guarantee all new federal funding for health care be guaranteed to go to PUBLIC health care, the Liberals said "Yes, but it doesnt apply to the recently announced $41 Billion increase in health care spending".... They has about a third of that earmarked for private business.... So I'm glad Layton tore him down....

    Layton appears to be the only one of the major politicians who is trying to benefit the Canadian public rather than just their own personal and party standings. It appears to be a popular perception....

    So more NDP seats will be a good thing to help control the next minority government....


  18. McGuinty's nose is growing.

    What a contrast to the heady days of the 2003 provincial election campaign, when McGuinty -- with great public fanfare -- made a big show of signing the Taxpayer Protection pledge. Like his oft-repeated campaign vow, "I won't raise your taxes," there was nothing quiet about it.

    Worse than that. When McGuinty was campaigning, he promised the earth and the moon and the sun.... but he knew in advance that he couldn't keep any of his promises.... A few weeks before the election call, Gerry Phillips, the Liberal finance critic got up in the house and accused the Conservatives of hiding the fact that the deficit was greater than $4.5 Billion.... and that being the case... the "surprise deficit" wasn't a surprise at all...... Every single promise was a LIE.... not just most of them.... EVERY SINGLE ONE..... because they knew there was no money.....

  19. Every time I have to wait longer than 6 weeks to see a specialist I thank "Uncle Mike" for his "right" thinking. Every time I am denied long term disability because I am unable to work I thank "Uncle Mikey."   I have nothing but contempt for the man. 
    Dear szkw1. Have you ever stopped to think that maybe Renegade has a point. Maybe the 12 thousand nurses he laid off didn't affect wait times at all... You must be a real loony lefty if you think that those 14 hospitals he closed in Toronto affected waiting times in any way. Next thing you'll be saying is that the billions that Harris cut from health care funding affected it in a whole bunch of other ways.... but probably don't have any internet links to prove it.....

    After seeing the public reaction to the drastic cuts to health care, Mike Harris became a changed man.... He actually increased spending on health care in Ontario to what he boasted was "more than any previous government". But he didn't spend it wastefully on overpaid doctors, lazy nurses, and overpriced health care equipment. He spent our money wisely on building contracts... building wings onto hospitals, tearing down wings of hospitals, but it's all "health care" isn't it.

    And best of all, these contracts were great for repaying loyal Ontario construction firms, loyal to the Conservative Party.... You really know what you're getting when you vote Conservative .....

    If private health care were an option, you would have the choice of not waiting (and of course paying for that privlige).  Simply put, you are expecting the taxpayer to fund "premium" healthcare, at a time when healthcare costs are already being driven up due to more expensive technology choices and an aging population.
    and of course the new buildings and wings on the hospitals....
  20. Ultimately, Harper has to reassure many women in Ontario.  For the moment, he seems like an Angry Ex-Husband who gripes about paying alimony (or an Angry Husband who simply gripes).
    He has to reassure them that when he kept changing his position on abortion due to the upopularity of his stance, that he really means it... honest... he won't try to ban abortions.... honest.... really... cross my fingers...
    I think Harper has alot of political capital
    along with a lot of financial capital (from big business) because they know his policies will not pump money into improving life for Canadian citizens ===> Corp Canada comes first with the CPC .... CorPorate Canada.
    (that is, people know that he doesn't tell lies to avoid difficult truths).  He can use that capital now to speak about hopes and dreams.  People will believe him. 
    what people... the ones who go to Mark Emery's web site ???
    And Harper is not the type to abuse that trust.
    and you base this on what ???
    IMV, English-Canada (particularly Ontario) must come around to the idea that Harper is an honest, steadfast English-Canadian.
    Do you have a link to Mark Emery's web site to help us accept these ideas ???
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