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Posts posted by err

  1. Should the green party replace the bloc on national televised debates,because the greens represent more provinces than the 1 province the bloc represents?

    Or,is the bloc placed there by the liberals or the liberal media to take the focus off other Canadian issues,to once again set up a false sense of security that the liberals will keep Quebec within Canada?

    While I do think the Greens' voices should be heard, the Bloc will almost definitely be the official opposition, and hence, has to be heard....

  2. Did Martin orchestrate spat with Washington?

    Kate and I have been investigating a tip that she received that suggests that Paul Martin did in fact orchestrate the recent fight between himself and the Bush administration. The proof may lie in the Liberal ads.

    Consider the following timeline:

    December 5th: The Liberals release three ads on their website. (1, 2, 3)

    December 7th - Paul Martin at Montreal climate change conference: "To the reticent nations, including the United States, I say this: There is such a thing as a global conscience, and now is the time to listen to it, now is the time to join with others in the global community"

    December 8th - Canadian ambassador to the US, Frank McKenna (a Liberal) reportedly receives a "dressing down" from the Bush administration over Martin's comments on December 7th.

    Kate notes: Norm Spector provides analysis from David Frum disputing this rebuke of McKenna.

    Somebody needs to "get their attention"... good for Martin...

  3. All I have to know about Martin and his loyalty to Canada is that on his Financial watch Millions of dollars where stolen from Canadian tax payers.


    I'd be careful what you'd say... Martin may have learned from Mulroney, when Mulroney was going to be investigated for the huge airbus scandal, he just sued the Canadain government for $50 Million for slander... and they shut up...

  4. One hundred and thirty-eight years of abnormal politics is a bit much to take and I for one am looking forward to the day of a stable normalized Canadian political system, in fact I can't wait, time for a divorce is long due.

    I would tend to think that 138 years of the same thing, by definition, would make that thing "the norm".... Perhaps it is you that is "abnormal"

  5. That why people are still voting for the Liberals: they want a party that provides the same policies without the corruption.

    Then why the big scare campaign? The Liberals aren't running against Conservative policies, which, as you say, nobody wants.

    CPC party policies... not to be confused with Progressive Conservative. At least the PC party was socially liberal, with no demonstrable discrimination against homosexuals, women who want abortions, or Bubber's favourite pot smokers....

    Sorry, I've been trying to figure out just how your response is in ANY way related to anything which came before. It doesn't appear there is any such relationship. So what is it you're trying to say and why are you saying it here?

    First, look at the inside quote, and their responses.... (hint) The CPC party and their policies are totally different from the Progressive Conservative party.
    Personally, I am not a fan of Paul Martin, but see you CPC types tarring Martin with the Cretien Liberal's brush....  Should we be blaming Harper for the GST ??? ... just because Mulroney, the leader of the last government with the word "Conservative" in their party name put the GST in....

    Was Harper the number two man in Mulroney's government for 12 years, deputy prime minister, VP of treasury? No? Then stupid question.

    The Martin government is not the same thing as the Cretien government. In fact, Cretien didn't personally get along well with Martin, but kept him as finance minister because Martin was capable of "fixing the deficit" and other financial woes inherited from the previous PC government... From all accounts, Gomery particularly exonerated Martin because it was made clear that Cretien wouldn't allow Martin near the program....
  6. Err,
    A Dipper not supporting a union.... how about a Dork who cant understand practicalities....

    PS. One of my cars is American.

    What happened to the pacticality of keeping your fellow Canadian employed as you have stated so many times about union people needing to make a decent living too.

    What happened to you brother?

    I find it offensive that you should call me a "brother"... see above for what I called you....

    Don't you care for them anymore.

    So what if the service is crappy or overpriced or unreliable,isn't it a Dipper's  duty to look out for these people and make sure they stay employed?

    The term "Dipper" is offensive.... as are you. The name is "New Democrat". You show as much respect and tolerance as your leader....
    You own more than one car?

    Isn't that a Dipper no-no?

    The environment doesn't need this kind of excess.

    Shame on you Err,preaching about  environmental damage and owning more than one car.

    Most days, I only drive one car at a time....
  7. I'm dead serious, Cameron. I've already written Paul Martin about this.

    The PM answered by saying that protecting Canadian jobs in the new economic paradigm was his first priority and that as PM, he considered it his primary duty to defend Canadian cultural values.  He added that he understood how important my local Canada Post was to the vibrancy of my community and he was working energetically to ensure the vibrancy of local communities.

    I hate to burst your bubble August, but you got a form letter....

  8. On the one hand, we have a government that is demonstrably corrupt and exhausted.

    On the other, we have an Opposition with no record of either.  None at all.

    You miss the point: the issue is whether the opposition offers policies that people want or whether it offers policies that appeal to a minority of people and expects the rest to vote for them simply because they have not had the opportunity to be corrupt.

    That why people are still voting for the Liberals: they want a party that provides the same policies without the corruption.

    Then why the big scare campaign? The Liberals aren't running against Conservative policies, which, as you say, nobody wants.

    CPC party policies... not to be confused with Progressive Conservative. At least the PC party was socially liberal, with no demonstrable discrimination against homosexuals, women who want abortions, or Bubber's favourite pot smokers....
    You also forget that Martin was not implicated in the scandal no matter what the opposition parties want to believe so most people know they are not voting for the Chertien Liberal party that created the mess: they are voting for the Martin Liberal party who can clean up the mess.

    And I require more from my prime minister than the fact he can't be put in prison. Martin knew, and if he didn't know, he should have known.

    Am I just confused, or did Gomery not praise Paul Martin in his first report...... stating that Martin was completely exonerated, that he had no access to the sponsorship program, and for his efforts to unroot those involved in the scandal....

    Personally, I am not a fan of Paul Martin, but see you CPC types tarring Martin with the Cretien Liberal's brush.... Should we be blaming Harper for the GST ??? ... just because Mulroney, the leader of the last government with the word "Conservative" in their party name put the GST in....

  9. Yes, but decriminalization means less money to law enforcement, and no union ever argued to lose work.
    I understood that it was the forestry industry that was one of the big pushers to have pot criminalized.... to prevent the production of commercial hemp for paper.... even though the variation of the hemp plant used for paper production is low in THC, it looks looks just like the "good plant"....
  10. (sorrry for previous... morning coffee not consumed yet)

    Simple question: if this was such a big faux-pas by Harper, why haven't any of Harper's opponents tried to take advantage?  If it was a mistake by Harper, wouldn't his opponents be quick to capitalize on it?

    I'm pretty sure that the Liberal campaign strategists have a better grasp on what will score points with voters than you or I.  So I'll tell you what. If Martin starts talking about this event during his speeches, or if the Liberals use this in their advertising, then I'll say "Wow, I guess you were right, err."

    And wouldn't you think it could be an important strategy not to be seen to be guilty of petty finger-pointing themselves, but rather let other people do it ....

    ... and if the "other people" didn't do it (or notice it), all they need is to have a few "friends" post info about it on a few sites like this....

  11. I'm sure Liberal strategists are salivating at the thought of running video of Harper giving Duceppe the "back off" gesture in response to the offered handshakes.

    What could be better, especially after Martin has spent the past year trying to depict Harper and Duceppe as best buddies?

    It shows a deep lack of respect for someone he was in bed with just last month.... I think is shows his untrustworthyness very well....
    You know. Dumb-guys, and people who were already dead-set on voting against Harper anyway.
    Wow, that's a broad group, naming orthogonal sets of people who won't vote for Harper....

    Thanks for providing an example.

    Simple question: if this was such a big faux-pas by Harper, why haven't any of Harper's opponents tried to take advantage? If it was a mistake by Harper, wouldn't his opponents be quick to capitalize on it?

    I'm pretty sure that the Liberal campaign strategists have a better grasp on what will score points with voters than you or I. So I'll tell you what. If Martin starts talking about this event during his speeches, or if the Liberals use this in their advertising, then I'll say "Wow, I guess you were right, err."


  12. The rise of fundamentalist Muslims and their percieved threat on the western world required leadership, the UN dithered and US acted. Saddam was a provocateur and was wealthy enough to do substantial damage. There is also no question he was amassing significant weapons including chemical weapons, medium range missiles for delivery and nuclear potential.
    Most of the chemical weapons given to Saddam by the United States of America were spent on Iran, when Saddam was the USA's agent in the middle east. There were no nuclear weapons, nor any potential for them... and the USA knew this well...

    You just have to ask yourself... If Saddam had these, why didn't he use any such weapons to defend his country ?????

    On the latter the Isrealis had done several unilateral bombing missions to keep him in check. Where his armaments went is still a mystery, but there remains no evidence he destroyed much of his weaponry.
    Maybe he was too busy hiding his weapons to defend against the invading forces....
    You have to recall that Muslim fundementalist terrorists have been striking western targets since the late 80's, clearly they were gaining strength and confidence. Saddam had links to fundamentalist and continually meddled in the affairs of other countries, in fact prior to the fall of the Shaw, Sadam had willingly protected the Ayatolah who later took the US hostages.
    The Shah of Iran... the same one installed by the USA after they helped in a coup to get rid of the democratically elected Massedegh governement in Iran ???
  13. A vote for the liberals in this election means you support corruption within the Canadian government.So either you are corrupt yourself,or your livelihood depends on a liberal win.If it is the latter,it is a very sad state of affairs when a corrupt government has enough power to force you to support their corruption in order for you to survive in a democratic country.

    Well... it is in all Canadians' benefit to ensure that the CPC party doesn't get in, so what do you suggest... a Layton majority government ????

  14. And of course, with these economic times, $200K doesnt go very far... most Canadians can really identify with that ... can't they....

    Yes, we certainly can.My main problem though,we are lead to believe by the liberals they are the economic geniuses and our economy is second best to none.

    In some other countries,with a 200K income,you can live quite well.There seems to be a little discord here,please shed some light on this issue.

    The quote above should be attributed to me.... and the statement was made with more than a smidgen of sarcasm.....

  15. I find it very interesting that the US talked so much about giving Iraq back to the people and letting Iraqies be free to determine their own destinies under a democratic nation, and yet so many oil contracts (Oil being the biggest money earning commodity in the country) were handed out before the Iraqies were able to determine what they wanted to do with "their" wealth.  I agree that the royalties will still be paid to the government, but if owning the rights to the oil wasnt worth a lot more than said royalties, oil companies wouldnt be so rich.

    What an interesting turn of events it would be if the Iraq Supreme Court (Apologies if this is not the correct name for it) ruled those contracts void because they werent offered by the people of Iraq and chose to form their own companies to reap the rewards of the oil rather than the US Companies.  Granted they would need to bring in specialists, but there are many countries around the world with those people.

    Excellent post... That would be hilarious.... I think we'd be looking at Iraq III.
  16. I'm with Harper. I'd rather there be a perfect public health care system - or at least a competent one. But I want A system there so I can use it in an emergency. If the public system can't provide it then I'll go with the private system.

    I think that both the Liberals and NDP are talking about fixing the public system. However, it should be important to note that the reason we are having this election now, the reason that Layton broke off ties with the Liberals, is that the Liberals wouldn't guarantee to support only the public system. Of the $40 Billion recently promised to the provinces to reduce wait times, something like 30 percent is earmarked for private health care firms. This funding could go a long way to make our non-profit public health-care system a lot better....

    I believe the NDP at least, unlike the Liberals, actually do care about the public system. Unfortunately, I have zero confidence they will actually fix it. They will pour in more and more money, but do nothing to address the systemic problems. The system will get much more expensive, but no more accessible.
    Some of the systematic problems are leaks in the boat... where public money is pouring into private hands for profit... And when it's going into a private pocket, its not buying health care....
    I believe the system is fixable. But the Liberals aren't interested, and the NDP isn't capable, due to ideological rigidity. I'm hoping the Tories can tweak the rules and do better.
    Where the CPC ideology of giving the money to private companies for private profits that will be spent on .... boats, cottages, ski chalets... not to mention beer and popcorn..... or would it be Scotch and smoked salmon ....
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