These are your words right? Prove it!
Unless I take you to the actual place how an I ever gonna prove to you exactly who these poeple are on the internet. Rationality sudgests that anyone who would want to leave a place with the necesity for life, to a place that does not provide that and has racist tendencies, is doing it for some sort of personal benefit.
Yes. I'd rather be a poor black person in the States than a poor black person in a war torn African nation. Thats said, I fail to see the point of this line of thinking......
Are we talking about Cuba or are we talking about Cuba? Either way you might take note that I metioned the words: "unless they had absolutely no choice". Allowing that some are criminals who have been released form prison by this horrible dictatorship do leave for America. Mind you in these aren't your steal a loaf of bread kind of 'criminals' that americans are used to .
So in a nut (no pun) shell, you think the Cuban boat people are risking their lives becase:
1. They are from the former "ruling class".
yes not technically, but they are the decendants of these feudalistic people, but yes.
2. They are being "tricked" by the Americans to come to Cuba, to hurt Castro.
No, not tricked they are treated much better that most other minorities in the US, hence the source I posted from Dayton University. After that, just think "why would they treat Cubans so much better?".
3. The ones that do come, are only white.
Now again, can you prove any of your claims? You cast a blanket statement, but refuse to back it up.....whats that suppose to lead people intrested in this thread to think?
That being said, I don't discount that some Cubans are political refuges, that some have dreams of political prosparity and that some Cuban boat people are infact white........
No not all, the vast majority.