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  1. It was a BAILOUT a "gift" to the friends of our elected officials.
  2. Used car salesmen have more credibility than "Brian"
  3. An MP's life MPs live in fear of the words " the leader doesn't think you're a team player" Translation "the leader may not sign your papers come next election " Actual meaning: " you are out of a job if you don't tow the party line" Results: Gut wrenching fear sometimes resulting in staining of underwear. Usually results in immedeate correction of errors. ...
  4. First: Every candidate should maintain a website to record how they voted/were absent..on every vote in our House of Commons Secondly : Candidates selected by local constituents associations could not be denied an opportunity to run in a campaign by party leader or party insiders Third: Someone has to start insisting politicians serve their constituents first
  5. Absolutely correct..MPs serve the party and the party leadership ....they live in fear of loosing their "jobs" because most of them could not get a decent job. They say all the "right" things but anyone who has observed their actual voting records will see that they serve the party thereby securing their future
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