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Posts posted by wyly

  1. I'm surprised that people are who are on the left aren't singing the praises of the Harper government. They've been screaming about wanting this for months, maybe years and it's happened now. The left wing supporters here should be dancing in the streets, I don't understand why they aren't.

    seriously, praise harper?... he was embarrassed into doing this...he wouldn't have done if could have got away with it, he doesn't want this hanging around his neck...
  2. And from the very bottom of the link in the OP:

    Not the slightest bit concerned……..Since it was never planned that we would make our actual purchase until after the next federal election, does anyone wish to bet that the winner of said fighter competition isn’t announced until late 2015 or early 2016?

    A cagey political move by the Government that just defused one of the main attacks against them by the Peanut Gallery…………

    Don’t believe me……..Notice there is no mention of Canada leaving the JSF partnership in the “storey” (And I use such term lightly)

    As I said several days ago in reference to John Ivison’s piece and the graphic linked to by Cybercoma, the National Post is guilty of sloppy, lazy journalism.

    it's gone, done like dinner... the conservatives are backing away looking for a way out to save face...this golden plated pig ain't gonna fly...
  3. Topaz-

    I heard on TV, that the F-35 was picked not what was right for Canada but more for what was right for fighting overseas, you know,other NATO picks to invade.

    makes sense it was hoped that every nato member would buy in, but nato consisting of small countries range isn't as big an issue with numerous emergency landing sites a single engine plane may work, ...but canada is huge landing strips in the north are few and a single engine is risky, the engine quits there is no spare to get you back...the russians operating in similar conditions to us are developing a twin engine plane with double the range of the F-35's...

  4. checking prices I think it would come down to these two...the Rafale 90-124 million, super hornet 66.9 million, in my un-expert opinion the Rafale is the better plane whether it's worth the extra cost I couldn't say...then there are the russian options, why not, they build good planes and have similar operating conditions as canada....

    eliminate the typhoon 150-180 million more than the F35 although it appears to be a superior aircraft...

  5. I think it be a great idea that Mr. Harper eases more access and leniency towards more mining companies in the developing the North. That would be a surefire way for our sovereignty to be reassured and plus it would help the local economy up there and give jobs to the Inuits.

    mining companies are notoriously irresponsible give them any slack and they'll destroy everything near the mine, they're only responsible when they have rules and regulations to follow...

    How about the Inuit move down south where the jobs are...like everyone else in the country when there's no work where you live, it's time to move...it sucks but that's reality the work isn't coming to you...

  6. Yes, but those 2 sides aren't included in this film. So as a self-billed short introduction to the Israel-Palestine conflict, this video is terribly one-sided and incomplete. It's a propaganda film with an agenda, whereas it should be much more objective if it's supposed to be an intro for people to the conflict.

    rolleyes.gif that is the basic story there isn't anything one sided about it, that's what happened there is no alternate history...

    you wanna go into details we can talk about Palestinian rockets and terrorists and terrorist leaders, but then we could also talk about Israeli ethnic cleansing, terrorists, terrorist leaders and bombings...

    I think it's you who only wanted to hear what you want to hear. What I want to hear is the perspective of both sides.
    if you have a alternate history version that differs feel free to educate us...
  7. Ok.... good story but it doesn't apply to what is happening when a public institution can't manage costs and they skyrocket while quality plummets.

    People on the left side of the dial need to care about these things - it's our house we need to keep it clean.

    which brings me back to poor information, you're making judgements without the facts... just hearsay by people who may be out of touch and ill-informed, teachers are not qualified to make judgements on how much construction procedures should cost and neither is Joe Public..here I am someone who is qualified and I wouldn't/can't because I don't know the details, a price and a very brief job description tells me nothing about the legitimacy of the cost....the costs may be out of control or they may be within reason no one has provided evidence of either scenario, hearsay just doesn't cut it...
  8. The company survived but didn't do as well as it could have done.

    the owner is well off and retired, there are more important things in life than greed and profit....could it have done better? that's hard to say, it had work when many others went bankrupt in tough times, it always had the manpower to handle the multiple corporate clients and still provide excellent service and quality... if it had only a small select crew it wouldn't had as many clients to keep that crew working if they had work stoppages, without constant work crew would have gone elsewhere to find work...
  9. The video is historically accurate. As for anti israeli bias any historical account is going to appear that way to Israels supporters.

    yes it is historically (simplified) accurate it's about as unbiased as it can be...

    it was made by a jewish organization so I can't wait until peeves claims it's anti-Semitic...

  10. Well this instance is unique because all the other boards in the province allow for bids. Again it wouldn't be news if the board wasn't flat broke. They could do numerous things to help with their costs but their trustees refuse to.

    well where mrs wyly works they have union based "in house" maintenance work crew but they also contract work to outside bidders...

    and installing a pencil sharper I'd charge $150, that's 2- 2.5 hours of my day-travel time, fuel, picking up sharpener, install, warranty...

  11. Most people do not like bullies and if their government is enabling the bully to continue what it's doing, by financial and political incentives, it's no surprise it will receive attention. Not that it's not receiving attention, but the U.S. is not enabling or making excuses for the Syrian government or some african governments. More and more people are realizing the extremely biased and unfair stance of U.S. in regards to Israel and so it is finally receiving the attention it deserves.

    and this is really due to the american electoral system, 700,000 jews in Florida of coarse Presidential candidates cater to them, they could be the difference between winning and losing the presidency, the electoral system gives them political clout way far in-excess of their actual numbers...
  12. The video is massively biased against Israel. It's 6 minutes of "Israel has been terrible to Palestinians". No mention of Palestinian rockets or suicide bombers. There I just saved you 6 minutes, Bud you owe me those 6 of my life back. The video is a piece of garbage.

    wow how brainwashed are you?..

    there was indeed mention of Palestinian violence but you're so indoctrinated you skipped right past that, you must've had your fingers buried in your ears up to the knuckle...you only hear what you want to hear, only what meets your preconceived/conditioned views...I know this may come as a surprise to you as you've obviously led a sheltered life but there are always two sides to every story....

  13. It's not just any Union. It's one Union. No bidding process, the Union can charge what they want.

    If you knew a client had to deal with you because their employer says they have to, what motivation do you have to be competitive?

    There is overwhelming evidence from the Star (A left-leaning publication BTW) Investigation that this Union isn't charging a competitive wage. Other boards do a bidding process like you've said you do with the contracts you get.

    I don't the situation there so it's hard for me to comment, but unions workers get paid the same whether they work for public facilities of private operations...so a union electrician will get the same pay working in the school or in mine...opening up bids to other union companies would be fair...non union company bids would need to be carefully monitored and kept to the same standards because they tend to take shortcuts which isn't acceptable in public facilities, particularly schools ...
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