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  1. the ever vigilent waldo counters (from Snopes) MLW Shady member's, "Hillary Clinton Rape Defense Meme", status update. TRUE: Clinton reluctantly defended in a rape case involving a 12-year-old girl, successfully challenged mismanaged evidence and entered a plea bargain for the defendant. FALSE: Clinton did not laugh at the case's outcome, did not volunteer to be the man's lawyer and did not claim the complainant fantasized about being raped by older men

    1. Shady


      She did so reluctantly? How so?

    2. BC_chick


      She wrote the affidavit saying the kid likes older men and is lying and in tapes she says she knew her client was guilty and that she's lost faith in polygraphs because he passed. She's a total shyster defense lawyer. It's a job and I get that, but there is no good explanation other than being a shyster is part of the job for a defense lawyer.

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