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Posts posted by 85RZ500

  1. Wait for Ignatief to ramp up his disapproval of government action on the budget in his first review. By the second review, he'll be calling for resignations and or an election. By the last review he'll pull the plug on Harper and have all the ammunition to bet Harper at his own game.

    I see Harper falling hook line and sinker into Ignatief's budget trap set for him last month. As I see it Harper would have been in a better position to called for an election over the economy then to let Ignatief continually point out how much a failure he has been at stimulating the economy. Of course Harper's plan won;t have any real effect for at least 1 1/2 years but the public wants to see change now. And if Ignatief plays it right by the time we go to election and he becomes prime minister the economy will have begun its upturn.

    Harper can't win.

    Sadly, I can see your point.

    The shrewd politician would have let the coalition form the gov't and sit back and watch it implode.

    But the ecomomy, there's an elephant in the room and it's name is oil. Oil is at $45 a barrel , as of this am we're paying $3.87 a gallon for fuel. If the oil/gas/broker/speculator cabal starts to ratchet oil up again our tax dollars poured into the stimulus packeges might as well be in the toilet.

    If it stays as is, the stim-pac's will accomplish nothing.

  2. Can I ask you a question? Are you a guy or a girl? A lot of guys are not able to fold their legs the way Obama can. I can't. Its the way the body has been built. Oh yeah, what difference does it make how one folds their legs? Wow...you right wingers and you're fear of Liberals.

    Right winger?, and fear of Liberals. We supported the Liberal party for decades, the lying, cheating, and social engineering finally got the best of us. Fear them?, we despise them.

    And there's a way to act in public, with all his wonderfullness, he should know better.

    And it's your, not you're

  3. He actually IS very good as a leader. Do you think that the media would have cared if Dion had met with Obama. They would brush it off. Because Iggy has a really, really good chance at becoming PM, the media cares. He speaks a Churchillian style, looks dignified, pragmatic, and has had a successfu life outside of politics. I know you'll say he was just a teacher. You're wrong there, he was also a broadcaster, journalist, human rights activist, and author. He's been in places where Harper has only heard about on television. You'll also say that he made his success outside of Canada. You're right there but when you are an intellectual, you need to travel the world and take advantage of opportunities. Ex. there is nothing like the School of Government at Harvard in the world.

    He needed to talk about Omar Khadr. Khadr is a Canadian citizen and therefore needs to be protected by our government from inhumane treatment. He also is a child soldier. He may or may not have thrown that supposed grenade but he deserves the rights every Canadian person not yet found guilty deserves. Oh yeah, Canadians ARE concerned for him; just look at the poll numbers. And he has every right complaining about troubles with his own government. It would be irresponsible for him to lie. He obviously isn't complaining but stating something that may have an effect on the U.S./Canada relationship. It is a minority governmetn afterall and he may hint of an election.

    His picture in Times Square was done because no news media picked up the story of the Opposition Leader and Obama meeting. This is a statement to the Americans that Ignatieff, the de facto future P.M. of this nation, will be responsible for the Canadian side of this relationship soon enough. We all know that Harper isn't going to be in office for long--at least we can agree on that.

    LOL, Bah!

  4. Ah, Iggy the American, or is it the Englishman or the Russian? Who really knows, LOL, who really cares.

    Ah, I've got it ,he's the Convenient Canadian, returned from everywhere to save our country with his wonderfullness. I hope they used the pic with his leg up and the sock showing, what a classy dude.

    Too bad he didn't have the backbone to call the election.

  5. Ignatieff will wipe the floor clean by the next election.

    LOL, you're smokin' some weird s--- there bud.

    Did you catch the pic of the Convenient Canadian and Obama sitting together? Obama had his legs folded like a gentleman and Ignatief like a backwoods farmer. The guy is an embarrasment to this country.

    Maybe he'd fit in better in the UK or is it the US or wherever the hell he's been holed up for the last three decades.

  6. If he can't handle a little name calling, he shouldn't be in politics.

    LOL, OK , Ignatief is an overbearing , arrogant a$$hole, how's that?

    I think it was moronic of Mouammar to use those words, to bite the hand that feeds them.

    But I do not agree with Kenney's take on the number of new immigrants they're going to allow to come into our country this year. I'll still vote Conservative but another reason to hold my nose when I do.

  7. I know this is off topic a bit but isn't the Bloc a blight on our society?

    Not a PQ put down, hey it could be any provincial group in the country. These people exist to bust up the nation, and the nation pays them for their efforts.

    And language, we are an officially billingual country. In the house of commons the other parties go back and forth with the two languages when their members speak.

    Not the Bloc, they persist in flaunting the rules and we bend over , once again , and let them get away with it.

    Only in Canada.

  8. PT, once again we agree, amazing eh?

    The scared straight thing is good and I like the boot camp idea too.

    There's one south west of Mississauga called the Robert Land Acadamy. Check it out, the problem is the $40K p/a tag, it's only for the rich brats.

    Poverty is part of the problem no doubt but the enrollment there might argue that point a touch.

    We have to consider the home environment, what the school system has sunk to , the violence on TV, video games etc.

    I believe it's been said here, it's a complex problem

  9. Yep, we're a safe haven all right. Sooner or later we're going to get our butts blown off , ala 9/11, by being one.

    The Cons are almost as bad as the Libs with this immigration fiasco.

    Kenney just said theywill allow 265K more of them in this year. Multitudes are being laid off, our work is being sent offshore, we're in a recession and another 265K?????

    Do away with dual citizenship, and bring down immigration to a trickle, do it today.

  10. LOL, 6 views and no reply, let me be the first.

    PT you must be the classic troll and hypocritical for having the name Tory in your signature.

    We have voted Liberal all our lives and got out because of the lying, cheating and their efforts to foul the fabric of this great country. I wouldn't think of using their name in my sig'.

    I repeat, you've creamed your jeans over an arrogant dropin, one who weasels into the opportuniy

    of taking a job no one else worth anything would touch with a ten foot pole.

    LOL. OK I bit.

  11. Today in the news

    The Conservatives fund raising is quadruple that of its closest competitor, the Liberals. In fact the Harper crew has amassed more than all the political parties combined.

    There are now four NL mps that will vote against the budget today, one says he will support it and one is undeclared.

    Ignatief sz that this is not a good situation and has asked Harper to "fix" the NL/PQ "problem". Harper said no.

    Liberal hypocrisy rears it's ugly head again, this is in direct contradiction to the Liberal/Ignatief ammendment.

    The Liberals have to vote the budget down.

    Do they have the spine for it?

  12. Foote, Andrews, and now Simms, that makes Three.

    A quandry for Ignatief. Does he kick them out? Does he ignore them?

    Either way, he looks like a jerk.

    But the best part, is his condition that the budget must treat all equally.

    Obviuosly, NL, dosen't feel that they are being treated that way. Ignatief said he would vote the budget down if it didn't follow the rules.

  13. The Liberals have the "Cons" shackled allright.

    I loved todays Question Period. Ignatief was babbling about how the Gov't should have known about the protectionism going thru the US system.

    Stockwell Day shot back something like, for a guy who spent a lot of years living in the US, you ought to know how their system works.

    I have a good feeling this will come up a lot, as it should.

    Ah, the Convenient Canadian.

  14. LOL, for the first time there Grandma, I agree with you. And I too have heard about unhappiness re the budget within the Conservative ranks.

    Iggy with his broke uber minority is not in for easy times. He has a problem as I mentioned with the terms of their ammendment being broken. He has to force the Conservatives to comply or shut them down.

    Watch and see.

    Oh, and the fighter in me would never stand still for the hyperboyle the professor laid on his "students"

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