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  1. The GG made the best decision at this point. Although proroguing the parliament seems like Harper is buying time (Which it is...) You don't want to call hand over power to a last second coalition or call an election on the turn of a dime. Now there is a cooling period with a definite time frame (I would have a problem with a prorogue with no end in sight) where Harper either regains confidence or loses it when he comes back. If Harper loses the vote in January and the coalition is still in one piece then u will have indirectly tested the stability of the coalition and could let them form government. If Harper loses the vote and the coalition doesn't exist then we have an election. As to who is in the coalition etc, the GG cannot deny a coalition based on its members...that is a political decision which has no place here. So all this talk about denying the coalition because it includes the Bloc is absurd. The system has to work consistently regardless of the parties involved. This all fits in our constitutional custom and tradition without breaking anything.
  2. How many times did the Republicans say Maverick.....I want to compare
  3. You are trying to redo our political system ad-hoc to suit your end goal. In claiming he is wrong then you are claiming the constitution is wrong.
  4. You cannot pick and choose who you want in the House just because you hate them. The Bloc was elected...end of story. I don't like them but recognize they were voted in so they can't be denied their seats. That is when a democracy falls apart...when u changes the rules to whatever suits you because you don't like the end result. The GG has to make a decision based on our system and cannot make a decision based on who is in the coalition. If GG made decisions in the future based on what they thought of a party or a coalition then we would end up with a system where the GG is the most powerful person in Canada. The GG is in place to uphold the system and not make political decisions.
  5. The People of Canada did not vote for a minority Conservative government. They voted for MPs that would represent their riding. This is just all spin.
  6. Not to have the ability to form a coalition government is just stupid. Otherwise you could end up in a situation where a minority government gets in and is thrown out immediately by the opposition resulting in another immediate election. After a NEW election we could end up in the same situation. It becomes a vicious cycle with no out. The option does not exist for the hell of it. Does it show I am a History Major? This wasn't much of a problem in the past because we have been typically a 2 or at most 3 party system which makes coalitions extremely rare. This is probably the new reality going into the future since we have 4 solid parties and a fringe Green Party. Welcome to the coalition era.
  7. The GG has to think about the future implications. This is why I will be surprised if she doesn't allow the coalition because that is how the system is suppose to work. To do otherwise would create a constitutional crisis. Whether the Bloc is in the coalition or not is not valid point in any arguement. You can't decide to allow or not allow a coalition based on who is in it each time this occurs in the future. I assume the coalition will go through and then it will be up to the coalition to show they can function. If it proves a disaster, a new election will be forced and the 3 parties will look like idiots and a conservative majority will result in the next election.
  8. Its only a constitutional crisis if the GG refuses the coalition and sends us back to another election which results in another minority and so on. A nice vicious circle.
  9. The Bloc has promised to support this coalition so for all intents and purposes their numbers are included. People who are not including those numbers are knitpicking because they don't want the coalition to happen. The only thing the coalition has to be able to do...is govern....by passing legistlation. If they have the Bloc support they can do it. I don't like the Bloc but to not allow the coalition to happen just because you hate the Bloc is not a valid reason.
  10. Canadian Civil War? How would that work.... would both sides just say sorry to each other?
  11. What crisis? This is how the system is suppose to work. People better get use to it because with 4 parties....this was bound to happen sooner or later. All this jibber jabber about undemocratic is BS
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