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Jack Weber

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Posts posted by Jack Weber

  1. Most with experience with such as this raving idiot have learned never to add a post to the thread as it only encourages more ranting. I contravene my own rule, a rule I've followed for over a decade, because some here apparently need to have some guidance.

    Just drop it!

    1. I don't require YOUR guidance on anything...

    2.I disagree...

    Continually expose loons for being loons...Catch them in their own failed logic and warped thought processes..

  2. Would you agree that there are many reasons why countries go to war and not all are righteous? The only way the world could NOT have war is the theory that the New World Order, whom ever they be, had cantrol over countries through their economies and could do great harm to that country that didn't go along with what ever the ?? wanted done. Also, I guess they could take weapons away from countries, who was a problem to them. Sounds something from the past??

    Tinfoil hat global conspiracy theories aside...

    I'll ask the question again because you refused to/could not answer it...

    Assuming you feel all war is avoidable:

    What would you have done vis a vis NAZI Germany and its invasion of Poland circa September 1939?

  3. Like I said, the most reasonable way to answer such a question is to determine who objectively hurt the most people.

    You seem to believe that the speculative future evils of an Allende regime--wholly unproven, and based on hypotheticals--is worse than the actual, real-world performance of Pinochet.

    Under this mehtod of measurement, anyone could be hypothetically better or worse than anyone else...and we'd determine this based on opinion rather than on objective reality.

    In short, your own underlying thesis here demolishes your own argument as quickly as anyone else's.

    The "true democracy" was the legal election of Allende, not the violent dictatorship of Pinochet.

    It was Pinochet that said soomething along the lines of "Democracy is the incubator of Communism!"...

    'cause Augie was all about "freedom" of choice....

  4. way to keep up the broken record routine - cause, like... in 2010 there weren't other choices?... apparently not, particularly when DND skews the "requirements" in favour of the F-35?


    The whole thing seems to have been rigged from that outset...

    I'm now wondering if what John Iveson said on Question Period this morning is more than a bit salient...

    He said that,although no one is talking about it,it's quite possible that Canada,the US,Japan,Australia,and I suppose,Taiwan...May have got together and have come to the conclusion that this is the plane necessary to maintain air superiority in the Pacific with a rising China.And that's the point where DND started the process from...

  5. The giant hole in your argument is that businesses aren't being taxed to give that money to some other individual. They're taxed so that money can be used to run a society that benefits everyone including the businesses.

    The theory...At least the specious theory put forward by the Friedmanites...That lower corporate taxes will equate into better employment through competativeness with lower standard of living jurisdictions...

    This,of course,is a fallacy because these upstanding entities seem to love to get those tax breaks and then leave for those low standard of living jurisdictions anyway...

    The point of it being our money is that those tax breaks were given,and many times, nothing was received...That was all of our potential money that could have gone into ...say...Health transfer payments....Infrastructure funding...Things we all could use,not solely to be thrown off to shareholders of a certain company...

  6. Yet the businesses who employ a lot of people tend to be the businesses that you want to penalize with higher taxes. Incoherent and irrational nonsense like this is why exactly why the government should not be 'picking winners'.

    You mean those businesses that employ fewer and fewer people for less and less time for increasingly lower and lower pay??

    Those businesses that are sitting on billions of our money??

    They deserve "Tax Relief"?

    Thanks for your personal Friedmanite/Von Hayekian/Von Mises incoherent and irrational nonsense...

    Pure comedy gold,I tell ya"!...

  7. I realize that this subject was abandoned in 2010; however, I googled the question and this site was #1. When analyzing economic structure in a country you can't ignore that the government controls where the nation is heading to a great degree through social programs etc. Merriam Webster online states that socialism is a transition state between capitalism and communism and as such is a gray area(if you will) with white being capitalism and black being communism. Things are seldom black or white and the same is true of most nations economics, but many countries are to some degree (a shade of gray) socialist.

    That's a very astute observation...

    I would add that,historically speaking,things have gone the best for "The West" when we had a "controlled Capitalism"By that,I mean there was a workable economic framework that allowed the business sector to remain profitable,but there was also a regulatory framework to keep things under control and not go too far to one side or the other.

    Most people,I think,would agree that over the last 3+ decades things have drifted (at least economically) towards breaking down that more controlled model and headed towards more "freedom" for business...

    Another thing to note is that some think "Socialism" is a waystation on the way to Communism...That might be true in some cases.However,it must also be noted that the unfettering of Capitalism wil also lead us down a road to another extreme.And I would note that it's the reason why so many "freedom" loving Capitalists look at China as the best model for this...

    Authoritarian Capitalism which is simply a longwinded term for Fascism...

  8. I must say from my European point of view that if I ever wanted to move to a country which has as little as possible to do with muslims but I would still want to retain the standard of living I currently have I'd choose Canada. If I weren't so fussy about the standard of living but wanted to have nothing to do with muslims then I'd choose Brazil.

    Imagine, a country of 190m people with only 200,000 muslims. I guess theirs is a country which takes no shit from immigrants how the host-country should respect the culture of the immigrants. On the contrary; adapt to our way of life or piss off.

    Brazil has a horrendous record of the way it treats its black population...

    It also has a horrid record of sending in goon squads (police) to smash down shanty towns...

  9. A 17 year old girl, has come up with detecting land-mines, which she hope tech., will help end all wars and not destroy the world or the people in them. The only way I could see this happening is the next generation has a 100% change in attitude against war, but that would be up against the profits of selling war equipment. http://ca.news.yahoo.com/blogs/good-news/17-old-girl-inspired-piano-invents-land-mine-163303398.html

    War is bad...Yes...

    I highly doubt you'd find a veteran that wouldn't disagree with that..

    What would you have done vis a vis NAZI Germany and it's invasion Poland circa September 1939?

  10. JEWS are not White.

    Jews are a race.

    Their interests are completely antithetical to white interests.

    Russia was communised by Jews, so was China. (Not blacks, or mexicans, or arabs, or Indians).

    Jews run Wall Street (Goldman Sachs is Jewish, Obama's biggest contributor)

    Fed Reserve head is Jewish, media control.... Google it all.

    The Jews recruit sometimes gentiles to make it look like the group/organization is not all Jewish.

    Nation after nation has been wrecked by Jews (0.2% of the world population!)

    Please check the link to see a little background:

    Some say I'm antisemetic. Maybe you're anti-White.

    The truth is racist.

    Jews are a race...


    Could you explain why we have Jews from Ethiopia...Who are,by definition,non-Caucasian???

    We have Caucasian Jews from Europe...

    Yet you are making the Schickelgruberesque claim that Jews themselves are a race of people...


  11. Topaz it's a figure of speech. I want the party dead not the people in it...lol. Come on, give me a break. It's Saturday morning can we please be nice?

    I understood what you meant...

    I think the Liberal party will probably die of it's own irrelevency more than what any other party could do to it...

    That irrelevency is of its own making,by the way...

  12. I had to use wilipedia to know that Colin M. Brown is part of the National Citizens Coalition.

    As to tilting at windmills, I am more comfortable with Cervantes.


    The fact remains that millions of Canadians have no family doctor.

    Part of??

    He founded it...

    A multimillionaire insurance weasel elitist from London,Ontario...

    And you've become his modern day mouthpiece...

    You wanted tax cuts...You're reaping the whirlwind...

  13. Yep. And they got cleaned up and no one really cared. The only reason these spills get in the press today is because they are propaganda which suits the agenda of the 'don't build anything, anywhere' rabble.

    I want to preface this by saying I'm a proponent of the pipeline...

    I'm also a welder...And not some hack production hot metal glue gun operator...

    If they cannot certify that those welds are metalurgically sound and they squashed evidence that things might fail on major joints,then there is a serious problem...

    On a project like this,they will be aiming for upwards of 95% defect free welds on the first finished joint..In otherwords,they really are aiming for a 5% failure rate throughout the entire project as it relates to weld defects...

  14. No, it doesn't exist across the Western world. This problem is peculiar to Canada and the Soviet Union because they are/were "single payer".


    My point was that some American liberals/leftists (and some Canadians) seem to think that "single payer" would be better than "individual mandate" except that "single payer" is a difficult political sell in the US today.

    I argue here that "single payer" is a lousy idea in the long run; it's not sustainable. (And with that said, I nevertheless think that the State should be involved in delivery of medical services and so I favour socialised medicine.)


    Anyway, the OP asks whether the US Supreme Court will approve Obamacare and its "individual mandate". God knows but I suspect that they won't. IMHO, the US Constitution may allow the federal Congress to tax as it wants but it does not give the federal government the power to force individuals to eat/buy broccoli, subject to a fine if they don't.

    Hey look!!

    It's Colin M. Brown tilting at windmills again...

    Steve appreciates your tenacity...

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