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Everything posted by playfullfellow

  1. at least you are honest noel, guessing you are a doc from your post. Just wondering, from a doctors point of view and wages aside, why did you leave Canada to go to the US and work? Just curious if it has anything to do with the current state of healthcare and might you have some insights as to how to fix it?
  2. What if he (Klein) feels that the health act is unjust? Why is the rest of the country scared of what Klein might pull off? What if Kleins plan works? What if he turns the system around? Will the rest of the country come crying to him saying he is unfair and fights dirty? Given Alberta nature, if it fails, we will NOT come crying to the rest of the country. Lets not call Klein scary until we at least see what his plans are. So far, most, not all of his plans have been pretty good for the province.
  3. Fianally I find something I can agree with you on caesar. I must admit, I go to the doctor every 5 years but that is because the government says I have to keep my class 1 license. Guess they dont want any ill health truckers out there on the roads. Been in a couple of times to get sewn back together due to work related injuries but aside from that, nadda. You are the same age as my folks and they have the same attitude as you, they despise doctors and their pills. Keep healthy caesar and cheers to you.
  4. I stand corrected Argus, I wasn't sure if all were a mixture of the 2 systems or not. I am more familiar with Northern Europe and I know this to be fact there and it seems to work quite well. Thanks again.
  5. And I suppose beheading prisoners is ok? Caesar, I dont get you, in one sentence you said Bush was at fault for the WTC because he had forwarning and did nothing about it. Is the evidence he received prior to the WTC attacks any different than the info he got about Iraq? In your mind, Bush is wrong no matter what he does. This stinks of anti-americanism if I smelled it. Do you think other prisoners of war are treated any better in other parts of the world? I doubt Bush condones beheadings of people.
  6. Caesar, do you know the cost of Bilingualism to Canada as tax payers and business owners since 1969 is? The cost has been around 700 billion dollars. Our annual cost now is around 16 billion dollars as tax payers and business owners. Can you imagine what that 16 billion dollars in saved taxes and increased revenue could do for Canada? Ok, you seem to think that Harper will destroy our healthcare system by wanting to make changes to it. Does the system work now? In my opinion it does not. European countries have tried strictly public healthcare systems and they do not work. Most European countries have moved to some sort of private clinic system along side the public system. So right now, how do you propose we fix the healthcare system? You say Harpers way will destroy it but it is obvious the current system does not work, how do we fix the problem. Lets hear solutions instead of "harper's evil and bad, he will destroy canada."
  7. No matter what, the senate is a sore point with many Canadians. If we can't agree on a tri-e senate, then scrap the bloody thing and put that money somewhere else. From what I can find out, it costs us about 60 million dollars a year to run. How much would that help our healthcare? How about more police? How about more teachers since the Feds seem to want to take this over too.
  8. too damn close to call now. I think most Canadians are getting tired of the whole election stuff as we are into the summer months, kids are almost home from school and that holiday is around the corner and we all need bucks to pay for that one.
  9. There is still a week to go and a lot can happen in a week, this whole election has shown that. No matter what MS, I think we can both agree this has been an interesting one no matter what our view points?
  10. Yep, saw the headlines and you wonder why he went after Hussein? Didn't want to get caught in the same bloody mess as with the WTC. As was stated by others, he is damned if he does, damned if he doesn't. Hope you are a good enough friend to support him when he screws up. Plus you dont turn your back on a friend if he gets in that car, you try to ensure he gets home safely. As you stated above, Bush screwed up when had info about the WTC and did nothing about it. What was he supposed to do? In my mind, he was doing what you are suggesting, nothing, where did it get him, in a whole lotta crap. If you allow torture of prisoners against geneva convention; you must face the consequences of your actions. I hope that you noticed that Bush said the interrogation of prisoners was done with USA Laws not Geneva convention approved. The USA is a signatory of the Geneva Conventions. They scream loud and clear when others step over the line. I do not and never have agreed with this sort of torture. Nor do I condone beheadings of US nationals for the world to see. Torture of this kind is ignoramic and stupid.
  11. Hey Bridget, welcome to chaos. I am also from Alberta and way past 18 Anyways, hope you have a good time, learn and enjoy others views of which there are many. Ignore personal attacks, very glad to say though they have decreased a lot lately. Just a hint, watch more than the CBC for a varied view of the news.
  12. So now you are going to do exactly as those nasty americans are going to do? Go see it? A lot of Canadians have shown that they do not give a crap about the US and what happened and the ones that do, well they will take this movie for what it is worth, a movie made by Hollywood, not a Natiaonal Geopgrahic documentory that has some semblance of being the truth
  13. I doubt this movie will even be really popular in Canadian theaters. I wonder what your reaction was when you heard the news of 9/11? I had to sit down and think the consequences and as a matter of fact, wonder if it was true. Then I had to relate to my staff the news. The look of disbelief was very evident and people were in shock and denial for quite a while. For pete's sake, he also human. In all honesty, how would your man Layton have handled the situation if this had occured in Canada? Dont you think the US would have been their right beside us if the tables were turned? And the US would definately have backed us if we decided to retaliate against any such factions.
  14. We have more class than that and have better things to do with our lives.
  15. Thanks for the link Jlarkin, it seemed ok, harper came up as my choice. Can't quite understand why martin came up as my second choice though All kidding aside, I know Liberals are supposed to be a centrist type party, I just dont like their track record over the last 11 years.
  16. I doubt it MS, I just wish the other guys would take a day off too so we could all have a day of rest from all the spittle flying through the air. You know, maybe he had a personal affair that he felt was no one elses business to look after.
  17. I know a couple of these farmers personally and have known them for years. Been neighbours to them too. They are very law abidding citizens but even so, they broke the law. They are fighting a political fight yes but they also broke a law and went to jail. They paid their fines after a few days and went home. They made their point. Did it help, not diddly squat. They had the choice of showing their displeasure with the wheat board through votes. This does not mean I support the wheat board. All trade boards should be done away with and we should have a free market. But anyways, if you break a law, you stand a chance of going to jail, if you go to jail, you should not get to vote. How in all reality can a convicted murderer or rapist be shown good faith to pick a government when they can't even live under the very basic rules of our laws?
  18. Maybe he got tired of hearing all the rhetoric coming from the other leaders and just needed a day off. We all need a day off every now and then, even politcians.
  19. http://www.kurdish-partnership.com/history.html http://www.xs4all.nl/~tank/kurdish/htdocs/...Khaledtext.html Caesar, check out these sites please. Denial of Kurdish genocide is unfair to them. There is more apparant evidence supporting the Iraqi chemical attacks than the attacks coming from some other source. Genocide in any form is unacceptable. Just as you accuse me off, you only pick and chose the articles that show your point of view. I entered this discussion thinking maybe I was wrong when I read your statements in reference to the war college. But you know, the more I read and researched, the more information I found that chemical attacks by the Iraqi regime against the Kurds did in fact happen. These were just not just Kurdish sites but in fact sites from all over Europe from European authors. I specifically avoided US sites as you claimed them to be tainted. The US is also our ally and we as a nation have a signed agreement with them to this cause. We also have the largest undefended border in the world. If nothing else, we should have given the US moral support in their battle against Sadam. I may not entirly agree with the US position in regards to Irag. This does not however say we let our alliance to the US slide. As for finding new trading partners, this is not specifically the job of the PM, this is the job of individual companies or groups with the blessing of the Government. Ottawa can only hope to help in trade barrier negotiations with countries. At the moment, there really aren't any countries with real money that Canada does not trade with. The only real commodity that the Governement controls in trade is wheat and barley as this is controled by the Wheat Board. Some of our natural resources are also used in trade negotiations at the government level.
  20. Heard on the radio this morning that one of the brainiac leaders, think it was Martin, would make it mandatory that all airlines in Canada be bilingual. Now if this isn't one of the most blatant attacks on the west I dont know what is since Westjet is definately the target of this claptrap. I guess if they can't make Air Canada work, they might as well interfere and ruin the other airlines too. This election is getting ridiculous with some of the assinine ideas floating around.
  21. I think the answer as to why Bush invaded Iraq is pretty simple. Ironically, I think Bush is kind of simple, he is not my favorite US president but I think he was the right president for 9/11. Anyways, I think he was just finishing what his old man had started. Is what he did right, thats debateable I admit but I do think that he was trying to do the right thing. If he was just doing it to show US strength in the middle east, well that is wrong, if he was doing it to get rid of an evil person like hussein, then I tend to agree with him.
  22. Alberta conservative Klein isn't perfect but at least he tries to fix stuff and isn't scared of the federal government. They need us more than we need them right now.
  23. I suppose the holocaust never happened either. Do you deny that Hussein killed hundreds if not thousands in his bid for power. What of his sons and all the videos that show them shooting at "friends" getting a downed duck. The stories of rape and murder are probably propaganda too I suppose. Just the evil western world against a despot they dont like. There is plenty of evidence that supports the evilness of Hussein and his family.
  24. No one even knows for certain yet what Klein proposes for his new healthcare plan. And, so far they are only proposals, nothing written in stone yet. Will Klein go against the Feds if he feels he is right, of course he will. Will we go through some troubled times, probably. But until the whole story is out, it is like chicken little. Does the healthcare plan need to be fixed, of it does, we can all agree on that. We just can't agree on the course needed to do so. The country is split on what is the best course of action to fix healthcare. So why don't we allow a province to try a different method as a test study and see where it goes and what needs to be tweaked to make things better? As things stand, The Liberals and NDP want to throw more money at it but no plan on how to fix it once that money is gone. How does that help us? We blow a tonne of money and 3 years from now things will be exactly the same as now. What then, throw more money at it? Healthcare spending is out of control and there is no plan to fix the situation. Without a plan, things will only get worse. At least Klein is going to have a go at it. Will he succeed? I don't know, it will depend on what he proposes to do.
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