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  1. He could debate for a hour, but your idol Kerry would love to blast Bush for not being in the office.
  2. Yes propaganda. Kerry wants to do this and then blast Bush for not "doing his duty".
  3. Hmmm a few words.......... Democrat propaganda. Also if Kerry and Bush were to debate wouldn't Kerry bash Bush for "not protecting his oval office". You liberals crack me up with your nonsense.
  4. Just released today from Homeland Security is that Americans all over the world be prepared for possible attacks on transportation vehicles etc. Isn't that good enough for you or should we say, "Hey terrorists this is to you, we know that you want to bomb the hell out of us, and you are in NY so change your plans and go to Detroit where we aren't." Saddam hasn't cooperated with the treaty he signed after the Gulf War. We could have bombed him during the Clinton administration but the "tree humping wussy hippies" don't see it that way. A brief part of history, the U.S. made the U.N. that is why the U.N. headquarters are in the U.S. Is it better fighting terrorists on foreign soil than domestic soil? You fail to realize all possibiltes of what can happen with terrorism, but lets not vote to go to war against terrorists we just want to appease them.
  5. Ah yes the economy. Clinton was lucky to be in office when he was because that was during the "most prosperous period in history". If you look at it this way Bushmustgo the first quarter and last quarter of the Clinton administration the economy started to plummet. The recession list by President Bush's economy people say it started in March 2000, but that was when the economy was plummeting. These tax cuts for the wealthy have helped made jobs for us and we can't forget what our friendly democrats did by signing the NAFTA. The democrats royaly screwed us over by letting corporations go over seas. The tax cuts help the entrepenuers and if they get taxed like Kerry plan says, then we mine as well throw another 2.3 million jobs down the hole. These tax cuts are helping small corporations get help. Also many of us Americans are losing jobs because they are low paying jobs and are the type of jobs we don't want to have thus giving jobs to immigrants. Also if you want to look at it this way, the democrats are wanting to spend $200 billion more on the healthcare, and then blame the Republicans for their plan. It was quite the same plan too. Also I bet you liberals are for the social implements in our schools because it is "degrading to our children". In NY (state) there is a city whose superintendent agrees to the social status to the kids and this is why you may think that 'No Child Left Behind' is a failure. As for the war in Iraq it isn't a disaester like you liberals want it to be covered. We have given Iraqis freedom of press, freedom of oppresion, opened up 2,300 schoos, given them medical care etc. yet you refer to bombings as your defenses. Also there has been links with Saddam and Al-Qaeda because how the blue hell would a terrorist organization be able to run without a nation-state to help? Saddam has clearly given money to UBL. Also the war in Iraq can be justified as this, would you rather fight terrorists here on our homeland or overseas in centreal ME where we can help stop terrorists easier. Btw, Clinton bombed places that were unmanned thus wasting missles etc. FYI lets do what the Democrats say and invite the terrorists in and suck their tankards while we are at it, because that is what their mindset is. Also if we cut on the defense like you Black Dog and Kerry propose why don't we do what the demys say and get rid of America. Hell lets just let China, N. Korea, Iran, etc. take over us. As for Mr. O'Reilly he probably has more intellectual knowledge between the Democrats who can't see what is right or wrong.
  6. Also Bushmustgo, who is running the country recklessly? Republicans are trying to befriend that Democrats and make peace, but what do they do? They spit into our faces and say our opinion isn't important. Also during Clinton's administration he didn't have time to run the country because he was too busy getting a bj. Clinton and Kerry want to reduce the spending on intelligence yet wants better homeland security. Can Kerry make up his mind what he wants to campaign or is he going to be another lying Democrat he raises all our taxes thinking that the debt is going to go away. Mr. Kerry if I knew you personally I would shoot myself.
  7. You couldn't say it any better angustia . Also Kerry wants to reduce our defenses (yet he tries to act like Bush is doing it) because it shows in his voting record in recent years, and recently Kerry blames Bush on Domestic Security funding etc. while Kerry states that it is uneeded. If Kerry could make up his mind then maybe he would have a case against Bush but his arrogance shows. Read this article to yet prove my point. http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/n...ign_kerry_dc_21
  8. No, you have it all wrong. Kerry is trying to use Vietnam that he is better than Bush. Kerry was only there for 5 months while many others who weren't awarded all the stuff Kerry got were there for many years. Kerry is all political and needs to know what stance he has before debating Bush. Kerry is ignoarant that he doesn't even know what he wants to debate about because he changes his mind every month and then wants to blast Bush and when Bush blasts back, Kerry is like we don't need this. Kerry is full of democratic propaganda.
  9. Okay well if you say Bush should quit going to 9/11 then Kerry should quit going to Vietnam.
  10. Actually there is WMD, yet our government officials are not certain if before the war that Saddam moved the WMD to Iran, Jordan, or any other neighboring country. If you liberals get your head out of your butt, then you would know to support our troops no matter what hardship they face. I don't see you out there fighting a war to help establish democracy, find WMD, and rid of a tyrant ruler. Saddam is a threat to our society because after the Gulf War he vowed vegenace against our nation. Also they have found a few planes there in Iraq and terrorists training sites.
  11. 9/11 is the greatest tragedy that has happened on American soil (the main 48 states). You liberals want to hid what has happened and try to give Bush hell about this. The reason for 9/11 was poor intelligence thanks to the Clinton administration. Also in the '90's your all so loving Kerry voted for an over $8 million cutting on U.S intelligence. Also Bush has the right to portray it as it was showing how he has given America some security that we never had previously. Also you fail to realize that this isn't just about a group of families, but the whole U.S. has been affected. It is just more of Kerry's propaganda to show that Bush is a "failure".
  12. Also what about the NAFTA that the Democrats had power of voting for in Congress? You demy's also blame Bush, but can't waste your time looking back to see that the NAFTA has helped with the unemployment. Thank you Democrats for the NAFTA!
  13. Kerry is running against Bush as we all know in this years elections and I just wanted to take time to educate everyone about Kerry and Bush's view (and as a Republican at times I will tend to be bias but truthful about the TRUTH). Facts about Kerry Kerry is a so called "patriotic veteran" from the Vietnam Conflict (as Congress never declared war against Vietnam). If you look back at his service records he only served 4 months. compared to several years from other members in his division and yet he never engaged in combat as all of his veteranship is political propaganda. Furthermore he spoke out against false rumors that the American soldiers were evil etc. (torturing etc.) and is greatly criticized for this, even if the conflict was wrong you still don't have a right to speak falsely about other veterans/fighters. Kerry also wants to raise upper class taxes as well as all of ours. It is his propaganda to claim that he is doing this, but yet it will be higher taxes for all of us as the Democrats are liars (most not all) about how they are going to tax us Americans. Kerry's also blasting Bush about the recession, job lossage, and weak economy, but we can all thank the Democrats (and yes you too Mr. Clinton) for signing the NAFTA. Doing this it provided U.S. companies to go overseas to use under paid wages to people and making money for themselves. Also doing this resulted in job lossage and weakened the economy and also provied free importing goods. Also Mr. Kerry would like to bash Bush about how the economy is not getting better, but is. Mr Kerry doesn't realize that 9/11/01 drastically changed the face of America, but also destablizing the economy. Kerry also wants to blast Bush about foreign policy, yet Kerry voted for the Iraq war (looks like he is going what is popular and has no voice of his own). Kerry claims that all the World wants him to be in office, yet he fails to see that having himself in office would only give Al Qaeda an easier way to get into the country (as Democrats tend not to vote or keep key military units for our civil defenses) and Kerry would also let Al Qaeda see how vulnerable we are with him in office. President Bush has done a great job with his foreign policy because he has vowed that all terroists be caught and letting him continue his term would help stop these acts. Kerry has many more propaganda views and as I will explain later on if you, the people, wish for me to continue you on President Bush Having the recession has weakened the economy slightly, but as I said it all isn't Bush's fault. Clinton left having a declining economy and also not pursuing Osama bin Laden when he was in office during the '93 WTC bombings. Education is also a top priority and Bush can strengthen this up, but the focus as of now is to make our country as safe as it was. As we proceed Bush is going to be focusing more on our education as we get closer each day on destroying the Al Qaeda network, even though there are multiple people. Environmental issues have not been so much now, but Bush will seek that the environment is good for all. Kerry won't be doing much on this issue as it is a relatively weak issue in our nation. Again if you need me to go on I will keep explaining more, but my hands are getting tired of typing.
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