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Posts posted by Radsickle

  1. although off-topic, it's kind of neat how Omar's plight has unleashed such a wide range of topics, almost like you all are looking for the right audience and the right forum thread to voice your greater view on the afghanistan situation.

    Cheers to Karzai for demanding Blackwater and other private security firms leave NOW.

    If it were up to Blackwater and similar corporations, we would never be able to find an Omar Khadr amongst the rubble. The corporations would write the history.

  2. oh Yay. Let's all cheer him trying to look cool in a photoshoot on the edge of an iceburg or having fun on an ATV and making semi-serious yet revealingly fascist statements like `I make the rules'. Oh, I feel so much closer to this rebel. He's just one of us. One of us who are paranoid of our own government having a record of our rifles... Let's regress into something closer to the US, where we can all be like Charlton Heston and his gun-worshipping ways. Who cares if the RCMP and every chief of police say that the registry is a good thing. Harper will fix them!

  3. Many Canadians believe that it is the same people - over and over again - who are clogging up the courts

    Many Canadians also believe in aliens. Should we write legislation to reflect this too?

    The push-back comes from lawyers - of which a disproportionate number are in the Liberal party.

    Oh, so it's only Liberal lawyers who find Harper's crime bill flawed? I agree though, it is disproportionate; the Conservative party needs some smarter, legal-minded types in their flock.

    The 2 and 3 for 1 credit alone will speed up the courts.

    Did you throw the "3 for 1" in there for effect?

    Today, lawyers stretch out the pre-trial arguments knowing that their "client" will get a huge credit - and maybe even walk out. Without the extra credit, there is no incentive to stretch it out so we'll likely get more guilty pleas.

    Why do you put cynical quotes around the word `client'? There are lawyers on both sides of the courtroom, ya know.

    And who's "we"? Those of you holding pitchforks in the air?

    The 2 for 1 was an incentive for the prosecution to bring their arguments forward quickly. We'll likely have more delays as the prosecution will be able to delay indefinitely without penalty anymore. "Likely more guilty pleas"? You're as partisan as the next person trying to defend this right-wing, wing-nutted idea.

    With shorter pre-trial holding, the provinces save money.

    Oh goody! After needing to build a whole bunch of new pri$ons, we'll save money by having more people in more prisons for longer periods of time! Ya, that makes sense...

    The pre-trial holding will become longer not "shorter".

    The revolving door justice system is nothing but a cash-cow for lawyers - clearly they have a vested interest. I will not lose a minute of sleep over jailing a chronic offender for a longer time - getting rid of the 2 and 3 for 1 pre-trial credits, tightening up parole eligibility, and getting rid of Statutory release.

    `Clearly', you've repeated the "cash-cow" opinion a few times now. Truth is the 2 for 1 credit was sometimes granted at the discretion of the judge. It was not automatic. It was not assumed. It was a condition of the sentence handed out if the person was guilty and the judge felt it took the prosecution too long to prove it. Trying to turn it around and make it look like the 2 for 1 credit was milked by the defence is quite partisan of you.

    Oh, but clearly Harper, the economist, knows more than the generations of legal-minded Canadians who developed these silly rules. Stevie will show them how it's done, eh? :unsure:

    Parliamentary Budget Officer Kevin Page says the Truth in Sentencing Act could raise total prison costs to $9.5-billion a year in 2015-2016 from $4.4-billion this year. It could also require the construction of as many as a dozen new prisons...

    “If you look at average head counts, they are twice as big in the provincial system – 26,000 every year versus 13,000 at the federal level,” he said. “The provinces and the territories carry the weight of the correctional services system in Canada so the impact is going to be enormous on the provinces and territories.”

    Mr. Page estimates the provincial share of prison costs will jump to 56 per cent in 2015-16 from 49 per cent this fiscal year.

    Parliamentary Budget Officer says Harper's idea will be very expensive

    This would be more effective if it were aimed just at violent criminals.

    A better suggestion

  4. Recent developments have convinced me that an informed debate on the recent economic history of our country would be of use.

    But maybe I have it all wrong and Harper is our economic/fiscal saviour...please let me know your thoughts.

    No, Harper's trying to create the facade that it's his own fiscal management that Canada benefits from now. It's embarrassing to me that so many Canadians believe it. With the least bit of reflection, it should be obvious that Harper is a poor propagandist. Did anyone follow his lead to buy more stocks before the market crashed even further?

    Paul Martin is the real economic saviour, having the foresight back then to deny Harper and the greedy bank execs the deregulation they lobbied for. Harper's claiming he's steering the ship now when really he's riding on Martin's coattails.

    Harper can't get any votes in Canada's major cities... no wonder he treated Toronto like a battlefield.

    This Summit's security expenses were merely a form of stimulus for the policing industry during a time of declining crime rates in Canada.

    Harper's removal of 2 for 1 credit for time served is a stimulus for the prison industry during a time of declining crime rates in Canada.

    Also, regarding last weekend, let's have a government that doesn't need to arrest 900 mostly innocent

    people to make their summit expenses look justified. Most have been freed without charge since Monday but most Canadians will probably only notice the number of arrests, unfortunately.

    And let's have a Toronto Chief of Police who, unlike Bill Blair, will not show a press conference

    the chainsaw and crossbow among the alleged `weapons' confiscated during the summit.

    Luckily, a reported noticed that they were taken from an innocent man's

    trunk earlier in the week and Blair was just using them as props to make

    the protestors look even worse.

    Let's have police who don't strip search and threaten to gang-rape

    female journalists they hold in detention.

    Let's have police who don't deny detained citizens water for 22 hours

    then offer them yellow-stained liquids in dixie cups...

    Let's have a police force who adds the Black Bloq-heads to the list

    of known terrorist organizations so they can proactively police them

    before Summits instead of giving them a cop car to burn in downtown Toronto.

    The Black Bloq were in Quebec City in April 2001 and they freely announced their

    intentions to this Summit's Security long before last weekend.

    (Gotta admit, letting them have that cop car with hardly any cops

    around for a while was brilliant; It gave Harper some great images

    to manipulate and probably quelled some of the other violence

    the Bloq-Heads were planning. Most of em are simply teen losers attracted to anarchy.

    They were probably thrilled and satisfied with just torching the car.)

    A billion dollars could've been put towards a national child-care program...

    The attendees of the G8, held in conservative lizard Tony Clement's Muskoka riding, must have thought Canada so tranquil...

    ...too bad the cities have the votes Tony.

  5. Iraq's material breach of existing UN resolutions from the Gulf War were more than enough, but further, the UNSC approved post invasion plans by the UK/USA. The UN continues to support the Iraq government and elections all while the INVADERS remain in country.

    Please don't mislead yourself; the UN only `approved' the post-invasion plans because there were no other alternatives. Your Bush/Cheney team will always be international crooks who ignored the UN's disapproval and instigated an unjust invasion based on lies.

  6. Harper could've put some of those taxpayer dollars earmarked for the numerous new prisons he's planning to build and hosted the G-whatevers in one of them instead. Not only would at least one of them be built on time but there would be no `security' concerns either...

    ...then again, he wouldn't have the propaganda-valuable imagery from this weekend's clashes to further sell his sellout....

    Harper sucks.

    Like most conservative politicians who think privatizing anything is a good idea, Harper's pandering to international prison-running corporations and private security firms like Blackwater, now renamed "Xe Services LLC" due to their bad reputation worldwide.

    Harper's wasting taxpayer's money much more than the Liberals ever did.

    Harper sucks.

  7. When was the last time yelling at rich people to give you more money ever worked? End of story - Protesting only shows you that the common mass is controlled by money - and as long as they live in fear they will never have authoriship of their future - protestors are cowards with no solutions - just waiting to worship Mammon - like the rest of the idiots - at least the G gang is past worshipping cash and concentrates on management and real power - as long as protestors behave like beggars they will recieve a beggars wage.

    Protesting is desperately important in an increasingly apathetic population, Oleg. Don't be so cynical; the MAJORITY of protestors behave like law abiding citizens. You wanna let BlackWater tell you what your rights are?

  8. Interesting...

    If your take is that the surest way to get sponsored by the political classes in this country is to be a corporation, I tend to agree...

    This G-20 summit brought to you by Corporate Rule Inc.

    This Summit weekend brought to you by the private security companies frothing at the mouth for new contracts in Canada...

    Harper's pandering to them by removing the 2 for 1 deal for time served and this photo-op of a summit.

  9. Now-a-days you often win that war by killing them - obviously you have not been to a war zone in some time. Many are even younger and not interested in anything other than killing you.

    Rehab does not work when you are on the wrong side of an Ak

    You truly are out of touch - must be a Canucklehead - Toronto area perhaps?

    Take off that dress, put on some man pants and go find out for yourself - bet you change your mind.

    If you only knew ......


    Is that pseudo-cool, chauvinistic, patriarchal attitude what Canada's current military taught you or, like too many Canadians, have you just watched too many American movies?

    I've never claimed you should check the target's age before returning fire. But, once the shooting was over that day, at least a good American soldier noticed Omar's age and saved his life. Even the interrogators at Bagram had sympathy for the kid...

  10. The Khadr case shows why you don't fight a war in Court (link).

    Excellent attempt to re-direct the topic into something vague! Clearly, you don't think things through and don't want to...

    "Clearly they are bent on slaughter"

    Clearly, you are bent on assuming certain "cultures" a threat and propagating that perception, regardless of the facts.

    Let's be clear; clearly, you are far from being clear. You are just another Baboon.

  11. That is exactly the way it used to be. Someone who would get 18 months needs only delay the trial for 9 months to have the 18 months reduced to time served.

    eh, Baboon, I think you'll find that the majority of those people would rather just get the trial over with. Only the stupidly guilty would purposely delay their trial so they could live inside a space smaller than the average washroom for months on end. Wake up.

    oh, and Baboon: A "substantial number" of Omar Khadr's torture allegations have been "conclusively corroborated" during hearings of the military commissions, the Canadian-born terror suspect's chief U.S. lawyer said at their conclusion Thursday.

    CSIS, somewhere in the timeline, is an accomplice in this torture.

    Read more: http://www.montrealgazette.com/news/Khadr+torture+claims+proven+lawyer/2996748/story.html#ixzz0nTuhSkLK

    Also, Baboon, here's a story about a Canadian who still values truth and justice, not just reactionary babble:


  12. Well aren't you special.

    You should do your civic duty and report that to the local constabulary. The one thing lacking in the "they tortured Omar" argument is evidence. Be advised though that your own froth and spittle do not consitute evidence nor do the feces you hurl from your cage constitue an argument.

    Now you're talkin' feces. Good for you, Baboon.

    Harper had to eat some feces recently when the Supreme Court forced him to send a diplomatic note to the US to ask them to disregard the info gained while we participated in torturing the child, Omar Khadr.

  13. Lets overlook that he is not in a jail but a detention camp and address the so called rotting....

    1.to undergo decomposition; decay.

    2.to deteriorate, disintegrate, fall, or become weak due to decay (often fol. by away, from, off, etc.).

    3.to languish, as in confinement.

    4.to become morally corrupt or offensive.

    1) and 2)_....have you seen the recent pics of Khadr? Far from decomposing, deteriorating or becoming weak, he has blossomed into quite the porker...

    3) Hard to say he is languishing when he has put on so much beef...what do they feed these kids today?

    4) He started corrupt, his detention is the crucible that is purifying his sorry arsed soul.

    Do you base all your opinions on snapshot photos and half-arsed religious mumbo-jumbo?

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