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Posts posted by Radsickle

  1. What scandal is that? This sounds interesting. Or maybe since it's off topic, you could start a thread on the NRA intruding in Canadian politics to tell us more.

    Done. I only provided a link to a side-reference in an article in the Star but I'm sure this will become a larger story in a few days...

    Mr. Bezan's wardrobe brought to you by the good ol' folks at the National Rifle Association of Amarica, who'll only let you write down the serial number of their rifle after you take it from their cold, dead hands...

    ...how friggin' juvenile.

  2. You'd know all about folks who use horses for work too, wouldn't you, Radsickle--- living as you do a couple of thousand miles from where saddles have horns.

    Far be it from me to defend a Tory, but the brand of this criticism is juvenile and much, much more false than the image Bezan is presenting.

    Molly, I'm criticizing the Tory ideology here and their political tactics, I mean no disrespect to those who keep horses but I do know a few farms in my area that also have replaced horses with ATVs... and others that keep horses too.

  3. Admit it! You're more than smart enough to know that a suave, urbane, highly educated city guy like you insulting a prairie person will guarantee Tory votes! :P

    I think most prairie folk are wise enough to notice the smarmy-ness of this political staging.

    And Waldo has a good question: Why did James Bezan pull the video?

    Is it because it would have become known the horse and hat were supplied by the NRA?! :blink:

  4. To be anti-American in Canada these days only shows you have a mind, at least more presence of mind than the idiots south of us who think it `disrespectful' to turn a privately-owned building two blocks from `ground zero' into a mosque. It's been a mosque for years anyways... there are over 20 mosques in your precious New York... get over it.

    Republican freaks are grasping at straws with this one...

  5. "Drugged up cattle" and - you know that how !!

    sounds like you need to adjust the prism in your leftist coloured glasses.

    Like there's any grass-fed beef west of Onterrible...

    If ya aint feedin' them what they're supposed to have, then you're druggin' them to compensate.

    What colour is "leftist"?

    ... and you forgot the hyphen; `leftist-coloured.'

  6. He is so much a wannabe...he even owns a cattle farm...such a phoney!!!

    I might have mistook the lisp for something else but owning a few head of drugged-up cattle is no excuse for a half-wit politician to torture a horse and play cowboy for a few minutes in an awkward photoshoot to promote a regressive political message.

    The long-gun registry is a good thing and...

    `That's a fact, Jack!'

  7. Not at all! I've only fired a gun a few times in my life and it wasn't really a thrill. That's why hunting or target shooting never became one of my hobbies.

    As for 'macho syntax', to me that's just crap! It's merely an ad hominem attempt to equate being against the gun registry with being some kind of shotgun totin' Bubba!

    No, the whole issue comes down to some simple logic, as far as I'm concerned. Criminals don't register their guns and there is no need to fear a law-abiding citizen who's carrying a weapon.

    The entire argument for the Liberal gun registry has always seemed specious to me anyways. After all, they never added ONE DAY of mandatory sentence for illegal use of a firearm!

    That tells me that they really couldn't care less if a criminal uses a firearm! If they did, it would have been part and parcel of instituting their registry. They never allocated a fiddler's fart towards the idea!

    It was all symbol and no substance. Like most Liberal solutions, it was a case of "It doesn't have to WORK! It's enough to say we've got one!"

    As a political 'utilitarian', I say 'do it for real' or don't waste my time!

    roger dat. I don't want my tax dollars wasted either. But they musta wasted taxpayer money on some study in the 90's that recommended this registry. It doesn't cost much now, Canada's honourable law enforcement spokespeople are in favour of it, and Harper would be a political fool to destroy it.

    Makes sense, eh?

  8. Fellas, stop and think for a moment... isn't a lot of our debate just an expression of our deep-seated, half-conscious feeling that talking about guns makes one cool?... What if we never saw First Blood? or other movies that conditioned us to worship guns? Would our sentences be the same? Would we strive to be macho in our syntax the way PIK does?

  9. I'd expect that you would find the anecdotal opinion of 2420 front line officers to be far less worthy than that of a few police chiefs.

    Yes, the perspective of the officers isn't nearly as wide as the chiefs. I wouldn't care if you could find 5000 front line officers, the majority of their superiors think the registry is a good thing. Period.

  10. But that's not Canada.


    Radsickle, my OP has a broader issue, of interest to people who understand Canadian federal politics.

    Yes, please enlighten us with your definition of Canada... what could be more broad than the chasm between Capitalist and Socialist Ideologies?!

    I guess I left myself open for attack so... be my guest...Define Canada for me, please...

  11. Canada used to be a beautiful experiment between capitalism and socialism. But today's half-wits want to make it more like the US and less independently-minded. I blame private media for the half-witted-ness; corporations and corrupt governments spend billions on propaganda to keep you and I voting the way they want and most media need the money.

    Luckily, Harper's crew are stupid. ("a generation so much dumber than its parents")

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