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Everything posted by Dennis

  1. Oh, I'm sorry. I guess I'm not supposed to listen to what Jack Layton has been saying for the past six months. I'm also not supposed to receive a defence of those policies from someone who is trying to defend his policies. No. I'm supposed to go over to the NDP website, read all of their policies, and figure out for myself how Jack Layton and the NDP isn't a radical Left Wing Party. Listen to this. Someone who claims to know NDP policies and believe they are not radical can't even cite them and blames me for not knowing them, even thought I've listened to what Jack has been saying for months. If Jack's own people can't defend his policies, who can? Jack wants to spend spend spend. Jack wants to attack attack attack Corporate Canada. And his supporters can't even defend him. And this is supposes to be a party to get excited about? Its laughable. Every time I have challenged the NDP they first attack me, then they call me stupid, then they tell me to go read the NDP book. OK
  2. Canadians don't want socialists like Maplesyrup, or Liberal cronies like Alphonso Gagliagno, taking their money and giving it to government bureacrats to do what the heck they want with it. They want reasonable rates of taxation. They want a vibrant economy. They want their taxes to go to programs that actually help people who really need it. They want a military that can protect them from the threats of today and display true Canadian sovereingty, instead of being dependent militarily and economically on the US. I think Canadians want a government that rewards their hard work, instead of Liberal and Socialist friends. If so many people were Lefists, why does the Left always break the promises they make in elections? And why does the Left never actually say they are the Left? No. Enough is enough. Instead of giving our money to people who think they know better than us, I think we should finally have government that can allow Canada to reach its fullest potential. I think that's better than Alphonso Gagliagno. I also think that's better than the Socialism of the NDP. Thank you.
  3. Blackdog is a perfect example. When you challenge the Far Left on their religious like adherence to socialist principles, they don't have anything else but to go personal and simply assume a lack of intelligence on the part of the opponent. So far, Blackdog has not defended the NDP one bit against the notion that it is a hardened socialist party that anticipates with glee the idea of punishing wealth creation in order to advance a radical Leftist agenda. Not one intelligent defence. Its been spend spend spend, attack capitalism attack capitalism attack capitalism 24/7 from Jack and his band of hardened Leftists. But, don't tell them that. They'll just call you stupid. PS. The picture is hilarious - but only to people who actually have a sense of humour beyond personally villifying opponents.
  4. I saw that too. Made fun of it on another message board. Here it is: Layton In Prison
  5. Said like a good Leftist. Who cares about anything but taxing income earners in order to support huge social programs? Liberals believe in progressive taxation too. But at least they pretend to use it for all kinds of things. The NDP wants to make Canada into a 24/7 daycare centre. And let the American economy pick up the tab. Our military too. Or maybe the NDP wants the military scrapped too. Let the tyrants worry about international security. Well, since you're so familiar with it, why don't you tell me which part of it betrays anything I've said so far. I have listened to what Jack has to say. And its been all about spending billions more on socialist ideas. Nothing else. If I'm wrong, please fill me in. I can't wait.
  6. No, two parties that aren't blinded by their own ideological leanings. Yeah, Layton said he's committed to balanced budgets. But, because no one thinks he has any chance of being elected into government, no on has bothered to go over the numbers. So far, he's promised billions and billions more in social spending - withough giving a hoot about things like the debt. And, for the NDP, adequately funded social programs means breaking the bank in order to redistribute wealth. Hey, you used the word communism. The fact of the matter is that Jack Layton has not spent one minute discussing the economic viability of this country or his attempts to further redistribute wealth like this were some kind of socialist utopia. But, again, because this is the NDP, no one really listens or cares that much to begin with - except Leftist voters and the media, just like I said. People will admire them for claiming to act on behalf of the little guy, then they'll vote for the parties that really matter - like its always been in this country.
  7. The NDP is a bunch of also-rans. Even back in 1988 they didn't meet expectations. And they had Free Trade to galvanize the nationalist economic vote too. The NDP never meets expectations. Its been their history. Unlike conservatives, they always poll better than they perform in elections. My guess is that they will be a non-factor. People will pay attention to the two governing alternatives. The NDP might do well if Leftist voters start to see the Liberals crumble, just like in '88. Even then, only the Hard Left tend to vote for them anyway. They've been stuck in the polls for the past year, despite Jack Layton trying to make use of every TV camera in the country. Since winning the leadership of the party, he's gone even further to the Left to energize core Leftist voters. This is not a party with any kind of moderate platform. It never has been. And Canadians have responded in kind. The only people who really get excited about the NDP is the NDP - and the media, who have nothing better to cover before elections.
  8. The problem with Lapierre is that he: a) is a departure from the traditional Federalist approach that has allowed the Liberals to boast Quebec prowess to all of Canada. there is a trustworthiness issue with him. He did betray the Liberals before. And, even though this is a rumour, he's already issued some ultimatums to Martin. Lapierre may be more an example of Martin's lack of a consistent vision than anything else.
  9. Interesting. Actually, there are two versions of each of the clips. The preview version is much shorter and does not have to be unzipped. I found them here: http://www.mediaservicesgroup.net/cpoc/tv.html Regarding the slogan, I too didn't think much of it when I first heard about it. However, I think it becomes catchy the more you say it to yourself, especially in the context of a well-delivered political message. Demand Better. Its memorable and on message, which is what you want in a political slogan. The NDP slogan, which is two forgettable phrases back-to-back, is probably the exact opposite of what you want. No is going to remember it and, hence, the purpose of the slogan is lost. Regarding the ads, they seemed like standard Harper stuff. The meat is in the content as opposed to the style. He toots his own party's horn, criticizes the liberals, does it in a very polite fashion, and is not afraid to come out himself and say these things, despite Liberal efforts to attack him. Plus, more people need to know who he is. I think these ads pretty much do that.
  10. The story of this poll is the drop by the Liberals. But leave it to the NDP to start going bonzo over any news that means they won't get 8%. "Massive" gains? If there is one phenomenon I have noticed over the past several months its the hysteria surrounding NDPers over Jack Layton. What they fail to ever mention is that Layton was at 17% after he became leader and the numbers haven't moved ever since. So, NPDers can keep going ga-ga over their man, Jack Layton. The rest of us Canadians will focus on who will actually run the country.
  11. Andrew Coyne adds some interesting analysis of his own, www.andrewcoyne.com
  12. The numbers can be found at CTV/Ipsos-Reid Poll Of note: These are minority government numbers we're talking about. The Libs are sliding, even after all of Paul Martin's pre-campaign efforts. Libs still down in Quebec. Libs down to 41% in Ontario, Tories up to 32% in the province. Much more info at CTV/Ipsos-Reid Poll
  13. I think this may be the development to watch as the US and the Governing Council try to establish a workable democracy in Iraq. Never mind the hysteria over Marine deaths and Shiite uprisings - just more media and leftist alarmism. At some point, and the sooner the better, the Iraqis have to establish order in their own country, especially since the US is loathe to come across as heavy-handed and slow to do perhaps some of the necessary things to stamp down insurgencies within the country. Sovereignty will be handed over to the Iraqis. And they're gonna have to deal with the security issues now prevelant within its borders. Seeing some actually go over to the other side and fight US soldiers is not very heartening. Let me tell ya.
  14. Isn't it extreme to resort to the same old Leftist tactic of accusing Conservatives of being unCanadian becuase they hold different political beliefs than you? If Communist is a bit extreme, how about Cuban? And of course Canadians are different, which is why your accusation that the Conservatives are the same is so absurd. Get it? Kapiche?
  15. My problem isn't so much with the hosts except that they aren't polished broadcasters (and Craig Oliver is, well, Craig Oliver). For that matter, neither do the people behind the scenes seem to be. The editing is poor, the flow bad, and the overall presentation lacking any kind of edge. They came out with this new format a couple of years ago (I think). Ed Greenspon was Oliver's sidekick then. And I don't think they've ever put it together well. From my standpoint, they're in need of another overhaul. I kind of liked it when Duffy hosted the show. But I was young then.
  16. Harldy a 'Play of the Week'. Just Craig Oliver's dream-fulfillment. Paul Martin is acting just like the Cornered Rat Stephen Harper had said he would be. Martin's all over the place. And this lame tactic is yet the latest example of it. PS. Is it me? Or has that show, CTV's Question Period, been lacking polish ever since it started with the new format with Oliver?
  17. Substance - where is it? Just more typical right wing attack the messanger. Doesnt cut it here. Where is your substance? If I were to use the same tactics you do I would simply call the NDP the Canadian chapter of the world communist movement and stick this smiley right afterwards .
  18. And the maplesyrup hit-jobs continue. Just more nonsense.
  19. Before you go any further, think about what the date is today. And think about that headline again. I think the term begins with "Aril F....." Many more victims to come in the morning, is my guess.
  20. Yet more silliness from maplesyrup, who's more interested in name-calling and NDP campaigning than anything else on here.
  21. Can you please explain that one? Or are you now also prone to hit-pieces.
  22. No you're not. You're doing everything you can to throw eggs at this new party. Your act is way too obvious. You're more prone to NDP hit-pieces than to any serious discusion of Canadian politics, in my opinion.
  23. Again with the silliness from maplesyrup, who's intent seems more to simply agitate conservatives than it is to engage in meaningful discussion. (I believe some people refer to it as trolling?) What the Conservatives have to do with Martin's handling of scandal is an interesting question indeed. And what this "PC Party" has to do with it, as insignificant as it is right now, is even more interesting. (Yes, they do call it trolling, don't they?)As for Martin, which is the actual topic at hand, he did place himself in a difficult situation. My thought has been that maybe he could have finessed the situation much better than he did. What he did was try to completely seperate himself from the previous regime, which he was a part of anyway, instead of focus on the positives of that time in office while also emphasizing the things he would do differently. He also could have tried to minimize the impact of scandal, instead of legitimizing it as a scandal. Perhaps a good politician could have shown concern while trying to put it in perspective. With Chretien and Martin you have polar opposites. Chretien was a shoulder shrugger, while Martin is one to yell, "Fire...Fire...Fire..Fire..."
  24. Are we going to get any substantive posts from maplesyrup any time soon?
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