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Posts posted by tango

  1. hmmmmmm, there have been 9 cases of arson against "non natives" in caledionia

    Not by natives, or you would have said so. Ya, lots of barns burned that summer, eh.

    , and many more weapons violations...

    Again, cite your stats for natives. Stop the baloney.

    In May of 2007, a man armed with an AK 47 had threatened to kill someone at DCE just a few yards from the Notre Dame school yard...

    Unrelated to the land reclamation. He's now serving 4 1/2 years.

    Just to qualify the following, it all refer to 2006, during the 6 week blockade, following the OPP raid on the site. It is true that some homeowners experienced what they perceived as frightening events. It is also true that many more didn't perceive it as frightening. It is true that someone has reported seeing a gun. It has never been verified, and the Clan Mothers are very strict about that.

    here are some random quotes from depositions on the goings on there:

    "My home borders Douglas Creek Estates in Caledonia. The occupiers drive around my home and neighbourhood, with bats, clubs, tasers, machetes and guns that they defiantly wave in plain sight, while they scream obscenities and threats of bodily harm at me, my family and my neighbours, all while law enforcement turns its back."

    Small town life has turned small town nightmare for the nurse whose children attend a school whose schoolyard backs onto the Douglas Creek Estates.

    "ATVs race around my home all hours of the night, some with their mufflers removed, as the drivers yell and scream. Heavy equipment vehicles move large materials throughout the night while construction takes place all hours of darkness behind Braemar. The sounds of hammering, banging and gunshots can always be heard.

    "My phone line has been cut, I have had occupiers run into my backyard and have had bottles of gasoline left behind my fences.

    Like I said, all in the 6 weeks after the OPP raid. Complain to them. :D

    Seriously, the "gunshots" turned out to be the nightly drumming, and it's true some people were irrationally afraid of that.

    The gasoline was planted by some Caledonia mischief-makers, near steel hydro towers - go figure!

    and sample this great and invigorating call to genocide here: listen to the uplifting lyrics of brother hood!

    http://www.metacafe.com/watch/406175/caledonias_crisis/ (in this song, the natives sing about how ALL white canadians are KKK members, and how they should be exterminated.)

    I must have missed it. Write out the offensive lyrics for me.

    that's right many caledonians are actively calling for the genocide of whites... yet... for SOME REASON... the liberals in power refuse to apply the hate speech laws now enacted...

    Really? I didn't know the Caledonia militia was going after whites.

    Hate speech? By whom? You are really confused.

    funny thing is that another student just last week in U of T was cited for hate speech and banned from the university as well as fined 8000 dollars for haven given an oral presentation on why there were'nt any gas chambers at Auschwitz (a fact not even disputed by the Auschwitz state museum in Poland!)

    eeewwww! This is true white supremacist/neo-nazi twist and spin holocaust denial stuff!

    I guess wiki is wrong?


    The gas chamber at Auschwitz I was reconstructed after the war as a memorial,

    But who am I kidding! Hate speech is ONLY for whites... just as every other PC "law" in vigor... white Canadians are the most discimrinated people in the land... but no one cares.. we're just spat upon and told to pay more to unnapeasabvle savages like the ones in caledonia.

    WAA WAA WAA :rolleyes: Oh, get out the violins. Another angry old white guy.

    You don't speak for "white Canadians".

    ah yes the wonders of Diversity... Look! Canada has had native diversity for hundreds of years!!! and look at how STRONG that is making us...

    what an Orwellian world we live in... how utterly without self respect and backbone are ordinary canadians... Even as their own children are threatened by hate filled, squalid and savage indians... they do nothing out of the fear of being called "racist"!



    lictor666wannabe should be banned.

    "savage" is pure racism. No excuse for that, ever.

  2. You are the one arguing that we need such as system to "encourage" people to vote. Self motivated people don't need encouragement - they just get off their butts and do it.

    Of course you also ignored the main argument that a secure online system must include inconvenient offline verification processes to ensure security. This means it cannot possibly encourage people to vote who are put off by going to a polling booth. It would, at most, replace the existing mail in ballot system.

    What verification?

    Wouldn't you just use your voting card?

    18-24 0.17

    25-34 0.13

    35-44 0.16

    45-54 0.19

    55-64 0.17

    over 65 0.18

    Interesting that the proportions of voters aren't really much different by age, though.

    But there are more people in the over 45's these days.

  3. I cannot agree with this argument. I do not support online voting, but to say that it will skew voting in favour of young people is just wrong. Voting is already skewed in favour of older people, who are far more likely to go to the polls to vote.

    I'm liking this idea more and more all the time!

    It's brilliant, really.

    We need ways to get more young people involved, and this would do that.

    And I agree we need to try to balance the traditional imbalance of older voters.

  4. As opposed to many members of Six Nations who openly and explicitly state that they themselves are not Canadian.

    They assert sovereignty rights as nations of people, its true. Six Nations and all other 'First' Nations know that they are sovereign Indigenous Nations. Quebecers are a nation of people too. Canada is a multi-nation land.

    The four original 'provinces' were Canada's sovereign entities - 'Crown' entities - but they gave up some of it to the feds.

    I'm a Canadian citizen, but since you support the formation of race-based petty states, I'd say you're the one leaning towards sedition, not me.

    Hmm ... well, you certainly couldn't be a policeman or public employee or volunteer of any kind at any level in Canada, if you won't take an oath to uphold the Queen's treaties and the Constitution of Canada - ie, the 'rule of law' in Canada - that's all it means.

    Geez ... Good thing you are a citizen because I'm not even sure you could be an immigrant! :lol:

    ooooooo "sedition" .... I'm terrorized!!! B)

    For respecting the Constitution and clarifying "existing Aboriginal rights and treaties"?

    I hardly think so. :D

    I'm curious about that 'sedition' charge in the Criminal Code, though. Is it like "Treason" that is committed against Canada and 'for another country' ?

    What other country would that be?

    Canada certainly does not recognize Six Nations as 'another country'. :wacko:B)

    And white supremacist views should be stamped out, imv, but they are not "sedition" either.

    Just thoroughly reprehensible.

    Do you agree?

  5. He said trafficking. As you know, five of your friends were arrested a few months back:

    "Justin Aubrey Hill, 36, Tuscarora Township, with five counts of firearm trafficking, four counts of unauthorized possession of a firearm, three counts each of trafficking ammunition and possession of a firearm for the purpose of trafficking, and one count each of trafficking prohibited weapon, possession of a prohibited firearm and possession of a firearm obtained by crime.

    William Errol Hill Jr., 27, Ohsweken, with two counts of possession of property obtained by crime and one count of trafficking ammunition.

    Herbert Donald Tripp, 52, of Tuscarora Township, with one count each of firearms trafficking, unauthorized possession of a firearm and unauthorized possession of a firearm in a vehicle.

    Wayne Leroy Hess Jr., 37, of Tuscarora Township, with one count of possession of property obtained by crime.

    And Catherine Rose Powless, 29, Ohsweken, with one count each of firearm trafficking and unauthorized possession of a firearm."

    There are crimes committed in any community. (Check the crime reports for Haldimand County.)

    These have nothing to do with the land reclamations. Firearms are not permitted.

    Oh, no, of course not. Must have been lightening.

    No, the semi and the "embassy" were firebombed from the hwy.

    "Was it you?" Are you serious? Making such an assertion is completely absurd. Yeah, I remember when the plywood shack aka "the embassy" was torched, they immediately accused "Canadians" of doing it without any proof. These same people howl "racism" should someone make that kind of accusation against SN

    It was a question. Never hurts to ask. Never know who knows what, especially someone as virulently anti-native as you.

    Go look at the crime stats posted by the SN police (who incidently seem to be having some issues with police brutality at the moment. Many of the crimes happen on a disproportionate basis. Especially domestic violence (as you probably well know), drug-related offenses, and automobile theft. Moreover, much of the crime committed by members of SN happens off reserve.

    So you are implying that 'all natives are criminals', just like the neo-nazis and white supremacists do on on 'Stormfront.ca'. <_< (If it quacks like a duck ... is it a duck?)

    Once again: There is crime in every community, even yours I bet. Hell, maybe even you.

    It has absolutely nothing to with Six Nations assertions of Aboriginal rights in the Haldimand Tract.

  6. Does that include forcible land seizures,

    They have the legal right to stop development on land if they have not been consulted about it.

    trafficking in illegal weapons? terrorizing and threatening death upon canadians, assaults? arson etc?

    No those are matters for the police. Over 100 charges have been laid.

    There have been no firearms, legal or otherwise, used in land reclamation. The Confederacy does not allow it. There have been no arsons in any land reclamations either.

    Arsons were committed against the Six Nations land reclamation twice, firebombing of a semi trailer and a building, by persons 'unknown'. (Was it you?)

    You are purposely confusing issues to mislead people. While no doubt some of the crimes you list do occur on Six Nations, as they do in any community, some that you list are not associated with land reclamations by the Confederacy, and thus have nothing to do with this topic.

    who would dream to think that Aboriginal statues have more importance basic human rights!

    Aboriginal rights are Constitutional rights and carry the same weight as our Charter Rights.

    That's what the OPP must balance in dealing with land reclamations: equal rights to the land.

  7. Sorry but you are exploiting them by telling them they are disadvantaged. They have poor genes and their environment is bad well what a way to stick it to them. Put a label on them so they can remain forever stigmatized, denigrated and marginalized. It is too bad everyone is not equal and can't contribute equally, saying they are equal does not make it so. They can at least feel some sense of self worth by doing what they can to contribute to society. It is only that way that they will gain any self-respect. It doesn't matter that they will never be rich or achieve greatness or even mediocrity. It matters that they contributed something.

    Assist or exploit?

    No. you may need assistance but you can have some sense of self worth if people aren't continually pointing out your victim status. We are all victims in some sense but most of us don't wallow in it.

    Sometimes it is injustice sometimes the left can convince us we are victims and it isn't our fault so we must remain victims. We are all victims and it's never our fault is the left's refrain.

    Sometimes it is injustice to ignore them and let them die in the streets, but that is what some call 'justice'.

    I'm exploiting people to agree to pay taxes so the disabled can eat? Ya right :rolleyes:

    If the 'left' is doing such a bad job, what is the 'right's' plan?

    I've never seen one, frankly. I'm curious how it should be done 'right'.

    And why hasn't it been done? Why does the right leave it to the left?

    Who's going to hire them? The 'right'? ya right! :lol:

    Show me ...

  8. I said all people in Canada equally...

    which includes:

    "335. (1) Subject to subsection (1.1), every one who, without the consent of the owner, takes a motor vehicle or vessel with intent to drive, use, navigate or operate it or cause it to be driven, used, navigated or operated, or is an occupant of a motor vehicle or vessel knowing that it was taken without the consent of the owner, is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction. "

    So you don't uphold the supreme law of Canada, the Constitution.

    Thanks. That's the answer I was looking for.

    You've been clear.

    You are an anti-Canadian.

  9. I believe that all people in Canada should be subject to the "laws of Canada" equally.

    ... including these Canadian laws, then ...

    Aboriginal rights and freedoms not affected by Charter

    25. The guarantee in this Charter of certain rights and freedoms shall not be construed so as to abrogate or derogate from any aboriginal, treaty or other rights or freedoms that pertain to the aboriginal peoples of Canada including

    (a) any rights or freedoms that have been recognized by the Royal Proclamation of October 7, 1763; and

    ('B) any rights or freedoms that now exist by way of land claims agreements or may be so acquired.(94)




    Recognition of existing aboriginal and treaty rights

    35. (1) The existing aboriginal and treaty rights of the aboriginal peoples of Canada are hereby recognized and affirmed.



    The general principles of the duty to consult and accommodate were laid out in 2004 and 2005 by the Supreme Court of Canada in the Haida, Taku River and Mikisew Cree decisions. The law is now clear that the duty to consult is founded upon the honour of the Crown, which requires that the Crown consult with and, if required, accommodate the interests of the Aboriginal peoples when the Crown has knowledge, real or constructive, of the potential existence of an Aboriginal or treaty right and contemplates conduct that might adversely affect it.

  10. According to right wing ideology, everyone should be able to achieve success through their own hard work and enjoy the rewards.

    See? It's a failure right off the bat. Not everyone has the same advantages of genetics and environment. The right wing ideology fails to account for 'the less able', stigmatizing and denigrating them, marginalizing them further and decreasing their ability further.

    According to left wing ideology, the more able should work harder and contribute more so that the government can redistribute their wealth and ensure that the less able can enjoy the same rewards. That is the nature of socialism, and I find it quite demoralizing.

    You can't see the morality of working for yourself as well as to assist those less able? :blink:

    Count your blessings ... A simple car accident, a head injury, and you are in their place.

    That's the ultimate arrogance of the 'right': When it happens to them personally, it's injustice. When it happens to someone else, it's their own fault. :rolleyes:

  11. Actually, we wouldn't be here if SN had been able to manage its own affairs.

    Not true. Six Nations has repeatedly petitioned the government for an accounting of its land and related monies held in trust. The government has failed to do so.

    Archival information indicates that Six Nations own accounts have always been in excellent condition, for over 200 years.

    However, our government has failed in its fiduciary duty to properly account for land leases and sales accruing to Six Nations.

    Moreover, the government was obeying its own laws when it created residential schools and encouraged the Natives to become literate and civilized.

    That's just sick.

    Get up to date, eh?


    Two primary objectives of the residential schools system were to remove and isolate

    children from the influence of their homes, families, traditions and cultures, and to

    assimilate them into the dominant culture.?

    These objectives were based on the assumption aboriginal cultures and spiritual beliefs

    were inferior and unequal.

    Indeed, some sought, as it was infamously said, "to kill the Indian in the child."

    Today, we recognize that this policy of assimilation was wrong, has caused great harm, and has no place in our country.

    The purpose of the residential schools was the destruction of culture, destruction of peoples, (genocide) to facilitate the total takeover of their land.

    "There is a need to raise the Indian to the level of the white man, and to take the land out of Indian hands."

    Egerton Ryerson, 1847

    Now what's your answer:

    Do you support resolving Aboriginal Rights and Titles according to the laws of Canada?

  12. And his nephew had a 2 x 4 ready to clubber the kid. It is all a matter of two vigilantes who were told to stay out of the subdivision, who then created a confrontation with teenagers and ended up on the bad side of a melee. Had Guilteri not been there and obeyed the police order, he would not have been hurt.

    Absolutely, but he stayed against the police instructions, went to his truck and armed himself, lying in wait for the teens because he thought they might put a flag on the house he was building.

    I think you are wasting your time with that yahoo since to answer the question, it might interfere with his belief in his own "privilege".

    Oh I'm sure you are right about them. However, I ask the question so others reading this topic can see that some posters spout a lot of malarky about the 'rule of law' in Caledonia, but when it comes right down to the Canadian laws that apply to Aboriginal Rights and Titles, they really don't support the rule of law in Canada at all.

    That's because they are not about the rule of law at all, but are just generally anti-native, and opposed to land claims entirely. They don't represent Canadians at all.

  13. You also should understand that the Ontario NDP are very different from that of Manitoba or other provinces. I listened to Andrea Horvath when she campaigned for her party's leadership. She sounded like it was 1969, not 2009! That party is still rooted in the old days, when union memberships were huge and there were huge numbers of people in factory jobs that were potential supporters. All our evils were the fault of big business and only sweetness and light would come from socialism.

    They just don't seem to have changed with the times, at all!

    I agree (!) that Andrea Horvath sometimes sounds like 1969 ... too often ...

    Even worse, Tim Hudak sounds like 1995. I wonder if Deb still whispers her famous sweet nothings in his ear "I do not recall. I do not recall I do not recall ..." (x 157)

    Let's face it: He's married to someone who lied under oath.

    How much would you trust this man! :blink:

  14. Really? I would have thought you'd say that the way to resolve land claims is by way of highway blockades and blowing up hydro transformers. Or perhaps by beating up old men.

    The "old man" was in the process of crushing a teenager's windpipe. <_<

    If our governments were obeying the law, none of that would have happened.

    However, our governments don't obey the law unless under direct court order, as they are now in Brantford - ordered by the judge to "consult and to accommodate" Six Nations rights on land in Brantford currently under development.

    And that wouldn't have happened if Six Nations hadn't blocked the developments.

    The City of Brantford went to court to get an injunction against Six Nations, and got a court order against themselves instead! :D

    Our governments have to be forced to obey our own laws. Not much to be proud of, is it? <_<

    So, Bill, why are you are evading my question?

    Do you support resolving Aboriginal Rights issues according to the rule of law of Canada?

  15. It refers to 'Gary McHale'. You can google him if you like. His family is from Caledonia and he has been a figurehead in some of the protests against McGuinty and the OPP for treating natives and townsfolk differently.

    Tango and CR try to make him out to be some kind of KKK Grand Wizard, as an ad hominem way to try to pretend that there is no resentment in Caledonia and everything is actually peace, love and dove.

    McHale is no "KKK Grand Wizard". McHale would never belong to anything he couldn't run himself. His thinking reveals a clear white supremacist agenda, though he tries to camouflage it for public consumption, but he wants his own supremacist organization with him totally in control.

    So far there may be a dozen misguided and limited people in Caledonia who follow him like starved puppies, but his anti-native agenda was bounced right out of Deseronto and Picton. We can only hope that other communities are as wise to his ways.

  16. Oh what a simple world some live in. The "left" and the "right" ... as if that dichotomy defines all of us. I think its quite a bit more complicated than that, but some can't comprehend complexity so they rely on simplistic yes-no, good-bad responses, and consider themselves the holders of 'truth'.

    In truth, the self-righteous are generally blind to the reality of other people's world, and consequently disrespectful of anyone not 'the same' as them.

    I recall growing up in the '50's when the self-righteous controlled society.

    Canada is much better now, more diverse, more tolerant, and more kind.

    However, the self-righteous are still here, whining about not being in control anymore, no doubt harkening back to the pre-50's when Canada still aspired to be a "white nation".

    Thank goodness for progress! :D

  17. Neither Mr Whitman nor Wild Bill are from Caledonia.

    Neither one believes in resolving land claims according to the rule of law in Canada.

    However, they do appear to support the white supremacist recruiting for an anti-native 'militia' that is currently going on in southern Ontario.

    The readers can draw their own conclusions about Mr Whit(e)man and Wild Bill.

    Gary McHale, and his sidekicks Mark Vandermaas and Jeff Parkinson are not from Caledonia, but they organize anti-native rallies there, ostensibly opposing the OPP for "two-tier policing": They claim the police charge non-natives for things they don't charge natives for.

    However, to my knowledge, McHale is the only non-native ever charged at all in Caledonia, for "counselling mischief" in conspiring to create a roadblock. McHale is currently banned from Caledonia, but calling the shots nonetheless.

    McHale's rallies in Caledonia attract white supremacists and neo-nazis like Paul Fromm, (Stormfront.ca/.com, Canadian Association for Free Expression), Melissa Guille (Canadian Heritage Front/Alliance), Dave Ruud (Northern Alliance). McHale welcomes US white supremacists like 'Winston Smith' (The Political Cesspool radio) on his discussion board.

    McHale has incorporated his organization, has held a public meeting to announce the formation of a militia of "peacekeepers", and can now legally recruit members to that group. Though they say the militia will be unarmed, a legal militia can also be an armed militia, and likely will be before long, when the money starts rolling in from white supremacists.

    Police and ordinary citizens across Ontario are very disturbed by this development.

    Gary McHale, Mark Vandermaas and Jeff Parkinson are nothing but bad news for Caledonia and all of Ontario and Canada.

    The way to resolve native land claims is according to the rule of law of Canada, leaving it in the hands of the courts and the police, not via a hooligan militia associated with white supremacists.

  18. This is typical of the paranoia and rumor that apparently swirls through Six Nations on a continuous basis.

    Wasn't it Joseph Brant who was breaking the law in the first place when he sold off much of the so-called Haldimand Tract? Whatever the case, my guess is that you've never read a law book dealing with property in your life, and couldn't comprehend it if you gave it a try. So you shrill bluster and obnoxious hysterics isn't accomplishing anything other than making yourself look like a fool.

    Rule of law sometimes means that you don't win, no matter how justified you think you are. Something tells me that you're not content with anything except exactly what you want, so appeals to the "rule of law" are completely disingenuous.

    Well, I was asking someone else, but apparently you are not a clear supporter of resolving land claims according to the rule of law in Canada. How else would you suggest?

    Only losers without sufficient argument, and trolls with agendas resort to attacking the poster, btw.

  19. So I would assume then that YOU are from Six Nations, since you seem to speak for them? Or are you the only one allowed to comment?


    I speak for myself, a Canadian who opposes white supremacist recruiting in Ontario.

    Your words clearly implied that all those involved in forming a 'peacekeeper' group must be supremacists.

    Wrong again. I oppose white supremacist recruiting in Ontario, and I would like to alert those who may be duped by them.

    As for resolving things by rule of law, I have two opinions about that.

    First of all, I would not accept YOUR opinion or that of posters like charter.rights as gospel about Canadian law! Perhaps when either or both of you sit on the Supreme Court I might change my mind.

    The other is that I believe that the SN protesters broke the law. In such a confrontation, games theory would suggest that those who play by the rules are at a serious disadvantage. Frankly, that shakes my confidence that governments could have a fair chance in such a situation.

    The question is moot anyway. When the government(s) refuse to enforce the laws, then how is your question relevant?

    I don't speak for the Supreme Court, but you could inform yourself of the rule of law in Canada yourself, before you claim to make judgments of it such as those.

    - What Constitutional rights are the OPP upholding?

    - What laws have been broken, by natives or non-natives, that have not been investigated for charges?

  20. Black knows every appointed Judge in Canada - they are all buddy buddies - so a court order does not mean much - why should it? You are above the law when you are the law --- and it was not Canada that convicted him - it was America...he was foolish to go south - it's not his turf....you are wrong if you think that the people in Toronto would convict Black -- The Canadian establishment are slightly afraid of the Americans - so if the yanks wanted Blacks ass - they simply turned away - He would have done better if he would have hired an American defense team and payed them well - If you don't put cash into their system you are going to lose - same as here - You can represent yourself and put up a good fight - but you will never win - because you did not contribute to the lawyers fund.. :rolleyes:

    Ah! So your argument is ... Black is corrupt and the system is corrupt, so he should be free.

    Sorry, I don't see any logic in that!

  21. Sorry, it's not so digital!

    Just because I don't agree with white supremacists doesn't mean I must agree with YOU!

    Frankly, from your posts on the subject I don't see much difference between your side and as what you portray Gary McHale.

    You brand anyone who disagrees with your position as a bigot and/or a racist. Sorry! That's not just the ultimate in 'ad hominem'. It's the ultimate in intellectual arrogance!

    Me, I believe that actions talk and BS walks. I disagree with you on the SN protests because of their tactics and their protest targets. So far I haven't seen McHale and others do or try to do anything that the SN protesters haven't done already.

    I also have never seen a report of a McHale rally blowing up a hydro transformer, beating up an old man in a house under construction, beating up and robbing two TV cameramen, stealing a police vehicle and abandoning it later with a smelly 'turkey' inside!

    Those examples are just the tip of the iceberg of what I've been told by people in the town whose word I trust, including relatives and some cops.

    I disagree with anyone who does such things, whether native or non-native.

    You can call me names, you can rail about 'white guilt' and you can trumpet your own version of history and law as if it came down with Moses from Mount Sinai. I truly just don't care!

    Evil is as evil does! Race is irrelevant.

    I say again, I would respect the SN protesters a lot more if just ONCE they did something that inconvenienced McGuinty instead of the Caledonia townsfolk!

    Why not blockade HIS street! Why not knock out HIS electricity!

    Or do the same to Chuck Strahl or Harper!

    So far, all I've seen from SN is cheap shots at the innocents.

    And for that you expect me to consider myself a white supremacist for not siding with you?

    Frankly, such a position is just utterly unbelievable!

    Oh ... I see you are not from Caledonia at all, Wild Bill, so you don't speak for them at all.

    I never said "bigot or racist". I said white supremacists are organizing and recruiting in Southern Ontario.

    Do you agree that the governments of Canada, Ontario and Haldimand County must resolve the Six Nations land claims according to the 'rule of law' of Canada?

  22. You are pretty dense. Making any decision based on race is racism. I do not promote exclusion or inclusion of natives based on their race. They should be treated like every other Canadian no matter what race they are - just like my Lebanese supervisor, my Chinese superintendent, and my African American manager.

    Here's the rule of law on discrimination in Canada:



    15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.

    (2) Subsection (1) does not preclude any law, program or activity that has as its object the amelioration of conditions of disadvantaged individuals or groups including those that are disadvantaged because of race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.

    And the UN ...


    the term "racial discrimination" shall mean any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life. '[3]

    and wiki ...


    the term "racial discrimination" shall mean any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life. '[3]

    Making any decision based on race is racism.

    Not true. No matter how angry old heterosexual white men may be about the real rule of law in Canada, this argument for 'racism' holds no truth.

    It's a subterfuge engaged in by white supremacists to denigrate and deny non-whites and other minority groups, and to suck angry old white men into their organizations.

    White supremacists are actively organizing and recruiting in Southern Ontario right now, and populating discussion boards like this one to spread their sick messages, and to recruit new members from among the angry old white men of Southern Ontario.

    Other Canadians are organizing to uphold Canadian values by exposing white supremacists and disrupting their recruitment drives.

    From above:

    Over 70 people from Hamilton, Kitchener- Waterloo, Guelph, Toronto, Six Nations and the Haldimand-Norfolk area travelled to Cayuga on June 23 for a rally that started and ended just the way everyone hoped it would: as peacefully as possible. “This is the most organized, prepared rally I’ve ever seen,” one OPP officer joked as the group of protesters handed out bottled water and snacks to one another.


    Across the street from the Cayuga Lions Club Hall, protesters flooded the street chanting, “Go away, KKK,” and waving signs and banners that read, “With 6 Nations Against Racism” and “Canadians say NO to Anti-Native Vigilantes.”

    “The Caledonia Militia, or Peacekeepers, and Gary McHale are strongly supported by openly Neo-Nazi and white supremacist groups,” said Niki Thorne, a protester from Hamilton.

    “This militia isn’t good for either Caledonia or Six Nations, so we’re calling for the Canadian government to resolve land claims fairly, swiftly and peacefully.”

    So Chuck and Bill ... pick your side!

    White supremacist wannabes can apply to Gary McHale, self-appointed grand poobah of the white supremacist wannabes of Southern Ontario, aka 'Caledonia Militia'. You can also apply through lackey poohbahs Jeff Parkinson and Mark Vandermaas.

    In Caledonia, speak to Doug Fleming or Merlyn Kinrade, but keep in mind that these local dudes are just dupes of McHale and don't really know the full extent of what they are involved in.

    You must supply your own pointy hoods and crosses, but you must NEVER be seen with them and you must NEVER question McHale's 'wisdom', also known by OPP as "counselling mischief", an indictable criminal offense, and the reason the courts have banned McHale from Caledonia.

    Look at the excitement (excrement?) you have to look forward too! <_<

    But consider ...

    There are many methods of peaceful, legal protest Caledonia citizens can employ, short of forming what amounts to a posse.


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