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Everything posted by wulf42

  1. Israel has Nukes and if there was ever a Country that needed them it's Israel! The Muslims don t ever seriously challenge Israel these days why do you think nobody ran to help Gaza?? they don t dare to, they know Israel will push the button and not bat an eye if they were forced.
  2. The problem comes from the Gang culture that exists with these youngs punks, partly to blame is that crap they call rap that glorifies gun violence....if i had my way anyone 16 years and older that is involved in violence with a weapon causing serious injury or death would be put away for a minimum 15 years no parole no exceptions......and then go up from there depending on the severity of the crime. Society wants the problem removed from them they don t really care about much else! Everybody has a choice in life make the wrong one and your gone simple as that!
  3. See i'm not always hard to get along with.........
  4. I really don t even know what to say to that comment, it doesn't even make sense the point is they shouldn t have to register it doesn't change a thing......gang bangers still carry their Tech-9's and Baretta's and are not to concerned about registering.
  5. Canada belongs to Nato meaning we could be deployed anywhere in the world, yes including the desert like we are now right? Afghanistan is mountainous /desert terrain you must have see news clips on tv??
  6. Sure it does!! it keeps them off the street so they can t reoffend and hurt someone else........it's not rocket science.
  7. I think it is a great idea!! i rather put up with a little inconvience at the airport compared to being blown to pieces over the Atlantic.
  8. Well for one big thing Harper is all for beefing up our Military, as a former member that happens to be a very important issue for me.. years of cut backs in the past have hurt our military and its ability to fight in conflicts ie: (we didn t even have desert camo uniforms at the start of the Afghanistan mission).Other issues i consider important is the Tory view on toughing up against crime with longer sentences for violent criminals and scrapping the Young offenders act! Little maggots having been getting away with too much for too long......some of these so called children are 200lb steroid pumped up violent 16 year olds and we should treat them as such and charge them as adults and none of this time served 2 for 1 garbage! And then of course there is the Gun Registry, the left wants to make criminals out of farmers,hunters and target shooters.....utter nonsense. Yeah i support Harper for all the above reasons at least the man has vision to change this country into something better and safer and just maybe give Canada a Military backbone again (by the end of WW2 we had the 4th largest Navy in the world) not today unfortunately!
  9. as opposed instead of being like the leftie taliban cheerleaders that we see on here so often??
  10. It simply comes down to choices...and there is only one that Canadians have and that is Harper,with Parliament prorogued until March the silly Afghan detainee nonsense will quietly go away and the economy is getting better day by day......Harper chances as a sitting Majority PM later this year have never been better!!
  11. Maybe so but he is a small fish in a big ocean, Nova Scotia will hardly make a difference in an Federal election it is and always has been Quebec,Ontario and out west that decides..! Harper is closer to a majority now then he ever was.
  12. The problem with a Minority Government is that nothing is or will ever get done, the Government just flounders! No its time for Harper to make his move and finally take control and we will all be far better off!
  13. Obviously there really is no alternative Harper is very likely to get his Majority this year.....lets all keep the fingers crossed shall we!! http://thechronicleherald.ca/Columnists/1160594.html
  14. Oh please do go to an Army base and state that!!..............Lefties truly are a disgusting lot they really are!
  15. To stop terrorism what the heck do you think they are doing there!
  16. Here here!! and these people call themselves Canadians....ha what a joke!
  17. No Thanks,I like supporting our Military! they keep the Taliban and Al Qaeda busy trying to survive over there making their ability to attack us here much harder. A four year old can figure that out.... not sure why the lefties can't.
  18. Sorry! what i meant is they don t care about the Afghan Detainee issue at all, i didn t mean the mission.
  19. Really?? because i read not to long ago that 56% of Canadians asked in a recent poll stated they did not care about the Afghan issue at all!
  20. Well according to the polls they aren't doing to bad! http://www.cbc.ca/news/pdf/pagesfromreport4cbcnov262009.pdf
  21. Well your just wrong! Their support is stable. http://netnewsledger.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1225:conservative-support-stable&catid=35:northwestern-ontario-regional-news&Itemid=83
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