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Posts posted by HisSelf

  1. This just in, folks. Harper mosies on over to the Rock. Questionned about the ABC campaign of Danny Williams, Harper says on National TV... Mr. Williams is very popular. Mr. Williams has his own style. He didn't like the last government either, Mr. Williams is an effective leader... splutter, whiz, blurp....


    I'll bet there are a lot of companies founded on the investment trust principal who would love to hire Mr. Williams as their front man. Many of them are in Alberta. And on Bay Street.

    Maybe Harper is starting to realize he just might be in over his head...

    "We won't get a majority. We'll only get a minority."

    What a poser.

  2. We have done our bit for NATO. We've been there longer than we were in Europe for WWII. Not forgetting that we were in the European theatre two years before the Yanks stopped twiddling their thumbs.

    We are closing in on 100 of our good people lost in South Afghastlystan.

    And all to cover the Bush Backside while he pissed away the world's good will in Iraq.

    It is time to say we have done enough. We have met our obligations. If the Americans had lead this battle, it would have been over by now. Instead they used us to cover their backside while they pissed away their credibility over BS issues.

    America, Afghanistan is YOUR problem. We did our bit. Good luck.

    PS. I would just like to add that I have mentioned our contribution in Afghastlystan in American-based fora and I have been greeted with derision and hooting. I have seen posts deriding us because our equipment is not good enough. I have seen posts deriding us because our trainig is not good enough. Screw the yanks. Bring our people home.

  3. One outcome of the current contre-temps is the disappearance of Michael Ignatieff. A guy who cares so much about Canadian politics that he spent most of the last two decades as an ex-pat. A guy who cares so much about human rights, that he will use torture to defend them.

    You go, Iggy. No I mean, you go. Really. Just go...

  4. Those of you who are familiar with the way the American government does business will know that from time to time, the US will engineer a coup or two.

    They did it in Iran to boot democratically elected Mossadeq who wanted to nationalize the oil industry. The Shah of Iran was a wunnerful guy, wasn't he? Robert Fisk (The Great War for Civilisation) reports how the Shah's Savak agents had meat slicers in the basements of their homes to shave off the arms of dissidents little by little. One wonders if these morsels might have been served to American diplomats in finger sandwiches...

    They did it in Chile, where people were disappeared by being tied up in sacks and taken out over the lovely blue sea to be dropped to their deaths.

    And when Hugo Chavez thought they were doing it in Venzuela, he kicked the ambassador out. If you were Hugo Chavez, what might you have done?

  5. Do I know all the world's diplomats? Does anyone? Why do you make such silly comments? But what some of us know are the general qualifications necessary to be a diplomat, which is a senior public service position in all governments. Qualifications include a university degree, usually post graduate, and years of experience in the foreign service. To assume, as you do, that the majority of such people would not be aware of the Bush Doctrine and its intricacies and implications is simply ludicrous. Belabor the point if you will. Take the last word.

    Absolutely. Heavy emphasis on the years of foreign service aspect. Nicely said.

  6. I think you can say there is anarchy and chaos in the world outside North America where people don't have the supports for housing that we see where we live.

    So... is the state being accountable or not? Your seem torn.

    Scuttlebutt on BNN is that both had loosey-goosey accounting that would make Enron proud. Today their shares fell below a penny a piece. That's what happens when the government takes you over. Your shares become worthless.

    The point I was trying to make is that the wonderful free-market capitalist system is not the be all and end all that capitalists would have us believe. We had the dot com bubble. Grown men were weeping. Now we have the sub-prime mortgage mess. More weeping. We are in the unfortunate position right now of having to depend on the US taxpayer to estoppel a world-wide collapse. No I don't think this makes the US a kingmaker. They made this mess!

    Any idea that capitalism is some sort of godsend is naive. Captalism is essentially chaos. It would be much better if it had measurable metrics. Unfortunately, it has only very fuzzy metrics. Try getting a handle on the metrics of the oil market. Arguably one of the most important markets in the world and nobody really believes any of the metrics extant. You would have better success trying to understand string theory. And guess what? Central socialist planning had the same problem!

    If a free market system is to work well it must have reliable metrics. Where are they? Who can be trusted to supply them? Right now, I'd say nobody.

  7. As an aside I do find it comforting that, months after Mark "The Human" Steyn's veneration as a free speech martyr, right-wingers are back to their old censorship-friendly ways. Bunch of fcuking babies.

    Interesting that Mark Steyn has to add the qualifier "the human". Feeling a bit tetchy are we? Show us your belly button, Mark. LOL.

  8. Yes ladies and germs. If Hugo Chavez nationalizes Venezuelan oil, that's nasty. If Vladimir Putin nationalizes Russian oil, that's evil. If Cuba nationalizes Coca Cola, that's just damned wrong!

    But if the almighty U S of A, free booter (oops free market) government nationalizes the biggest mortgage lenders in the country, that's just good government.

    I love it. And I especially love it that George W Bush junior is the guy who had it shoved down his throat.

    I love it. I really love it.

    Retire on THIS, George!

  9. It's not just about the votes; the money-motivated Republicans, who want lower taxes, deregulation, reduced government spending, do not have much of a presence aside from campaign donations. The defense conservatives, or war hawks, who made up McCain's original base of supporters, are more actively involved in politics, but the people who man the phones, put up the campaign signs and drive voters to the polls for the Republicans, are mostly coming out of the churches, and Republicans have to campaign against abortion, gay rights, and in favour of "school choice" and "faith-based initiatives," to get enough of them to do the groundwork.

    I don't think Sarah Palin allowed a man to define her personal identity, even though that's the message she preaches to other women! She has as much personal ambition as any male politician, and has admitted in these fluff bio-pieces that her husband and older children have had to take on larger shares of looking after the home and the younger children. She hasn't expressed any desire to help lesser mortals with the daycare problem that many working women who can't do it all, have to deal with on a daily basis; and combine that with her abstinence thing and abortion-only-if-you're-going-to-die positions, and I get the feeling that most American women who know what she stands for will be able to figure out that she doesn't have a whole lot of sympathy for most working mothers.

    Exactly! And environment, health care, Iraq and Afghanistan weren't even mentioned in McCain's or Palin's speeches! And somehow they managed not to mention George Bush either! With all of the pivotal issues that a successor of George Bush will have to deal with, Republicans should not be allowed to make this election a campaign of style over substance. Especially since a so-called "maverick" like McCain would keep all of the Republican Whitehouse staffers in place, and nominate more conservative whackjobs to the SCOTUS to appease the mob that support Sarah Palin.

    This is not just a matter of ideology! Change is needed to take the garbage out every so often to keep entrenched interests from hanging on to power for too long. People usually have to be extremely happy for a party to control the White House for three consecutive terms. Do the Republicans deserve a third term? No! And even Republican strategists have made it obvious. That's why they ran their convention as if some other party was in power. Dick Cheney wasn't at the convention, and not even mentioned by name. But then again, either was George Bush! He got a few minutes to teleconference with the delegates on Tuesday, and then the Republicans gathered in St. Paul acted as if he never existed and someone else was controlling America's destiny. Can they get away with it? I sure as hell hope not! The most cynical, reptilian strategists like Karl Rove, think they have come up with a formula for a permanent Republican majority. If they can fool a majority of voters into believing that two Republicans have no baggage from a disastrous administration, then anything is possible.

    Nicely said.

  10. Right now, I am watching David Emerson (I'd describe his position within the Conservative Party if it were possible to keep track) being interviewd on the CBC and he is describing Afghanistan as the "gateway to the Orient". Hello? Do have even a clue how many Chinese Canadians now live in this country? Indo-Canadians? Do you have any friggin' clue at all?

    David Emerson thinks that this miserable little disorganized squat of a state is the gateway to the Orient. Give the man a camel, pack it full of spices. Send him into the Khyber Pass and tell him you'll meet him in Petra. LOL.

    How did this guy get to be a minister? Oh I know. He walked.

  11. Amazing! We agree on something (cues balloon drop). Indeed, the devil is in the detai...errr...sub-atomic particles.



    Three dollars...and it only transports matter!!?

    ---Homer Simpson at Prof Frink's Yard Sale

    I know. I can't believe it myself! You must be one of those friggin muons. Only explanation I have. LOL.

  12. I generally don't like musicals but I liked the remake of "Little Shop of Horrors" with Ellen Green, Rick Moranis, Steve Martin, Bill Murray..."Grease" was good, and the performance of Rene Zellwegger and Catherine Zeta-Jones made "Chicago" palatable. "Jesus Christ Superstar" was enjoyable, Remember "Tommy" - mostly forgettable.

    I'm a big Steve Martin Fan. "Roxanne". "Father of the Bride" The man has it all. I laughed. I cried.... Steve Martin is truly a gifted and brilliant comedian. He is so good at coming completely out of left field. Nothing that Steve Martin does is obvious, but much of what he does is just so true. He tells you things you know about yourself but that you were too pre-occupied to notice at the time.

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