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Posts posted by HisSelf

  1. I'm NOT happy with my TV provider Starchoice right now. For many years I've watched C-PAC and the Ontario Legislature but lately Star decided to cancel the Ontario Legislature!!!! They still are running the British Columbia legislature though. I'm wondering if Express-u still has it on?? I've e-mailed both the government and Starchoice vp.

    I know how you feel. Bundling is the enemy. In a free market system, we should be able to subsrcibe as we will. We do not have that with Bell, Rogers, etc..

    I have Rogers. I have to pay for all kinds of crap (I mean MTV? Come on. Should be ATV. Know what I mean?) to get a small number of channels I value. This is what happens when you monopolize a market.

    Our regulatory process has failed us.

  2. Great idea. Free cancer drugs. One in three will need it before we die. How is this less important than bailouts to the auto industry, Bombardier, what have you?

    Sure if you lose your job at the bomber, you are unemployed. But if you die from cancer because you can't afford the drugs, YOU ARE FRIGGIN DEAD.

    No brainer. Screw Bomber, GM and Ford. Drugs for cancer patients. What am I missing here?

  3. Only a Jewish mother is fit to rule Israel - God knows the males are wimps.

    This is what happens when you try to have a serious discussion about Israeli poltics. The kooks come out of the woodwork.

    Don't feel offended, Oleg Bach. I'm, sure Rue, M Dancer, JBG and the rest of the riot squad will be out with their tear gas grenades in no time.

  4. Here is a CNN/Time quote about Livni written by Condoleeza Rice..


    Pithy Condy quote: "Tzipi has not just been my colleague; she has become my friend."

    Livni first emerged as a Sharon advisor. Should give some good insight into what direction she will follow.

    While the attention of the US is diverted with the presidential election, collapse of the financial markets. Georgia, Afghanistan, and Iraq, watch for Lipni to ramp up settlement building, the persecution of Palestinians, attacks on Iran, etc. etc...

  5. For the purposes of your discussion it was comparable.

    For you to say the NPR does not have a leftist agenda is laughable to say the least.

    I've watched NPR for many years. I'd say that their reporting on many issues ressembles that of the Economist. Not as detailed - but as balanced as far as I'm able to tell. Yes, they are a little left, but the balance is comparable.

  6. It was shameful when I watch Greenspan address congress a few years ago - all the former Christian white anglo leaders stood up as if GOD head entered the room - as if all their private wealth depended on super Jew (and I mean that in the spirit of love) WOULD maintain the status quo for eternity - and that he was the god Mammon incarnate to grant them another fifty years of plunderous lucre never ending. What a joke - even Greenspan knew that you can only fiat the world to death for so long and reality kicks in - Just like this retired RCMP officer said to me yesterday - "I just lost a bundle in the stock market - it was my retirement money" .

    I replied "What did you expect...to get something for nothing - well you got what was right and true when you expect something for nothing you eventually end up with nothing" AND there is a lot more nothing coming for many - fiatism is collapsing and reality is here..when you make a deal with the devil - he always screws you - that's his purpose - and to think you trusted Greenspan...he did his best to serve and even he knew there was an end to pleasing his masters..looks good on the greed crowd - money is a belief system - a religion..and some religions fail - as mammonism does and did. Mammon is a false god. End of story.

    Greenspan is agnostic when it comes to money. You have supported some of my posts, but I think you need to get your vision corrected. He was a very good Fed chair for many years. My posts pointed out that SOME ANAYLYSTS WERE BLAMING GREENSPAN LOL. OK?

  7. I think most people are confused by it. From what I've been able to see the root cause was lousy management on the part of CEOs and high flying Wall Street elites who got huge bonuses when they bet on risky ventures and win - but arent punished when they lose. Banks made lousy loans to people who never should have gotten them, then sold the mortages and risk up higher to investment banks and brokers, who often sold them themselves. This means the guy who is making all these loans gets fat bonuses, the bank is happy and shows big paper profits, so the manager gets a fat bonus, and the risk - they assumed - was passed up the line to people who didn't properly examine what that risk was before assuming it. The big players at all levels made huge bonuses and never worried about the future as they built up their house of cards.

    This was combined with no real regulatory oversight by the American banking authorities to ensure banks and investment houses didn't go crazy with risk and debt. And since the last American banking crisis which cost the taxpayers a fortune in bail-outs it seems to me the government should have been watching a hell of a lot more closely. Of course, just like last time, it will emerge that most of the Senators and Congressmen involved in commitees which supervised the financial industry took in big, fat bribes from financial industry lobbyists.

    Nicely said. The problem is that Wall Street has been focussed on the next quarterly report and that the people who were supposed to be bird-dogging the long term (i.e. the regulators) let themselves be scared off by the constant belly-aching from the private sector whining about how the government should stay outta of their hair. This is what happens when you let private sector whining intimidate the regulatory process.

    Hopefuly the lesson that wil be learned is a very old one. The investment community has long said that is a mistake to put all your eggs in one basket. And yet we have a case here where the world investment community has handed its eggs to AIG for safekeeping.

    Maybe this will result in a truly global market at last. If any good comes of this at all.

  8. Things have improved in Canada smallc, but I think alot of people think that Canada could be alot better than it is. We should be THE wealthiest country in the world, bar none. But we are not.

    Our productivity rate is declining relative to other Western countries and our health care system is terrible.

    There was a report released yesterday ranking us last as compared to Western Europe.

    There are some glaring anomolies that need to be corrected and then Canada can come closer to it's potential.

    Edit to add:

    Don't get down about the people complaining - at least they care.

    Get down about the people who can't see past the end of their noses.

    People criticizing the country does not mean that they love it any less than you do - necessarily.

    This sort of thing gets said a lot. Look at our infrastructure costs. Look at the size of our shoreline. The number of kilometers of highway. The number of small cities who have to subsist on property taxes because of the bizarro tax regime forced on them by the Provincial and federal systems. Even mighty Toronto has to constantly beg for money.

    How are you measuring productivity? How are you measuring our health care system? I'll take our health care system over that of the yanks any day. Many of them are wondering if they might not be better off with our system.

    Michael Moore gets pilloried for his movie Sicko, but you know, there is this video clip of Richard Nixoin enthusing at how Kaiser Permante was going to put the emphasis on denial of care that just will not go away. That is not health care.

  9. It's questionable whether anyone on Wall Street or at the Federal Reserve can state with any degree of certainty how much risk there is to the markets

    Funny how many Bloombreg, BNN, etc analsysts are now crawling out of the woodwork to tell us that: It's all Greenspan's fault (LOL), it's all the government's fault (LOL - how often have we heard them tell us that life would be so much better if the government would just get out of our hair?).

    You're right. Nobody knows how much risk is now in the markets, and that is exactly the problem. If you cannot quantify risk, then how to you value the market?

    Captialism. Ain't it grand? The mighty US of A has damned near destroyed the world. The Russian market has had to close two days in a row because there was no way to make the market.

    The AIG collapse (bailout my a$$ - they have been given 24 months to liquidate themselves) shows you how bad the situation has become. 50% of their business was in Europe. Their insurance business was underwriting much of the financial community. For example, AIG had insured the rent of Lehman Brothers London HQ for 4 years in advance in the event that Lehman collapsed. A house of cards.

    We'll be damned lucky if we get out of this without a worldwide financial collapse.

    As one analyst put it on Bloomberg this morning: "Sooner or later, the Fed is going to run out of money". Indeed. Numbers are not looking very good at the moment. Apparently the market agrees with this guy. The US government is still triple A. How long can it last?

    And the wind whispers.... Boooosh!

  10. The price of precious metals has plunged over the last few months.

    So much for that.

    Gold is up $85 today. What do you make of that? Maybe people are running from dollars? Wonder why? BNN interviewed the head of MacDougall, MacDougall & McTier today. They are celebrating 150 years of serving the Canadian investment community, if you can believe it. He was talking about how much the currency has become devalued by the bigging up of investment enterprises. Now we have companies that are moving billions of dollars a day. He seemed to feel that this was devaluing the currency.

    Judging by what is happening with gold today, I'd say he might be right.

    By the way. His advice for these troubled times? Don't panic!

  11. How on earth do you visually identify Jews?

    Hook noses? Thick glasses? Recessed chins?



    Well kimmy, maybe you are just letting your own prejudice dictate your opinions.

    Here is a link to the Canadian Centre for Diversity web page listing their directors. You will note that Harper is an honorary patron. You will also note that the Jewish commuity is very well represented in the list of directors. These are the people who say that Jews are a visible minority.


    Your post is also notable because it shows what so often happens when anybody tries to start a discussion about politics of the Jewish community, even though they are tremendously influential...

    When George Bush senior try to cut off funding to Israel to stop them from illegal settlement building, he was forced to back down due to an extraordinarily vehement campaign directed at his legislative efforts. This was a sitting president who was not up for re-election. Lew Wasserman, widely acknowledge as the most powerful man in Hollywood for many years basically husbanded Ronald Reagan's political career. Reagan was cited as a "Strong friend of Israel" and under his watch the Iran Contra affair involved the delivery of weapons to Iran with Israel serving as intermediary.

    And yet, when anybody tries to even discuss the Jewish vote, they get the kind of resistance you put up. No, I didn't say anything about hooked noses, kimmy, but you did and you said it in a way that made it look as though that is what I intended.

    The original poster referenced blacks and other visible minorities. Apparently it's OK to talk about blacks until the cows come home, but other visible minorities? Well I guess that's just not politically correct.

  12. Mossadeq was pro-Communist. In a 1950s world, that was a no-no...especially when you wanted to take over oil wells that really didn't belong to you. You lefties might recall that the Shah was around well before 1953, as well. He was actually put into 'power' (the monarchy) by the Soviets with some UK help in 1941. This was to replace his pro-Nazi papa who during the Summer of '41 saw Russia as a doomed nation and was keen on joining what he thought was the winning side.

    Also, no coup in Iran could happen without the assistance of actual Iranians. Like this fellow. But, he's no hero to the left like the glorious shining beacon of light, Mossadeq (La Marseillaise starts playing).



    Long live Chairman Mao! Long live Chairman Mao!

    Gee. Was he? Holy cow. And the democracy part? How did this guy get elected anyways? No coup could happen without the assistance of the Iranians? Well of course. There always has to be a patsy. But you know, we keep coming back to that democracy part. Who voted for this guy anyhow? Damn. That's the tough part, right?Y You have democracy and people vote. But then you have Kentucky Fried Chicken that can only be cooked a certain way.

    How did you manage to leave the Brits out? The British American Petroleum company. Ever heard of them? LOL.

    You need to read Fisk. And you need to look at the history of Cuba. There are American movies that will tell you about Cuba. The Godfather, but even better, look for Robert McNamara's interviews on the Cuban Missile Crisis.

    Kentucky Fried Chicken democracy. Finger licki good.

  13. We do not have an absolute freedom of the press; the media is prohibited from reporting a number of things, such as the age of young offenders, victims of certain kinds of crimes, profanity, etc. and this is not much different; these polls are meant just as much to influence as they are to inform and as a result the outcomes of our elections are always suspect.

    O come on. The age of young offenders? So you really think that we need to know the identity of a 13 year old kid who steals a soda pop from a 7-11?

  14. I don't see Mallick as a columnist. She generally reports news. I definitely do not see her as a Coulter type. The CBC does have columnists. Rex Murphy, for one. But it is most trusted for its balance - Don Newman in particular is a national treasure. Not to say the CBC has a lock on this. Amanda Lang at BNN gets it too.

    On the other hand we have the also rans. The right leaners, the left leaners...

    There are some safe havens in our press. The CBC does not have a lock on them, but you have to invest some time to find them.

  15. Chavez is an idiot. That he was elected by a bunch of backwards rubes in a third world craphole does nothing to change that.

    This is a time when Venezuela could be using its oil wealth to do a lot for its citizens, and he's wasting tons of it on political nonsense and at the same time picking pointless fights with the Americans which can only cause his country trouble.

    Argus, you are an elitist. You are just the kind of guy George Bush would love. Democracy is only verified when the mighty US of A says it is so. And so goes Mossadeq. And so goes Allende. And so it goes....

    The almighty US of A will tell us all when we are being democratic. It's a franchise. Sort of like Kentucky Fried Chicken.

    LOL. Double LOL.

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