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Brain Candy

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Everything posted by Brain Candy

  1. Typical mantra of Academia: whites and males oppress everyone else. Now where's our tuition?
  2. She probably did it just for attention. College/University can be a horribly isolating experience (see Virginia Tech shooter).
  3. The problem with christianity and indeed most religion in the modern age is that it has lost its transcendent significance(why "christian rock" is now used more in church and christian rallies then gregorian chants or religious based classical) and thus has condemned itself to impotently obsess with and overstate the significance of human trifles.
  4. If it gets to that point maybe forced sterilization is an option?
  5. The difference is we have the benefit of medicines and lack of warring local tribes. Im not saying its perfect but its healthier then all the vegetarian, quick weight loss and fast food diets of today.
  6. Heard of the Paleodiet? http://www.earth360.com/diet_paleodiet_balzer.html http://paleofood.com/
  7. We didnt take, we traded and they let us in. However it seems they may need their own sovereign state, it would be better then those ghetto's they call reserves now.
  8. Can't Quebec just stop beating around the issue and seperate? Different heritage, different laws, different language, Its pretty much a seperate state anyway.
  9. So he was sued for calling a person a threat to free speech, ironic. It seems most people are siding with the other guy because they are offended by Fromm's politics, logic.
  10. Please dont take anything i or anyone else says here as an insult. Perhaps i should have said "unfit" or "unprepared". I believe someone should be in a healthy stage mentally, physically and economically before having children and I have tremendous respect for women who go through an abortion when they know they just arent ready. I do however have a problem with parents on welfare and 2+ kids.
  11. The sad fact is that most of the people who want abortions are people who wouldnt be fit to raise kids in the first place, thus more people unfit to raise children for the next generation.
  12. Id say we share the same problems but they tackle some of the more controversial topics with a little more bravo. When is the last time a politician discussed immigration in Canada?
  13. "Morality may be a hard concept to grasp, but we acquire it fast. A preschooler will learn that it's not all right to eat in the classroom, because the teacher says it's not. If the rule is lifted and eating is approved, the child will happily comply. But if the same teacher says it's also O.K. to push another student off a chair, the child hesitates. "He'll respond, 'No, the teacher shouldn't say that,'" says psychologist Michael Schulman, co-author of Bringing Up a Moral Child. In both cases, somebody taught the child a rule, but the rule against pushing has a stickiness about it, one that resists coming unstuck even if someone in authority countenances it. That's the difference between a matter of morality and one of mere social convention, and Schulman and others believe kids feel it innately. " "The notion of the "other" is a tough one for Homo sapiens. Sociobiology has been criticized as one of the most reductive of sciences, ascribing the behavior of all living things—humans included—as nothing more than an effort to get as many genes as possible into the next generation. The idea makes sense, and all creatures can be forgiven for favoring their troop over others. But such bias turns dark fast. " http://www.time.com/time/specials/2007/art...1686619,00.html I think when we ignore the cosmopolitan rhetoric and look and the scientific research in this article, we see that morality may have been developed as instinct to help keep communities together and this does not apply to outsiders because they have nothing to do with the survival of ones own tribe. Thoughts?
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