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Brain Candy

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Everything posted by Brain Candy

  1. If your talking that poor then why do they have a tv in the first place? If they allready had it why dont they sell it?
  2. You have the right to waste("relax") an entire day a week in front of the idiot box, but personally i dont find tv relaxing as much as a bombardment of information and shocking and vaguely erotic images that leave you feeling drowsy. You have a right to eat greasy food with little to no nutritional value and have multiple sex partners too, but they are all bad ideas because they are detrimental to your mental and physical health though they temporally help you escape the real world. Any practical economist will tell you the opportunity cost in these matters is to great to consider them.
  3. Books dont cost that much, neither does classical music, learning to cook, fishing, socializing, exercise, etc. Also most IMPORTANT news in a week could be summed up in a single 1-2 hour broadcast. It's not malicious, it's a comment on the variety of things that people waste their time doing these days that help make them feel depressed and unthoughtful. But what do multicultural societies in the share that a single culture in a nation would not, besides the occational race riot thrown by people who feel they are oppressed by the majority?
  4. But my generalisation is more true; their are more morons in the west then their are muslims that are terrorist. The average canadians tv watching habits. Assuming the case has not gotten any better and maybe worse because of youtube and the like, what kind of morons spends literally a day a week in front of a screen when he/she could literally be doing anything else and be more productive?
  5. "That's not my take on multicult at all. Perhaps I'm wrong but I have believed that multiculturalism finds the coomon values we have and elevates them and allows the others to join the majority confident that there are cultural values we share" Which according to the way people in the west act is Burger King, Sex, TV and...money?
  6. I belive blonde hair and b;ue eyes are naturally attractive qualities though i possess neither of those trates. The dumb blonde thing is a myth though most of the blondes and, indeed, most of the lighter skinned people in general i meet at my university are arguements against white supremacy.
  7. The bigger picture is the only way to prevent the continuous larger need for more energy, houses and highways is regulation of population growth either through stricter immigration laws or more drastic measures implemented on people allready in 1st world nations. Everything else (aside from developing new, cleaner sources of energy) is just a quick fix for all these problems. Cancer rates in children higher around nuclear power plant.
  8. HAHA. Well howabout the cutoff was 120 and noone died just became sterile, I wouldnt propagate either and the rest of the population would be even smarter (though there might be a bigger problem with getting people to take up completely boring jobs like working at a fastfood joint or supermarket.)
  9. The bible is full of excellent symbolism and many great works of art have derived from it, though not really in the past century or so. I think this is because it has become merely a propaganda and political tool and its complex message and symbolism has been simplified to appeal to the lowest common denominator (repent and anything else you do in your life will be allright, the end is coming so don't worry to much about the future). I still respect how christianity and other religions can help reinforce a sense of culture among peoples. Scientology was born modern garbage and will probably remain such, I agree with their stance on antidepressants and the like though.
  10. Individualism is an interesting in that is often goes hand in hand with crowdism. Say something like, I dislike people who do action A because it is destructive and immediately you are told that it is not your place to judge such things because you are not perfect and everyone is an individual. It seems many people hide behind this philosophy because it lets them do whatever disfunctional act they want and not think about the consequences and in turn not think about the consequences of others actions. I tend to distinguish these people from the truely important individualists who totally went against the status quo yet ended up giving great gifts to world (see Nietzsche, Milton, Blake etc.).
  11. Im not really for eugenics, but say, for the sake of arguement, everyone in the west with an IQ below 115 died, what would we lose in the long run? Crime would be reduced immediately and eventually, since due to various factors intelligent people tend to have intelligent children, we would make our way back up to the same population, only smarter.
  12. Vive Québec! http://www.independance-quebec.com/
  13. Well the environmental part is easy, you dont even need a source for that. More people living in canada= more people consuming at our rate= more waste. Culturally if you invite people with diverse backgrounds they have to either conform to our customs off splinter off into their own little communities (See Chinatown in Toronto as example) also they often bring their own traditional bias and intolerance of their own homeland into Canada. I allready went into how only certain types of immigrants will not be an economic burden. Can you come up with anything positive for the cultural or enviroment side of things from the abstract goal of "diversity" (which is really a monoculture whose primary goal is accumulate wealth and placing the individual above all else)?
  14. I do believe only people with serious background and mental health checks should be aloud guns, but why don't people ever ask what makes young, seemingly intelligent yet alienated men totally snap in the first place?
  15. Simple fact is that band sucks, and no we dont. If we did, we still would not need nearly as many immigrants as were getting.
  16. This is probably the second most distracting and useless Canadian pastime next to television. Being constructively critical of the US is fine but Canadians seem to use it as a source of foundationless pride. People get so smug about it they ignore our own problems (ie the ones we have some power to fix), "Man the USA has so many problems, unlike us!". How to avoid this? maybe pass a law preventing CNN from broadcasting in Canada?
  17. Dont be so sure. I find many Atheist's are victims of "groupthink" and believe themselves to be superior to others because they think they know everything because they use "common sense" when really they are just as dense as the rest. Best way to deal with the Arab-Israeli war? Get out of the crossfire.
  18. Before they come in or after? I actually could agree with this, once people get integrated into the modern culture of the west slacking becomes their primary pastime.
  19. Even if were thinking only in economic terms we still need to be super selective about who gets in. Most likely one will only contribute more to the economy then he/she will cost if... 1. They are allready fluent in either english or french 2. They currently have no diseases or disabilities 3. They are skilled in a trade or have a university/college degree in a field we are currently short on people in.
  20. "What to do, when a ship carrying a hundred passengers suddenly capsizes and only one lifeboat? When the lifeboat is full, those who hate life will try to load it with more people and sink the lot. Those who love and respect life will take the ship's axe and sever the extra hands that cling to the sides of the boat." http://www.penttilinkola.com/
  21. As long they are truly passive and NOT passive aggressive (as most are) then i see nothing bad about them except they might be ignoring reality.
  22. its possible most are people who either bought/ took out the wrong book or went to the wrong website.
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