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Oleg Bach

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Posts posted by Oleg Bach

  1. Glad my kids are grown - If I were a father today - and insisted I did not want the state to teach my kids concepts that will take away their freedom - human digniity and right to real personal atonomy - the state would steal my children - drug them up and make them compliant and slavish - glad that my timing was on - I would hate to have to bicker with a teacher that is attempts to tell my son or daughter that taking it up the bowel is superiour to vaginal intercourse....Frankly to enter via the exit...and call a man - wife....does NOT empower - and this disempowerment should not be forced on a child as a life style..............I have always said - leave the kids alone...they are NOT property of the state - they are the property of the parent - because they are product of the father and mothers`body....TO circum-navigate parental authority is akin to treating people like cattle...We are human beings - not live stock!

  2. Compliance - non-defiance - self protection and personal dignity is a big no no in the liberal world. Men are supposed to behave like little girls and are taught to do so at an early age. Woman are taught that they are exactly like men and they are to behave in the same manner as men did in 1959. It becomes a strange mix....and when they breed it seems that the hot chick walks along with the femalish nerd who pushes the stroller ....and if a modern woman sees a man that is tradtional and behaving like a male - that male is deemed bad...it`s pretty twisted. Just like the extreme left...the liberal mind is all about peace...and that angry men are responsible for war and every other nasty thing on earth...small wonder that the Muslim males and others hold our hetrofag society in loathing and contempt.

  3. Those countries aren't competitive.

    For being a bit of a lefty to use the word `competative` might be an mistake - competition does not always bring out the best - as arch captitalist like to say - sometimes competition causes the best to retract their services...leaving the less capable to foolishly compete with poor results in the end. I like protectionism....it is much like an honest person being capable of anger...which is frowned upon these days. Social engineers insist that a man must not have any righteous indignation - that he must be totally submissive and compliant...and not complain as you saw off his arm....`what.....he is pissed off that we are screwing him - better give him some medication and some anger management course....not that this is on topic - but those in control do not want competition - so why even mention it - competitive actions are not acceptable...or should I say that.......The truely diligent and capable need not apply.

  4. Just spent a week in and around Montreal. Yes their infrastructure is turning to powder. I saw bridge after bridge shored up with chicken wire and steel jacks. The design is scanty - the matierial is substandard (don't blame the road salt)....it is as if someone wanted to build a five million dollar over pass and did it for two million dollars and charged the province seven million dollars.

    Those who want something build - on a domestic level or municipal level prefere is "someone from Ontario does it" - someone who actually takes pride in doing something right and money is the secondary reward. For instance I know of one fellow - a former cop..busted years ago for cocaine importation - who is now an upscale luxury car dealer - who on the side runs a provincally funded home for the disabled - who from what I understand still runs drugs...This creep is typical of the mid level hustler from what I could see...now the English areas are well kept and seem to be prosperous....and anything good in the city seems to be things controlled and run by those who are imported from Ontario and other provinces.

    From a personal point of view - I did notice when you looked into the eyes of the classic Quebecer,,,,I could see this littlel glint of preversity..deviant....slightly shifty.....a touch of evil that is not as pervasive else where....Oh and also - I did notice that the typical French peasant is on the short side...It might have been the French revolution that caused a twitch in the gene pool - maybe like the cultural revolution in China where they killed off all their aristocrats or anyone who could think...The French might just have this problem where most are liars and cheats because they are not genetically pre-disposed to surive with out artifice?

    Listening to local radio , I hear them talking about speical sqauds of enforcers that have been formed to fight corruption and colusive behaviour....when it was said that Montreal and the rest of Quebec take the cake when it comes to being corrupt - it seems to be the fact. I wonder what persentage of federal transfere payments that flow into Quebec - flow into the pockets of the established and lower level Mafia....I would say that the rest of Canada is being skimmed finacially by these guys and we had better do something about sending money to crimminals.

  5. "Mama may have - Pappa may have, but God bless the child that has his own" If you are born with loot you are likely to have it all your life. Money makes money in this world of artifical power, status and privledge. Now if you were to have skill and the ability to create real wealth...as in the knowledge to create shelter - grow food - make clothing...find and harvest fuel..you will do all right but you will never be rich - You will work till you wear out and you will be poor in the end - with no real inheritance to pass down to your kids. Those weasils who do not create real wealth but are rich are artifically rich - for instance the information trade really generates nothing - so the PARASITES dealing in modern and shifty technology are getting richer riding on the backs of those that create true wealth - Like a tradesman who will build their dream home...with his hands. mind and back...The gap between rich and poor should be termed - the gap between rich weasils and those that do the actual work.

    It has always astounded me for instance who some stupid ass tossing a ball around is given millions of dollars...and a person who "has investments" makes more and more money but does nothing personally to create true material comfort and wealth...the gap is between artifical and real- so far artifical is winning - sad to say.

  6. Ford will cut spending - cut services - and trim off the fat - BUT your taxes will not decrease - which means all these savings will be handed over to some rich guys..who will leverage public funds in order to get richer - Ford is a Bay Street weasil and a lap dog of the big dogs - so was Miller - Like I said ----You would imagine that with the cutting of services that our tax bills should logically decrease - this is not going to happen - mark my word.

  7. you can't postulate on, "tree life-giving", if you're prepared to accept the potential loss of endangered varieties of wood (trees) that go into the manufacture of your "life bringing instrument". As I alluded to earlier, Gibson has a past proven and admirable engagement towards purchasing wood from sustainable sources. However, they have apparent "possible" past transgressions related to the improper sourcing of wood; ones that reflect upon the two stated investigations (2009 and this recent past month).

    A beautiful solo played on a Gibson is as life giving as anything that nature provides....It's not like they are building ancient tall ships out of exotic wood...they are guitars - and all they are using that might be exotic - is for the fret board - that is less than half an inch thick...and about two and a half feet long. Personally I am more concerend about the billion barrels of oil that lays at the bottom of the Gulf - mixed with chemicals and supposedly bio-degrading - which is a lie....also I am more concerned in the wasting of human resourses...

    - and the fact that cars will stop in mid lane to let myself and the dogs pass - but as a person on my own with out the mutts - they would run me down - I am concerned about that attitude - I am loyal to my own speices and as for trees and plants - I have grown them all my life - with great success - I am a naturalist - and NOT an environmentalist - nor am I big on terms like "sustainable......there are bigger fish to fry than makers of musical instruments - how about the weapons trade - instruments of death seems more serious a matter.

  8. Someone should have bombed the f*j out of the Saudi boy banging princes when they sat back in glee watching 3000 people got mashed at the World Trade Centre ---they put up the money - they facilitated the action - they condoned the results - and YET American corporate oil elite thought that it was just grand to allow their bored billionare buddies in Saudi to kill a few American chickens to amuze themselves - what a horrific shame - in the name of greed and oil addiction we let these bearded hetrofags to dominate us? How dare they - time to put an end to this travesty -- - if the world was just and moral they would have over run Saudi Arabia and got rid of those bowel ripping creeps!

  9. Odd how they will toment the adopted spawn of others but not even consider harming their own. This person is a nut - and if they could would torture kittens in the name of authority. Why not pour batter acid down the kids throat and put tie them to an side of an oven on a hot day? Jeeez to think this sadist is walking around professing normalcy.. What has the world come too - oh yah - when Dick Cheney says it's okay the drones gladly agree that torture is a goooood thing - jerks!

  10. We all hear about the poor chinese that worked building the railways,but yet nothing about the 1000's of poor irish that suffered while building the rideau canal. why is that, because they were white?? A group of people wanted a plaque put up about it and the city said they were'nt worth the effort to put one up. I wonder if they ever did it?

    There is a burial ground at Parliment and Queen. It is a mass grave with pavement over top of it - underneath lay the remains of over 300 early Irish...who though oppression and poverty lost their health and were easy prey to disease...as for the Irish now - I see the great grand children living in flop house hotels - hooked on oxycoden and prescribed pharma product - the Irish have been slowly genoicided to this day - because they are a non-compliant and independed breed.

  11. The only thing I trust are the words that came directly from the masters mouth - all the other interlopers such as Paul and Peter are not to be listened too . Matthew on the other hand seems close to the source. That is the major problem with Christianity - is that in the early stages there were to many people interpreting and manipulating a great wisdom - making it political in it's nature..as for letters - let them write - but as the weasil Paul said "by the way bring me my winter coat" - he should have shortened the letter to Timothy and said - I need my coat - instead of a lot of bull shit.

  12. I wonder if you had children and and a pervert or two moved into your neighbourhood. It's very disturbing what happens to children's lives when they are preyed upon. I think it's a good program, as there is no cure for these people so we have to look out where they are.

    One must look out for and stand up for themselves and their interests - which also includes property - Childern are the product of your body - and being so are YOUR property - There are some unsavory folks in my hood - as I leave my home and if I run into one - I look them in the eye and they know - if they rob me - break into my home - or harm any child or elder - They will have to deal with me....You have to take resonsiblity for what is yours and your turf - Government is ill equipped and protect everyone...YOU are resonsible for your kids...no one else - NONE of my children who are now grown have ever been subject to harm -because I am and are hyper vigilant...You even think of bring harm to a little one and you will regret it...men must act like men and not expect an ankle bracelet connected to some computer to ensure safety.

  13. "I lead by following" - in other words corporations have no leaders - just herding shepards that manipulate the ambitious and greedy. To be driven by profit alone makes the whole corporate issue evil in nature...

    They because they do not have a brain are like the proverbial biblical beast - a huge powerful entity comprised of thousands of people that do not give a shit about moral reasoning - "They will do anything - say anything for a pay cheaque" - "Greed - lazyiness and stupidity are at fault" - these quotes are made by a man who deals quietly in billions...he does his best - but domination is what it is all about....The corporate "beast" - needs a brain - they need leaders..not committees that are entranced in the idea of how to surivive at any cost....

    Large corporate structures are like a huge elephant with brain damage - it can roll over on you and snuff you out and not even realize that they have caused damage!

  14. who's the stoner?

    hudak admitted he tried pot in college, he came out with it before the left wing got a hold of it and made a huge deal about something that happened many years ago. grow up.

    Only Hudak knows if he pops a few beers at the cottage and if he sits down by the dock and takes a couple of puffs and talks to God...That's really not at issue - what is at issue is this man does not have one original idea...He is dependant on the spite vote - to appeal to the publics base primative need to hate...enslaving the poor who are in jail via chain gangs and all that sort of useless negative emotional stuff - He is a disappointement because he and his handlers are using some old colonialist playbook...what is worse is that HUDAK like MCsqinty - gravely underestimate the intelligence and level of awareness of the public at large.

    There is no one to vote for - we have McGinty doing the bidding of the Bay Street boys - and now we have the same thing in Hudak...You would think that the powers that be would figure out that a figurehead just does not cut it anymore - this is not 1950 - time for those with influence to start respecting the public instead of treating them like stupid surfs...as for pot smoking - maybe Hudak should get stoned once in a while and think for himself...BUT - that is not what is going to happen - He like McGinty will continue to treat Ontario like some private estate for some old associates of Conrad Black - speaking of Black - he would make a real and great premier - but is seems that the envious destroy their own.

  15. Made in the USA!

    They are a fine guitar - one tree probably makes the fret boards of a thousand instruments - so it is not and should not be an issue - those who attack Gibson should focus on attacking China - to harm great American fine instrument making is an attack on culture - when was the last time Obama pulled of a sheering solo through a Marshal stack with a fine Gibson in hand? NEVER! cos the guy is an idiot with no culture or creative ablity what so ever - so they HATE those with the "gift" - It's like taking the harps away from angels...purely mean spirited..

  16. MOB rule is also called democracy - and Al-Qaida is also mob rule...I would say that both fucntion through hate - people get elected because they hate the other guy - not because they like the new one to be - I just don't understand the idea of hate -just not brought up that way - to have this seething feeling of internal murderous rage - and walk about with a smile on my face - the world is full of these fools - and the worst part is that they run our systems.

  17. If you inherit say 10 million bucks - your old man was a buisness type - then appointed to the senate - and you are connected - you will make money hand over fist for doing nothing for the rest of your life - and you will look down on some in contempt and say "you have had a lot of opportunities and I don't understand why YOU who was born poor and not connected is still poor - you must be lazy and stupid" - easy for that ass hole to say - seeing he can not grasp the idea that some people might not even have a bus ticket that day...

    I aways respected the ultra rich - until I figured out that they are so connected that they all suffer the same dis-connect from reality..they are institutionalized in their thinking in the same mannner as some tattooed creep that spent to much time in the pen ---- both are unredeemable. The ultra rich are as stunningly stupid as the ultra poor.

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