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Oleg Bach

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Posts posted by Oleg Bach

  1. You don't "put away" much of anybody, including murderers. I don't know why you worship the corporate turd in Mr. Black, but you have your reasons. Ain't nuthin' special about another convicted criminal to me.

    I am not the idol worshipper - you are - Black is just a common guy. You are too common to realize that you are as good as any corporate billionare....kick it up a notch and give yourself a break BC - I have total respect for you - you should have the same for yourself - In my view - YOU are a king...act like one...The people that convicted Black were just jealous peasants. As for my reasons...It is Black and his true peers that hold our banking system together...and as you know they did a damned good job...that is what is important - not skimming off a little cash to impress your wife to get a blow job- that was Conrads only mistake - his only weakness - sex and his woman.

  2. And vegans are bullshit. :lol:

    Now that is funny. Even in old scripture it states - "It is not what enters the mouth of the man that defiles him - cos' it is digested and then passed into the sewer - It is what comes out of the mouth and heart of the man that defiles him" - to para phrase - Ford is like Miller and the rest of them - cutting costs so the rich guys can use the surplus money to create more developements and more wealth for the rich and in turn us.

  3. I believe we are on to something here. As the writer mentioned it takes great daring and blind faith to be an atheist. Jesus the Christ would have been considered an atheist in his time - most to not understand or bother to consider that. He kept it simple - that there was a creative and intelligent source of power (God) or as he refered to it as "the father" - "no one comes to the father except through me" - In other words - forget religion and be a Jesus who understands that we as individuals are the sons of the creator - and we must stay connected to the power that generated the endless universe - Christ was probably the most famous atheist ever!

  4. I'm a little confused.

    Atheism is, in a broad sense, the rejection of belief in the existence of deities. In a narrower sense, atheism is specifically the position that there are no deities. Most inclusively, atheism is simply the absence of belief that any deities exist. Atheism is contrasted with theism, which in its most general form is the belief that at least one deity exists. - From Wikipedia

    I agree that most atheists have a hate on for organized religions, which is fine with me. But I wonder if they realize that it takes as much faith to be an atheist as it does to be a believer? They Claim to know the unknowable.

    Most atheists are people that hate religion - that is what I have found. Some even class me as an atheist because I have no use for formal dogma. Forget the dictionary explaination of the word...atheists are angry..they are pissed off when they are lied to and lied to on an institutional level...GOD has never lied to an atheist - religion has. Yes it does take a great amount of faith to be an atheist - a lot of self confidence and a free thinking mind - exactly like a believer in God the great nothing....I find that atheists are usually wonderful people who remind me of ancient Christians who reject bull shit.

  5. Finally Conrad understands that courts that he used to support are nothing but a nest of snakes - I will be happy when he is home with his new and improved attitude - I can see why some don't want the guy in Canada - he might just clean up some of the self serving corruption that exists on the higher levels...I like the guy - at least he can think - I believe people hate him because he is smart - that is so frinking socialist and weasily - the weak hate the strong and bright - yet they need them to hold the system together - Conrad is a hero.

  6. Sure...only Canadian law and convictions are to be taken seriously. Canadians on death row in the United States are really good 'ol boys who would be free in Canada!

    The corporate sytem can not be compared to the street level mayhem you are talking about - the point I made was under the law...we do not put away corporate heads of state...maybe you do to set an example and create the illusion that you have a fair playing field - we in Canada do not have public corporate hangings to appease the little guy. Hangings that create the foolish idea that even the rich are accountable - the rich are not accountable here. We are honest when it comes to dealing with our powerful and shifty characters - we know who they are - they run the place and we protect them - we do not partake in human sacrafice on the corporate level...our established Mafia are truely established...yours are a little more disloyal...so what was it like taking down one of our white rhinos?

  7. It shouldn't be.

    He should have had it stripped from him the day he renounced his Canadian citizenship.

    Some Native leader stated that he did not like some Jews that he imagined were destroying Canadian society and they stripped him of his metal. So if you or I were to say that we did not like or approve of Jamacian gang bangers at Jane and Finch - then we should be persecuted formally also?

  8. The lawyer who drew up the Order Of Canada was one of the sons of one of the men that used to be Conrads mentor ....This issue might just be a family affair. Conrad is probably one of the most aware and intelligent Canadians we have - I often wonder why his real peers and real superiours in Canada maintained such silence through out the last few years regarding his conviction - and let me remind you - If Conrad had done in Canada what he alledgedly did in the states - he would have served no jail time......I say let the guy have his little medal - after all YOU gave Henry Morgantaler an Order Of Canada after he single handedly destroyed our gene pool....Morgantaler the lunitic should have been sent away to do time...but no - fools exaulted this little jerk who stated "unwanted children become concentration camp guards" In other words kill the Nazis before they are born - what a crazy reason to promote the aborted existance of needed leadership.

  9. I heard that in polls where people were asked if Ontario is going in the right direction, most people thought it was. But when asked about MCGuinty, they hated the guy. I'm no big McGuinty supporter, he's got flaws, but I'm wondering if there's too large of a disconnect for Ontarians. Are they so upset about one or two things that they are can't remember what they do like about how Ontario works?

    There are no powerful dynamics at work as far as character and basic intellectual composition of person. They are all light weights. What ever happened to the people that held office or attempt to run for office that were larger than life - charismatic individuals with depth? All we have this time around are nerdish twits with out one original thought between them. Ontario used to be the engine of Canada - Under McGinty it is just a little animal farm with early childhood educators...creepy homosexuals - asexuals - common deviates....and watered down feminists who all struggle to be the top puppy. Have only seen a picture of the NDP candidate and she looks okay - and sounds all right - might as well vote for her because she looks like she might be good in bed...and that is not much of a reason to put someone in office - it's really distressing that we have created a society of compliant and politically correct weasils - we are doomed.

  10. The debate showed one clear thing - that there are no leaders to be elected - so in eccence after the election is over we will not really have a government - it will be a free for all - which is good...no party will rule Ontario - and just watch it prosper...cos as I see it - we are headed to a natural non-governed province - thank God for making the candidates totally stupid.

  11. Looks like Al Gore's world is flooding.

    Please poopoo CERN scientists latest publication on their CLOUD experiment, waldo. We need a proper perspective here.

    Climate models are silly - you can attempt to reproduce natural patterns that are mostly random...and even if you get close to a good model - suddenly there is a sun flare and all is thrown off..."Did you think that you would live forever? Rule the world and control the weather?"

  12. So why are they socially wealthy but very much unemployed?

    Who says it has to be a different outcome....money still changes hands as usual...except for the unemployed "poor" protesters!

    Oh I almost forgot - you are for maintaining the status quo of ruthless pirates - murderers and crooks in general....and those that get robbed protest...and YOU think that complaining about being ripped off is not nice - Well maybe your whole nation has taken one of them anger management courses - and one is expected to lay still and not complain as they eat your leg? Nawh BC ---- when some guy in a suit makes a billion....and some other guy makes nothing...something is wrong - as the rule in the Russian Mafia states - everyone gets paid...That's called honour.

  13. People will generally take what the government gives them. That goes for both rich and poor.

    Whether the government should be in the habit of giving anything, on the other hand, is what's worth debating. I am against corporate bailouts just as much as I'm against a welfare state.

    When a company swings a billion dollar deal and uses public pension money as a lever - I call that a worse crime than some little old man not yet 65 collecting a frinking pitiful welfare cheque...especially when the proceeds from the deal are not distributed fairly to the real investors - those with the pension fund.

  14. Alas, methinks we have found the real source of "jealousy". Using such logic, it has always astounded me that music artists with "the gift" are given millions for record contracts and concert tours.

    Some sell out and play for money - some artists paint for money - and some of the best just can not be bought. For instance...I attempted to paint for cash - the work was not worth shit - paint out of passion and the work is truely a lasting thing to behold..."jealousy" ? What the hell are you talking about? I know some people that are so rich it makes Trump look like a chump...and I have found that these people on occassion are jealous of me - I admire no on with material wealth or finacial success...the only hero I have is ME. You on the other hand seem to kiss rich ass and think that they are speical - ME thinks it is you that has the problem with material "jealousy" - I have never been jealous of anyone - other than my hot current girl friends of my youth who over flirted at the club...and I had to kick a guy silly while he was peeing - yes - I am a sneaky bastard..get them while they excrete...lol

  15. We'll get right on that.

    Just tell us where to find these "shifty-eyed" classic Quebecers and we'll just give them a piece of our mind.

    Or ... is it just possible that they save their "shifty-eyed" looks for you?


    No they don't save them for me. I have a very good eye for judging human beings - I can look at a person and tell you where they have been and what they are going to do next month - The visual arts have been a part of my life for over 40 years - as one develolpes a skill - or touch - so develope an eye. Put plainly when you are raised as a "classic" French catholic the first thing you learn to do is lie - lie to your priest - secondly you develope a notion that your mother is a virgin...which is denial of nature...lastly and for YOU my dear little friend...If YOU think that being a lieing bastard and a thief is fine then move your sorry ass to Montreal - and kick back on some of that kick back money. If corruption is institutionalized - then maybe the culprits to blame should enter an institution for a few years?

  16. Any way - political correctness should be put aside and the province of Quebec should understand that they need help - in time this beautiful province will become third world if they do not stop finding crimminality to be tradtional or ecceptabel.

  17. Hard core atheists hate religion - which is fine .... but they should consider GOD..which they never do - They investigate religion and find it perverse and corrupt - then they cease to investigate - stopping the quest and proclaim that there is no GOD...fine - proclaim that religion is a fraud but don`t attack GOD because you really have not given it any thought.

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