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Posts posted by Carinthia

  1. [quote name='msj' date='Feb 3 2008, 01:46 PM' post='290533']

    So what?

    There is no measurable decline in economic activity which is what you were trying to imply. /quote]

    I wasn't trying to imply the overall economy, sorry if I mislead. It could hurt the gas stations for sales regardless of who thinks we should, or should not be eating junk food.

  2. This is not only about the death of a gas station attendant.

    I was almost involved in a head on collision as a car was quickly exiting a gas station and the gas station attendant was chasing the car.

    So it could effect any one of us at any time.

    Having said that, I doubt the statistics would justify this law.

    But then, I always pay at the pump anyways since it is more convenient so it's not like I'm going to vote out some politician over a minor thing like this.

    It could have an economic impact. If people are forced to pay at the pump they won't be doing any impulse buying while in the store.

  3. We already know how he will handle it....straight on. McCain is not a silver tongue devil, even clumsy at times. This didn't seem to bother the current two term president's chances.

    The "Dem winner" would be equally as clueless....we're talking senators here folks.

    I agree, he probably will handle it straight on. So will the voters. I wouldn't vote for a leader who was weak in an area of such importance. One could surmise that he would be heavily influenced by other forces. Have you not just had 7 years of Bush as the mouthpiece and Cheney as the architect?

  4. Pretty tough for those who live and work where there is nothing other than what you drive.


    Absolutely! You can't force people out of their cars if you give them no alternative.

    This stupid law is just another case of disconnect. The Premier can just order up that limo to get to the office and leave his driver to hang out at the pump waiting in line during the day. And the driver can use the parlimentary credit card to make it easier as well.

  5. As the U.S. majority voted in a Dem majority congress last November largely due to the fact that they wanted the war in Iraq haulted and the troops home, how realistic is it that McCain will win the Presidency with his current stance on the war? If his stance was to end the war, I think he would have a very good chance, as folks seem to be disappointed that the Dems have done nothing in this regard. What it will come down to now is, how bad do Americans want this war to end and will that same majority stick to their guns on this?

  6. Consider this:

    There are continuous line-ups in the city, everyone is in a hurry, and in the line-up there is an elderly couple who take 10 minutes to get out of their car, lock it , pay, come back, wait for a fill, find out they paid too much (they don't like paying with credit cards) then they have to go back & get their change. Behind them, a young mother with 2 kids in the back. She has to leave the car to pay, so she has to unstrap the kids, get them out of the car, lock the car, take them with her, trying to watch for cars coming in & out of the station, go back restrap them in & finally leave. A disabled person is behind her in a van, he/she can't get out at all so has to hope that when he/she gives their credit card or deb. card, it is not compromised by the attendant who took it...It is much worse in the city because you don't know any of the gas jocks, and shouldn't trust them, either.

    They said they did public hearings? No one I have talked to ever heard about them (drivers, mechanics, city workers) And then there's the forgotten working poor who HAVE no credit. No-one who wants to pay cash will ever have a full tank again!!

  7. The new pay before you pump law that kicks in today in BC is ludicrous for the small gas stations in rural BC. This law is practical for the lower mainland where it's easy to drive off without paying and get lost in the crowd. What about small Ma & Pa businesses on the small islands and other small communities where this law is going to cost the owners money to implement? Just try ripping off the gas station on one of the small islands around the coast without getting caught. There is nowhere to go to escape and everybody knows everybody. Not well thought out at all.

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