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Posts posted by Carinthia

  1. Nope...not even close. The biggest change came a long time ago.

    U.S. elections are decided by U.S. media, who are just unofficial contractors for the U.S. Gov't. They're still playing the tape, over and over again. Joe Scarborough has become a raving lunatic on this subject. Pat (shrill) Buchanan is doing the same. Indoctrination at it's best. The media is currently guilting out the super delegates hour after hour, to ensure that they don't decide on Obama. The subtle or not really so subtle mantra is, "If you vote for Obama, you are unpatriotic". U.S. patriotism is devine and any realistic self critizism is viewed as treason.

    Everybody will wake up from the fog on the morning after the election and say "My God, we've got McCain, what the hell happened"? and "Gee, they must have rigged the voting machines".

  2. WOW Shady, all that was missing is the national anthem playing in the background, maybe the flag blowing in the breeze, and you'd have had all of standing and saluting....

    good post.

    Shady if your not a speech writer for a political candidate, you should be. Enjoyed the post too.

  3. Which Bands exactly would you be refering to ?

    I live in a fairly isolated area which is close to isolated First Nation Reserves. I also work with and for First Nations people in an outreach and limited capacity.

    To divulge more than this could compromise my anonimity and I'm not prepared to do that.

  4. The real problem is the Department of Indian Affairs. Their idea of assisting First Nations is to just throw money at the Bands and let them fend for themselves. There has been little to no training, mentoring or helping Band leaders to develop economic development. Nobody is teaching them financial management or accountability. This is not the case for all Bands everywhere, as some are very ingenious and successful. This is most prevalent for Bands in the outlying areas.

    If you have the time, I suggest you visit some of the Bands and conduct interviews with their members, if you haven't already. Have a chat with some of the Elders. You may find this rewarding and very informative.

    Before there can be overall success at self Governing, they need a lot more than a few mil deposited in the bank account.

    Good luck with your paper.

  5. I can see why you'd think that, and I've definitely noticed that type of thing going on. However...

    People of the forum

    I have decided that I would like to be the Barack Obama of this forum. If it helps, think of me as Barack Shady Obama. I would like to try and unite all of us, and move past the usual left/right battles that we so easily fall into, over and over again. We need to discuss issues, together, acknowledging that each of us wants the best for our country, and our world. We may choose different paths, but the goal is ultimately the same. The differences we may have with eachother derives not from the destination we seek, but the means to get there.

    Thank you, and God bless you all.

    Oh Shady, can I swipe this and post it on another forum where I also hang out? There has been an uproar there this past week and this would just fit the bill.

  6. But that is the rub....Obama's past associations and future aspirations should not be marginalized with such racist labels. It's like asking what Hillary Clinton will change for "whites"?

    OK...where is the fear that Hillary might implement things in favour of women? I know that she is fully aware that American women didn't get the vote until after African American men. And as a woman, I also know that she would harbour some resentment regarding the history of gender bias. I would even take a guess that she supported the activities of Gloria Steinham in the 60's. Yes, she had to distance herself from her recently too, but I bet they still chat on the phone. Wonder what they could be plotting up? Hmmmm....

  7. Anyhow, back to the thread subject...

    Hard to judge a man til you've walked a mile in his shoes. I can relate if Obama has some resentments regarding the history of African Americans. Everybody packs around resentments towards something or other in life. You can live with your spouse for years and harbour horrible resentments, doesn't mean your going to plot her/his demise. True, you may spend a good deal of time fantasizing about it. But there is one body of folks you would have to deal with, the law. Same thing for Obama. He will have congress to deal with if he has any intentions of "changing" things in favour of African Americans which would appear to be threatening to the rest of the population. He is but one African American man, unlike Bush/Cheney who had a host of many other's who were more than willing to back up their wisdom.

  8. I'm not sure what difference it makes if Obama actually attended church on the Sundays the sermons in question were delivered. As far as removing associations from that church and pastor, he hasn't left the church and while the pastor is no longer part of his campaign team, he still likens him to an uncle.

    I don't believe he holds the same beliefs as the pastor, at least not in the way they were delivered by the pastor. I would be more concerned if he just ditched his old friend of many years, as so many other disengenuous politicians do, merely on the demand of the press. He is loyal, has given his testaments as to not agreeing and is remaining a friend to someone he obviously loves. That bodes well with me. C'mon, Obama's an intelligent academic. Do you really think he believes that aids was spread to rid the world of black people?

  9. The gist of the message that Wright sermonizes is somewhat true, albeit his delivery leaves a lot to be desired. Too provactive, far too angry and laced with fanatical "hell and damnation". Obama's ideology is not really much different. Wright's sermon has just been been sifted and shaped by Obama (and Clinton to a degree) and delivered in a way that the masses can accepted as a reasonable need for "change".

    I think most of us have people in our lives who we admire but who's ideology is expressed in a way in which their own anger and bitterness is all mixed in, but we "get it". Sift out the emotional aspect of where they may be coming from and their basic ideology is not much different than our own.

  10. I have listened to the Dean "primal scream" speech. He sounded crazed.

    In any event he was way too far left to be elected in the US, or at least positioned himself that way. In Vermont he was actually a centrist governor and his tactics in running for the Democratic Primary were bizarre enough to raise questions about his balance, even aside from that speech.

    Yes, the bashing he took in the media, was taken at face value by me. I did not have the same interest then, in American politics that I have now, thanks to Bush/Cheney. It did seem absurd to make such a big deal of it. He didn't come across to me as crazed, just over exuberant and slightly innapropriate, nothing more.

  11. From what I have read, no they would not move on , no matter who it was. There was bundling of money from various accounts, being wired around the country, apparently setting alarm bells off.

    Oh, I didn't know that part.

    I was just watching a documentary on the whole sordid mess and they were saying that he has been doing the call girl thing for years though. So why would they have not caught on to his bank account shenanigans before? I still think they have known for a very long time too and they turned a blind eye until they needed a reason to bring him down. Which, in my mind, is where he belongs.

    There must be many of these high rollers doing this and how are they paying for it? What method are they using? They must be on the right side of somebody.

  12. I am not so sure. I have no doubt that Wall St brokers and Ins execs were hoping something might trip him up, but to suggest he was investigated because of who he is does not sound right. I believe the computer program that caught him would only identify an account number , not a name. Of course later when a name is attached it would elicit giggles but thats after the fact.

    So they linked the account number with Spitzer. When discovering who it belonged to, wouldn't you think that they would just move on? He could probably spend those $5000 withdrawals on fueling up his vehicle and other stuff, for a weekend camping trip with his family. They were looking for something to get him on and they hit paydirt. Then they bugged the call girl outfit that they already knew existed. It is just too ridiculous to think that somebody like him would be investigated for such small transactions. He had many enemies.

    Guess we'll just have to wait and see what else transpires with this weird story.

  13. I guess...but that wouldn't explain Canada bombing and starving Iraqis to death, bombing Serbs, invading Haiti, "peacekilling" in the Balkans, or killing Afghans half way around the world. Maybe you think nobody notices that.

    Yes, you are right here BC. I will say though, that Canada's involvement in these wars was not entirely based on a blatent pack of lies, just for oil.

  14. No, US elections have very little "affect" on Canada. Are you not a sovereign state? Perhaps you mean that the foreign and domestic policies of the Unites States could have an impact. If such an impact is massive, then you only have yourselves to blaim.

    When Canada doesn't play ball with the U.S. they slap unreasonable tarifs on our exports, lumber, beef, etc. Free Trade? Ya sure!! I reside in a community that relies solely on logging and I witnessed first hand, the negative impact this had on the citizens in our communities here. That is just a teensy weensy example as to why I watch closely.

    Even though we've suffered, I've never yet spoken to a Canadian, in my neck of the woods, who has any regrets about our Government taking a stand to stay out of Iraq. I guess up here, the lives of young men and women, as well as the individual freedom that other nations wish to maintain for themselves, is more important to us, than it is to some Americans.

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