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Posts posted by Carinthia

  1. Like you, I do take issue with the baby seals though, and the indigenous Canadian children forced into residential schools was a pretty serious thing, wasn't it?

    I have a hard time wrapping my brain around that one. While we're on the subject...incarcerating and robbing our Asian citizens during WW2 was another brilliant move we can all be proud of.

  2. ....The New York Times published an article entitled “Was Canada Just Too Good to Be True?” in which Clifford Krauss claimed that the country has a history of unkindness to Indians, furry animals, children and trees, pointing out that the country produces huge quantities of nuclear waste, culls baby seals, and has been slow to compensate indigenous Canadian children forced into brutal residential schools. The unkindest cut of all was suggesting that Canadians, in spite of claims to ecological purity, chop down more trees per capita than any other industrialised country save Finland and Sweden.

    American Woman, I have never looked at it all "bunched up" like this before. The worst offence of the above is the culling of baby seals, IMO. Absolutely barbaric! I would rather pick up garbage or collect beer cans off the side of the road for a living, than do something so cruel. What a pompous lot we appear to be! Having said that though, I doubt I will stop bashing Bush/Cheney anytime soon. :lol:

  3. IMO, Muslim and Islam is much more offensive to ones societal standards and beliefs and is a constant reminder of horrific acts of violence against innocent citizens around the world.

    There are many, many Muslim and Islamic people around the world who do not condone violence. What a mistaken and sweeping generality. Well, at least we know that brain washing and propaganda are working well and are doing what it is designed to do by those who push this crap.

  4. Some people really are just addicted to controlling other people's lives. They are not happy unless they are forcing their will on others.

    That may be true for some, but I say thank heavens we have people in power who have developed a policy that will attempt to protect the lungs of children. I smoke in my car but not when kids are on board. My conscience would get the best of me. I have opened the window and the kids have told me that they can still smell it. So no, that doesn't work either, your fooling yourself if you think it does. Smokers can't smell anything anyway, so how would they know who can smell what?

  5. Angus I don't deny anything and I'm not rationalizing. I'm simply keeping an open mind as to the real motive of the crime until all the evidence is disclosed. On the surface, it does look like the guy is a raving religious nut. So what? Murder is murder for whatever reason it is still murder. If he is found guilty he will not receive a sentence different than any other murderer.

    If it comes out that he killed his daughter because she refused to wear the hijab, in my eyes it does not make him a different murderer than a father who killed his daughter for any other reason.

    Another point. If it is found that religion is behind this horrendous crime, other than wringing our hands, I don't think anyone can do or anything can be done to prevent such murders from occurring again in the future. It is here and nothing can halt it.

    I think the overall fear is that the prosecution may reduce the charge to manslaughter due to his religious and cultural beliefs. If this father was mentally ill, as you suggest he may be, why would his 26 year old son not jump in stop the assault? He didn't and was subsequently charged with obstruction of justice. Were they both mentally ill? I doubt it.

  6. Strangling someone in a drunken rage is completely different that strangling your teenage daughter while completely sober.

    The fact that he called the police to report that he had killed his daughter before she was even dead tells me that he intended to kill her. If this wasn't a deliberate killing, why didn't he or his adult son call the paramedics or even try to revive her themselves? Most family members who see another family member being choked to death would intervene and try to stop the assault. The son has been charged with obstruction of justice. This speaks volumes to me as to the mindset of both of them. I would even go so far as to say that he most likely knew what the consequences would be, but his belief in his right to carry out an honour killing outweighed any fear of those consequences. This is a culture few of us will ever understand. Part of it being "sacrifice for honour".

  7. If the father had cuffed his daughter with more force than he really intended and she ended up dead, I think manslaughter would apply. The fact that he strangled her would signal to me that he must have known that what he was doing would result in her death. There is more here than simply losing it. Parents who simply "lose it" on their rebellious teens, don't generally choose strangulation as the method to vent their anger. No matter how angry we get, most of us are aware of the damage we could inflict if we don't hold back, even during the moment of that anger.

    If people choose to bring their children to a westernized nation, then they take the risk that their kids will naturally want to "be like everybody else". They should also be made aware, by example, that if they kill their kids, no matter what the provocation, they take the risk of being prosecuted to the full extent of the law, right along with the rest of us.

  8. Actually, the return of aliens makes more sense to me than the theory that all good and evil is derived from some hokey story about a man, a woman and a snake in a tree. :rolleyes:

    Not that I'm going to rush out and join up with Scientology. I couldn't afford it.

  9. The CBC always shows it again.......and again.....and again.Then again the next year and the year after....and then the decade after and then sometimes two decades after and..... :rolleyes:

    And didn't they just pound away on Chretien too, week after week! What selective memories there are around here. Perhaps the Fifth Estate will resurrect that one 15 years from now. Who knows...maybe they are gathering evidence right now.

  10. As I glean over the posts in this and other threads I have noticed that even after the falsehoods and slanted opinions presented by anti-Conservatives have been debunked with supporting information, they keep coming back over the same territory and repeat themselves. Liberals and their supporters in opposition are like fish out of water because of they firmly believe they have the divine right to govern Canada.

    I haven't noticed much debunking of any of the facts discussed here. How can anybody debunk when nobody knows the answers? Your opinions that the Conservatives can do no wrong and this is all a vendetta or political manipulation, is not what I would consider debunking, just merely your opinion.

  11. Cap...what Mulroney "had" to use the 2.2 mil for means nothing to me. If he hadn't involved himself in shady dealings with shady people, he wouldn't have had to have lawyers in the first place. Poor man, who BTW tried to sell off antiques from 24 Sussex Drive that was the property of the people of Canada!

    There is absolutely no reason what so ever why isotopes and all other important issues cannot be carried on as "business as usual" whilst this important to Canadian's issue, is resolved. I am not so naive as to think that the Government's business would have to cease while an investigation of Mulroney goes forth.

    Let's not forget that Mulroney himelf called for this inquiry, that he now wishes would go away. As a past Prime Minister, I am quite sure he has the intestinal fortitude to withstand the scrutiny of the state. He's played the game for a very long time.

  12. What "first" public inquiry are you referring to?

    Yes they did.

    RCMP Sgt. Sylvie Tremblay said last week the force "conducted a thorough investigation which included numerous interviews with Mr. Schreiber and his counsel between 2000 and 2006."


    I want to know why Chretien was so quick to give Mulroney 2.2 million dollars in an out of court settlement. Some Liberals would prefer not to know. As for money, what the heck, the Canadian treasury is a bottomless pit.

    You were voting Liberal all the years that Liberal corruption was being swept under the carpet. What kind of example were you setting for other Canadians.

    Some Conservative supporters do want further investigation but not for the same reasons as Liberals. As far as the election, with this witch hunt the Liberals are providing plenty of ammunition for a Conservative majority.

    Last December, following your leader's crowning victory he declared: "We must get back to power as soon as possible." Who did you say is power hungry?

    Because I and others see right through it.

    Sure, get picky about wording. You know exactly what investigation I'm talking about. The one where the result of it was that Mulroney ended up with 2.2 mil.

    Schreiber testified the RCMP did not interview him and the goings on with the RCMP of late leads me to think he is telling the truth. I'm sure there are records of those interviews that I hope will come out if in fact they exist.

    The fact the Chretien ordered the payment of the 2.2 mil is reason to douse a new investigation? This Liberal prefers to know!

    I didn't say anybody was power hungry.

    Agreed on your point that corruption has ocurred with the Liberals too. Having said that, it would appear to me that my call for an investigation comes from my capacity for objectivity. As you wish to squelch an investigation prompts me to beg the question...where's yours?

    As for the comments here regarding the sentiment that we should all just forget about it as it happened so long ago is ludicrous. If I had embezzled money as an employee of a bank 15 years ago, do you think the bank would say, "oh, it happened so long ago, let's all just forget about it as she's moved on with her life now". There may be a statute on that one, but if there isn't, they would surely nail my butt to the wall.

  13. What is so principled about throwing taxpayers' money at something that has already been decided and would probably result in a second failure.

    As a caring Canadian, would you not prefer that the millions saved from a frivolous legal action be spent on valid social programs?

    Trying to recover the money paid to Mulroney, which by the way was an out of court settlement authorized by Jean Chretien, is nothing but an attempt to tarnish the Conservative brand. The smokescreen isn't working.

    It's necessary to conduct a public inquiry because the first one was obviously skimmed over. The RCMP didn't even interview Schreiber at that time. It's not just about Mulroney, its about the RCMP and perhaps other politicians who may have inside knowledge or assisted in some way. It is irrelevant when this took place. It is on the public stage now. New events have come to light and I want answers and I don't care how much money it takes. What kind of example do we set, and how do we maintain trust in our leaders if we keep alowing them to sweep corruption under the rug?

    To me, all the Conservative loyalists here who think this investigation should be tossed aside, are only afraid that the fall out will have an impact on the Conservatives winning the next election. That's just saying that you don't care how dishonest an MP is just so long as your party of choice stays in power. Playing the "cost of it card" is just an excuse to gag everybody because it makes you uncomfortable and nervous.

    How do you know the so called smoke screen isn't working?

  14. No, Muroney broke no laws.

    As to the poll results above, this is politics, gc - not a law court.

    The lesson is that the Liberal government got the RCMP to investigate Mulroney and leak a letter about it. Mulroney had no choice but to defend himself. The issue has come back because Shreiber wants to avoid extradition and the Liberals are always happy to make the Conservatives squirm and use innuendo to associate someone with something sinister. This is how the Liberals operate. The Liberals did the same trying to stick *scary, scary* to Harper. [it's the old story of the watch thief. Al: Hey Bob, I heard you were mixed up in a gang of watch thieves. Bob: Yes, my watch was stolen.]

    Compare this with Chretien. Do we know anything about his dealings? Has Chretien ever explained anything? When Chretien appeared before Gomery, he joked around and avoided questions.

    The temptation must be great to have the RCMP investigate Chretien and then leak a letter or two to the press. I don't think Harper will do that because it's not his style. And I think (or hope) that this style of politics is changing in Canada.

    You clearly don't understand the rules of questioning in Quebec. You also didn't watch Mulroney's testimony.

    It appears that the Liberal/Chretien style smear tactics work on you. Well, as I said, that's how Liberals operate - Karl Rove style. They're very, very competitive.

    I've always voted Liberal and I always will but that doesn't mean I wouldn't want to see Chretien nailed for what he has done. I certainly would like to see that and I was more than annoyed that he was allowed to dodge the bullit at the time. Just because Chretien has not been made to account for his misapropriation of funds doesn't mean that Mulroney should not be made to explain his er...rather unusual dealings. Just out of curiosity, did the Conservatives demand any serious accountability from the Liberals regarding Chretien? I really don't remember what went down on that one.

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