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Posts posted by Carinthia

  1. Glad you've got it all figured out. Why do we need all those expensive inquiries, courts, judges, lawyers, coroners and their irritating time consuming procedures. We'll just call you cause it's all so obvious.

    Thanks to the citizen who filmed it and seemingly was the only one in the place who displayed any common sense, it is obvious to me. Whether he died of a broken neck, the taser or some other reason remains to be seen. Without the rush to subdue, he wouldn't have died period. The computer that he threw was his own laptop. Very sad.

  2. Excellent post, Capricorn. I agree with everything you said.

    Cops are there to enforce the law. If someone questions being ticketed, they have the courts to sort it out and give their side. They don't have the right to question the cops; the cops aren't obligated to listen to their arguments and/or answer 20 questions. If people could get away with that, everyone would be doing it. The cops are the authority. Period. Anyone who has a problem with an officer's actions can take it up later with their superior officer and/or in court.

    The guy in the speeding ticket taser incident was obviously argumentive and uncooperative. People talk about his having kids in the car. What kind of example was he setting for his own kids?

    The sad fact is, people who are a threat to police officers don't have a sign on their foreheads so the cops know who is and who isn't a danger. Cops have been killed without any warning for something as routine as pulling someone over for speeding. If they value their lives, they have to approach every situation with caution. Anyone who doesn't recognize this is at fault. If they don't cooperate, and they expect cops to put up with that and put their concerns first, then they are in effect endangering police officers lives with those expectations.

    What's going to happen with these videos and prejudgements, I'm afraid, is to deter a lot of good, conscientious people from becoming cops-- and we'll just be left with the hard-assed, abusive cops who don't give a damn; the very kind of cop that people are protesting. So people would be smart to think before judging/mouthing off, because if this starts to become the trend, they'll have no one to blame but themselves.

    It's unreasonable to expect people to act like robots and sheep. That will never happen and it's up to the trained cop to use common sense. They are supposed to be trained to defuse a situation, not incite and inflame with unnessary bullying. This guy obviously ran into one of those hard-assed, abusive cops, who don't give a damn, that you speak of, the kind that people are protesting about.

  3. From reading some of the comments on this thread, it sounds like some posters would like police officers to become social workers. Like finding out what's bothering an agitated or fleeing perp, or engaging in friendly banter and dialogue prior to making an arrest or taking restraining measures.

    While I abhor abusive cops and denounce them, I like my cops to act decisively in protecting themselves and the public at large, especially me. If perps need someone to hold their hand after the cop has done his/her job, there is a plethora of do-good agencies available for that very purpose.

    Let's not confuse the role of cop and social worker.

    They do receive training in social behaviour. They are trained to be able to differentiate between the ordinary joe and dangerous criminals. They are trained to assess all situations with calmness and logic. Unfortunately, the odd one seems to forget this training or can't be bothered to call on it. All it takes is one cop to lead the rest in to making an impulsively bad decision.

  4. Yes.....it is the correct thing to do without backup present. The police officer has no idea what the "obnoxious" citizen is going to do next. There is always a threat of violence...lots of dead cops to show for it.

    Then Mr. Obnoxious can have his day in court. In the mean time, our hero gets to go home safely after his shift.

    There was plenty of communication...mostly non-compliance and excuses from the perp. He could have simply signed the ticket.....but nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo....he was "special".

    noooooooooooooooo he was "innocent".

    Why would anybody just bend over and pay a ticket when they felt they had done nothing wrong? What a wimpy thing to do! The cop was wrong and he knew it, that's why he got ugly. He was acting with "how dare you question the great me" attitude. He wasn't acting like was is Mr. right, he was acting like he is Mr. always right.

  5. The guy was interviewd on CNN and he said that he was pointing at the sign. He was trying to explain that he had not had enough time yet to slow down to the reduced speed. The cop ordered him over while he was still doing the posted speed. By the time he had pulled over he was just passed the speed sign, so he felt that it was unfair and was not going to sign up for a ticket. He also thought the cop had pulled a gun and he started to walk away from this nutjob cop, as he said he was shocked and terrified. His wife and babies were in the vehicle and the cop would have seen that. Yup, he sure appeared to be a dangerous criminal! Clear cut case of a trigger happy cop who was just in an ugly mood.

  6. You're not sorry at all carinthia. I don't believe you had a "sinking feeling" when GWB was proclaimed President in 2000 because at that point he had not committed one single error as President. A further proof of your insincerity is that in your second paragraph you continue your rant against GWB. which still has nothing to do with the creation of a national park by the Canadian Conservative government.

    Harper, well that's a different story. Since early 2006 you have observed him as Prime Minister. If you don't like how he governs then don't vote Conservative in the next election.

    A ranter I may be, a liar I am not! My apology was sincere.

    There were many people who were scared of Bush at that time. As he was the past Governer of Texas, many people were well aware of his cockiness and stupidity. Did you live in a cave then? If you didn't, then I can only suppose that you must have had a restricted intellectual capacity during the 2000 election.

    Just to keep on topic, I am thrilled that Harper has designated a huge area in the north for conservation. Further, I think he has done well in his leadership to date, but I won't hold my breath for the future.

  7. The only way I can interpret this rambling is that it appears to come from a frustrated Liberal or NDP supporter. It is totally off topic and sounds rather desperate. But I do understand the obligatory mention of GWB in negative tones.

    All is not lost. There will be an election at some point and you can cast your vote, and hope for the best. In the end, isn't that all that we all do?

    Sorry for the rant and ramble.

    You are right, I do feel frustrated. I can't stop remembering the sinking feeling I had when it was announced that GWB had won the 2000 election. Although I was disappointed that he was appointed President, I had still had no idea then, how bad things would get, just knew it was not going to be a positive next 4 years for America. It has been far worse than I could have imagined.

    I have the same gut feeling about Harper. That's all!

  8. There is no relation to fact in your post.

    Has a Prime Minster ever 'backtracked' on the creation of national park?

    To do so would be political suicide. That is one of many reasons why Harper would never do it.

    Your distrust is so ludicrous it is easily interpreted as hatred. And it is definitely irrational and unfounded.

    Any contribution you think you may be making is merely preaching to the converted. No one who would even consider voting Conservative would take your innuendo as anything but farcical.

    A Prime Minister has never backtracked on the creation of a national park as far as I know. But then a President of the U.S. has never attempted to dismantle the U.S. Constitution in the radical way that Bush/Cheney have done either. Never have so many lies been told to drag a nation into war, that I remember either. Never has a leader of any country in the civilized world pissed on the Geneva Convention and supported torture either. And the last time a conservative Prime Minister (who is now under investigation) jumped into bed with a U.S. President, the outcome was a trade disaster. Harper has shown "scary" signs of jumping into bed with the worst President in U.S. history, and where will this lead us all? If Mr. Harper finds it necessary to cozy up to a near dictator, what is he really capable of, if given a majority? I don't want to find out. I'll take the lesser of the two evils.

  9. Wow, that has got to be the weakest attempt at *scary* *scary* *scary* ever!

    Really? Never would have guessed from the first part of your post.

    Bravo to the left for creating such irrational hatred of Harper that people could actually believe such a mind-numbingly ridiculous accusation.

    If you think my opinion could be successful in contributing to a distrust of Harper, then I have done something right today. I hate nobody.

  10. It can't be a simple matter of life and death situations. If it is life threatening they should probably be using a gun. You have to ask at what point do police officers have the right to put their own physical well being ahead of the person they are trying to arrest. A large number of arrests that wouldn't be considered life threatening still present real physical risks for the officers involved. The thing is you are doing exactly what you are accusing the police of. Jumping to conclusions before you have seen and considered all the information.

    I reiterate...one man...4 cops who are trained in take downs, or so we assume. The risk of personal injury was minimal. Simple logic. That's the profession they chose to undertake and there are risks to it. If all of us who are critical of how this was handled are jumping to conclusions, then I guess the Premier and all the other powers that be are too.

  11. Why would the cops be shooting unarmed people? If a person doesn't have a knife, a gun or some other weapon, where would be the justification in shooting them? How can anybody compare the taser deaths we have seen lately, to the fact that without these tasers, cops might have to use guns? If it was ever reported that a perp with a gun or a knife was killed by being tasered in order for the tasering cop to defend himself, I really doubt there would be much outcry for the perp. Ridiculous!

    If the cops WERE restricting taser use to life and death situations, nobody would be that upset would they? But this has not been the case. Simple. One unarmed, confused man, four cops with tasers. I don't see much of a life threatening scenario to cops here.

  12. He needs to go to Germany. Why the hell are you and I paying to keep him out of real prison? That's all this is jdobbin, we've already had an inquiry, an RCMP investigation and a civil lawsuit. And now another RCMP investigation.

    How much do you want to spend on keeping a con-artist out of prison? As much as it takes for him to continue spewing anti-Conservative bullshit?

    Just like Mulroney they don't need Ontario and are unlikely to change much in Ontario regardless of what happens.

    You have no idea how difficult it is to sue to return a previous settlement do you? My my. It's not quite so simple. Not to mention, Mulroney was right, the Liberal government at the time made acqusations that could never be proven. Nothing will be proven here. Mulroney seems pretty adament in defending himself. You realise that if this fails, he can probably sue again for much much more. I don't think a court would hesitate in awarding damages when a government continously picks on people without any new information.

    Do note that no MP's discuss the matter outside of the Commons. Each Liberal knows that they'd be slapped with a massive lawsuit if they tried it, and they all know they'll never have the evidence to back up their comments... because it doesn't exist.

    The inquiry showed this, the RCMP showed this and the settlement shows this.

    A big waste of taxpayer money, all to keep ol' Karl out of German prison for the rest of his life.

    When the last inquiry was performed, they didn't have the full cooperation of Schreiber. Now they do. That changes things and we may see ol "Britan" having to pay it all back, not win another bunch.

    Mulroney's phony pleasure at the decision to have an inquiry is pure bravado and bluff. I bet he's quaking in his shifty boots.

  13. I hate how buying crap for one another is almost a requirement. You're usually looked at quite funny when you demand that no one gets you anything for Christmas. I really don't understand it.

    I can relate!!

    I love Christmas but dang, I wish we could get back to the more simple ways of celebrating it. There should be laws banning stores from putting up decorations in November and piping carols at us for 2 months. When I was young, there was no such thing as buying Christmas presents that we couldn't afford, just wasn't even considered. Now, presents under the tree take a year to pay off and flow out to the middle of the living floor. It's becoming more and more stressful and less and less enjoyable for some of us. I hope that someday, folks will backlash all this greedy commercialism that's evolved over the past 40 years.

  14. And this could very well be the case. But we cannot blame the officers who are given this tool, whos training tells them that there are no lasting effects, for a death caused by its use (unless its proven that they missused it).

    And given the option of taser vs. gun, a taser May kill someone, a gun probably will kill someone. So (not in this recent incident) the taser may still have its uses regardless of the findings.

    If I were a cop right now, I'd be thinking twice before using my taser on anybody.

  15. While not a Conservative voter, I can completely applaud the Conservative government for setting aside this land in the NWT as protected wilderness zones. Anyone else have thoughts on this?

    Yes, I applaud them too, but if the conservatives get in with a majority in the next election, they can backtrack on this decision all in the name of an "urgent rising need for economic development, blah blah". I don't trust anything Harper does.

  16. The fact that the guy may have had an alcohol problem is relevant. Heavy drinkers go into withdrawal after about 12 hours. This makes them extremely agitated and puts them at risk of a seizure and death. This could have been the real cause of death or at least a significant contributing factor. The coroner could quickly rule this out as a possibility but it sounds like they only checked to see if he was drunk at the time.

    If these tasers have the capacity to kill people who have had a few drinks, now or 2 days ago, then they damn well shouldn't be using them at all. What about people with heart and other medical conditions? It seems to me that a lot of variables have not even been considered prior to their dishing them out to a bunch of untrained cowboys. They're handing down possible death sentences for misdemeaner offences. I can't imagine losing a loved one who may have had a few drinks, looked at a cop sidways and was killed for it.

    Another one killed in Halifax today while being transferred from the courthouse to the jail.

  17. The fact that the man broke the law back when he was a teenager, or the fact that he was allowed to immigrate to Canada while unable to speak the language, is irrelevant to the issue of this guy being tasered and killed. What about the tourists who don't speak English and will be flying in to YVR in droves when the Olympics start? Character assassination of this man proves nothing.

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