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Zachary Young

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Everything posted by Zachary Young

  1. Mises was a great opponent of fascism. He was so feared by the Nazis for his criticisms that they chased him first to Switzerland, then to America.
  2. We live in a kleptocracy. Our political process has became a game of rent seeking behaviour, who can loot the most from whom.
  3. It sickens me the way people think they can attack and steal from the rich just because they are rich. Why don't you focus on improving your life and not on ruining the lives of others?
  4. Welfare is such a terrible idea. Paying people not to work? We should just scrap the whole thing immediately. It would actually be a huge favour to recipients of welfare, because they would go out and get jobs and better themselves.
  5. Our legal system should be reformed so that it's focus is on restitution for the victim.
  6. Roads and the like will be paid for by consumers and supplied by corporations. It will actually cost less because market competition will drive down prices, and we will have higher quality (no more pot holes). Just look at the pavement in a mall parking lot, and contrast it with government roads. Of course it would be impossible in a libertarin society to have military interventions like our current one in Libya or our occupation of Afghanistan. War is not profitable - this is why it requires both coercive taxation and the debasement of a currency to afford it. That's okay... I'm not too worried about who will go bomb brown people. A market based justice system would be subject to competition. Judge's stock in trade would be the fairness of their decisions. There is no justice in our current court system. I once stood before a judge, 4 years ago, for the terrible crime of not showing up to probation meetings and missing a court date. The judge sentenced me to 30 days in jail, but before he did so he asked me if I could pay a fine. I couldn't. I had no money. I could have bought my way out of jail. You call that justice? The poor get no justice in government courts. How can you expect a government court to provide justice in a dispute between an individual and the government? When an organization has a monopoly on arbitrage they will use that monopoly to their own advantage.
  7. Did they have competitive, "free market" courts of law? http://mises.org/daily/1121/Medieval-Iceland-and-the-Absence-of-Government Instead of a judicial branch of government there were private courts that were the responsibility of the godar. To solve disputes, members of this court system were chosen after the crime happened. The defendant and plaintiff each had the right to pick half the arbitrators.
  8. Corporeal punishment for vandals is a good solution at minimal taxpayer expense. The death penalty for murderers should also be enforced.
  9. The most discriminated against minority in our society is the businessman. He is harassed, insulted, stolen from and berated constantly.
  10. Anyway, this is all semantics. The CBC should be auctioned off immediately. The government has no business influencing, owning, controlling or censoring media. We should also cease regulation of the airwaves. A truly free media means Global should be able to say whatever it wants without the government fining them.
  11. Societies have existed and indeed prospered without government. The not so wild west and iceland during the middle ages are two examples of prosperous anarchistic societies. The state's origin is in conquest, not preservation of society, as Oppenheimer pointed out in his excellent work 'The State'. http://www.franz-oppenheimer.de/state0.htm Do not imagine that simply because government currently provides a service, like roads, that this is the only means of organizing society. Society can and must be organized upon voluntary lines. And your argument that without government people would die in the streets is non sensical. Why? Wealth is created by trade, by the voluntary interactions of profit seeking individuals on the free market. The government does not create wealth, it confiscates it. It steals it. It retards the creation of wealth. Government is a dead weight on the economy. Government is not a reflection of the will of the people. It is a reflection of the will of those in power. The will of individuals is expressed most accurately through their interactions on the market. There everyone gets exactly what they want in exactly the degree they are willing to pay for it. The state was created by conquest and exists through exploitation. The state is the enemy of society not it's saviour.
  12. The economy is not a game of monopoly. There isn't X dollars to go around. It's a positive sum game. On the free market wealth is created. When someone gets rich by satisfying the needs of consumers, not only does not that hurt you, it helps you. Don't be motivated by jealousy, and don't for a second think you are entitled to the money that I have earned.
  13. Far too often. Once I got arrested for pissing in public. Can you believe that? Man has been doing so for millions of years, but the pigs felt it was okay to throw me in jail because I needed to empty my bladder. We have too many police, and when they get bored or want to feel a little power they go around harassing innocent citizens like myself. I have been the victim of false arrest about a dozen times in my life. And yes, I have Hudak pegged, like all politicians he wants to spend more of my money in order to aggrandize his own power. He is scum, like all politicians. Total scum.
  14. This is absurd. If the government does not control the CBC then some non government organization must control it. So go ahead, name the organization. United Church of Canada? MENNONITES??!?!? Clearly, the CBC, as a crown corporation, is owned, operated and controlled by the government. It is the government.
  15. I wouldn't put it past them to be planning on putting ankle bracelets on everybody some day. This is how it starts. Soon it will be "put on your GPS device, why not, do you have something to hide?". Just like we let the police tap our phones, or search our houses, our vehicles. Just the other day I was stopped by a cope and he ransacked through my pockets, searched through my wallet. But no one says anything, no one does anything, because we're all afraid, because no one wants to defend possibly bad people, because we are all scared little children willing to bow down before the state if it makes us feel one iota safer.
  16. We definitely have way too many cops. Just yesterday I was assaulted by a thug with a badge, for the terrible crime of not wearing a helmet while driving my scooter. It's pathetic. We have way too many cops and they are all paid way too much money. We should get rid of 90% of them and put the rest on the minimum wage.
  17. Yes, I know what fraud means. Fraud is when you lie to other people in order to get their money. That's what the government does constantly. Not paying your taxes is not fraud, because there's no justification for taxation in the first place. If I tell you to give me $50 for no reason, and you refuse, you're not committing fraud. The key problem with taxation is there is no consent. You cannot just unilaterally decide I owe you $50, for me to owe you $50 we must first have some sort of an arrangement, we must agree to trade $50 worth of stuff, for example.
  18. Oh... I see the point you are trying to make. I will allow Frederic Bastiat to rebut. “Socialism, like the ancient ideas from which it springs, confuses the distinction between government and society. As a result of this, every time we object to a thing being done by government, the socialists conclude that we object to its being done at all. We disapprove of state education. Then the socialists say that we are opposed to any education. We object to a state religion. Then the socialists say that we want no religion at all. We object to a state-enforced equality. Then they say that we are against equality. And so on, and so on. It is as if the socialists were to accuse us of not wanting persons to eat because we do not want the state to raise grain.”
  19. What do you mean the government doesn't control the CBC? It's a crown corporation. Who controls it if not the state?
  20. Why is it a bad idea for the government to put GPS tracking devices on citizens? Gee, I wonder. No I am not a sexual offender, am not on the list, have never committed any sexual crimes... just someone who is greatly concerned about individual liberty. If these people are actually a threat to children they should be locked up, not roaming the streets. But the real issue is this is where it starts... you take an outcast group (people on the sexual offenders list) and begin there. Then people accept the idea and it goes further. It's the growth of the surveillance state. We already have police spying on us because of the war on drugs, tapping our phones, doing illegal searches. Now the government is going to start tracking people electronically. Then there will be cameras on every street corner. Then the government will force ISPs to record everyone's IP addresses. There will be no privacy, the state and it's agents will be able to use this information for whatever purposes they want. What ever happened to the dream of living in a free society?
  21. And for yours : http://murrayrothbard.com/against-taxation/
  22. That's not fraud. It's self defence. Fraud is when you lie in order to unethically get money from someone. Fraud is what the government does when it claims we have to pay taxes. That's the real fraud. It's not fraud to try to prevent someone from stealing from you. That's called rational behaviour.
  23. There is certainly a market for justice and security, but clearly government monopoly provision of these goods is not the way to go. Rather we should allow private competing courts to arbitrate disputes and have private security firms and insurance firms take over the few necessary functions of police. Anyone who has ever stood in a government court understands the miscarriages of justice that occur with a government monopoly on justice. There is no justice in our current society. Law has been turned from an instrument to defend property rights to an instrument of plunder. How can you say the state should provide justice and protect property rights when the state is nothing more than a criminal organization, when the state is the most aggregious and constant violator of our rights? It is immoral to steal. It is immoral for me to steal, it is immoral for you to steal, so how can you say it is moral for the government to steal? Shouldn't all individuals and organizations be held to the same moral standards?
  24. I suggest 0%. That sounds about fair. First we will get rid of the income tax... then we can focus on getting rid of sales taxes, property taxes and other taxes. The unrealistic idea is that the government should be able to rob us all constantly. That is unrealistic. That is antithetical to a free society. Everyone should be able to keep 100% of their income. That's the only fair system. It's completely unfair to use violence and coercion to obtain revenue, and that is what the income tax is. It's armed robbery. Give us this money or we will lock you in a cage and take away your freedom. That's disgusting. It's immoral. The income tax must be done away with.
  25. Tougher laws on tax "fraud"? You have to be kidding me! What a terrible idea. First of all, it isn't "fraud" to not pay taxes. No one should have to pay taxes. Tax resisters are courageous individuals. Taxation is theft. If someone is mugged in an alleyway and they decide to fight off the attacker and not give up their wallet you wouldn't call that "alleyway fraud" would you? The real fraud is this idea that somehow the government deserves every dollar we make and if we get to keep any we are lucky. The more tax loop holes and ways for people to get out of paying taxes the better.
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