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  1. yeah, but stockwell day was a total clown and embarassment to his own party. remember that? how quickly people forget.
  2. we should probably burnt he temple down just to show our dissaproval of harper showing up. he's a race traitor and he should burn in hell. sounds stupid now doesn't it?
  3. I see the English language is already in a state of disaster. Is this practice of not capitalizing the words at the beginnings of sentences a new fad or just a resurgence of bad 60s writing? ha ha, you should be a comedian. you've got a natural gift.
  4. some HUGE disaster is going to happen in the next few decades. sydney, tokyo, san francisco, the yellowstone crater. eventually something will go down and many people will suffer and ask why they weren't warned but in fact ehy were. hubris. regretably
  5. im all for freedom of expresiion and speech but somehting about the internet is not right. its too anonymous and faceless. it gives cowards an outlet and the nerve to say that which they would never have the guts to say otherwise. internet hate speech is a cancer that is metastitized by the actions of the unintelligent
  6. im ashamed that we haven't really started doing our part. no one seems to realize the dire necessity of the great lakes for the well being of the entire continent. we need action now!
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