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  1. Most countries have ceremonial presidents and monarch. Wow I didn't know that, thank for filling me in. While the GG does still have powers, they are seldom used without direction from the PM. What is the point of continuing with this role other than to keep the monarchist happy. Would you truly want an appointed GG to be the person with the most power in the country?
  2. I don't think any of those positions would provide much in the way of government to any country. Personally, I don't see any advantage for Canada to still have ties to the British Monarchy. Perhaps bambino could help us out on this one since I'm not able to contribute in a manner that is approved by him.
  3. You have taken what I said out of context, and in doing so, you show why there is no debate on this board. It is simply people taking shots (such as you have done) and others simply repeating the party line.
  4. We have no reason for the monarchy in this country and trying to debate with many of you on this board is pointless. There is no debate, simply people spouting the same old talking points that they hear and read in the media. Having no relationship with the British monarchy would do nothing to change our history nor would it mean we need to change the names of regiments in the military.
  5. There is no good reason to ban these face coverings. Stupid bill.
  6. Or how about these: "I don't really like to think of it as a murder. It was terminating Tiller in the 203rd trimester. ... I am personally opposed to shooting abortionists, but I don't want to impose my moral values on others." --on the murder of Kansas abortion doctor George Tiller, FOX News interview, June 22, 2009 "We should invade their countries, kill their leaders, and convert them to Christianity." "If I'm going to say anything about John Edwards in the future, I'll just wish he had been killed in a terrorist assassination plot."
  7. He isn't getting a pass, this isn't an issue to anyone but you. Or maybe you are getting paid by the post or something because you haven't had anything of value to say anywhere in this thread.
  8. You are either one of the funniest people on here or a typical right-wing conservative.
  9. You are saying that all poor people are lazy, good for nothing people who do nothing but wait for a handout. And you call other people elitist. That is too funny.
  10. The same can be said about a great many people, of all social classes.
  11. Because some of them are idiots, and just like some of out politicians, they can't think for themselves. The only repeat what they have been told by the media or the party spin doctors.
  12. To call this an assault is a stretch. I'm sure the woman didn't feel that he was a threat to her. Let's call this what it was, a political stunt.
  13. They don't have to grasp at anything to make Layton look like the used car salesman that he is.
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