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Posts posted by DogOnPorch

  1. 26 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:

    Partial mobilization of a war they needlessly started 7 months earlier and are losing badly.  Aren’t you supposed to mobilize for war before you start one?  

    Russia can’t even hold it’s own against  a rag-tag military that barely even existed before Russia attacked. Russian troops are poorly trained, poorly disciplined and have abysmally low moral. Unless Czar Putin starts launching nukes they have no hope of victory and Putin will be forced from office dead or alive. And I don’t think even Russians are crazy enough to start a nuclear holocaust just for Putin’s poorly explained  “special military operation” that has no clear legitimate purpose or objective 


    It's not a popular move in Russia. But their leaders have never cared much about public opinion. That they view themselves in a much bigger war now is very troubling. How will that affect us? We already have troops in the Baltic. Let's hope they don't get involved. But perhaps it is already too late in Russia's opinion.

    As for the details on the ground, we just do not know for sure. We are fed only what gets out of the region from one side. And the news is always either glowing success or emergency...send help!


  2. 6 minutes ago, Aristides said:

    How the hell am I poised to do nothing about the worlds population? Why do you think the rest of the world isn't entitled to the same standard of living as you. What makes you so special that you can dump all the CO2 into the atmosphere that you want and others shouldn't be allowed to do the same?


    How the Hell are you not for that matter?

    I never said anything about what other people deserve. But it's the third world making the billions of new babies thanks to lack of basic birth control that you seem to think they are too stupid to employ.

  3. 1 minute ago, Boges said:

    You're free to decide the the brutal autocrat is correct here. 

    So what narrative are you going with? 300,000 conscripts is a lot for an army doing well to achieve their objectives. 


    Wonderful...I'll continue to do as I please.

    You are what is called an armchair general parroting the MSM religiously without a clue as to what's actually going on...or not going on.

    So, let me know when the Ukraine takes Moscow. Should be any day by your reckoning, correct?

    • Like 1
  4. Just now, Aristides said:

    Continuing to add billions of tons of CO2 to the atmosphere every year without doing anything to slow it is flushing civilization down the toilet.


    Yet you're poised to add billions more to the population which is the real problem. How about the third world stops f**king like rabbits and making those babies? We managed birth control...are they incapable?

  5. 1 hour ago, Moonlight Graham said:

    There has never been more CO2 at any other time in human history, nor at any time over the last 3 million years.  So yeah, that's cause for concern. 

    If you want to drag your feet instead of doing something about it well then I can't help you.




    Doing something about it?

    Flushing civilization down the toilet in order to feel good about a problem you're unwilling to face is not really doing something. That's doing anything.

  6. 23 minutes ago, Boges said:

    That would indicate you do have a shred of evidence, which you don;t. 


    You just don't get it. I'm not here to change you or even argue with you. I say my bit...you say yours. Wonderful.




    Except Russia is the invading force here. They're the ones being encircled by a domestic force. 

    They're the one using poorly trained conscripts to guard their flanks. They're the ones that tried to gobble up territory as fast as possible only to relinquish it soon after. 



    These two have been fighting since the early Middle-Ages and people expect me to pick sides in what amounts to a civil war in the former Soviet Union. Once NATO decided this was their fight due to all the....wait for it...germ labs and other skullduggery they've been involved in with Ukraine, I said screw all of them. There are no good guys...so kill each other.

    As for your battlefield assessments...we know what we are told by one side and nothing much more. You speak with certainty about war and I know that's impossible.

  7. 6 minutes ago, Moonlight Graham said:

    Ok but we don't have too much oxygen, we have too much CO2.

    If the best argument you have is that carbon is not the same as carbon dioxide, which most people with a high school diploma already know, then I'm not sure what your point is.


    Do we have too much CO2? Earth has had way higher CO2 levels in the past. So we're really not sure what too much is for this planet. Too many people...I can believe that. But unless we talk some sort of forced birth control...or worse...that ain't gonna happen easy. In not too too many years, we'll be looking at 10-12 billion by extrapolations. What good will civilization's sacrifice be today while there are 8 billion? Any gains will simply vanish in the growing numbers. So what to do...what to do....

    BTW, Carbon isn't the same as Carbon-Dioxide. One is an allotrope element while the other is an atomic compound.

  8. Just now, Boges said:

    I'm not even denying your claim. Just wondering how it plays into the insane military strategy seen by the Russians so far. 


    You can never satisfy an ideologue enough. So even if I did produce all the so-called evidence you demand, you WILL simply reject it. This is why I do not play the sealioning game you and others engage in as a form of discussion.

    As for Russia's 'insane military strategy'...you seem lacking in any military history. Hitler believed that all one needed to do to Russia is kick-in the front door making the whole rotten edifice come tumbling down. When I hear all this current glorious talk of imminent victory at Stalingrad, I'm left wondering how screwed are we really are in terms of 'winning' in Ukraine.

    How is that 6th Army doing? The government says all is well.

  9. 1 minute ago, Boges said:

    The US is already energy independent. 

    You've shown you really have no capability to rationally discuss this without entering conspiracy territory. 

    You can cry all you want about Fossil Fuels. The developed world has pledged to move away from them. 

    Cry all you want about it. But don't suggest a move to Electric Vehicles is individually a financially prudent move. 


    The US currently imports 40% of what it consumes.

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