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Posts posted by obsidian

  1. sharkman:

    Don't all gay's either adopt or use a surrogate?(if they have kids). How is using a surrogate not " contributing to the life blood of the nation."? Because in my world that appears to be the exact same thing :o. Now onto the second issue of adopting. Is it not the government or non-profit organizations who supports our orphanages? How is a gay couple who takes part of the "burden"(for lack of a better word) off of the government or charities a bad thing?

    And people, the BOTTOM LINE is that gay citizens are guaranteed the same rights as any other citizen. People who oppose this religously(christian, muslim) actually should read the story of Sodom, which is what is cited as religous proof that god dissaproves of homosexuality. In short, angels come and ask for all the men, the king says no then offers his daughters instead of his men, the angels then destroy the city. Um WTF does that make sense too you...? And for those who oppose it morally, grow up. Homosexuality has happened throughout all of human and animal history on this planet. I don't discriminate because someone likes something different than I do. I only discriminate if what they're doing interferes with my bussiness, and then such hate and prejudicous as gays experience throughout the year are acceptable.

    "Encouraging gay unions by giving them the exact same benefits as straight couples only shrinks an already dwindling birth rate."-Sharkman

    ORLY...Yes I'm sure thats how it happens...

    Man: hi doctor im a bit confused

    therapist: go on..

    Man: Well I don't know if I'm gay, straight, or assexual :S

    therapist: Well have you considered being gay? They've got this new Union, it's great. They used to get no benefits at all but now they're nearly up to the heterosexual standard. You can't tell anyone one this, but word on the street is that next quarter the Gay Union will surpass the Womens and "Regular" Unions!

    Man: Well that's that, I'm gay.

    Do you still really not understand people who are gay, do not chose to be,their development as a child OR genetics is responsible. You're honestly worried about the gay union getting more members because it will "encourage" such behaviour...That's ReTaRdEd

  2. it's simple

    bee's+pollen=pollenated plants=new plants

    pollen+____=nothing=no future plants

    Ofcourse this is only for plants dependent on cross polination, but that is approximately 113,000 species. Nearly 1/3 bites of food that we as humans consume are dependent on bee's. No bee's means no apples, no melons, no oranges, etc. We would have to go back to our staples of potato's and corn.

  3. The U.S. is sending 13,000 national guard troops to Iraq, as reported on CNN and the CBC this morning. Australia is also sending 1000 more troops to Afghanistan. With all of the opposition to the war in Iraq it's rediculous that they keep sending more and more troops...



  4. There is no known cause of the deaths, only several speculations. However, the affects of these bee's dying are far reaching. Approximately 113,000 plants rely on pollination from bee's, from melons to almond trees. What is happening at a lower level of biotic life is usually an indicator for what will happen at a higher level.



  5. I think if Iran had the bomb, we wouldn't be able to take their oil. Nukes really are only effective as deterrents, it would be incredibly stupid if they used them offensively. Not to mention with the US building more missle sights in Europe we wouldnt have much to worry about.

    Hypothetically, we can most likely shoot down ICBM's with lasers. THEL can already shoot down katyucha rockets, various other missles/rockets, and mortar. The arial mounted high energy laser, which is mounted on a plane, has a range of 250 KM (limited by the curvature of the earth) and when tweaked to be strong enough will be able to explode ICBMs.

    If Iran had a nuke, maybe we would get over it, and then we wouldn't have a false pretext for war with them.

    and the whole standing up toilet thing, its not just Iran. they have them in france, spain, and I saw a few in germany aswell...

  6. Zbigniew Brzezinski is a hypocrite. The creators of the New American Century cite "The Grand Chessboard" as part of their inspiration for PNAC. Although his article contains true information, which needs to get out, it goes with what he said needs to be done. Brzezinski said that America needs to secure geopolitical assets to maintain its hegemony, and that's exactly what they're doing.

  7. Hey, I'm just wondering what some of you are thinking the future holds for us in the next 10 years. You may write it down point form, a brief summary, cite or list movies, etc. But could we please have no commentary until several have been submitted (as not to get bogged down at 2 replies).

  8. the US was attacked on 9/11, not canada. do you see all of US allies in afghanistan? where do you see the largest portion of their military? iraq, not afghanistan.

    as for the "forgotten war", it was on CBC.

    if i really wanted to spend the time on elaborating, i would. but if you recall, on the 2nd page i wanted to kill the thread because i did not paint the whole picture. what i did was present some corelations that existed and expected you to draw conclusions. sorry if you dont think that way, or only refference your previous knowledge on a subject to draw new conclusions.

  9. i just think its sad that people have been warning us for decades (eisenhower) and nothing has hindered it from happening.

    and there's nothing wrong with sports, im on team ontarios football team. i just thought it was odd that you would mention that giving the subject we are talking on.

    sports, drugs, sex, among others things are all used to fill a void that we have. they are very much bandaid fixes, which i don't think is right.

  10. i really can't believe there is a discussion on this.

    it is so obvious. the only backing for people who oppose the truth are government funded or mainstream sources. which have been proven to be corrupt.

    wtc 1, 2 & 7 are the first buildings to ever collapse from fire.

    a medium bomber flew into the empire state building in 1945, how many people died? 14

    there was fireproofing on all the gurders, but it came off from the impact of the jet(supposedly). even at that, it's no where enough metal exposed to the heat to weaken it to the point of structural failure. they say the jet fuel was the reason for the high temperatures, but the jet fuel would of burned away in minutes when spread over that much surface area.

    both were designed to take an impact of a fully loaded jet liner. the chances of BOTH of them collapsing, and the exact same thing happening in both, in barely existent.

    what about wtc 7? BBC was reporting that it had already collapsed, and it was still burning in the background.

    a burning piece of debris ignited the fire in wtc 7. i have NO IDEA what could heavy enough to travel through the concrete and steel, travel 20 stories down, and still have enough heat to ignire fires. what would this be? molten metal that burns through everything magically?(not possible). why wouldnt the fire be on the top floors if it fell from WTC 1 or 2...

    opperation amalgam virgo: planning and response to unconventional acts of terrorism ( has bin ladens picture on it). this proves that they had foreknowledge, its a failure of govt even if it was really bin laden.


    FEMA released "emergency response to terrorism, a self study" on the cover was the twin towers, with one of them with a crosshair. coincidentally or not, the cross hair is almost exactly where the plane struck.


    and this, personally i think is icing on the cake. 6 months before sept 11th, this episode was aired on fox and global. it involved a hijacked plane, flying into the world trade center. the character opposed this event, and while talking to his director he explains how "this needs to happen, the arms industry is dwindling post cold war, and it benefits the people, and that THE GOVERNMENT ARE THE REAL CULPRITS.

    go 5 minutes into this video, and you will see the exerpt from that lone gunman episode.

  11. uhm, i think just you don't understand it...

    but i guess ill take out my spoon again...

    its a generalized summary dialogue of your posts.

    ESL wow so now you've sunk even lower. i think you're a more likely candidate for ESL than i am. based on the fact that you could not interpet a simple post.

    ok alot of people in canada care about the stanley cup. but what does it mean asides from national pride(through hockey -.-), more money in sponsors for the winner, and ANOTHER distraction from the outside world.

  12. this isnt a theory, if you can't see the similarities i think you are blind.

    canada's in afghanistan because the US forced us(i thought they didnt affect us cheney?).

    and asides from that, heroin...if you can give me another reason id like to hear it. the only reason why we don't oppose this war is because there is virtually no coverage, it has been called "the forgotten war"....i wonder why

  13. what do any of you think China and Russia would do if we attacked Iran? is there not a alliance between them? do they not have significant investments in Iran? have they not been selling them weapons?

    iran has been on americas hitlist for quite some time now...

    we would do the same if Iranian soldiers were in Canadian waters.

  14. all news is biased. it isnt even illegal (in the US or Canada) to release fake stories...

    as for other news agencies...they are all owned by corporations. and by law, if one corporation owns another, the lesser corporation needs to make money for the owner(the larger corporation).

    turn on CNN or FOX right now and see whats on, lmk if you call that news...

    i think the CBC is alot better than most, but still not "legit"

    "Early in life I had noticed that no event is ever correctly reported in a newspaper."

    -George Orwell

    in his time the newspaper was the same as our TV news(u already know this), which makes it relevant.

    i have a few military documents detailing how they should use news networks to infuence the nations oppinions. i can send them to you(they're in adobe) or u can look them up

    they are:

    Military Operations in the CNN world: Using the Media as A Force Multiplier

    by Leslie H. "Howdy" Belknap Major, US army

    Truth and Deceit: Media Relations and Military Deception

    by Robert T. Ross Lietenant Commander, United States Navy

    Manipulating the Media by Stephen Badsey

    (not military but describes whats going on now, but written in early 90's)

    Information Operations and Counter-Propoganda:Making a Weapon of Public Affairs

    by Colonel WC Garrison, United States Army

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