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Posts posted by Higgly

  1. Governments don't need savings because governments - like countries - never die. Yet individuals borrow and pay back loans and save throughout their lives.

    For an individual, it is wise advice to borrow when you are young and work to pay back the debt as you grow older. Hence by logic, for a government or a country as a whole, it is wise advice to always be in debt.

    Yes. Bonds are a great way to invest in your country. The rate on the bond is indicative of the quality of the investment. Nothing wrOng with bonds at all, at least until the rate starts to get too far out of hand....

  2. The intellectual left of the west refused to believe that their hero Stalin was a mass murder. Even today the left will try and deflect the horrors of that regime and change the subject.

    as to who was worse, Stalin or Hitler! Adolf was a rookie at being a mass muder` compared to Uncle Joe. But Uncle Joe may not in reality be the worst. Will we ever know how many Mao murdered?

    I doubt the left still feels that way, but I agree that Mao too is in the club. The "Great Leap Forward" and the "Cultural Revolution" put Pol Pot to shame.

    But back to the Ukrainians....

  3. It's just a fact that the Ukrainians in general were pretty happy to see the Germans...they weren't aware of the horror that was to follow as the SS arrived to do their dirty work. It's also a fact that many Ukrainians did end up working for the Nazis. But it's also a fact that many high-tailed it for the forests where they conducted a very effective partisan campaign against the Axis invaders.

    I hope that clears things up.

    If you're Ukrainian-Canadian, then we have a common bond as I'm of Volga-German heritage...look up on google what Stalin did to them.

    Fine. Why do you keep trying to deflect this discussion?

    Leave the thread. Now. Please.

  4. He was so bad that the Ukrainians were ready to join the Nazis upon their arrival.

    Again we have an attempt to deflect the discussion. I will respond to this, but only once, and then I'd like you to leave this thread because you clearly have some sort of agenda.

    If Stalin murdered everybody you know, and Hitler showed up and started a war against Stalin, what would you do?

    I cannot stop you from participating in this thread, but you are clearly trying to hijack it.

  5. That's funny, coming from someone who doesn't click links. :lol:

    There are people who post links with little else and there are people who digest what they have read and come up with a cogent post. I read cogent posts and if I doubt what I have read, I will look at links. If the post is little more than a link, then I'm going to pass.

    I see this forum as a debate, not a literature search. So sue me.

  6. Since both England and Australia have the Labour Party in power were does that put the NDP? One thing I have to say is Layton is good in question period and if enough voters did watch this, I think the Cons and Libs would have a problem when election time came. I think Layton should have the chance to be PM, he couldn't do any worse, give all parties minorities, until we see how they work.

    Yeah, that would be interesting. The various unions - for example, the auto unions, have developed a good strategy of late - the big 3 auto companies are starting to sign on - why are we throwing open our doors to asian imports while asian countries are closing their doors to ours?

    The NDP is starting to make more sense and Layton looks good here. He has some good bench strength and his wife is a formidable politician in her own right. I can see him taking votes from Dion who has not been effective at all.

    The NDP can be very effective in many parts of the country if it gets its act together. I can see them being effective in Quebec and the Maritimes. Layton and Olivia are very string in Toronto.

    Steve is itching for an election but it could be a case of "be careful what you wish for".

    Australia and Howard were an early buy-in to the George Bush game, and clearly they do not like what they see. Sarkoszy was a late comer and he is not going to last. The Brits are running for cover. Steve could be next. His game was looking pretty bad in Kampala.

  7. In 1932-33, Joseph Stalin embarked on a pogrom of collectivization in the Ukraine. Russia has always had designs on the Ukraine, in the same way that China has designs on Tibet. The fact that the Ukraine is now a separate country speaks to the opinion of the people of the Ukraine on the matter.

    Up until 1932 the farms of the Ukraine (often called the breadbasket of eastern Europe) were privately owned by the people who farmed them. Stalin decided that they should be owned by the state - more specifically by his state. Understandably, Ukrainian farmers were not interested.

    In order to force collectivization on the Ukraine, Stalin moved a massive troop presence into the Ukraine and seized the entire 1932 harvest. Farmers who refused to give up their harvest were executed. Anybody who was found to be hoarding food was executed. The result was a massive starvation in which millions of people died. Estimates vary widely from 4 million to 12 million but, as Kruschev later commented, "Nobody was counting." To this day, Russia denies that this ever happened, saying that the starvation was due to a "poor harvest".

    A significant reason that the Russians have gotten away for this for so long is that the only credible western journalist covering Eastern Europe at the time, Pulitzer Prize winner Walter Duranty of the New York Times, denied in print that any such starvation was occurring. At the same time, he was admitting privately that up to 50,000 people a day were dying at the height of the starvation. The Ukrainian community has long campaigned to have Duranty's Pulitzer Prize cancelled for this calumny, but without success. A National Review article on the subject can be found here

    Many Canadians escaped the fate of their families in the Ukraine because they responded to a 1920s Canadian government immigration campaign to populate and make productive the prairies. These people soon found themselves in the dustbowl of the depression. It is amazing to note today that the depression was a better fate than that which awaited their friends and family at the hands of Joseph Stalin.

    While Hitler is deservedly depicted as a murderous animal, more attention needs be paid to Stalin, not only for this, but for the many other things he did that cost the lives of millions of people. Stalin may go down in history as the greatest murderer who ever existed.

  8. Doug Saunders is a columnist for the Globe and Mail. I'm always cautious about quoting columnists, because they tend to take outrageous positions to build market share for salary negotiations. Look at Conrad Black's wife :huh:

    On December 20, 2006 (too late to buy the issue but you can have it for free at your local library :lol:), Saunders asserted that "Privacy is not a right, it's a privledge." Of course if somebody were to put Saunders' credit card numbers up on the internet, he'd have another column to write... ;)

    Any comments?

  9. Are you sure about that? Seems to me if they were given all the access they requested, They would need to request more.

    So while Israel, a nuclear weapon nation, gives no access whatsoever, all of its neigbours must be completely open to every single possible implied request by anybody who might ever have any single doubt about any particular activity that might possibly happen.


  10. Why are you so sure they are now transparent when IEAE aren't so sure themselves?

    All right. What have you got? Bring it on.

    The IAEA was given whatever access it requested. This is a hell of a lot more than Israel has ever given them.

    Let's not forget that the UN inspectors fled for their lives in the middle of such an investigation in Iraq, and it turned out that there was nothing to be found. The US Military had ultimate access in Iraq and found nothing. No smoking gun. No contrails. Nadda.

  11. His sabre rattling made Iran open up a tad bit more. Do you have any particular reason to be opposed to transparency regarding Iran's nuclear programmes given they have a history of lying and deceiving?

    I am not opposed to it at all. I encourage all nuclear nations in the Middle East to engage in transparency. I believe that this would be a very good good time for Israel to join the transparency train, give Mordechai Vanunu his passport, and sign the NPT. I believe that it would be in the best interests of world peace for Israel to declare each and every one of its nuclear weapons.

    I congratulate Iran on its nuclear transparency and disparage that western nations are not meeting this standard.

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