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Posts posted by Higgly

  1. My mind is made up and proof was previously presented that there is no net contribution to Canadian society by Canadian immigrants.

    IOW, they use more resources than what they pay in taxes. Talk about impoverished.

    Has it not ever been so? What is your time line? What is the value now of land granted for free, or at most a pittance, to immigrants in the early years of the 20th century?

    Canada needs people. How long do you think we can grow our economy with a population less than many European countries (and some US states) and a collection of DINK (Double Income No Kids) families?

    I see posts here that complain because we pay more, even with the dollar at par. Well that is a factor of our much smaller and less efficient market.

    I say welcome! Enjoy! SEND YOUR KIDS TO SCHOOL!!!

    These people work hard. Right now a lot of them are out in Alberta. They can't believe how good they've got it and they are working their butts off. Do you think the economy of Alberta could survive without them?

    What's wrong with that?

    Did you want somebody to shut the door before your ancestors arrived?

  2. Indeed....or that the same American intelligence wonks were reporting WMD threats out of Iraq since the mid 90's. So I guess we get to pick and choose the reports to fit our political leanings.

    US intelligence was distorted by political pressure. The Wikipedia entry for George Tenet is revealing...

    According to a report by veteran investigative journalist Bob Woodward in his book Plan of Attack, Tenet privately lent his personal authority to the intelligence reports about weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) in Iraq. At a meeting on December 12, 2002, he assured Bush that the evidence against Saddam Hussein amounted to a "slam dunk case." After several months of refusing to confirm this statement, Tenet later stated that this remark was taken out of context. (Tenet indicated that the comment was made pursuant to a discussion about how to convince the American people to support invading Iraq, and that, in his opinion, the best way to convince the people would be by explaining the dangers posed by Iraq's WMD i.e., the public relations sale of the war via the WMD, according to Tenet, would be a "slam dunk").[14] The search following the 2003 invasion of Iraq by U.S., British and international forces yielded no stockpiles of WMDs, however.

    What is remarkable about this discussion is that Bush no longer has a leg to stand on and yet keeps saying the same thing. Any intelligent observer would ask, "What is your evidence?" Here is a man with no evidence. His best investigative people have said so publicly. The BBC interview I quoted in a previous post seems to indicate that neither do the Israelis.

    And yet, there are people here - the mullahs of MapleLeafWeb, who continue to defend this indefensible position.

  3. According the information I has just searched from some Chinese unofficial web site, in earlier 1997 American government and Chinese Government reached an agreement that allow American warships making port call Hong Kong after Britain return Hong Kong to China, but each port call must be granted by Chinese government. This means China has the right to refuse any American warship port call Hong Kong.

    Chinese government allow these port call because these port call had kept for many years when British controled Hong Kong and if Chinese government stoped these port call some Hong Kong tourism industry would loss some interests.

    Usually Chinese government may refuse these port call several times when American government sells weapon to Taiwan and American government knows the game. This is not the first time American warship was refused by China for the same reason.

    This is why I think the event was odd. Why these families were still sent to Hong Kong? Was it a mistake, or some American officials wanted using them to blackmail Chinese government?---I don't think the second point was the truth, so I guess American government was just forgetting Kitty Hawk and Thanksgiving Day when they came out with the weapon deal.

    I think the action of Chinese government is correct and appropriate. They refused the port call first by political reason and then granted it several hours later by humanitarian reason, they properly distinguished the confliction between governments and the interests of these sailor families and Hong Kong citizens. American navy said the carrier could not come back is caused of weather. But which kind of weather could avoid a battle group going to Hong Kong while could not object it going to Japan? It's obviously that American navy sacrificed their sailor families' interests only for their "face".

    Perhaps, but by which way would China be looked good in American medium?

    Even if China sent 1 million troop to Iraq helping America, perhaps that would cheer American one month. Because the second month those Chinese soldiers would make all mistakes that American soldiers did---misshooting civilians, mistreatment prisoners, misbombing allies....., and I guess everyone here could imagine how American medium would condemn "brute Chinese".:P So China would become more bad than doing nothing.

    Thank you!

  4. This evening on CNN ("The Situation Room - Cafferty File") it was reported that US intelligent services were dropping heavy hints last summer that things had changed with respect to Iran; there are now suspicions that Bush either knew or knew he should have been asking questions of his intelligence agencies.

    Cafferty credited the Cheney mentality at the White House for the constant war mongering.

    Bush gave a press conference today saying that nothing has changed. He looked like a fool. It is going to be a lot easier now for those who are advocating a rapid withdrawl from Iraq. I'd say the Annapolis conference is not looking too good either.

    The BBC interviewed the Israeli Ambassador to Britain this evening. The ambassador started in on the same old rant about Ahmedinijad's rhetoric and the BBC interviewer stopped him and asked if Israeli intelligene had anything different to say than American intelligence about Iranian nukes. The ambassador ran away from the question in a mumbling vaque sort of way and lapsed into another rant about North Korea and the Holocaust. The BBC cut him off.

    There was an interesting bit in the Economist a couple of weeks ago (Nov 24) indicating that the average Iranian is somewhat dismayed at Ahmedinijad's anti-Israel rhetoric and does not agree with it.

  5. If you want something to concern about is the talks to change the legal tender from C$$ and US$$ to the North AMerican 'AMERO". Stephen Jarislowsky, money manager and investor of Globe&Mail newspaper is talking to Canadian parliamentay committees to change to the Amero so North America can compete against the Euro. One poll I saw said Canadians were agaisnt it! This should be a issue in the US elections and see were the candidate stand on this. I don't think Americans would go for this either. The plan would be that the North american Central Bank would issue new currency and sit over the Bank of Canada and the Federal Reserve Bank in the US. The Fed. Reserve is a private bank and been scamming the US public for years, no thanks.

    I it comes to a decision that pits what's good for Canada against what's good for the US, guess what will happen? The Euro worked because Europe is more or less a community of equals. That is not what we have in North America. The Canadian economy is about the same size of that of California. An AMERO would be a US controlled currency.

  6. A spokesman for Bush said that it won't change the policy on Iran.

    I just wonder what they intend to hit as a first strike.

    Just like Iraq. The WMD were just a story to get everybody riled up. Now that WMD have turned out to be BS, it's on to the next story.

    What is remarkable is the number of people who have bought into this simply on the strength of what Bush has been saying. The guy is proven a lying thug and yet no sooner are the words out of his mouth than the warmongers start shrieking hysterically.

  7. It's always about the joos for Higgy. Doesn't matter that Ghandi would have danced a jig on our fathers graves and actively worked to get a band to play.....somehow it is always about the joos.

    Well at least it certainly appears to be for you, Dancer. You are, after all, the one who keeps dragging them into the discussion.

    Here's a link to a Wikipedia article listing Nazi collaborators at he time of the Second World War. You will note that the Stern Gang (Lehi) is listed. I thought you might be interested since you seem to sift absolutely everything for evidence that will support your pathological need to be viewed as a victim.

  8. A new US intelligence report says nuclear weapons in Iran are much less likely than previously thought and that Iran in fact stopped making advancements towards the production of nuclear weapons four years ago.

    The White House is apparently not very happy with the report. General consensus is that the US Intelligence Agencies have reconfigured themselves to be less vulnerable to the kind of political pressure that caused them to produce the distorted intelligence used to justify the invasion of Iraq.

    It looks as though it was almost deja WMD all over again...

    This is most likely a death knell for the Bush administration.

  9. I don't care what the Chinese do, because whatever it is, we have already done it.

    Not with a billion plus people we haven't. Try to take to few moments to see the world from their eyes. Imagine the challenges of bootstrapping a basically illiterate economy into the 21st century. China needs to hear from us on human rights, no question, but you cannot expect them to suddenly turn into middle America.

  10. No one denies it is an acncient culture.....but seeing as how things have gone in Tibet, and even in China during Three Gorges Dam construction, I won't shed a tear. Marco Polo is exactly the kind of boilerplate, Eurocentric view I wish to avoid.

    History is in my rear view mirror.

    Too easy, BC2K4. Too easy. I am not saying that history explains away everything the current government in Beijing might do, but it does help to explain their attitude towards the West.

    There is hope on China. Go to your local library and see if you can find the October 13-19, 2007 Issue of The Economist. The amount of detailed information about the Chinese economy and social issues in that issue is astonishing if you consider how closed the country was only 10 years ago. This is truly a great nation emerging, but very carefully.

    We should be engaged in a courtship with China, but baby steps every bit of the way....

  11. Good one, Rue. Here's another...

    One day a man from Minsk arrived in the village with cow he wanted to sell. The cow looked healthy and young, so the village all chipped in and paid the man what he asked.

    After many frustating months, it became apparent that the cow would not give milk and would not breed with the village bull. The villagers did not know what to do, so they went to the Rabbi, whom they knew to be very wise.

    "Rabbi, what should we do?" they asked.

    "You must try to sell the cow to somebody else.", said the rabbi.

    "How do you know?", asked the villagers, still hopeful that their invetsment might work out.

    "My wife is from Minsk.", said the Rabbi.

  12. Perhaps because you get "immense joy when they "ruffle America's collective feathers and get them squawking in moral outrage". Just a guess.....

    BC2K4, have you read the link I provided on the Opium Wars? Have you read up about the sacking of the Imperial Library? It is not about ruffling America's feathers as much as it is about the fundamentals of Chinese history. This is an ancient culture that has not been treated particularly well by the west. You might also want to read into the story of Marco Polo.

    You do not have to agree with me, but please take a few moments to at least read what I have posted. You can shout and wave yor arms all you like, but you are not going to change Chinese history. It is not about politics. It is about history.

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