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Posts posted by Higgly

  1. I'm not at all sure what you mean. Why is it you think then that Iran is pursuing nuclear power and lying about it?

    What lie is that? They say they are not building nuclear weapons, and they have been proven right. Who is the liar here, M.Dancer? Might it be those who, like you, keep beating this war drum even though there is no evidence? If they are not building weapons, you dredge up hoary words about what they might have done at some time in the past. Who is lieing here and who is it that lied in the past to justify an unjustifiable war?

  2. I'm not aware of any neighbours violating their IAEA commitments, not that that has anything to do with Iran.

    It has everything to do with it. Funny how some countries are forced into signing the NNPA and IAEA commitments while others are allowed to walk away whistling "Dixie"?

    You can be disengenuous about this if you like, M.Dancer, but that will not make the nations of the Middle East any less cynical about how these things are handled.

  3. Are you kidding? Let me get this straight, the opposition howled that they wanted a public inquirey, and they were ready to take the government to task on this and now they say that it is cronism to gotten what they requested.

    What they? I'm the one saying cronyism.

    Schreiber has just filed papers for a Supreme Court hearing on the grounds that Canada may be co-operating with a country (Germany) that committed an illegal act (by seizing Schreiber's accounts in Switzerland). The Swiss are suing the Germans over this at the moment, and if they win, the evidence used against Schreiber for the extradition may have to be thrown out.

    What fun.

    In the meantime, the committee looking into the whole thing has requested that both Schreiber and Mulroney come for a little chat.

  4. IAEA Director General Mohamed ElBaradei has just delivered his report on Iran to the UN. The report says...

    1) Iran is not engaging in the production of weapons grade uranium for the purposes of building nuclear weapons. The Iranians now have less than 4% enriched uranium that may be used for weapons, but are allowed 20% under the Non-Proliferation agreement. It will take them many years at the current rate of production to reach the allowed limit.

    2) Weapons inspectors have had excellent co-operation from Iran, and there have been no problems with the IAEA having immediate, unnanounced access to all facilities and with Iran complying with every request for information and materials. The IEAE has greatly stepped up its inspection program in Iran greatly over the past year, under pressure from the West.

    Once again, we see President George W. Bush, the US, and its allies, making trouble using a WMD hoax and the UN weapons inspectors refusing to play along.

    There have been calls in the US for the impeachment of Bush and Cheney. Maybe this will provide fuel for that fire.

  5. One can only drive from country to country without a border check within the European Union, so we had to stop at the Swiss border, for example, when driving through Europe. So I suppose the U.S. and Canada would have to be in some kind of union in order for our borders to be open and unpatrolled in the same way. I am sorry to see all the heightened security at our borders, but in some ways, deep down, I guess I realize it's a necessity. I doubt we have to go to such extremes, but I can't see an open border like within the EU, either. Although I suppose it really wouldn't be that much different--

    Any other views on this? I think it's an interesting concept.

    I agree. But this is a territory with a very long history balanced by equals. The English/French/German/Spanish/Italian dialectic is one of equals: they can make each other equally miserable, and they have the archives to prove it...

    It's different over here.

  6. Exactly.

    It's funny this mornign on the CBC showcasing activist, after activist.

    However, I do have to admit, i'm not very happy with the RCMP and how they are simply unaccountable. It's a bit too 3rd world for me.

    I'd like the RCMP to be much smaller of a federal agency and stop 'policing'. They also need to be held to account. But that really isn't related to this taser issue.

    And oh yes, doesn't the average RCMP office make like $80,000 a year from our tax dollars?

    This is a guy who believed in Canada, was a law-abiding citizen in a difficult country, and came here to see his mother. There is no way out. We killed this guy and he did not deserve it.

    Human Rights, or what?

  7. Negroponte has now been to Pakistan and told Musharraf (publicly) to lift the state of emergency and to release all political prisoners taken in the past month.

    Rubbing hands. It's getting interestinger and interestinger...

    A little review is in order.

    Opposition leaders like Imarn Khan (the Gretzky of cricket) are in lock, without a peep from the American press.

    Musharraf has been receiving criticism for "not doing enough to fight terrorism".

    Oppostion leader Sharif sent packing.

    Bhutto getting big face time on CNN.

    Ha ha.

    Meet the new puppet. Same as the old puppet.. LOL

  8. I think we know what the response will be from the usual suspects:

    I'm one of those, and proud of it.

    Ha'aretz is a pretty reliable source. Jerusalem should be a Unesco preserved site. Get the politics out of it. Even the US, which is undeniably the most pro-Israel entity in the universe, refuses to move its embassy to Jerusalem.

    I am not talking only about the Knesset. The Palestinians need to give up on the idea of Jeruslaem being their capital, too.

    For me, the only question is who should run the place? Certainly neither the Jews, Christians nor Arabs. Hindus are suspect. Taoists have no leader. Who?

    Any ideas?

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