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Posts posted by Kiraly

  1. Mark Steyn: Ron Paul beckons GOP to Fortress America

    Article Link

    ...According to George Mason University's annual survey of Freedom in the 50 States, New Hampshire is the freest state in the union, so one would expect there to be takers for Ron Paul's message. On the other hand, facing a very different electorate in Iowa, Paul pulled pretty much an identical share of the poll. It may be time for those of us on the right to consider whether it's not so much the conservative vote that's split but whether conservativism itself is fracturing.


    On Tuesday night Romney told us he wants to restore America to an America where millions of Americans believe in the American ideal of a strong America for millions of Americans. Which is more than your average Belgian can say. The crowd responded appreciatively. An hour later a weird goofy gnome in a baggy suit two sizes too big came out and started yakking about the Federal Reserve, fiat money and monetary policy "throughout all of history." And the crowd went bananas!


    With characteristic timidity, Mitt Romney says that as commander-in-chief his Afghan strategy would be determined by the "commanders in the field." More tea and sympathy! But a lazy deference to the inviolability of the present arrangements for another two-thirds of a century of unwon wars will not suffice. I am in favor of a leaner, meaner military – emphasis on both adjectives. A broke America will perforce wind up with the first. But, if we want the second, the foreign-policy right will have to make a better case than it has this primary season.

  2. But let's take another look at your "more good points" outweighs "ludicrous" - you're buying a house, and you love everything about it. There's no other house that you even come close to loving as much as you love this house. Everything about it is perfect. But the location is right next to a dump site. Not only is it a smelly eye-sore, but dump trucks are noisily going in an out all day long. Would you buy that house - or would the ludicrous location over power all the good points? I know what I would do.

    No you probably bought the old bungalow down the hill away from the dump. I guess most people would given the choice.

    But, to continue with this analogy and as I gaze into my crystal ball:

    Unfortunately, not too long after the purchase, a hurricane passed over the town causing a flood that damaged and/or destroyed all the homes ....

    ....except for the nice house on top of the hill next to the dump. To make matters worse, the entity that insured all the homeowners went bankrupt due to the overwhelming amount of claims made by the townsfolk.

    You may believe some of his policies are ludicrous, but there are some who believe (yours truly included) that supporting any of the other candidates among the crop available could be potentially devastating in the not-too-distant future.

    For the record, I do not equate RP with a dump. :)

  3. Kiraly, I've been listening to Schiff for almost a year now, and he does know the deal.

    OH here is more ignoring Paul.


    They sure as hell are pimpin Perry for POTUS

    I wonder if polls conducted after September 7 will have Perry leading by double digits. It'll be the first time he will be on stage with the other candidates, and I'm sure some will have him in their crosshairs.

  4. Excellent article by Peter Schiff on Ron Paul.

    For those that don't know, Peter Schiff is another one of those "in the know". ;)

    Snipetts from the article:

    Now the media is even impugning what should be seen as the Congressman's most successful accomplishment: the performance of his investment portfolio.

    ....Barron's Magazine goes out of its way to characterize Ron Paul's gold mining-heavy portfolio allocation as simplistic, robotic, and unpatriotic.


    By any objective standard the portfolio would make any financial superstar green with jealousy. Fueled by his understanding of the inflationary policies unrelentingly pushed by his colleagues in Washington, Ron wisely loaded up on gold and gold mining stocks in the mid to late 1990s when those assets were regarded as the poor stepchildren of Wall Street.


    But ignoring his returns is just a minor offense in the article. Its main attack is far more subtle. Using evangelical language, McTague stresses that the Congressman's investment decisions were informed by a lack of faith in the United States. His portfolio is described as a "super bearish bet against the United States," implying that the Congressman is unpatriotic.


    More pernicious still are implications that the Congressman opposed the recent debt ceiling increase because he was looking to goose his investment returns. The article argues that an engineered default (by failing to raise the ceiling) would have caused economic crisis in the U.S., thereby pushing up the price of gold and gold-related investments. Not only is this a low blow but the logic is faulty at its core.

    It is much more likely that a failure to raise the debt ceiling would have signaled an end to reckless spending and currency debasement, which would have restored confidence in the U.S. dollar and taken the shine off of gold and gold-related investments. In fact, all of Paul's efforts in Congress over the decades to champion more responsible monetary and fiscal policy can be seen as detrimental to his own investment portfolio. If anything, his actions have been selfless rather than selfish.


    The fact that Ron Paul chose to invest as he has is a testament to his intellect and his pragmatism. The fact that he voted the way he did, and tried relentlessly to persuade his colleagues to do likewise, in direct opposition to his personal investment strategy, is a testament to his patriotism.

  5. So what I did say, in effect, is if someone rants and predicts for years, something is bound to come true to some degree or another. That hardly makes him 'in the know' or 'on the money' as the sayings go.

    Some of his predictions are quite specific and events later unfolded just as he said they would. For example, he foresaw the growth and burst of the housing bubble. Looking back now his words back in 2003 definitely puts him "in the know" category.

    The special privileges granted to Fannie and Freddie have distorted the housing market by allowing them to attract capital that they could not attract under pure market conditions. Like all artificially created bubbles, the boom in housing prices cannot last forever. When housing prices fall, homeowners will experience difficulty as their equity is wiped out. Furthermore, the holders of the mortgage debt will also have a loss. These losses will be greater than they would have otherwise been had government policy not actively encouraged over-investment in housing, the damage will be catastrophic.
  6. Edited to add: I believe "the youth" voted for Obama ....... <_<

    Interestingly, there is a poll out today that has Ron Paul ahead of the other republican candidates for the "under 30" age group. The Gallup poll taken between August 17 to 21, 2011 has Ron Paul with 29% support from this group. Governor Perry is second with 21%. Unfortunately for Paul, only 4% of the over 65 age group supports him...

    ...compared to 40% for Perry.

  7. I never suggest people should move to Texas, but elect it’s governor as President if they want to effect change within their home states.

    How many jobs where created in Ohio in the last few years?

    I didn't suggest that you suggested that, but I see where you are coming from. :)

    I would also like to state for the record that I am not endorsing the current Governor of Ohio for President.

    Do you think the end result or the ways in which it was achieved will mater to the average US voter?…….I suppose all the jobs created in Texas, are infact the result of Obama’s policies?

    If that’s the case, Obama has nothing to worry about, and Rick Perry shouldn’t waste his time.

    Not sure what you are asking here. Will the ends and the means matter to the U.S. voter? What else is there but ends and the means to achieve them. :)

    I would just like to say, If I were voting in the U.S. election, I would like to know whether Perry's assertion that the employment situation has improved under his Governorship is accurate. If it in fact did not improve, but actually deteriorated, I think that fact would have some bearing on my eventual voting preference.

    Not sure why you bring up Obama, but his policies likely had very little to do with employment in Texas. As I had written earlier, population growth of over 20% during this period, is the biggest factor in rising employment numbers, which should not be confused with employment rates, which have gone down.

  8. Maybe, maybe not…….I guess it will come down to if the unemployed voter in Ohio, Michigan etc would rather be an employed voter like those in Texas….

    Moving to Texas doesn't necessarily transition one from being unemployed to employed.

    Since Perry has been Governor, employment as a percentage of the population has gone down from 47% to 43.5%. Although there was an increase in the number of jobs in the state, this was dwarfed by the increase in the population of Texas during the same period. Should also note tbat about a third of the jobs created were public or government jobs, probably created to accommodate the larger population.

  9. Looks like Azimuth is a new polling company, so they don't have a record to show how credible they are. After doing a few more searches, its seems polling numbers are very inconsistent. PPP has a poll suggesting that Paul has only 9% support among Texas Republicans, which seems a little odd considering that Texans do have a history of voting for him.

    Here is another poll from USA Today/Gallup:


    Romney leads (24%) followed by Perry (17%) and Paul (14%)

    I assume this a poll of everyone, not just registered Republicans.

  10. Has Paul clocked in any real scientific poll? Straw polls and online polls don't count. I'm genuinely curious.

    I found this:


    In the State of Texas they have Ron Paul leading with 22% followed by Rick Perry with 17% support. The poll was conducted at the end of May and the beginning of June. This is just after Paul announced his candidacy and before Perry announced his.

  11. I don't understand why people call him crazy, he wants to end the wars and trade with the countries instead of fighting with him.

    It is easier for them to label him a nut than it would be to actually debate him on the issues. From what I've seen, engaging Ron Paul in debate more often than not leaves one looking foolish.

    And remember, the labeling works. The casual voter hears about "crazy Uncle Ron" on one network and then sees political commentators mocking him on another, an unfavourable impression is formed in that voter's mind before they even hear Paul speak. Since many don't bother with researching the candidates and the issues, this form of attack is rather successful in delegitimizing Paul.

  12. But why were they right about the NDP?

    I think it's more likely that some blue Liberals went for Harper, fearing an NDP surge that was mirroring Ontario in 1991.

    I agree with this. Liberals probably lost some voters to the Conservatives at the end (after the last polls). I aslo think the Conservatives were better able to get the vote out which would result in higher actual results.

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