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  1. A gay person may be religious, his religious beliefs are simply offshoots of standard (say Christianity, not all religions are against gays, I'm going to speak specifically of Christianity however). An issue such as gay marriage should be taken up by the gays and supporter with the church, and not the government. Civil union should be completely legal since all Canadians should be equal in legal rights. Marriage is merely civil union with a religious blessing, so ig the gays seek that blessing, they should seek it with the church. I thus believe that the government should make gay marriage legal on the boundaries that the specified religion the person is marrying in permits it. "Elton John and David Furnish did not have the legal standing to get a "marriage" certificate. British law only allows same sex couples to get a civil union certificate. They had no choice in the matter. Assuming there is different treatment under the law based on which type of union you enter (marriage v. civil union), I can tell you that as a gay man, the percentage of gay men I know who would willingly choose the one that gave fewer protections is virtually non-existent." As I said before, marriage is a religious issue, and with the church being a private institution, the British government has no business saying they could marry. Wich is probably why they didn't.
  2. I don't think people have ever really been morally right. But I suppose I concur with what Pocket Rocket said.
  3. I'd call it murder as well, providing the person recieving HIV is unaware of it. I'll never agree with jail, it's like trying to teach someone something by hitting them on the head, but it's definitely murder and so should be subject to the normal punishment of murder depending on the state or country.
  4. Hmm. Back to Canada's military capabilities, our soldiers got to Afganistan on borrowed American transport planes. I am uncertain to what extent Candian troops would even be useful in Iraq. And to those of us who say it is not our problem, is there not a minority population of Iraqis in Canada?
  5. Alright, Africa? We have enough poverty problems at home to take care of first. Have you ever been to a Native reserve? It took me three days of asking around on Enoch to find a single school. The policing is less than terrible, everyone is vulnerable to basically anything bad that can happen. I don't think we should be involving ourselves with other countries until our own problems at home are solved. Nextly, I am a pipefitter who is heavily over taxed by the provincial goverment. My ex-girlfreinds sister is using a the money to buy her self a dress, she works at Moxy's. I just bought my ex-girlfreind's sister a new dress.
  6. I think I am d'accord somewhat with Cameron, perhaps GST should apply to things more luxiourious, such as "donuts at Safeway" and not so much to essentials such as school supplies.
  7. Only taxe rich people!? Is that a joke? I believe people should be taxed based on their work. I don't think rich people should be taxed to the point of non- profit but I concur they should be taxed more than lower classes. I think lower class people should be taxed, clearly not as much as rich people but they still need to be taxed as they still benefit from social programs. However, higher classes should not pay for the social benefits of lazy people in the lower classes. I feel Canada's current taxation is adequate.
  8. Well, I can't say I agree with the Liberal's decriminalization, wherest marijuana may be carried legally in small amounts, this to me allows drug dealers to profit and people to smoke pot. I think were it possible it would be better if the stuff never existed, but whether it's legal or not, it still does exist. I just think that there are less negative consequences to legal marijuana than illegal. Both of wich would be equally available. I concur with what has been stated on impaired driving. Not a good thing. I don't remember who said it, but it's not marijuana's fault whatever happened to your kid. Your child makes his own decisions, marijuana does not controle him. If he is obsessed with it, and uses it extensively and always get's into trouble because of it, it is the result of his choice to use it excessively.
  9. A comment less involving the economy but involving marijuana legalization. Were it that people bought marijuana from goverment or legally run businesses, there would be no lacings. It could however, lessen the price of more addictive underworld drugs such as crystal meth, for small time drug dealers could develop an income dependece on them (the more addictive drugs).
  10. Hhmmm. I didn't read all of the posts in this topic so please forgive me if any of my points have already been commented on. Alright, so, how is free post secondary education a good thing? Should people not have to work to go places? It was free for women in the Soviet Union, does knowing that convince you the Soviets should have won the Cold War? One positive benefit does not make a country. As for free health care, it's either fake or very cheap (as in poor doctors and such) judging by the pictures shown to me by my uncle who worked in Iraq for the U.N. prior to U.S. invasion. The situation for Iraqis in less urban areas were less than terrible. A downside I see to U.S. invasion is that it does incite the expansion of terrorism in the Middle East, consider that anytime one terrorist is killed, several freinds and relatives join in a war of vengeance against the U.S. I would probably blame the hundreds of years of foreigne controle over the Middle East and her affairs for the terrorism. As for reasons why Canada is not participating in the Iraq war, it would lose us favor with the U.N. Canada's poor military has already been mentioned, we cannot afford to be a hated country because we cannot defend ourselves. Unfortunately.
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