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Everything posted by DarkAngel_

  1. humans are innately greedy... but how much more does a disposition due to belief make one?
  2. you have a great view... i just am troubled hearing always that they own it... you can't get a drink of tea without someone saying it is a farse, but i don't like to doomsay so pardon the pessimism. it is nice to be around allot of life but one must always keep in mind 'de omnibus debotandum' or 'all is to be doubted' when you say, 'all is at peace' even in a civil place, but that's a discussion for a later time. i just wish cops would protect not just the order of, but the state of a civilization... if it is happy let it be happy! did we not call this a golden age at a time?? and to you as well Oleg, good to hear as well but now... i need to get hot wings.
  3. if u haven't been then why even mention? a life is worse living without living it, trying and testing. loving whats so very dumb, foolish. even with these campaigns against ourselves... we learn to live it.
  4. lol Oleg i never took you for 'living in the noise and the sweet amber poison' type. i also love to be merry cops can be punishing and there job is there justice, i think when taken to matters of state being drunk is very preferred. but what of the unstable ground some cops walk upon, is this not unsettling? if i am in a stooper and i need a glass of water and maybe a nice bucket of hot wings to sooth the gullet, a cop punishing my red-cheeked celebration is not something i want spoiling my night with good friends and fine wines, liquors, and ale's. if i am caught eating intoxicated in a public area... like walking home lets say, i get 2 nights, on in the tank another in holding, and a long time of parole and community service... our laws are questionable showing as how the law meant to protect and serve has turned contemptuous and full of pity, i was recently kicked out of a gas station with my friends for 'hanging around' with a hinted gleam from the cashier that he thought we were intoxicated, strange, such hate for those who don't mind a drop or two of the old creature and yet i can not help thinking it has to do with my age. an example of the decline of personal civility
  5. only with fit laws of course least there be upheaval, but is that not so the case in the opposite? when law is extended toward a harsh justice? i guess other countries just have a better way of punishing, but still the US is very soft on criminal offenders.
  6. lol of course, but to an extended action of brutality after the fact? they deserve to be detained... that is wise. to be beaten? yes enjoyable... but just human, not 'more then human.' as any man should make more of himself... this is an obvious weakness on there part as well as the 'crack addict'.
  7. hey, i love a good thrashing here and there for the taste of the Irish spirit but i agree with the fact that no matter the crime, police officials should show themselves to be in control. look at it this way, a cop gets ran over so they go berserk and try to kill the man? then they are both criminal in nature. saying 'they are only human' is an insult to the charge of the forces who's sole duty is to protect and serve.
  8. Due to the usage of the word atheism being 'bad' i'm going to call myself godless sense it is more explanatory lol and less propagandized as a derogatory term, as you are using it. (ive not damaged anything, but i have hade an impact just as any other... but i try to give back to any place that i take. it is whats right. just know that there are exclusions.) atheism is not the #1 choice of bankers and industrialist, in turn i bet you could use statistics to turn it to look like all neo-conservative bases are related to Scientology! (which is just an example) and the ego is a healthy thing, but like any other part of being human, if it is in disorder or is used wrongly... it is destructive. toss the ball back to Oleg...
  9. oh, i meant the people... looking at them makes a mockery of all that is more human then human so-to-speak... but i digress, it's like giving monkeys paper and water and watching them throw it around feebly, pathetic, so yeah i agree. lol, 'arrogant lazy stupidity?' should i even comment? I'm a scientist not a gamer... and yes i am deflecting... toss the ball to you Oleg.
  10. its never done is it? thats one great 'human' thing. not necessarily, it is a state by which the meaning has no ending, unlike a condition that limits the movement of such disagreements. atheism is not nihilism nor is nihilism existential... it is a fine area of theory, logic, instinct, and pliability that are at work to form the atheist mind into what it is, just as a mind that is intellectually religious in nature, or even zen-ish in nature are guided to there thoughts through a series of experiences and questions. in my life, being atheist i've asked more questions then i ever did christian and i love all that i am. i love how clear some things i learned to accept in the 'forbidden' area of knowledge became, which in your experiences might not have been forbidden at all, these differences define aspects of our interpretations just as the color of your eyes defines area's of your visage. also the simple explanation of an atheist, by even Latin definition is: 'one without god or gods. i think simply put i don't understand your opinion. agreed, but what will this thing be called? will we bow before it? or marvel in awe... both? do we want to be acolytes or hero's? slaves or self-masters? we cannot be all of the above... we must define ourselves first! then we can pick a name for this thing we have no word for rather then 'god.' though i would not care the name i don't want to see 4 billion people and there children bowing in subjugation.... makes me feel like a fool.
  11. i tend to agree with the thought that human things are explainable, most of all the brain. but further investigation may point out a more soul-like quality to the brain, instead of a 'brain like soul' as this argument has been turned toward... the soul is a collection of what? case and point? these argument's are based in old definitions... what is the soul? why can a soul not be in the confines of the brain? and why is it not just a 'part' of a human, which by my experience is.
  12. do you know how many folds are in a brain? its surface area is massive carrying many billions of memorgrams and other chemical reactions for both emotional and logic areas to work and interact. read 'brain rules' by John Medina, you will be impressed. though my idea of a more deep particle based interaction and quantum based influence would be nice if true.... but as WIP said our attempts at finding if this can work has been blocked due to failures in finding compatible systems... might i add though that we have not done every quantum variant of the test only the ones we are currently capable of. still it is a hard science. (it's suppose to be.)
  13. yes it was... and is. it was an interesting storm that i will not forget. though not addressed to me, i must comment... ever think even if there was a god or gods, i or any other atheist might like to stay godless? again it is a matter of preference. there is no finality in no fact, but there is a hint of truth in calling what is innately human; human. god is by way of humanly defined things in books and from men for the very reason definitions of peoples and creeds where wrought by parables and Demi-Gods like Hercules. they where at one time needed, but with the 'true' god the universe turns and crushes the human, mortal god, this god is defined by scientific observation... we cannot call it a god because it is a 'everythingness' and this to us obliterates that definition. god as defined by the English is just as real as the stories told to open way for men to carry forth and have reason beyond himself and this world. he is a story, a 'he' and epoch of myth. i love this world, i love this place, but all others promise of another i wish nothing of, not heaven or hell or anything in-between... i believe in what is natural, supernatural, and not yet defined or categorized by men and as an atheist... i have so much control, even then i am too much of myself to just observe as i wish to, to understand. so my only point is god as defined must be redefined... and a godless man will stay godless, even with there being a god. these things must be explored deeper before we call anything, truth. the god of the 'old-think' is there for the sake of the church to survive as an organization... it will fail if it does not change.
  14. then it is agreed, i would rather look back and call it a shame rather then a regret. our extremes have got me in an uproar... even a depression. what does it matter if i am just a writer? if we had met, we would both be laughing. as an atheist i offer you my beliefs whenever you wish to ask them. i admit my weakness is pride... but moreover then that i am proud to admit it! but honestly... the 'cap a bullet' thing was a funny twist, i actually saw the wangster down the street saying it... so for that i promise never to take this too seriously again! i hope tonight i will find myself again being, well, happy...
  15. we are misunderstood at the same time, we are poets, we are dancers, we are man... i give up nothing, i only know as far as i know and that is the truth... did i say you will die with your belief? yes... as will i, die with mine... this is pointless 'if' you are not willing to recant... i pay for my pride... i recant, i take back what has been said to cuffed words. your words are still too clear. you subscribe to dogma, for this i am sorry.
  16. I'm a little more open minded then that... your far from stupid... atheism is not exclusively condescending. i am a strong atheist in regard to preference, not agenda, or opinion of peoples based on creed, race, or historical nature. in general, i am an atheist without personal bias... i need it to be that way to get a fresh look at other peoples point of view to better understand my own, and possibly change it if i am keen to a specific area of truth. the philosophies of a greater nature show that as a person of skepticism i cannot close off my mind, i must know all i can. leave it as it may be. peoples judgment of this is... dogmatic. there is no theistic vs. atheistic war, unless we 'fight' and do not disclose and explore all possibilities. can no one see the logic in that? the heart? questions at awe show a human way, the way we grow, god or not. as humans there is a imperative to learn, we define the undefinable in a hope to capture what captivates us! and of the forbidden? there are things there to be explored, darkness and awe that no matter the aphorism or metaphor, does not excluded it from the beautiful and often hidden things religion refuses to accept. which is why as a scientist i must know all i can, so that nothing is forbidden, and at least one part of science will accept the unexplainable things we have seen as a far thing on this human bridge... note i am not a conformalist, i love being an atheist. i love the writings and declarations of godlessness. but i will not be ignorant. that is my only true evil.
  17. as a scientist, i have seen things i cannot explain... as a man i have seen the supernatural! but explaining it is what unlocks what mankind needs to become: more. i agree more of science has, in the past, been just as dogmatic and pushy, but 'science' as defined is not the practice of this... it is instead the practice of the scientific dictatorship that puts money in the pockets of powermad men... people make science less then the potential it has. it is lunacy to call science a lie, it is our last masterful attempt, something religion has failed. that does not make it atheistic or evil. i quest for what is beyond good and evil, have you ever read Nietzsche's book? a point to make if it has been read.
  18. lol of course it can be, but has it as of yet? my intent is as shown... a quest to just know. i am no politician, i am a scientist. we are on the same rock no matter the belief... my own belief is as personal as your own. and a lure?? to what end? if i am evil name and divine me... i dare it! otherwise target yourself... questions are great but this? is just pathetic, let us turn this into something... intelligent. for the sake of knowing simply, i could always just turn immature, would you prefer a verbal jousting? im not in the mood for name calling or soft apologizes... but Oleg can still take back his abrasive statement. if this dogmatic activity does not stop then this topic is over... trolling is against forum rules. if you do not respond intelligently i see no reason to continue this conversation. if you wish to know anything y not ask? this topic was on atheism and belief... not my character.
  19. 'castidoes est castidoes' friend, i am an atheist but no view should be overlooked, i wish to know all i can... if you call this evil fine, i care not, my wish is beyond good and evil. find your dogma victim in your own cryptics mine are not yours to comprehend unless asked, i am just curious, accept it or act and show. your insecurities hold no merit in my questions, if u do not wish to answer the so called 'devil' then do not. but on the otherhand i am a lover of all things, i disagree with your assumption of me and it is not fair, i consider you a very respectable person... so back off or make valid a point that by my degree is only meant to discredit my sense of character... not the basis of this forum. retrace your thoughts and understand, i am not an easy piece of work for you to judge. or change. i honor you... why do you think i would use your belief?! i am outraged you claim to know me and my intent and demand an apology. if not then read the forum rules, you my friend... are trolling. let me add one less heart felt thing, whither atheist or secularist or not... we are in this together. don't be so vain.
  20. i'm being bumped out here peeps please respond to last reply when convenient
  21. i am disassociated, i see a benefit to the state i am in... but i also wish to find my reality... get the intensity of it back because this unreal veil... has no vividness, no passion. madness is a way of expressing that passion. i am only thus because i wish for it so much, i lust for it. none the less... the power to be overcome in this dissociation is indeed great but it is not 'real' in all romantic respects as well as logical, and though easily explained we are no 'David Hume' and i would put money on the fact it is in opposite; our senses are being nullified by anxiety and stress so we loose our sense of self and the outside world... give it pause and just refresh your mind with a clean thought, make it new and it is seen. as individuals we are more when we are us. there is a hell to not feeling the world, but it is worse to some to feel it. as said in the past; 'god is dead' and by Nietzsche's affliction i think being human means more to us then gods or damning ourselves, sacrificing our future for the present. metaphysics is a dead science, it just has not hit yet... to me this sets free so many things the human mind has been held back on, like the declaration of the soul being free and not burdened or chained by law, or in need of moral underpinnings... but instead is capable of having them alone, made the way human, or more so more then human, nature sits... this is truly an epic and romantic thought, and it is the only one that is still new and hearsay to this day.
  22. for one who once wrote darkly before, you've sang a truth... but the thought of it is still fasinating. is it not why we waste our time?
  23. can't all these things called truth by you, plinly, be illusion as well? if so the all is illusion meaning still, all is real! and what is more unreal still... is still something no? on this i agree with WIP. but you mindset is also greatly liked... points of view rather then reference? do i geuss right?
  24. huh? im not a recruiter, we are having a debate... and ummmm, im sorry but i have to say it. you have no script, no momentary production of airing actress or actor... there is no prize, no judges, no grand supreme audience to laugh at you or bolden out tears of worship... you would die for your god; because you believe in this otherworldiness. do you get my point? if there is a god that gifts you immortality... fine. if not then still... acceptable. if i an atheist am granted immortality i refuse, no one thing should stay the same for long. does that disregard the soul? no. i love life and the time i have in it, it is longer then just my lifetime I'll grant you that. i know what you say is not salvation, it may be yours but it is still just a modification of another belief... i am not insecure, i am a happy man! but not when i do not wish to be, it is a guest that should leave and come back an esteemed friend from time to time. if i hate something then there is pride in it also! i am proud of a god because in me it must find its own downfall... i would rather dance on the head of a pin then be the feather of a wing and not the bird itself, but i still then would rather dance then be in the grave i dance on. lastly: im not better then you, i've never said that! but if i do not need a god what would you have me do? to me there is no god BUT the herd... this to you is hearsay. but the worst hearsay is to call the earth, the only known, a lesser hell-place. your 'old-mindedness' is an ill informed generation of supposed untouchable ideals! well ok then, i accept that. to me it is a bruise, to you a healing thing. but there is an area you will not address... an area i am not afraid to.
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